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Hello and welcome. Senior politicians in hong kong have been celebrating the moment the city returned to chinese rule 22 years ago. Led by chief executive carrie lam and joined by officials from china, they attended a reception a few hours ago. Outside, a flag raising ceremony was held at the harbour front. In her toast, carrie lam wished success to the motherland and to the stability and prosperity of hong kong. Away from this, though, the mood is quiet different. This is the scene live as crowds of activists have been gathering from early this morning. Theyre now in a peaceful stand off with police. There were a few skirmishes and clashes reported earlier, but we believe this is protesters just outside the entrance of the Hong Kong Convention centre where that ceremony to mark the 22nd anniversary of the handover took place, and you can see a number of protesters in hardhats, and that was because those protests last month did turn violent, there were some altercations with Police Officers, some criticism that are a little heavy handed, and now we do see protesters in hardhats there. There is meant to be a pro democracy march, which does happen annually to mark the anniversary. We will keep an eye on those events as they continue. Our correspondent Karishma Vaswani has the latest updates. In the last hour or so, we have been hearing that there is a stand off between police and protesters on one of the main arterial roads of this city. What we understand is that in the early hours of this morning hundreds of protesters camped out on that road, trying to block it. Police say some of them at least armed themselves with bricks and they have dustbins, they have allowed them to barricade themselves on the main road. It is a stand off at this point in time, but the situation does remain intense. I must underline and emphasise, however, that it is contained in just this one part of hong kong, not too far away from here. The rest of the city remains largely unaffected. Meanwhile, just behind me over there, we had the official flag raising ceremony taking place, the government flag raising ceremony, which marks the annual handover of hong kong to mainland china, and in herfirst public appearance since that press conference on june 18, we saw smiling scenes of carrie lam, the chief executive, making a speech about how she recognised that indeed there was a great deal of frustration here in hong kong, but that she wants to focus very much on the future. We certainly saw those very large protests last month about that extradition law. Is carrie lam still under a lot of pressure over that . Yes, absolutely. She is under a great deal of pressure, and to be honest, you know, to see a smiling carrie lam today, many protesters would be wondering why she doesnt seem more troubled, more worried, because what they are demanding amongst the list of demands that they have is for her resignation. She herself has said that the extradition bill has been suspended, but that is not enough for the protesters. They want it to be withdrawn altogether. Later this afternoon, there will be the annual march of course that marks the handover again of hong kong to mainland china. This happens every year. But this year it has taken on far more of a symbolic significance because many young people in particular here, notjust upset about what they see as the erosion of their freedoms under the one country, two systems principles, but they also feel they are being disenfranchised and their government is not listening to them and that beijing has an increasingly big power and influence here. We will keep across those events as they continue to unfold. Donald trump has become the first sitting us president to enter north korea. In a moment broadcast around the world, he walked across the border into the north from south korea shortly after meeting kim jong un. Mr trump has now returned to the us as critics dismiss the occasion as political theatre. But the us president is claiming to have brought peace to the Korean Peninsula. This report from our correspondent nick bryant in seoul. Meet me at the dmz, said the president. His impromptu invitation on twitter to the north Korean Leader like a diplomatic form of online dating. Donald trump was savouring this moment, a smile of satisfaction as his choreography came together, because the chance of this brief encounter had kim jong un almost skipping down the steps. And from the lips of this brutal dictator came almost starry eyed words of welcome, delivered in english by his translator. This place is where the armistice in the korean war was signed, the line that divides the north from the south a threshold no american president has ever crossed. President trump i thank you as well. Chairman kim this is a step forward. Youre the first us president to cross the border. So this time, it wasnt a handshake that made history, but a footstep. Donald trump leaving his security detail behind and striding out alone into what, for decades, has been enemy territory, a country that less than two years ago he threatened to totally destroy. His visit lasted just over a minute, more than enough time, his critics will say, to legitimise this totalitarian regime with one of the worst human rights records on the planet. But that didnt seem to trouble the president , who has formed an improbable friendship with a tyrant he used to ridicule as little rocket man. Stepping across that line was a great honour, a lot of progress has been made, a lot of friendships have been made, and this has been, in particular, a great friendship, so i just want to thank you. That was very quick notice and i want to thank you. There were chuckles as well from south koreans who watched on tv, and looks of utter disbelief. Generations here have lived with the threat of annihilation from the north. In their sit down meeting, kimjong un praised mr trump, saying his visit was proof of a willingness to eliminate the unfortunate past and open a new future. And the president delivered another invitation, to visit him at the white house. Donald trumps unorthodox diplomacy has certainly reduced tensions here, but it hasnt stopped the north koreans from expanding their nuclear arsenal. This friendship has produced smiles, handshakes, photo opportunities, but not the supposed goal of us policy the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula. He ended his trip with a speech to us troops, staged to look more like a campaign rally. Another made for television moment, but who would have thought that make America Great again would also elevate north korea . Nick bryant, bbc news, seoul. Our correspondent in seoul, mariko oi, explained how the visit had been portrayed in the media. North koreas stage broadcaster reported about that historic meeting between President Trump and kim jong un, as well as north koreas main newspaper carrying out 35 pictures from that historic summit or meeting i should call it. So it goes to show that pyongyang was probably pleased with how it went. You might be thinking, yeah, of course they would report about it. In fact, in north korea, it usually takes a lot longer for the public to actually find out about these summits, so that is quite extraordinary. Of course, there remains some criticism that it was just a photo opportunity, notjust for President Trump, but also for kim jong un, that it legitimises north korea as a nuclear state, ignoring issues like human rights abuse, but nevertheless, there is a lot of attention and focus on this summit, and as you can imagine, south korea newspapers carrying out that historic moment, with the headline saying President Trump became the first sitting american president to enter north korea. This particular newspaper dedicated seven pages to that story, so that goes to show the level of interest. But other than the criticism of it being a photo opportunity, south korean media is somewhat divided that president moonjae in of south korea has been focusing too much on this north korean issue while not tackling other important issues like the economy and youth unemployment. Lets get some of the days other news. The captain of a refugee rescue ship under arrest in italy has said she disobeyed an order not to dock because she feared migrants on board could take their own lives. Carola rackete was arrested last night amid claims from the italian authorities that she deliberately tried to sink a police boat. Its been a devastating weekend of forest fires in spain as officials reveal that more than 100 Square Kilometres have been destroyed. The fires, which started in the record breaking heatwave affecting much of europe, have forced many residents to leave their homes. Above average temperatures are expected to continue into the next week. European Union Leaders have suspended the summit set to choose who will take the top eu jobs following last months euro elections. Among the positions up for grabs is that of European Commission president , which is currently held byjean claude juncker. A new Top Team Needs to be in place before meps take their seats in july. Authorities in sudan say seven people have been killed and nearly 200 injured during renewed protests in several cities. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets to keep up the pressure on the countrys interim military rulers to hand power over to a civilian administration. The protests on sunday were the largest since a deadly raid by Security Forces on a protest camp outside the Defence Ministry three weeks ago. Gareth barlow has more. The rallies across several cities were the largest since dozens were killed in a crackdown at the start ofjune. Despite troops being deployed and tear gas being fired, protesters continue to demand the Ruling Military Council hands power to a civilian led administration. Translation i felt the blood boiling in my veins so i had to come out tonight, i had to march, i had to march for everyone killed, i had to march for the martyrs that died, march for the girls that were raped, had to march to do something, anything. Translation i want to give a message to the military council. If you dont stop the nonsense, we wont leave you and we will take our rights back. But the military claimed they had to intervene during sundays protest to deal with an unidentified threat. Translation now, in front of the military medical centre and from the youth centre, there are snipers shooting at people. They have shot three members of the Security Forces and maybe five or six civilians. This is now. That is why we were upset and trying to get things under control. Those claims strongly rejected by protesters still mourning those killed in the military crackdown four weeks ago. Translation the military council must fall because it only brought us martyrs. We celebrated with the sound of bullets and with the blood of our martyrs. Despite an internet blackout and Security Forces blocking bridges, sundays protests were the biggest since the military took power. A display of strength by the people, another challenge to the ruling authorities. Gareth barlow, bbc news. Stay with us on bbc news. Still to come calling time on this years sun soaked, star studded Glastonbury Festival. China marked its first day of rule in hong kong with a series of spectacular celebrations. A huge firework display was held in the former colony. The chinese president , jiang zemin, said unification was the start of a new era for hong kong. The worlds first clone has been produced of an adult mammal. Scientists in scotland have produced a sheep called dolly that was cloned in a laboratory using a cell of another sheep. For the first time in 20 years, russian and american spacecraft have docked in orbit at the start of a new era of cooperation in space. Challenger powered past the bishop rock lighthouse at almost 50 knots, shattering a record that had stood for 34 years. And there was no hiding the sheer elation of Richard Branson and his crew. This is bbc news. The latest headlines hong kong marks the 22nd anniversary of the handoverfrom british to chinese control, but the territory is braced for more pro democracy protests. North korea describes the latest meeting between kim jong un and donald trump as historic and amazing. More now on that story. Abraham denmark is Asia Programme director at the Wilson Centre in washington, and formerly worked in the Us Department of defence under president obama. He gave me his impressions of Donald Trumps Ground Breaking visit to the north korean side of the dmz. They seem historic in that it is the first time a sitting president has visited north korea. Unlike past visits to places from president s, i am thinking of president kennedy going to berlin in 1963, there was not much substance behind it, there was no significant policy push behind it or breakthrough diplomatically behind it. It seemed to be more of an effort to look historic rather than to actually make historic claims or progress in this issue between the United States and north korea. You say not much breakthrough and its a criticism weve heard in the last 2a hours, but isnt this some Movement Forward . As donald trump says, were not seeing the nuclear tests, were not seeing the incredible tension we saw under president obama between north korea and the us and the rest of the world. Isnt this some sort of improvement . Well, its certainly less tense than before, but i think thats more a difference in rhetoric than in reality. The security situation on the Korean Peninsula hasnt changed significantly. In the past year or so since the singapore summit, north korea has been free to continue to build Nuclear Weapons and Ballistic Missiles even though its not testing them. Theyre still free to continue to develop them. In fact, we saw President Trump escalate the level of rhetoric and tension with north korea before he turned another way and decided to engage them. So were not seeing a significant change in the security situation. The fundamental problems in the relationship with the United States demanding north korea to denuclearise and north korea refusing to denuclearise, insisting on the end of sanctions, those issues havent changed at all. Abraham denmark there. The bodies of oscar and valeria martinez, the father and daughter from el salvador who drowned while trying to enter the United States, have been returned home. The picture of them lying face down in the rio grande, published around the world, highlighted again the plight of central americans, caught between Gang Violence at home and the risks of travelling north. The government in el salvador is urging its people not to risk death by attempt the journey. Our international correspondent, orla guerin, has travelled to san martin, a district of the capital san salvador where the Martinez Family came from. The streets of san martin, a place many feel compelled to leave. Danger and despair are woven into the fabric here. Police try to keep deadly gangs at bay but, out of sight, they menace the community. At the local church, they try to give the young a focus. They offer music classes and some job training. Father Manuel Lozano wants to keep his flock in san martin, but they are being scattered by constant brutality. Translation in my 3. 5 years here, 90 of their families in the community have suffered violence. It fills us with sadness. You dont see the gangs in plain sight, but they are here. Just a week ago, they killed a young man in an alley nearby. And another young man was killed days before. Oscar ramirez survived san martin but did not survive the journey to the us. He wanted Better Things for his daughter, valeria. Instead, they both perished in front of his wife, tania. She has been brought home by officials from el salvador, looking frail and deeply traumatised by what she witnessed and what she lost. The government using this moment to call on its people not to risk their lives and those of their children by chasing the american dream. Words that are no comfort to this young widow, now facing life alone. Back in san martin, there is a festival in the main square, an attempt to lift the communitys spirits. The mayor tells me his people are resilient, but more than 30 cant find jobs, so they look to the us. He says so far this year, 400 people from san martin have made the journey and locals will keep going, though others have died on the way, notjust oscar and valeria. They have now been brought back to el salvador for burial one week after they drowned trying to reach a new life. The heartbreaking homecoming of a father and daughter who died in each others arms. Orla guerin, bbc news. Let us take you back to the live scene in hong kong. We have been keeping an eye on the protesters who have gathered on one of the main roads. We have seen a peaceful stand off with Police Officers. Over the last few minutes we saw Police Officers appear to retreat down that highway. We have seen the numbers as well. There have been more protesters joining what looks like an attempt to occupy that major highway. There is a supposed to be a planned pro democracy march which does happen annually, every year, as the territory does mark the 22nd anniversary of the handover back to china. We will keep an eye on events as they continue to unfold in hong kong. The sun is setting on the final day of the Glastonbury Festival in south west england. Over 175,000 people descended on the iconic worthy farm, which has seen hit filled performances from acts such as the cure, grime artist stormzy and australian pop star kylie minogue. Ms minogue saw her return to the festival line up for the First Time Since being forced to pull out due to cancer 14 years ago. It wasnt all music, though. There was also a surprise appearance by natural historian sir david attenborough. Lizo mzimba has the story. This year is the first time glastonbury has taken action against single use plastics. No longer selling water in plastic bottles and banning many other plastic items. No surprise then that the festivals environmentally aware audience gave a huge reception to sir david attenborough, the man who inspired the plastics ban with an episode of blue planet ii. It was one in which we showed what plastic has done to the creatures that live in the ocean. Cheering. But of course, the main way people willjudge the success of the festival is through its music. Kylie minogue drew a massive audience for her first ever full glastonbury set. Cant get you out of my head. I came in like a wrecking ball. A successful glastonbury debut too for miley cyrus. Yesterday, felt so old, felt like i could die. While the cure closed the festival with a record equalling fourth headlining slot. Lizo mzimba, bbc news, glastonbury. That is some great music. Its the start of wimbledon on monday the worlds most prestigious tournament and the bbcs Lucy Hockings will be there throughout the day to bring us the latest. Or will Serena Williams write herself into the record books by equalling the number of grand slam titles won by a tennis player . Lucy has been looking at that and other things you might not know about the tournament. Welcome to wimbledon 2019. For players like Roger Federer this is hallowed ground. He is hoping for his ninth wimbledon title. Ever since 2070 men and their women have and the same prize money. As of the first grand slam to do that. And this year the prizefighter set out to . 9 million. As half a million fa ns to . 9 million. As half a million fans are expected wimbledon this year, but only 15,000 today are allowed into centre court. And that makes the grounds outside almost as important. 22,000 bottles of champagne will be consumed over the next few weeks. But, of course, you will be wimbledon without the strawberries and cream. 166,000 portions will be bought. And for the eighth year in a row the price has been held at just eighth year in a row the price has been held atjust over 3, in case you are being wondering was not talking of food, the plays either way through over 2000 kilos of bananas and 4000 pasztor portions. Mind you, they need it with all the energy they expire on the court. They will likely hit 53,000 bottles across the fortnight, all handled at one stage or another by 250 balty boys and girls all selected from about 1000 applicants. Here in the museum youre really get a sense of the history of the game. Wimbledon is the oldest grand slam Todd Mckenney well. The first was held backin mckenney well. The first was held back in 1877. As the only ram slam with a royal box as well. Gathering on the duchess of cambridge, is the current royal patron and she comes every year and is a massive fan. Catherine. And that in a nutshell is wimbledon. Two weeks of wildlife standards. And after 675 matches all the attention will be error on centre court as the mens and ladies champions are crown. Will it the Novak Djokovic and Angelique Kerber again or will we see two new competitors taking all the glory . Crown. Cant wait. Stay with us on bbc news. Hello there. The uk forecast coming up hello there. The uk forecast coming up in hello there. The uk forecast coming upina hello there. The uk forecast coming up in a moment. A week thats seen newjune temperature records set in all of these countries, most impressively in france where the new record of 46 beat the old record by five degrees celsius. That extreme heatwave is now beginning to come to an end because we have cooler and fresher air day by day, working in across these areas of europe, moderating the temperatures significantly. It will come as a relief, i am sure, to many in europe. Here in the uk, we have had skies like this over the course of the weekend, broken cloud and spells of sunshine and more of the same to come in the week ahead. Often the weather is going to dry with some sunshine and the sunshine is going to feel warm. But there will be rain at times across the north west of the uk and indeed if you are heading outside over the next three hours, there is a risk of seeing some rain in scotland, a few showers for Northern Ireland, Northern England and perhaps the north of wales as well. But otherwise, the further south you go, the drier the weather is. It is certainly not going to be a cold start of the day. Temperatures 11 14 degrees first thing. Looking at the weather picture in more detail for monday. We have this seclusion pushing southwards. Thats going to take an area of thicker cloud with it, along with showers. So scotland seeing plenty of showers through the day and a few will get across Northern Ireland and into Northern England and north wales as the day goes by. South of this area, for southern wales, the midlands, east anglia and southern counties of england, the weather should stay dry with well broken cloud and some fairly lengthy spells of sunshine around. That is why we will see some of the highest temperatures towards the south and east, temperatures into the low 20s. A little on the cool side for the far north of scotland. Another sign of summer is the fact that wimbledon starts today and its going to be a dry day with some sunshine. Temperatures into the low 20s. Similar weather, actually, lasting throughout the week although perhaps getting a little bit warmer towards the end of the week. For tuesday, weatherwise, fewer showers and what showers that are around will be mainly across the north west of the country. Generally more in the way of sunshine for most areas and temperatures generally high teens to low 20s for many of us and still a little on the cool side for northern scotland. Later on in the week, cloud will thicken across the north and west of scotland with outbreaks of rain for a time. As you can see, for much of the time, the weather will be dry and bright for many areas. Across england and wales, it looks like it will be a largely dry week with some sunshine. Temperatures running into the low mid 20s, feeling warm in that july sunny weather. Thats your weather. This is bbc news. The headlines senior politicians in hong kong have been celebrating the moment the city returned to chinese rule 22 years ago. At the same time, pro democracy protesters, whove blocked main roads and set up barricades, are locked in a stand off with police. A major demonstration is expected later. President trump has become the first sitting us president to cross into north korea. The meeting with kimjong un came four months after the collapse of their last summit. The two leaders posed for handshakes, then talked for nearly an hour in the heavily fortified demilitarised zone. They agreed to set up teams to continue discussions. Authorities in sudan say seven people have been killed and nearly 200 injured during renewed protests in several cities. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets to keep up the pressure on the countrys interim military rulers to hand power over to a civilian administration

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