Private home, quite frankly, tells me that is politically motivated. Typing. President higuain suffers a crushing defeat. Erdogan. There is in favour of an Oversight Board to regulate content, according to its head of Global Affairs, said nick clegg. Andrew morrison was that iran needs to stop attacks in the gulf of oman amidst rising tension between a man and the United States. The first gambling addiction clinic is to be opened by nhs england. It is to be opened by nhs england. It is thought 50,000 children have a problem. Coming up in Sport England are through to the womens world cup quarterfinals after a 3 0 win over cameroon. Find out why phil neville said the victory did not feel like football. Jeremy hunt has accused Boris Johnson of cardiff are trying to avoid a Live Television debate this week. They said he needed to face more public scrutiny over his policies before ballot papers are issued. He and mrjohnson are battling to win support of a conservative partys 160,000 members who will decide next month which of them are become leader and Prime Minister. The pair are taking part in castings for Party Members it began in birmingham this weekend and will continue across the country untiljuly the 17th. Hustings. The deadline to vote. In the weekend ending sunday the 21st ofjuly that be tallied up and the winner is declared the new Prime Minister. The foreign secretary writes in the Times Newspaper today, do not be a coward, boass, man up and show the country you can cope with intense scrutiny of the most difficultjob in the country. Boris. Boris johnson has attempted to clarify his position on brexit saying we will leave on the e exit date of october the 31st. He says we must leave the eu on that date come what may an i will honour the referendum. And i will honour the referendum. And i will honour. We will talk about all of this with assistant Political Editor norman smith. Any morning is better with norman in the middle of the screen. Another morning when you sense mr hunt is trying to keep the pressure on Boris Johnson sense mr hunt is trying to keep the pressure on borisjohnson to come out from behind his favour and take pa rt out from behind his favour and take part in live debate will put himself in front of the microphones and engage in serious, one on one interviews because at the moment it seems clear mrjohnsons strategy is to do as little as that of that as possible. It is notjust mounting frustration at this strategy but almost at the decision thatjeremy hunts team need to go on a lot harder. The tone in the article is pretty pugilistic in a pretty competitive, accusing mrjohnson of trying to rig the contest of it being a fake contest by telling him to stop being a coward and trying to slip into downing street by the back doorfor that slip into downing street by the back door for that they had realised there is no point doing this softly, softly, nicely quite nicely because mrjohnson will get into downing street come what may. As the arguments over the row between mr johnson and his girlfriend on friday night, mr hunt says he is not interested in that are not interested in that are not interested in that are not interested in his private life but the row rumbles on and i expect it has some rocket boosters and i expect as some rocket boosters under it after pritti patel went on the attack, effectively accusing the neighbours who have contacted the police and tape recorded the row as it was going on of being part of a politically motivated attack on mr johnson. This is what she said on the today programme. That is not the type of behaviour you would expect. Mr hunt meanwhile hasissued you would expect. Mr hunt meanwhile has issued a challenge to the bbc saying mrjohnson may not want to have live debates but why dont the bbc held another live debate before the ballot papers get sent out . It is very disrespectful to say you are not going to do any head to head debates play any media interviews in the next couple of weeks. In two weeks time the ballot papers by post will arrive in peoples letterboxes for them to vote. We are having a few technical gremlins. It is monday morning. It happens on a monday morning. Elsewhere we have heard from tobias ellwood. He is a defence minister who made an extraordinary intervention foreign minister. He suggested there could be up to a dozen tory mps, including ministers, it would be prepared to support and motion of no confidence in Boris Johnson were he to pursue a no deal brexit. In other words they would be prepared to press the nuclear button. If that is what it took to stop borisjohnson button. If that is what it took to stop Boris Johnson pursuing button. If that is what it took to stop borisjohnson pursuing a no deal exit. Let him what he has to say. Are the numbers had to stop a 110 say. Are the numbers had to stop a no deal on october the petty theft but may be using a vote of no confidence in the government . We met i think that is the case. A dozen or so i think that is the case. A dozen or so members of parliament on our side would be voting against supporting 110 would be voting against supporting no deal. That would include ministers as well as backbenchers. There has been a lot of focus on mr Johnsons Brexit plans with criticism from some cabinet members they do not add up in terms of his idea of trying to negotiate a new deal while we remained in the implementation period. They said, if you rip ap mrs mays deal they will not be an implementation period and they want mrjohnson to be pressed over the details of his brexit plan. Very difficult to do because there is no sign of him in the immediate future putting himself forward for any debates and interviews. Thank you for wading through our double headed clips. That is the spirit of that there had been late night celebrations in istanbul where the Ruling Party President erdogan has suffered a crushing defeat. Then there will election which rerun after the president complained of irregularities in march was one much more emphatically by the candidate for the secular republican peoples party. Lets talk now to our turkey correspondence. An extraordinary result. An extraordinary result, which will have seismic impact, i think here on turkey in turkey and on the opposition. For 45 years, president erdogans political trajectory had been upwards. He became mayor and then president. He has talent over an opposition that seemed hopelessly divided and incapable of challenging him. They have now found their voice and found the hope they crave. Turkey is a profoundly polarised country can country which president erdogan has ruled divided will strategy. The other side of the country was yelling for somebody who would represent them and somebody he would challenge the president. They have found that in a softly spoken, relentlessly positive 49 year old former mayor of a district of istanbul, little known previously, who has now managed to channel that desire for hope and optimism and is the new mayor elect of istanbul. While all this means is that i think it isa while all this means is that i think it is a turning point for turkey. It will be seen as a beginning to the end of president erdogan. Lb took of the post erdogan era. There will be talk. Whispers will only grow louder about when or if his presidency will come to an end. We had heard so much about embedded patronage of the erdogan regime. You wonder whether what he has said that when istanbul anywhere in turkey, whether that can possibly be true. It is putting a lot of expectation on the new winner. It will not be easy to unpick 25 years of erdogan. As you say, in every sector, from the media to construction, he has staffed it with loyalists offering backing to president erdogan in return for political favours. 90 of the media in this country is under the media in this country is under the thumb of the government and turkey has seen a dramatic fall in human rights in democracy, in the rule of law, in the independence of the judiciary. Rule of law, in the independence of thejudiciary. It almost rule of law, in the independence of the judiciary. It almost seemed to the judiciary. It almost seemed to the opposition they had a hopeless case. The one thing that opposition supporters were holding onto and clinging on to dear life to, was holding on to the elections. Last night it showed too many and too vast swathes of this country that despite taking a pummelling over recent yea rs, despite taking a pummelling over recent years, turkish democracy still has life in it. Last night it was roaring. Thank you. The head of Global Affairs at facebook, said nick clegg, has told the bbc the platform is in favour of new industry rules and regulations. Speaking on the today programme he said he wants to create an Oversight Board with the power to make independent rulings and when a questionable content should be removed from the site but he said there was no evidence they that affected the result of the eu referendum. Facebook. These companies are huge and affect every aspect of our lives. A third of the world plasma population uses one or other of the face that many of the products, whatsapp, instagram and so on. It is all happening in such a short period of time. We are breathlessly trying to catch up with that pace of growth and now put guardrails in placement rules in place and it is not for private companies, however big or small, to come up with those rules. It is full democratic politicians in the democratic politicians in the democratic world to do this on hateful content and a this sort of thing. Lets talk about the principle. Cynics might say, here is nick clegg, effectively a pr man, who has had a lot of flack. This is your problem or not our problem. If your problem or not our problem. If you are worried about these things when you do something about a dinner not ask us to do something about it. Iam not not ask us to do something about it. I am not providing a pr gloss. I am responsible for how these policies are set and they are very substantive on how to tackle terrorist content online, how to protect elections from outside interference and so on. You are accepting to some it will sound as if you are saying, dont blame us, nothing we can default if you think there is a problem you go and sort it out. I do not think it is an issue of blame. It is right that Companies Like facebook acknowledge the mistakes they have made. Of course mistakes been made. I do not think it is in anyway conceivable and more than i do not think it is right for private companies to set the rules of the road for something which is as profoundly important as how technology serves society and in the end, this is not something that Big Tech Companies from the United States or elsewhere plan or should do on their own. Look, i am of the view that some people yell at tech. I think it is importantly fixed tech and we try to resolve this tension that does exist between the amazing benefits that Technology Brings but it also brings risks to society and i want to see, and that is part of my newjob, i want to see, and that is part of my new job, companies i want to see, and that is part of my newjob, Companies Like facebook playing an increasingly mature role, not shunning regulation by advocating in a sensible way. Nick clegg. The uk has warned iran it needs to stop attacks on oil tankers in the gulf of oman. Iranian officials have denied any involvement but on a visit to tehran the Foreign Office minister said the British Government believes iran almost certainly bears responsibility. Lets talk to allah corresponding who is in the United Arab Emirates for us. Our correspondents. Is this two country is talking past each other . In terms of what the british had said publicly about this, this was the state rather than a carrot being promoted, talking about the fact iran needed to curb its regional hostilities, that dr morrison made it very clear they said they do not wa nt it very clear they said they do not want iran to breach some technical limits of the Iran Nuclear Deal which it is due to do in a matter of days. It will exceed the cap on its loa n days. It will exceed the cap on its loan enriched uranium stockpiles which will being breached of the deal. It is much more likely that the iranian argument may whereby they want the europeans to protect iran from the punishing american sanctions, was likely to have been perched in the fact that what the iranians want is for remaining companies to be able to trade with european companies. There is a Financial Mechanism to try and make that happen outside of the us sanction system. That is not yet up and running and has angered the iranians. The signs were not particularly good with the Deputy Foreign minister saying he felt the europeans lacked the will to keep the nuclear deal alive. Did think there might have been a private message we have not heard about . Do you think . The japanese Prime Minister reportedly taking a message to tehran from donald trump. Do you think the same might be true in this scenario . Probably not at the moment in the sense that when the japanese took that message, that wears just before the latest attacks on tankers here. That was. It was about donald trump wanting to talk to the iranians. We have now heard that quite clearly from the americans themselves. Mr trump has said it, mike pompeo has said it himself last night as he was leaving washington. He said they are prepared for negotiations to start without conditions for the iranians. You have a dual message from the americans at the moment. They are saying on the one hand they are prepared to talk to the iranians, donald trump said they could be best friends. Lets make iran great again in terms of economic investment. That is only on his terms of iran not pursuing a Nuclear Weapon and on the basis of the agreed nuclear deal, which of course the us withdrew from last year. On the other hand mr trump said, if conflict came to this region there would be obliteration. It is adding toa would be obliteration. It is adding to a volatile mix here in the gulf. Lets ta ke to a volatile mix here in the gulf. Lets take a look at the headlines. Jeremy hunt calls on borisjohnson to stop being a coward and take part in an early tv debate. Mrjohnson insists he will deliver brexit by the end of october. The party of president erdogan suffers a crushing defeat in a rerun of the Mayoral Election in istanbul. It is seen as a key test to his authority. Facebook is in favour of an Oversight Board to regulate the platform plasma content, according to the head of Global Affairs, said nick clegg. Platform plasma content. England are through to the quarterfinals of the world cup after beating cameroon. Phil neville said he was ashamed at the behaviour of his opponents. Andy murray completed a dream come back from hip surgery by winning the doubles at queens with Feliciano Lopez. The spaniard had already won their singles title earlier in the day. Lewis hamilton finished well ahead of his Mercedes Team mate Valterri Bottas to win the french grand prix, making it six wins in eight races. More support from me at 9 40am. See you then. A crowdfunding website has closed and an account raising money for australian rugby player israel folau the player says he is a victim of a religious discrimination. This is a tricky one for the site to navigate. Absolutely. On one side you have israel folau claiming he is the victim of discrimination and plenty of people support his cause. Some people like him as a rugby player and he is one of global rugbys biggest stars it is due to being a well cut later. Some people say they may not agree with what he said that they want to defend his right to say it was that he wants to take his previous employers, rugby australia, to court, and that is why he is fund raising. He had been successful. He raised £400,000. Now they say he breached the terms and conditions and their support gay and lesbian people in their right to equality. It is seen in australia is a bit in equality. It is seen in australia is a bitina equality. It is seen in australia is a bit in a test case. On one hand someones freedom of religion and, as own employee, their right to express that. On the other side he had people whatever their sexuality, their right to freedom from discrimination. There are lots of people here, dare i say, internationally, looking at how the case develops if it finally gets to court. What are the next steps . What is going to happen . Israel folau has responded saying he is disappointed. He says his result is still strong. He says his result is still strong. He isa he says his result is still strong. He is a modern day sports star who has enjoyed a lot of sponsorships and owns a lot of properties of he could find there himself. He is looking to raise 3 million australian dollars. People reckon he has the money himself. He also has a prominent backers who may be able to find another way to support his legal fight. It will probably be a nasty one. Rugby australia has brought in some lawyers as well. It could go to the courts, potentially maybe even for the world cup later this year in japan. A 14 year old boy has been charged with murder after a man was stabbed to death in bristol. Police were called to reports of a serious assault in the st pauls area of the city in the early hours of friday morning, where a man was pronounced dead at the scene. The teenager, who has also been charged with possession of a knife, will appear in Court Tomorrow morning. West Midlands Police says it plans to spend seven Million Pounds on tackling Youth Violence after declaring knife crime a national emergency. The force said most of the money will go towards preventing stabbings, by focusing resources on birminghams night time economy, and Mediation Services for young people. Critics say the funding is not enough and the plan relies too heavily on Police Officers working overtime. Lets speak now to the west Midlands Police and crime commissioner, david jamieson, whos in birmingham. Good morning. Iset good morning. I set out in brief about your objectives. Tell us more about your objectives. Tell us more about them. This funding has come from Central Government in a 7. 6 million for the West Midlands. We are going to up their police on the streets. It is the effort we are doing in city centres, notjust birmingham but across the West Midlands. Putting more Police Officers on the street and having people who are doing the investigation work behind that. I accept the argument people are waiting. We need to look at their preventative work we are doing every longer period of time on the point i would make, and the government would make a welcome as the money is, we need long term funding to tackle the problem. In terms of tackling the problem. In terms of tackling the problem long term and investment in Youth Support services you are talking about, the problem is that you do not see results quickly and they are hard to measure. This is they are hard to measure. This is the problem we have a kneejerk reaction from government and they wa nt reaction from government and they want a quick fix. It is welcome at the government is doing and we welcome theirfunding. The government is doing and we welcome their funding. However, the government is doing and we welcome theirfunding. However, we had to look at next year and a year after because this problem is not going to go away in the next few months. This problem will be with us for some time unless we sustain that funding. If you look at, for example, youth work. Local councils have almost abandoned youth work because of the cuts. If you look at their work we could be doing in schools, there is an enormous amount we could be doing as well as preventative work that needs some funding that it does need a prolonged effort not to stay one of short term burst of funding. Prolonged effort not to stay one of shortterm burst of funding. What about the aspect of mediation . Thatll be a new idea for many people. We recognised about four yea rs people. We recognised about four years ago in the West Midlands we had a problem with young people and violence. We were ahead of the game really. One other thing is we put into place was mediation between gangs. A lot of the violence at that time us between gangs who were sometimes fighting over territory, sometimes fighting over territory, sometimes it was to do with drug gangs and we put in mediation. Sometimes using people who had formerly been in the gangs and sows to do some of that work but that is only part of the work we are doing. There is a lot more that is happening in a lot more things that get us concerned now than there were probably four years ago. We are looking at a number of these. I have started Police Cadets. Notjust people looking to get in the police, i have people in Police Cadets who are already causing concern. We are seeing some of them turn around their lives so rapidly. Theyjoin a new down, some of them say theyjoin Police Cadets rather than a gang on the streets. A new gang. Getting young people to succeed in their lives is what we want to do as well as this latest surge of police activity. Tell me when we should have you back to see whether all of this is working and the money is ha rd this is working and the money is hard won public money. See whether thatis hard won public money. See whether that is well spent. I will come back to see many time. I think we should see some difference by the end of the year. I will be disappointed if we do not see a difference. If we are going to see a profound shift in are going to see a profound shift in a culture of this country, the problem has grown fairly slowly and it will be sold fairly slowly. We will see immediate changes that we wa nt to will see immediate changes that we want to see and two were three yea rs want to see and two were three years time a profound difference in the pattern of knife crime. We cannot look at quick, short term things, we must look at the long term. Thank you for coming on this morning. The number of people saying theyre not religious is rising across the middle east and north africa, and trust in the regions main islamist movements such as the muslim brotherhood, hamas and hezbollah, is in decline. These are just two of the findings indicated by the Largest Survey of its kind in the region, carried out by the Arab Barometer Research Network for bbc news arabic. Nawal al maghafi reports. From here in iraq, to algeria, sudan and yemen plan our project interviewed over 25,000 people from across the middle east and north africa and the result is a fascinating insight as to how people feel and think in the region today. What did we find out . Religion has played a key role in a conflict that has erupted across the region from Islamic State to conflict fuelled by sectarianism and yemen. A growing numberare sectarianism and yemen. A growing number are growing their back on religion was that a third of tunisians now say they are not religious. In libya that number stands at 25 . Views on Foreign Policy were unsurprisingly influenced by policies towards this country. The us embassy moved from tel aviv to jerusalem and recognition of the city is the capital of israel has made america more unpopular in the region, citing americas involvement in the middle east, 63 of those interviewed said violence against the us is understandable. The survey indicated that Vladimir Putins Foreign Policy is three times more popular than donald trump at the turkish president towers above the others we re president towers above the others were selling of the ten countries surveyed saying his policy is the most favourable. What about trade . Not only did they hate the middle east policy of President Trump and they would also rather do business with china. 51 across the region wa nt closer with china. 51 across the region want closer economic ties with china, 42 with the United Kingdom and only 38 with the United States. People here in jordan and only 38 with the United States. People here injordan are keen on keeping the relationship close with the United Kingdom with 63 wanting closer economic ties is that it is an interesting insight into one of the most unstable regions in the world. Economic ties. You can find out more on the website. And on social media use the hashtag bbcarabicsurvey. A lot of interesting weather going on this week. For the next few days it is the focus on thunderstorms, intense downpours with some flash flooding possible. Also warm and humid weather. Temperatures getting into the mid 20s across the south east. Today we have thundery rain in central areas and the north west and north east of england. Rain continuing in the far north of scotland in the afternoon. Some brighter skies a bit of sunshine developing that mostly cloudy. Maximum temperatures into the 20s across england and wales. Fresher and cooler. 12 to 14 in scotland. Tonight there thundery rain spreads to the north east and it will be replaced by another batch of bun to remain thundery rain on tuesday. A warm and muggy day on tuesday. A warm and muggy day on tuesday the temperatures up to the mid 20s across england and wales. This is bbc news, the headlines. Tory leadership candidate jeremy hunt calls on opponent in an early tv debate. Meanwhile mrjohnson insists he will deliver brexit by the end of october. The party of turkeys president erdogan suffers a crushing defeat to the opposition in a re run of the Mayoral Election in istanbul, which was seen as a key test of his authority. Facebook is in favour of an Oversight Board to regulate the platforms content, says its head of Global Affairs, sir nick clegg. Foreign Office Minister Andrew Murrison warns that iran needs to stop attacks in the gulf of oman amid rising tensions between the country and the us. Time now for the morning briefing, where we bring you up to speed on the stories people are watching, reading and sharing. The race to be the next Prime Minister of this country got personal over the weekend with the story of borisjohnsons argument with his girlfriend, debates around his right to privacy, and nowjeremy hunt has called him out for trying to slink through the back door of number 10 without answering questions along the way. Heres the foreign secretary speaking to breakfast tv a little earlier. The risk we have got is that he arrives in at number ten with a coalition of people like matt hancock, who say that no deal should be taken off the table, and people like mark francois, who wants no deal, and sometimes in politics you can fudge and get away with not answering a question but actually, as Prime Minister, you will have to decide and i have been very clear about what my decisions will be. If Parliament Takes no deal off the table, would Prime Minister Boris Johnson take us into a general election . Yes or no . I would not fault and i think we must not have a general election until we have left the European Union because otherwise we would be wiped out, if you look at what happened in peterborough, it would be dangerous for us. I think its disrespectful to conservative Party Members not to allow them the chance to see us debating head to head so that they can be very clear in their minds as to what either of us in their minds as to what either of us would actually do. Meanwhile, in the absence of borisjohnson whos declined several broadcast interviews, one of his supporters, the tory mp priti patel, has this morning claimed that the the leadership contest has become a campaign against boris. She was referring to the reports about over the weekend about and admit with this partner. |j about over the weekend about and admit with this partner. I think the first initial report to the guardian was politically motivated. The prospect of someone taping somebody in their private home, quite frankly, tells me that is politically motivated and not the type of behaviour you would expect in our country. It is the type of behaviour associated with the old eastern bloc. Tell me that is not politically motivated. More now on the news that the uks first gambling addiction clinic for children and young adults will open later this year. 13 to 25 year olds will be able to access the service, and eventually therell be 14 of these clinics opening around england. There are concerns that this issue of gambling addiction amongst young people is being fuelled by Online Gaming sites and targeted adverts. Heres claire murdoch, nhs Englands National director for mental health. I think it is really important that we do the awareness raising and todayis we do the awareness raising and today is partly about that which is why i say this is a first step. We note this industry spends Something Like £1. 5 billion on that aggressive advertising, the gambling industry. And the nhs and not tackle this alone. We are making an important first step, as Simon Stevenson has said, the chief executive of the nhs, we need sustainable funding models and we need to look at a mandatory levy and funding research, prevention, and also treatment. The nhs is stepping forward. But it is a first step and there is much further still to go and raising awareness and making sure that schools, gps, primary care, employers and others spot signs early, and parents of course in this case, that they spot the signs early and know where to go for help, and that we develop the resources to support them. Lets ta ke resources to support them. Lets take a look at what is catching your attention on a website. Looking at those most read, the question of the behaviour of the Cameroon Team in the womens world cup match against england, and england boss phil neville saying he was ashamed of cameroons behaviour and it did not feel like football. We can listen to his clip. That wasnt football, for me for that that wasnt a world cup last 16 in terms of the behaviour that i want to see from footballers. This is going out worldwide. I cant stand here and say i particularly enjoyed it, my players didnt enjoy it. At half time they were confused about the actions, about what they should do. They kept their concentration fantastic and did theirjob. The images going out worldwide, about how to act, young girls playing all over the world and seeing that behaviour, for me it is not right and i cant stand here and say it is fantastic and we are into the last 16, theres a bigger picture, sorry, the quarterfinal. There is a standard behaviour you have to do and my players i did that last maggot they did that and i tried. How much sympathy did you have for the cameroon players in the match . None. The rules are the rules. Very unimpressed phil neville. Carry on with what is catching your attention, we have talked about jeremy catching your attention, we have talked aboutjeremy hunt and Boris Johnson, another one high on your list is teeth being left to rot. This is a story about old people in ca re this is a story about old people in care homes who are not getting the dental care they need, according to the Care Quality Commission possibly just sent out inspectors to visit hundred homes caring for elderly and disabled people. There was one horrible story about a blind 93 year old woman with advanced dementia whose dentures had become stuck in her mouth because they had been left in four weeks and her gums had grown around them and eventually they had to be surgically removed. The general point is that dental ca re the general point is that dental care is inadequate in many care homes. Quickly looking at the most watched, a look at that top story. This is talking about detox teas. Emma whittaker is a young woman who has suffered from anorexia and she is describing how she got addicted to these detox teas which contain a laxative. She already had anorexia and fell into a cycle of abusing them and developed bulimia, so now she wants to ban them. The conversation on that piece is about whether she is right with the opposing argument from a luxury instagram influencer. That is pretty high in terms of what is catching your eye. That is all we have time for on this mornings morning briefing. We have more on phil neville and the england match against cameroon from the sports centre. Good morning. England are through to the quarterfinals of the womens world cup. They beat cameroon 3 0 but it wasnt pretty. We can go a lift to valencia and now and speak to our sports reporter, jane dougal. Val ncn. Phil neville has said he was ashamed of cameroons behaviour. How bad was it . I think the recent phil neville said that was because that sort of behaviour is not something thatis sort of behaviour is not something that is common in the womens game at all. I have been covering it for almost seven years now and many of us, journalists watching on, had not seen behaviour like that at all. I think phil neville alluded to it, the game is in the spotlight at the moment and the eyes of the world are on the womens world cup. So often female footballers are held up as role models, especially to young girls, because they dont roll around on the ground after a hard tackles have gone in, they get back up, they dont argue with the referee generally. To see that sort of behaviour was incredibly surprising for a lot of people who follow the womens game. Also refusing to restart the game because they didnt agree with some of the decisions that var had made, that is not something we generally see. A lot of times when a referee makes a decision in the womens game, there is not much arguing and the players get on with it. And in the huddle as well, not wanting to restart the game, arguing, crying because the goal they had scored was deemed to be offside. It was just very unusual. What was impressive with the way the england players handled themselves. Despite all of those mind games being played by cameroon and some dangerous tackles, they did not react. How do you think they will react now, for the next few days, after that game and go into this next game, the most challenging so far, against norway . |j this next game, the most challenging so far, against norway . I think after last night, they will have to ta ke after last night, they will have to take some time to rest and recover and they will have that. Norway is going to be a very different game indeed. Their skill set is a lot greater than cameroon. The cameroon squad are number 46 in the world so on paper england were always expected to beat them at were three good quality goals last night but on occasions, especially in the first ten minutes of the second half, england made some defensive errors which, if they do that against a Higher Quality team, they will not go unpunished. They cannot afford to do that against the likes of norway, who are a far Higher Quality team than cameroon. The very impressive thing about england was that they did not react. There were some tackles on Steph Houghton towards the end of the match which should have been, or have seen a straight red cards being given for, and they went unpunished. Steph houghton, as captain, led by example i did not react. There was a split on toni duggan, spit. She told the referee that she was spat on by one of the place but did not react at all so i think the way the england players handled and carried themselves has been an example and going into this last eight game, they can hold their heads up high. Jane, thank you very much indeed. As you can imagine, the back pages have been pretty strong this morning. Phil neville claiming cameroon had shamed womens football. And the picture of andy murray of course. The guardian also quote phil neville saying, today i felt ashamed. The reaction on social media has been pretty damning as well. Alex scott said. Former england defender casey stoney said. And nikita parris, who was on the pitch of course, she said. Hosts france are also through to the quarterfinals but they needed extra time to beat brazil 2 1. Captain emily and henry with the winner. They will face either spain or the union gas market usa. Nasser and mundine henry. That match you can watch on bbc two. This evening it is sweden against canada on the red button and there is commentary on radio 5 live. Andy murrays comeback ended in perfect style with a victory at queens yesterday. He and Feliciano Lopez won their match on a championship tie break in the deciding set to win the doubles. It is only five months since murray had hip surgery that saved his career. It has been brilliant, i really enjoyed it. I felt very relaxed at the beginning of the week and as it went on, i was getting more nervous my competitive instincts were kicking in with each match. But it was brilliant, it might hip felt great, no pain. World champion Lewis Hamilton is enjoying his best ever start to a formula 1 season after winning the french grand prix. He finished ahead of team mate valtteri bottas. Mercedes have won every race this season and hamilton has won six of the eight grands prix so far. We will bring you right up to date with everything at 6 30pm on bbc news but for now, thatis at 6 30pm on bbc news but for now, that is all from me. Four years ago the nhs pledged to get more people with learning difficulties into more appropriate Community Alli accommodation in the Community Alli accommodation in the community but the Charity Mencap says the promise has not been met. Jayne mccubbinjoined one mum who has to make a 360 mile round trip to visit her son. Last week, we had a distressing phone call. Get me out, get me out, i just want to come home, i want my mum, i want my mum. I cant take that call out of my head. Adeles son eddie has learning disabilities. On christmas day, when he was 13, he was sectioned in a crisis. Nine months, thats how long you were told . It is probably going to be about nine months. And its six and a half years later. Any messages for him . We love you, missing you lots, alfie and reddy. Today were joining adele on her once a month, 360 mile round trip to visit her son. Are you going to come and wave bye bye . Previously weve had to go 600 mile round trips. Weve travelled over 26,000 miles within the uk. Thats crazy. In 2015, nhs england promised people with learning disabilities homes, not hospitals, but numbers inside have increased slightly on last month to 2,250. 1 in four are more than 100km from home and they faced a Record Number of restrictive interventions, like restraint and seclusion. Over the years, eddie has had periods of months in seclusion. In some hospitals hes had time when hes not even seen outside for months. This is the lane where well have to stop filming. We dont have permission to film inside. An hour and a half later, adele is out from an environment she says will hinder, not help, eddies chances for following her home anytime soon. You can hear alarms going, you hear door slamming, phones ringing, bleepers. You can hear really distressed people. Im driving home in a minute, hes not. Hes got a stay in that environment. I struggled for an hour. Hes desperate to come home. This is an exhausting ten hour round trip for adele. Right, were nearly back, but i just want to show you this place first. This. This is eddies house. Just over a year ago, a house and a care team was found for eddie so he could move back to his own community. Its exactly as it was. But being so far away, there was no smooth transition into new surrounds. Eddie was back in hospital within three weeks. For him to be back in his home with the right care and support would be cheaper. Even if it was more expensive, he should still be entitled to it because its a human right not to be locked away. Local commissioners told us theyre still working on a new Specialist Care package. You shouldnt be locked away for having a disability. Nhs england say theyre invested £75 million to improve support in the community and numbers of people travelling for care are down but the reality for some like eddie is the door out of hospital is a revolving one. The headlines. Tory leadership candidatejeremy the headlines. Tory leadership candidate jeremy hunt called the headlines. Tory leadership candidatejeremy hunt called on opponent borisjohnson to stop being a coward and take part in an early tv debate mrjohnson insists he will deliver brexit by the end of october. The party of turkeys president erdogan suffered a crushing defeat to the opposition in a rerun of the Mayoral Election in istanbul which was seen as a key test of the president s authority. Facebook is in favour of an Oversight Board to regulate the platforms content according to its head of Global Affairs, sir nick clegg. An update on the market numbers. Scientists from around the world are meeting in germany to improve ways of making money from Carbon Dioxide. They want to transform some of the co2 thats overheating the planet into useful products. Our environment analyst Roger Harrabin reports. How can we store co2 . Lets start in the north of england where they are making Building Blocks with it. Yes, Building Blocks. It sounds unlikely. They mix the co2 with ash from a Household Waste incinerator. Making the blocks involves an awesome chemical process. Watch this. That is incinerator ash mixed with water. This is Carbon Dioxide. There we go. Shake it all about. The co2 has been com pletely shake it all about. The co2 has been completely absorbed and its turned into a solid. Here is the chemistry on an industrial scale. Two wastes making a useful product. We are taking Carbon Dioxide and treating waste and making limestone and other companies are doing all manner of things with the co2. Companies are doing all manner of things with the c02. In suffolk, these mounds of horse manure are being turned into co2 bubbles for drinks. The mix comes here to these gigantic tanks which are like large stomachs full of bacteria that gobble up the mix and produces two strings of gas, one of which is methane which goes to heat people to homes and cook their dinners and the other stream of gas is Carbon Dioxide, pure co2, and they are selling that. Bizarrely, it has been bought by pubs to put the into lager and lemonade. You cant taste of course. and lemonade. You cant taste of course. Put the fizz. And its they are making fertiliser with c02. The first ingredient is this fibrous stuff left over after you have put cow dung into a biogas digester like we just saw. This stuff is low in nutrients, little use for crop fertiliser, so the firm adds a liquid waste from the fertiliser industry along with nutrients and, crucially, co2. This is what you get, little pellets of top class fertiliser. What is most satisfying for us is to take a material like Carbon Dioxide which is fundamentally useless as far as most people are concerned, and positively harmful, and transform it into something that is beneficial. These technologies will not solve climate change, but they will help, a bit. Roger harrabin, bbc news. The pyramid stage at glastonbury is one of the most instantly recognisable festival stages in the world hosting crowds of up to 100,000 people and it has been 15 yea rs 100,000 people and it has been 15 years since former oasis front man Liam Gallagher stepped foot on it but on saturday that will change with his second solo album on the way and he took a break from rehearsals to speak exclusively to Colin Paterson about politics, love island, and that famous feud with his brother, noel. Liam gallagher, welcome to bbc breakfast. Good to see you. You are quite a morning guy. What times does your alarm clock go . Right, this morning i was up at 4 00, couldnt sleep, i got the news on and that. Then i got out at 7 00 for a run. How far do you go for the running . Just about an hour. I dont do any of that fitbit nonsense. Can you see yourself doing a marathon . No, no, never. Why not . Loads of people dressed as eggs and pot noodles, not for me, man. Youve got a busy time at the moment. Shockwave, the single. It sounds like you are quite angry. You saw me ride up the river. You had to hold me back. I saw a lot of people say youre being lazy and go, its about your brother. It could be aimed at a lot of people. Thats up to you to find out. Its coming round out like a shockwave. Like a shockwave. A lot of protests going on. What would you protest about in life . Im not into politics and all that but i do keep an eye on it. I dont know much about brexit and that. Id have a word with that mayor. He seems to not be doing a good job. All them kids getting knifed and all that. All that comes out of his mouth is, london is open. Open for knife crime and dying and stuff . Every time you wake up in the morning you see a 16 year old kid getting knifed to death. Ive got kids that age, you know what i mean, out and about, living, being young and all that. That freaks me right out. Were going to have a new Prime Minister soon. Yeah, i dont think we should have done that. Weve already had two that no ones really voted for. I think three strikes, youre out, you know what i mean . Get the other party in there or whoevers next, not just labour or the green party, whoever else. That must be one of the strange things. Suddenly all these politicians are coming out and saying they have been taking drugs in the past. Shame on them. I was just wondering, have you seen a politician take drugs . I dont hang out with politicians and i dont hang out with celebrities that hang out with politicians or these fake rocknroll stars that hang out with politicians. Ijust hang out with me, my missus and my kids and my mates. I dont knock about in that vibe. If i did see a politician taking drugs, they would get a crack around the head. What are you doing, you donut, you know what i mean . You dont approve . They are meant to be running the country, arent they . Tonight, im a rock n roll star. Glastonbury, playing the pyramid stage on saturday. You are on the main stage immediately after janet jackson. What have you done for me lately . I think shes mega, janetjackson. Im looking forward to seeing her. Looking forward to seeing her crew and all that because you know its a like with the americans, they go a bit overboard, its funny. Love island, how would you feel if one of your kids wanted to go on that . It aint happening. Why not . cause it aint happening. I sort of fell into it last year but havent watched a bit this year, which is good. Its like not doing drugs. Its like you wake up in the morning and go, did i watch love island . I didnt, yes you wake up and go no, no, no, you was asleep when it was on. Shweet as. Thank you very much, that was great. Youre welcome. Whoopee air canada is investigating after a passenger was left alone on a plane after it landed. Tiffani adams fell asleep while flying from quebec to toronto and when she woke up, the plane was empty and in darkness. She managed to attract attention after finding a torch in the cockpit shining the light through a window. Im glad she got off. Now a look at the weather with simon. A lot of interesting weather going on this week. For the next few days it is the focus on thunderstorms, intense downpours with some flash flooding possible. It flash flooding possible. Will also feel very warm an humid it will also feel very warm and humid for summer. It is because we have this area of low pressure in the south west and this weather front stretching from the uk into france and spain and that is where the weather is coming from with pulses of thundery shower is moving northwards. Rain in scotland were clear to the far north east and while that is going on, this rain in the midlands moves into the north west, and mainly the north east with those greens showing intense downpours. Some brighter skies developing in western and eastern areas but otherwise quite cloudy with temperatures up to 25 in the south east and 14 in the north and it will feel muggy. The rain will move northwards overnight and then another batch of muggy rain moves in to the south east. Look at the bright colours, really intense downpours, frequent lightning. That could cause problems on Tuesday Morning and it will be a warm and humid night with temperatures no lower than 16 18d. That thundery rain will move northwards, a few thunderstorms in the north west for a time. Quite cloudy on tuesday. Not all of us seeing those showers. For many, it should stay dry but temperatures up to 25 degrees in the south east, 21 in the central belt and a bit cooler than that in the far north. This is wednesday, still the chance of some thunderstorms developing in the south of england and south wales but otherwise, dryer with quite a bit of cloud but there will be some sunny spells breaking through and it will feel pretty warm again all sub temperatures in the 20s in england and wales. And in the 20s in england and wales. And in the 20s in england and wales. And in the 20s in scotland. Later in the week, it will become drier, a lot of sunshine around, quite hot and humid and quite uncomfortable for sleeping at night. High pressure becomes firmly established across the uk and that brings that more settled weather. Not as many showers, more sunshine but the air will come in from the south and as it does we could see temperatures getting into the 30s in southern england, even up to the mid 20s across parts of scotland. Very warm and humid time. Goodbye. Hello. Good morning. Jeremy hunt tells Boris Johnson hello. Good morning. Jeremy hunt tells borisjohnson to man up and describes him as a coward who is avoiding public scrutiny. Former contender Health Secretary matt hancock tells this programme he disagrees. I do not think he is a battle. He has put himself forward as all the contenders had to pull the tv debate on the bbc last week. There was the hustings on saturday. Also today a new sanity treat kids addicted to gambling is announced by the government. We speak to someone who started gambling at 16. Also today we have had exclusive access today we have had exclusive access toa today we have had exclusive access to a care home in

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