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A corroded gun was found in a field behind the chateau where he stayed. But doubts have been raised about the guns authenticity and the auction house which sold the weapon admitted theres no way of guaranteeing that the gun is the same, though they remain pretty certain that it is. It was a murder that sparked an International Outcry and condemnation from human rights translation its a 7mm calibre that corresponds to the bullet groups, but saudi arabia has angrily that was found in his body. Rejected a report from the United Nations which says there is credible evidence that the position of the trigger is open. Crown Prince Mohammed bin salman and other high level saudi officials are individually liable for the killing of the normally its in journalist jamal khashoggi. The closed position. The saudi minister of state for Foreign Affairs claims its up, its in the open position, the report from a un special rapporteur is biased which means a shot was fired and contains false allegations. With the weapon falling to the ground. The gavel fell as the revolver sold James Landale has the story. To a private collector via telephone. The price, just shy of 182,000, almost three times more than expected. But a long way off what you have to pay for one of his paintings. Ramzan karmali, bbc news. Jamal khashoggi was a columnist for the washington post, a critic of the saudi leadership, and a proud husband to be. But in october last year, two beluga whales have been he entered the saudi consulate transported halfway around the world to begin a new life in the waters in istanbul to get some papers he that he and his fiancee, off iceland. tx they were taken hatice cengiz, needed for their marriage. He was never seen again. They were taken from an ocean park in shanghai and flown nearly 10,000 kilometres to keflavik airport in iceland where they will be taken to a natural habitat. The bbcs tim allman has more. An independent investigation for the United Nations has now concluded he was the victim of a deliberate premeditated execution by the saudi state. Meet little grey and little white. They were caught in the wild the 100 page report sets out in grim when they were just two years old. Detail how officials at the saudi since then, they have been performing for consulate planned and carried out the public at this park in china. It is thought beluga whales the murder, from the initial suffer in captivity, struggle to the sound so the parks owners came under of the body being dismembered. Pressure to rehouse them. A new home was found, many of the saudi officials who flew but getting them into istanbul and are suspected there would involve quite a journey. Of involvement are named in the report. But crucially, it also says mohammad bin salman, the crown prince and de facto ruler of saudi arabia, should also be investigated, citing experts who said it was inconceivable he was not aware of the operation. Is no easy task. That evidence demonstrates that they were carried on specially designed containers and monitored constantly through the flight. Further investigation is required to determine individual liability, including of the highest level its an epic journey for them, of the government of saudi arabia. 6,000 miles, they travelled by truck from the aquarium to the airport, that includes the crown prince. The flight is definitely the longest part, but its the end her report urged un Member States to impose targeted sanctions of the longest part. Against individuals allegedly involved in the killing of mr khashoggi. This is their ultimate destination, a sanctuary off the westerman islands in southern iceland. They not being released back into the wild, but they will have much more freedom. Translation we are very these should include the crown prince of saudi arabia, excited about this. Unless or until proof emerges that he had no responsibility. This is something new and this is a good project. The crown princes foreign minister said the report contained nothing we have been talking new, just contradictions about this for a long and unfounded allegations. Time and now it is but this report matters because it puts pressure on saudi arabias finally happening. Allies, the United States, the United Kingdom and others, that they cantjust ignore this the plan is, eventually, other whales willjoin little grey murder and carry on with business and little white. As usual, such as ministers and with a Life Expectancy discussing trade and intelligence as if nothing had happened. Of up to 50 years theyll the Foreign Office said those responsible must be held accountable, but right now that have plenty of time to get used to their new home. Includes only 11 unnamed suspects tim allman, bbc news. Being tried behind closed doors. And lets leave you on a high so this report is not the last word with these pictures of a pilots eye on what happened to jamal khashoggi. James landale, bbc news. View from inside a stunt planes cockpit. This is pilot hugues duval taking time out from his dayjob flying lets get some of for air france, perfoming the days other news at the le bourget air show. New zealands government is launching a scheme to buy back he says theres quite a lot semi automatic guns of difference between an airbus which were banned in the aftermath and this light aircraft. Of the christchurch mosque attacks. And he promises hed neverfly the six month long scheme only applies to licensed guns. New zealand mps voted in april to outlaw military style like this with passengers on board. Semi automatic firearms, along with parts that could be used to adapt lower powered weapons. Pyongyang is preparing for a visit from chinas president. It is xi jinpings first hello there. Visit to north korea, the recent warm, humid, thundery, the first time any chinese leader weather across the south east has visited in m years. Was just a little taster of what perhaps might be in february, a Nuclear Summit between kim jon un a bit more widespread across the uk and President Trump as we head on into next week. Broke up without a deal. The chinese leader has talked more on that in the moment. Of working with north korea to draw this is the thundery front which brought those downpours up what he calls a grand plan to the far south east recently, for stability in the region. Low pressure will be more the dominant feature the un high commissioner as we had through thursday. For human rights has arrived and that will feed in some showers in venezuela, in the latest attempt maybe to northern and Western Areas to solve its political crisis. Early on this morning. And also a cooler west Michelle Bachelet will or north westerly wind. Hold separate meetings so it will be a fresher start with president Nicolas Maduro to the day this morning, and opposition leaderjuan guaido, who has given his support to a call most noticeably across the south east. For more protests during her visit. At least largely dry with some sunshine. There are nowjust four candidates and today, in fact, will be in the race to become leader a day of sunny spells of Britains Conservative Party and the next british prime minister. The latest vote among the partys mps has eliminated rory stewart. And scattered showers. Former foreign secretary borisjohnson is still strongly in the lead, and has increased his support. The new leader will be these heaviest and most frequent across northern and Western Areas. It will be quite blustery in place by the end ofjuly. As well across scotland, wind gusts in exposure, 30 or 35 miles an hour. The showers here could be heavy in the United States, and thundery, same into northern a self help guru accused of leading ireland. A sex cult that enslaved women has further south a few showers spreading across england been found guilty on all charges. And wales but theres also a good Keith Raniere founded deal of sunshine around, an organisation called nxivm, but it will feel noticeably which claimed to offer seminars cooler and fresher. For self empowerment, 19, maybe 20 degrees but the court heard he manipulated in the south east, and abused female members closer to 12 16 celsius of the group. Across scotland and northern ireland. As we head on into friday, High Pressure is building in from the south, that will settle things down, but we have low pressure still anchored to the north our north america correspondent of the uk. Peter bowes has been following the story. Keith raniere set up invm in 2003, so that will bring another fairly and it was said to be a self help blustery day for scotland on friday, with scattered showers, group to help people again a few heavier ones. Further south, a better with human empowerment. Chance of staying dry but, as the details have come although there could be a few showers around, out during this trial, close to that High Pressure, the winds will be a very different picture has been lighter, so in the strong sunshine it will feel a bit warmer, painted of an organisation 20 or 21 degrees, but still on the fresh side for the time of year in the north. That was a cover for enslavement of women, and for sex trafficking, and many other crimes as well. It was described as a kind of a pyramid organisation, High Pressure though, builds in, where thered be lieutenants further moves across in towards down the ladder whosejob the north sea, during saturday it and that will bring us a run would be to entice women into the organisation of fairly warm south, to become sex slaves. South easterly winds. But we will have this area of low and prosecutors described him pressure nearby slowly encroaching as a master manipulator, in as the weekend wears on. As a con man, as a crime boss. For much of the country, a fine saturday, a bit of fairweather cloud bubbling up in the afternoon. And weve heard since we could see an isolated shower but most places will be dry from many of the victims the low 20s. High pressure still dominating the scene, i think, on into sunday, this is the area of low pressure who have survived which will start to bring that ordeal, more cloud and perhaps a little bit of rain to Western Areas later and we understand from what people in the day on sunday, close to them have been saying but we will be importing some warm and humid air during sunday that its going to take them a very long time to recover, and into next week. So we could see 2a, 25 degrees although very relieved in the south east on sunday, at the outcome of this case. During the trial, he and for parts of the country, didnt give evidence. In fact, the defence some uncertainty. Didnt bring anyone it could turn briefly very to speak on his behalf. Warm into next week, his lawyer did have this to say, but that could spark off widespread though, to the jury. Heavy, thundery showers. He said, you might find him repulsive, disgusting and offensive. We dont convict people in this country for being repulsive or offensive. Unpopular ideas arent criminal. Disgusting ideas are not criminal. Now, clearly, thejury did not buy that. He was convicted on all counts. Hes due to be sentenced in september and is very likely to spend the rest of his life in jail, although the lawyer says that he will be appealing, and he believes that he has grounds for the appeal. There has been furious debate at the us congress at the first hearing in a decade on the contentious issue of whether descendants of slaves should be compensated. Some say reparations are essential to achieve justice, others that they would further damage relations between black and white americans. Democratic president ial hopeful cory booker was among those giving testimony, along with the actor danny glover. Despite much progress over the centuries, this hearing is yet another important step in the long and heroic struggle of African Americans to secure reparations for the damages inflicted by enslavement and post emancipation this is bbc news. The headlines saudi arabia has angrily rejected and racial exclusionary policies. A United Nations report which says officials in moscow have criticised the decision by dutch prosecutors there is credible evidence to put three russians to suggest crown Prince Mohammed bin salman and other high level saudi and a ukrainian on trialfor murder officials are individually liable over the downing of malaysia for the murder of the journalist Airlines Flight mhi7. And government criticjamal 298 people died when the passenger plane was brought down in eastern khashoggi. Ukraine almost five years ago. It had taken off from amsterdam. Damian grammaticas reports. The saudi minister for Foreign Affairs has complained of false allegations and bias. In the us, the founder of the invm cult, who treated women as sex oleg pulatov, and slaves, has been found guilty on all charges. Leonid kharchenko. Jurors convicted Keith Raniere of racketeering, forced labour, charged with mass murder. Sex trafficking and child pornography. The Russian Foreign ministry has three men, all russians, criticised a decision by dutch all former military and intelligence prosecutors to put three russians officers, and one ukrainian. And a ukrainian on trial prosecutors say they were commanding separatists in eastern for shooting down malaysia Airlines Flight mh17. Ukraine in 2014. The four separatist paramilitaries are due to go on trial losing on the battlefield, in the netherlands in march, they phoned senior military and government officials in russia, desperate for weapons and support. The calls, intercepted by ukrainian intelligence, almost certainly in their absence. Are part of the evidence unveiled today, along with footage found on the internet of the missile launcher dispatched from russia, and more. Thats forensic, that is witnesses, that is wiretap, that is data analysis. And when you go through all those layers, than at the end you could say one and one and one is five. We have enough evidence to go to court. And this is what happened when the missile was fired not a ukrainian fighterjet, but Malaysia Airlines mhi7 brought down. The pieces retrieved from ukraine were reassembled by prosecutors. They say the men may not have fired the missile, but are culpable anyway. There are more people responsible. Silene frederikszs son and his girlfriend were among the 300 people on the plane. 23 year old bryce and his girlfriend daisy heading on holiday to bali. Who do you think is ultimately responsible for what happened that day, shooting down that airliner . Vladimir putin. He knows everything. This could not have happened without his permission. This is far from the end of the investigations. Prosecutors say they will pursue the evidence as far as it takes them to identify both those who pressed the button and fired the missile, and those all the way up the chain of command in russia itself who might have had anything to do with it. You saw a telephone call with a high ranked person from the russian federation. So, yeah, well, it can go high up. Russia maintains the investigation was biased. It wont send its citizens to stand trial abroad, but the family say just the truth being established will be justice enough. Damian grammaticas, bbc news, nieuwegein in the netherlands. The us military is claiming a mine used to attack one of the two tankers damaged last week in the gulf of oman strongly resembles those used by iranian forces. Tehran has denied any involvement. On wednesday, the us navy took journalists to see the damaged ship, currently anchored nine miles off the united arab emirates. Our correspondent mark lowen was among them. It has brought a volatile region closer to conflict attacks last week on two ships in the gulf that the us is blaming on iran. Washington says this was the iranian patrol boat involved. Tehran denies it. Today, American Forces showed us what they say are fragments of the mine that caused the blast, and a magnet, allegedly part of an unexploded device, resembling those iran is known to have. This type of attack is a threat to International Freedom of navigation in international waters, as well as freedom of commerce. As they build their case, the us navy took us out on a rare trip to see one of the stricken tankers. We travelled for an hour from the coast of the uae, through choppy waters, where a fifth of the worlds crude oil is transported a geopolitical flashpoint that feels nervous. As we approached the japanese owned vessel, the impact of the attack was clear, gouging out the side. If it was a warning shot, it had a crippling effect. Well, you can see the force of the blast here. This is the hole that the americans say was caused by the iranian limpet mine that ripped through the outer and inner hull of this ship. It may have been designed to damage rather than sink, but either way, it has sparked Huge International tension. Iran says it will increase its Nuclear Stockpile next week, due to us sanctions that were meant to force tehran to the negotiating table. Theyre putting us under economic pressure, while at the same time asking us to talk, said president rouhani. That would be like an act of economic surrender. In this crucial choke point, peace is being strangled. Neither side may want war, but the risk of an accident is perilously real. Mark lowen, bbc news, off the coast of fujairah. Stay with us on bbc news. Still to come the incredible journey of two whales halfway around the world, by road and air. There was a bomb in the city centre. A code word known to be one used by the ira was given. Army bomb experts were examining a suspect van when there was a huge explosion. The South African Parliament has destroyed the foundation of apartheid by abolishing the population registration act, which for a0 years forcibly classified each citizen according to race. Germanys parliament, the bundestag, has voted by a narrow majority to move the seat of government from bonn to berlin. Berliners celebrated into the night, but the decision was greeted with shock in bonn. Just a day old, and the royal baby is tonight sleeping in his cot at home. Early this evening, the new prince was taken by his mother and father to their apartments in kensington palace. The real focus of attention today was valentina tereshkova, the worlds first woman cosmonaut. What do you think of the russian woman in space . I think its a wonderful achievement and i think we might be able to persuade the wife it would be a good idea if i could to get her to go up there for a little while. This is bbc world news. The latest headlines saudi arabia has rejected a un report that says there is credible evidence to suggest that crown Prince Mohammed bin salman is among those personally liable for the murder of the journalist jamal khashoggi. The leader of a cult in the United States who treated women as sex slaves is found guilty on all charges. Scientists say the melting of the himalayan glaciers is accelerating rapidly, with consequences for hundreds of millions of asians who depend on them for water supplies. These images show the dramatic extent of the ice lost. Scientists compared images from cold war spy satellites dating back a0 years, and found the amount of ice melting has doubled in that time. The main cause is climate change. Joerg schaeffer is from the Lamont Doherty earth observatory, at columbia university. Hes one of the authors of the report. Good evening. As you said, the most alarming sign is the doubling of the melt rate in such a short period of time. And maybe even more worrisome is this completely homogeneous pattern over 2000 kilometres of our observation area, basically across the entire himalayas. And that really means that the entire ice bodies, everything up there, is responding, is overwhelmed by the temperature increase that is, of course, anthropogenic. It is easy to predict what is happening now in the next 20,50 years, and it is a dire reality we have ahead of us. But you may have to define, at least to me, anthropogenic, please, and tell us more about the likely consequences of this. It is pretty clear what we are seeing globally and in central asia, the warming is triggered by the Greenhouse Gas emissions that we, as society, are putting in the air. And the consequences on many timescales they are happening right now, these melting glaciers, they are the only source of water outside the monsoon season, so the meltwater is really critical they are. And if the frost goes up and then goes away it has huge consequences on the agriculture, the entire alpine ecology, and down the road all these huge big rivers like the ganges are sourced in the himalayas. And the hydrology of those will be impacted as well down the road. Its not in the moment, but if you go on like that it will become relatively soon. Can you see anything that can be done, in this area at least, to mitigate the consequences for millions of people . Another very clear robust result of our study is that it is the temperature, so the only mitigation, really, would be to cool the planet. Its just another outcry of urgency that we have to really react, respond immediately and change our co2 emissions. In the short term, what the good news in this study is that it makes the predictions relatively robust and solid. And, as i said, the picture is not pretty, but at least we know what is coming, so in the short term its really, it gives you a relatively Good Platform to adjust and mitigate. It will be hard. The crippling disease polio has been eradicated in many parts of the world but in pakistan, cases are rising. More than 20 have been reported this year. That is partly due to mistrust of the immunisation scheme several Health Workers have been murdered. As part of our series on the Global Crisis of trust in vaccines, Shumaila Jaffery investigates why this is still an issue in pakistan. These Health Workers are on the frontline. They must go house to house to persuade parents to let them give the polio vaccine to their children. But its hard to convince parents and there is so much misinformation. Translation it can be any rumour or myth that its a government plot. And that they are giving Birth Control medicine in the guise of the polio vaccine. Sometimes the parents fear the vaccine contains forbidden ingredients, so they refuse the polio drops. Pakistan is one of the three countries in the world where polio is still prevalent. The government was forced to halt a Vaccination Campaign earlier this year after 800,000 refusals, and an attack on vaccinators and police officers, killing three of them. In pakistans biggest city, karachi, localities like these are one of the main reservoirs of polio virus. Its the same city, where almost eight years ago, a new chapter of the countrys formidable fight against the disease was started, with an attack on whos team. People fear vaccination is a western campaign against muslims. Nearly 100 people have been killed in polio Vaccination Campaigns since 2012. It ended his childhood. Now he wants to stop its spread, but it is getting harder. Translation what are the authorities doing to tackle fake information on twitter and facebook . When the government wants to trace someone on social media they can do it easily. These anti vaccine videos are being created openly and uploaded from somewhere. The government has managed to get some videos from youtube and facebook taken down, but knows it faces a bigger task. I seriously believe that efforts have to be made to de link the Polio Programme from the west. We have to own the programme ourselves, we have to come up with an open dialogue sort of a strategy where we should straightaway answer all the concerns of parents. And convincing these parents is more important than ever. More polio cases have been reported in the First Six Months of 2019, 00 21 05,505 4294966103 13 29,430 than during all of last year

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