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At heathrow according, to plans being published today. Labour Mp Stella Creasy exclusively tells this programme shes considering taking legal action to force parliamentary authorities to provide proper cover for her so she can go on Maternity Leave. She also describes continuing to work while having a miscarriage. Id already agreed to run a big Public Meeting about knife crime, a massively important issue another community, and i did not want to let anybody down. I stood there trying to think about the fact that my baby had inside me. That interview in the next half hour. And in an exclusive interview, former eastenders star Danniella Westbrook tells us about her lowest point in her struggle with drug and alcohol addiction. And then, at the end, the worst it got was taken three to four grams a day and drinking a bottle of vodka. Every day . Most days, yeah. Well, definitely taking the cocaine every day, but drinking at least four times a week. Wow. You know there wasnt many food in the fridge, but there was vodka in the fridge and there was cocaine. So that became. I thought it was my quickest way to die. Hello, welcome to the programme. Were live until 11 this morning. If you are getting in touch, you are very welcome. Send us an e mail or message shun twitter. Carrie gracie has the latest news. Or message on twitter. The United States is to send 1,000 extra troops to the middle east, amid rising tensions with iran. The white house said these pictures prove iran was to blame for the attacks on two tankers in the gulf of oman, and was responding to what it described as hostile behaviour by iranian forces. Iran continues to deny any involvement in the attacks. Residents living near Heathrow Airport have criticised newly published plans for expansion, that include a controversial third runway. Heathrow wants to build the new runway part of which will go over the m25 by 2026, with the rest of the airport infrastructure, including new terminals, to be completed by around 2050. At least one of the candidates aiming to replace theresa may as Prime Minister will be eliminated later today. A second secret ballot of conservative mps will take place this afternoon. This morning, the frontrunner borisjohnson, has received the backing of Andrea Leadsom, who was knocked out of the contest last week. Men who have sex with men are barred from giving blood in england, scotland and wales for three months after Sexual Activity but some are deciding to break the rules. The current guidance is in place to prevent the possible transmission of hiv. This programme has found that some gay men have lied when asked to confirm their recent Sexual Activity. A lack of training for doctors on how to treat eating disorders is contributing to avoidable deaths, according to a committee of mps. Their report says that medical students may receive no more than a few hours of training on issues such as bulimia or anorexia, and that the nhs has failed to act on recommendations to improve services. The Royal College of gps says more resources and funding are needed to deliver the best possible care. The boss of instagram says the company cant solve bullying on its own. Adam mosseri told radioi newsbeat that online bullying needs to be tackled as part of a wider plan. He says the criticism instagram gets is healthy as this can help it tackle problems happening online. Researchers have found that dogs have evolved muscles around their eyes, which allow them to make expressions that particularly appeal to humans. A small facial muscle allows dog eyes to mimic an infant like expression, which prompts a nurturing response. The study says such puppy dog eyes helped domesticated dogs to bond with humans. That is our news summary this morning, back to victoria. Thank you very much. Lets bring you more on our exclusive story today. This programme has found that some gay men are so against the current Blood Donation rules that theyre secretly breaking them. In england, scotland and wales the guidance says gay men should not have sexual contact with another man for three months before giving blood, to prevent the possible transmission of hiv. And when a gay man is giving blood, they have to tick a box to say theyve complied with these rules. But weve found that some gay men are lying on the form. The bbcs lgbt correspondent, ben hunte, went to meet some of these gay blood donors. Life can change in a heartbeat. On tv, on radios, online. One way you can help, give blood. Youve probably seen adverts like this everywhere. Bleed for the country you love. Give blood. It galls me every time i hear an on the radio asking for people to give blood when theres a huge section of society that is denied that for no good reason. Over the past few months ive spoken to six gay men from across england who are all sexually active. However, they also donate their blood. Why shouldnt they be able to have my blood, or other gay peoples blood 7 none of them have spoken up about going against englands Blood Donation rules until now. So you are a gay man. Yeah. You have sex with men. Yes. And when was the last time that you had sex . A week ago. A week . Yeah. So according to british blood rules. Yeah. You are actually breaking the rules to give blood. Yeah. Why are you doing that . I grew up in a family who gave blood regularly and kind of instilled in me that it was the right thing to do. I did it before i started having sex with men. I carried on doing it afterwards because, for me, it was the right thing to do. David takes a pill called prep every day which could prevent him from getting hiv. David also uses condoms, which he says lowers the risk of other infections. What would you say to those who think that this isnt the right thing to do and, actually, you shouldnt be doing it . Well, to me, its rooted in deep homophobia. I practice safe sex more than any heterosexual person i know. I get tested more than any heterosexual person i know. I dont see why i should be denied the right to help people. And certainly i dont think the people whose lives potentially ive saved by giving my blood would complain that it came from a gay man at all. David says he has given blood several times over the last year, and now hes doing it again. Davids actions go directly against the guidelines and could be putting other peoples lives at risk. But hes far from alone in doing this. Nhs blood and transplant, also known as nhs bt, is the organisation that looks after blood in england. The service depends entirely on voluntary donations from the public. They say they need to collect over 6,000 Blood Donations per day just to meet the needs of patients across the country. So why does the three month rule exist for men who have sex with men . The Blood Service does check all blood thats donated, but says theres a period of time following contact with any infections when they would not be detected by our screening tests. And its notjust gay men who arent allowed to give blood in the three month window. Commercial sex workers and people who engage in group sex are also banned from donating in the timeframe. So where are we walking to now . This was the first place i donated blood as an openly gay man. Ryan has been donating blood against the rules for nearly ten years. Trepidation. Nervous of getting caught. So when you were ticking that box down and saying that you hadnt had any sexual relations with another man for 12 months knowing that was a lie, what was going through your mind . I felt that i wasnt good enough, that my story didnt matter. My blood doesnt matter. I mean, its not nice that i was discriminated against and you know that you are doing something that you shouldnt be doing at the same time. Morally you are helping somebody else by giving blood. Many gay men weve spoken to say theyre donating their blood in order to fight the system. But ryans reasons are a bit more personal. His mum passed away very suddenly, and before she did, ryan promised that hed continue medically donating everything he could. She was always the driving force from a young age that you should organ donate and you should give blood so that other people have the chance to to live their lives as best as possible to get that gift of health to someone else thats always in need as well. Why do you want to give blood to a system that doesnt want you . Because there are people crying out for it. There are people that daily, weekly, monthly, yearly need blood. Why shouldnt they be able to have my blood or other peoples blood . Nhs bt have told us theyre worried about what weve uncovered. Well we would be very concerned if if people are knowingly going against the guidelines, we do have all the strategies in place to protect the blood supply. But the guidelines are there for a reason. And my main reason for being is to protect vulnerable patients who receive this blood. So we would really encourage people to follow the guidelines even if they dont agree with them. They say men who have sex with men, or msm, are more likely to have hiv and other sexual infections. All donors have to complete the Donor Health Check when they come to donate. So its notjust men who have sex with men who we ask about what sort of sex theyve been having. I think really currently the evidence would say that msm are still disproportionately affected by hiv. At, its other viruses too. The safety of the nations blood supply has recently been in the spotlight. Families have been giving evidence in an inquiry examining why thousands of people between the late 70s and early 90s were given infected blood products from high risk sources, with many contracting hepatitis c or hiv. But times have changed and blood screening has improved to reflect this, in 2017 the Blood Service reduced the wait time for men who have sex with men from one year to the now three months. Freedom to donate . Well, one of the organizations that campaigned for this to happen, but they are concerned the men are breaking the rules. I understand it. You know, i get it. Its hugely frustrating. A lot of people are very, very emotional about this and so they should be, because donate donating that is an incredible thing. But its not helpful, its not supporting something which has resulted already in a world leading donation policy and which we believe will change for thousands of gay men and bi men to be able to donate blood. I dont think anything that goes against that. Is that helpful. And frankly id ask them to get involved and get engaged with whats going on and not simply protest the current situation. Freedom to donate and other organizations are consulting with the Blood Service on reducing the window period even further. We caught up with david after his latest Blood Donation. He says the changes arent happening quick enough. What would you say to people that have seen the blood inquiry going on at the moment as a result of infected blood . What would you say to those people who think thats irresponsible of gay men to be doing that . No straight person i know goes and gets checked every six months. So i would say to people actually read up on their facts before they cast aspersions. Nobody knows how many sexually active gay men out there are breaking the rules and giving blood. But the advice to all donors is follow the guidelines. We will get a reaction in just a moment, but there is some breaking news being reported by reuters that the former head of the european football association, uefa, Michel Platini, has been detained and questioned by French Police over the awarding of the world cup to qatar. That has been confirmed to reuters. Former france captain, one of the best Football Players in the world at one point. The detention and questioning of the former french soccer star, football star, was first reported by a couple of newspapers in france. Prosecutors are investigating suspected corruption and bribery in the process of awarding the 2022 football world cup to qatar. We will bring you more in the next hour. Now lets introduce our guests to talk about the fact that some men who had six with men are breaking the rules when it comes to Blood Donation. Lets get reaction from labour mp stephen doughty, chairman on the all Party Parliamentary group on hiv aids, and is a member of the appg on Blood Donations, and hes gay. And yusef azad, who is from the National Aids trust, which contributed to the present guidelines on Blood Donation. Good morning, both. Let me get your reaction to the fact that some men are breaking the rules . reaction to the fact that some men are breaking the rules . I would not endorse that at all, the gentleman from freedom to donate said that it is not helpful at all. The guidelines are therefore a reason and it is notjust in Sexual Behaviour but a whole series of other things. I was sneezing on the way in this morning, i had hay fever, i would not be able to donate given i had hay fever in my system, and travel to high risk countries and travel to high risk countries and a series of other exclusions are therefore a reason and it is important followed the science and Public Health evidence, however frustrated people feel. Either encourage them to get involved with campaigns like freedom to donate and work that charities are doing this, because they had ensured the changes we had seen in the rules to get it down to the world leading system we have today. Your reaction . People should not take the rules into their owii should not take the rules into their own hands, as it were. 0ver should not take the rules into their own hands, as it were. Over the last few years we have moved and been at the forefront of liberalising the rules in relation to gay mens access, 2011 we had permanent exclusion, now it is three months and currently a review is looking at whether we can have more individualised assessment of risk. This is being considered by nhs blood and transplant but it is important it is done in a rigorous scientific way rather than people deciding for themselves whether they have been at risk or not. Let me read to this tweet from paul, son 93v read to this tweet from paul, son gay men who regularly test are in monogamous relationships or only have safe six and they feel they are being held to a higher standard than straight men or women who have no restrictions. This is based on the best Scientific Evidence of the chime, and it changes all the time, there is an important new evidence about undetectable equals and transmittable, i understand their frustration but you have to be led by the best Scientific Evidence and the only way to get the rules changed and get the time limit reduced conifer example moving to individualised testing or individualised testing or individualised care and understanding of someone is by engaging in the sorts of studies that organisations are involved in. Peter says im shocked by the selfishness of some gay men giving blood against their wills. I cant give blood because i have been diagnosed with any, cfs, except there is no diagnosis test. This is also discrimination but they do this to play safe, if you do not the health of others before your own feelings you should not give blood. James says, is a gay man, there will stopping myself and other gay men, i think, are due an overhaul. How is itfair think, are due an overhaul. How is it fair that straight men and women can live whatever life they choose and give blood, but if you are in a monogamous homosexual relationship you cannot give blood unless you abstain from sexual contact for a few months . I wonder if you think the men in the film are putting the health of other people at risk . |j cannot health of other people at risk . cannot speak for them, i do health of other people at risk . cannot speakfor them, i do not know what risks they have undertaken. But they are breaking the rules and that is very unwise. A third of new gay men diagnosed with hiv last year we re men diagnosed with hiv last year were diagnosed late, meaning they had had it for at least four years before being tested, showing significant numbers of people are not good at self assessing their risk. People should only break rules if they think everybody should break the rule and it is ok, but it is clearly not because people are not as good as they should be at self assessing their risk when it comes to sex. David says i have had epilepsy and bowel cancer and cannot donate my blood, ifollow epilepsy and bowel cancer and cannot donate my blood, i follow the epilepsy and bowel cancer and cannot donate my blood, ifollow the rule because it is for all in high risk groups. Stephen, do you give blood . I would love to be able to give blood, and many people around the country would like to, but i cant, partly because i am sexually active asa partly because i am sexually active as a gay man, and i have often travelled to african countries and other places that would put me in restrictive categories, and also other Health Conditions can exclude you, as seen by some of that evidence that was just given. We you, as seen by some of that evidence that wasjust given. We had to see the rules in the hole. There has been a significant change in the rules around gay men being able to give blood, we have seen the progress made, because that is the scientifically rigorous assessment of the level of risk, and we should all be guided by that and make sure we ensure safety of the blood supplies first, and sufficiency. dont want you to repeat the same sentiment, yusef, i understand the frustration but we need to follow the science, but richard says i am 93v, the science, but richard says i am gay, married, monogamous, hiv negative, clea nable sti gay, married, monogamous, hiv negative, cleanable sti is, as is my husband, why should we be prohibited from undertaking this public duty . Free of all stis. The only thing you actually know its your own behaviour, you cannot speak of the monogamy of your partner. Many people have said what about heterosexuals . The safety of your sex relates not only to the behaviour but the amount of hiv in the population from whom you choose sexual partners. There is 100 times more hiv in the Gay Community compared with the british born heterosexual community. Tom says why focus on gay men specifically, the real should apply to anyone donating blood who has an active six life, but you had just explained. We will see what happens. Let anyone donating blood you has an active sex light. Thank you both from chuck thank you both forjoining us. Still to come. In her own words Danniella Westbrook says shes gone from drunken drugged up mess to being healthy and clean injust five months. Those are her words. She talks about her addiction and how shes coping with in recovery. The labour Mp Stella Creasy tells us exclusively shes considering taking legal action against the parliamentary authorities to make them provide proper cover so she can go on Maternity Leave. She says at the moment their policy amounts to discrimination. The politician reveals shes struggled for three to four years to have a baby, and has had repeated miscarriages, and now believes she will have to choose between letting down her constiutents and spending time with her newborn. I spoke to herjust before we came on air. The first time that i have been pregnant, like lots of women, i had struggled to have a baby. I have experienced repeated miscarriages and lots of false starts along this journey to try to become a mother. Soiam journey to try to become a mother. So i am terrified at the moment, terrified. Sadly i have had scans with heartbeat and it has looked like it was going well, and then it wasnt. I am the furthest along i have ever been but i can help people can understand when i say i am terrified things might go wrong because of the previous experiences i have had. Adding to your anxiety is an issue about the fact there was nobody to replace you when, hopefully, you go on Maternity Leave . Hopefully, you go on Maternity Leave . All through the things i have experienced, the miscarriages and false starts, i have tried to keep my personal and professional life separate and make sure the people in waltha mstow, separate and make sure the people in walthamstow, who i said, get the best service for me and my team. The first time i had a miscarriage, i was bleeding, i was almost in shock that it was happening but we were fighting for a constituent of mine who was raped and murdered and the man responsible has not been extradited from india, i was with people protesting outside the indian embassy. While you were in pain . Yes. When it happens again i had already agreed to run a big Public Meeting about knife crime, massively important in our local community, i did not want to let anybody down so i stood trying to think about the fa ct i stood trying to think about the fact that my baby had died inside me to focus on how we could support young people in the community. I have always tried to separate whatever heartbreak was going on in my personal life and my work at my local community, but the parliamentary authorities and particularly the people who manage our budgets have made that impossible for me, because for the last month i have been trying to find out what cover there would be for all the casework and Community Work i do, the meetings and events i run for local residents. In the last three years i had dealt with 133,000 queries from local residents myself, in addition to my very small team of staff. So when they told me we dont recognise that mps go on Maternity Leave, there is no provision, and they graciously said that if i wa nted they graciously said that if i wanted to apply to prove my worth and that i did things for my local community, they would think about it and whether they could provide money, they would try to suggest that maybe my staff could fill in the blanks rather than actually funding a locum, likely would have with your gp or funding a locum, likely would have with yourgp ora funding a locum, likely would have with your gp or a vicar if they were on Maternity Leave, somebody would feel that because you would recognise and value that role. As much as i feel awful talking about some of the things that are happening, ifeel a some of the things that are happening, i feel a responsibility to the people of walthamstow that if ido to the people of walthamstow that if i do not say this could potentially happen and you could be penalised for having a female mp, nothing will change. Do you feel you have for having a female mp, nothing will change. Do you feelyou have had for having a female mp, nothing will change. Do you feel you have had to beg for some money to pay for a replacement for six months . beg for some money to pay for a replacement for six months . I feel com pletely replacement for six months . I feel completely humiliated that they question the idea that mps do anything apart from vote, thanks to the hard work of people like Harriet Harman and tulip siddiq, we have proxy voting. Tulip is a Maternity Leave, i am proxy voting. Tulip is a Maternity Leave, iam not proxy voting. Tulip is a Maternity Leave, i am not the first mp that has become pregnant in the experience of having absurd, tulip has to take a very young baby, because she has to feed it, to meetings. She did casework three days after having a caesarean section because they turned her down. 0ther mps had told me they asked for help, they were told we are sorry that we do not recognise this, not our problem, so they have either had to hide from their constituents to spend some time with a newborn baby and hope the correspondence does not stack up too much, beg colleagues to fill in the gaps or not be able to spend time with the children. This is 2019, not 1919, it cannot be right. You are the first mp to push this with the parliamentary authorities, ipsa, who provide the money. Costs, pay your salaries. They say no so far, despite your humiliating letter, to use your words, what do you do now . People find lots of reasons not to recruit women to public life, this is not a unique position for mp5. I was speaking about public appointments, there is no maternity need cover for those positions. Appointments, there is no maternity need coverfor those positions. If we wa nt need coverfor those positions. If we want women in public life we need to recognise that Maternity Leave and paternity leave are important. There is a legal case, this is discrimination. I hope that ipsa are listening, they are not very co mforta ble, listening, they are not very comfortable, it has been very clear, ona number of comfortable, it has been very clear, on a number of issues for mp5, but i hold them responsible. At no point have expressed any contrition or awkwardness that they are putting women in this position, all the consequences of their actions. If it is ok to say we had better not appoint women because they might get pregnant, we are going back to the dark ages. We would not accept that in business. They are Civil Servants that they get six months paid Maternity Leave, i am just asking for parity. But they had someone to replace them when they are run maternity . Yes, they had a system of cover because they have paid Maternity Leave. To be clear about what you are asking for, £35,000 to pay for a replacement for six months . And the handover time, to ensure continuity, so my community does not miss out on the work we have done together as a community but i half turn in addition to my staff. Would it be possible for ipsa to make this decision today . Absolutely. Ironically, if it was a member of my staff taking Maternity Leave, they would provide i should also say that i think there should bea also say that i think there should be a separate scheme, rather than added to my expenses, because the idea that you become more expensive because you had taken Maternity Leave is one we should consign to the dustbin. Have you not offer to ta ke the dustbin. Have you not offer to take a pay cut to help fund this, if need be . If it is about statutory maternity pay, frankly asking women to fund their own Maternity Leave is not acceptable in 2019 and ipsa had to look themselves in the face and ask whether they are doing what they need to do to make ship Parliament Functions properly and can be an inclusive, welcoming place . What are you calling on the independent Parliamentary Standards Authority to do today . Dead, dead simple, iwant to Maternity Leave cover policy, just like they have in their workplace. Thank you very much, we will see what happens. Stella creasy, labour and p. Will see what happens. Stella creasy, labourand p. Nadeem will see what happens. Stella creasy, labour and p. Nadeem says why is parliament in the middle ages, one rule for parliament and another for the rest of the uk . Ages, one rule for parliament and anotherfor the rest of the uk . Will says this mp gets full salary and admin payments when she is on maternity, i think it is fair she uses these funds to help fund cover while on leave. Being an mp is not meant to be a 95job. No, but when you have had a baby it is quite nice to have a little bit of time with your baby today well get a look at the masterplan for an expanded heathrow, which includes diverting rivers and rerouting part of the m25 into a tunnel underneath the new runway. It will be the third runway. Take a look at this map. It shows where the new runway would be. You can see how close it is to the three villages of longford, harmondsworth and sipson. In total, 761 homes would be destroyed. Then to the left of the map you can see where the new tunnel under the m25 would be. And the red dotted line shows the proposed size of the expanded airport. Lets talk to resident geraldine nicholson. Her home in little benty is just over 500 metres away from the proposed new runway, and she is a spokesperson for stop heathrow expansion. Also with us on webcam is emma gilthorpe, the expansion director at heathrow. Emma, when will this all be completed by and how will you minimise disruption to local people . Thank you, victoria. We are launching a consultation today for 12 weeks and we are very keen for people to give us feedback. This is the final step in consultation before the file for planning next year. As part of the consultation we are setting out our preliminary views on the environmental impact. Alongside all of the benefits that come with expanding heathrow and intents of jobs come with expanding heathrow and intents ofjobs and the great Public Infrastructure that will come with it. Geraldine, tell emma, heathrows executive director for expansion, what kind of feedback you will contribute in this consultation period . Heathrow cant meet its environmental targets. There heathrow cant meet its environmentaltargets. There is heathrow cant meet its environmental targets. There is no way you can add a quarter of a million flights and air quality will improve. You cant add those flights and not have an extra car on the road. It is a disaster. An absolute disaster. And now we have climate emergency. How disaster. And now we have climate emergency. How are disaster. And now we have climate emergency. How are they going to deal with that . Emma gill thorpe . Talk to geraldine. Good morning, geraldine. I understand what you are saying in terms of air quality. As we know, this is a matter of cars as opposed to aircraft. That is why we are proposing the introduction of an ultra low emissions zone from 2022, to encourage people to bring their clea nest to encourage people to bring their cleanest and greenest cars to the airport. We also have new infrastructure coming along like crossrail. 0ne infrastructure coming along like crossrail. One of the biggest free travel zone is in the country around heathrow when it comes to the bus network. We are planning to invest in more bus infrastructure so we can ensure that our employees and local communities will be able to get to, from and around heathrow in the most friendly way from an environmental point of view. Cani point of view. Can i reply . Of course. Emma, why are you building two new car parks . We have got a park and ride, off airport parking. You dont count any of that in your figures. You are not reducing the number of cars on the road. A conservative estimate is that one air Traffic Movement will produce 40 five road Traffic Movements. That is taking into account the 50 you are after. That is 12 million extra cars on the road. You cant deny it. Well, i can show you the evidence over the past decade, geraldine, which is that we have significantly increased the number of passengers coming to the airport, but we have not increased the numbers of cars on the road. We have done that because we have invested in infrastructure that gets people to come from and around the airport. We have got the piccadilly line expansion. We have got crossrail. We significantly invest in local bus infrastructure. We have the biggest car share scheme in europe at the airport. 0ne the biggest car share scheme in europe at the airport. One of the only cycle hubs that exists in any airport in the world. The evidence says we have managed to achieve this. This is why we believe we will achieve it in the future. Its not what we think. These are targets that we have to meet if we are going to expand. So actually, our actions will have to demonstrate this if we are going to expand. That is what we plan to do. But you are going to then build the wrong way and find you cant use it. The only thing thatis you cant use it. The only thing that is going to be there will be tumbleweed. You will not be able to meet these targets ever. You cannot bring in more than 50 million extra passengers and expect the air quality and cars to disappear overnight. It is not going to happen. We have put up with your promises since 1945 1944. Every single promise has been broken. Tfl cant cope with passengers for a third runway. You will not pay for the piccadilly line to be upgraded. You are just not telling the truth. And, you know, you are making out this isjust a runway. Its notjust a runway. I have looked at your documents this morning. The Development Consent order draft outline of the land that you require is the size of gatwick airport. We are going to have gatwick and heathrow on our doorstep together. Let mejust be heathrow on our doorstep together. Let me just be clear. We have been really clear about this throughout all the time that i am the Current Management Team have been involved in expansion. We are increasing the number of movements. Aircraft movements. We are increasing them. We plan to have around 130 million passengers. We have been really clear. And actually, we have made the commitment that we have made and that there are a whole list of commitments around an additional 5000 apprenticeships, 40,000 local jobs. Working with local schools and educational establishments will mean that youth unemployment is a thing of the past in heathrow and the surrounding area. We have made commitments and we are determined to meet those commitments going forward. It does mean a third runway at heathrow. It does mean they will be disruption. No Major Infrastructure Programme can happen without some impact on the local community. We are working really ha rd to community. We are working really hard to ensure that is as minimal as it can be. Iam going it can be. I am going to leave it there. Thank you both very much for talking to each other. Geraldine nicholson, a resident and spokesperson. Heathrow expansion, and emma gill thorpe, heathrows executive director for expansion. That consultation runs until september. To get involved. In an exclusive interview with this programme, ex eastenders star Danniella Westbrook has revealed that last year she was taking four grams of cocaine every day and drinking a bottle of vodka four times a week. Now, after her sixth stint in rehab, she says shes drug and alochol free, and happy for the first time in years. I feel amazing now, actually. Ive still got a long way to go, but i feel a lot better. Im think going into rehab for three months was the best thing for me. I mean, it took me four, five weeks just to level out, straighten up, put on some weight, get back into a normal routine of eating properly and to start to really listen and to learn about the disease that ive got. Id always been, from a small child, irritable, restless and discontent, and i couldnt tell why, you know, so i had this this void inside me that needed filling. And i used that with drink and drugs, whichjust made me worse, made me obsess, and then the minute id put one inside me, im like, im off and running. How bad did it get at the height of your addiction last year . The second time around, this time around, after 14 years sober, the progression was very fast. Very, very fast. And at the end, you know, i relapsed, really, because i really just wanted to be not here any more. My Mental Health wasnt in a good place, i was too ashamed to talk to people about how i felt with my Mental Health, i stopped taking all my medication for Mental Health. I just felt that nobody really understood, and thats what my illness was telling me. And so ijust went back to what i thought wouldnt let me down, and that was drugs. So what did you do on a daily basis . Tried to kill myself daily, really, through using and drinking alcohol. And then, at the end, the worst it got was taken three to four grams a day and drinking a bottle of vodka. Every day . Most days, yeah. Well, definitely taking the cocaine every day, but drinking at least four times a week. Wow. You know there wasnt many food in the fridge, but there was vodka in the fridge and there was cocaine. So that became. I thought it was my quickest way to die. And everybody would think, you know, oh, she was a drug addict shes overdosed. Cos i was too weak and too scared to take my life any other way. And on top of that, anti depressants and sleeping tablets. Yeah, yeah. Iwas using. And then at night i was using antidepressants, beta blockers and sleeping tablets, just to come down faster and try and kill myself. And also, on top of that, i had the cancer diagnosis, which ijust ignored for 12 months until my son gave up his house and moved in with me and was constantly on at me and battling to try and get me to see what i was doing with my life. It broke his heart. And he would come into your bedroom. Hed come into my room in the morning and put his hand onto my face to make sure i was breathing, cos he said, you just look like youre dead. But i used to look at myself in the mirror and think i look fine. And kai was like, how can you think that . Youre dying. Why are you not going to your doctors appointment . Why are you not sorting this cancer out . I dont want you to die. And ijust couldnt answer him, ijust. I was so mentally deranged. That picture you posted on twitter shows on the left what you looked like. Thats what i looked like just before christmas. Right. Horrific. And you hate that photograph. I hate it, but, you know, its a reminderfor me, and its like. But describe what is going on there. Because im off my face and myjaw is, like, all tight and distorted, i look like im gurning, my eyes are just gone, there is no soul in the eyes, and im gaunt and skinny and. You know, and i actually had the nerve to think i looked 0k, and i look horrific. You know, and because ive got no weight on my face and my cheekbone here has, with osteoporosis, my nose had bent that way. I just. Everything about it was, how would you go out looking like that . How much did you weigh at that point . Probably about seven stone. When i went into treatment, i was just over six stone. So youd stopped eating, and. . I didnt eat for days on end. You know, if i had a bowl of tomato soup every three days, i thought i was doing well. How do you think you got through that . How do you think you survived . For the grace of god, i think. Its, um. I dont know. Through my son. I think my son just was so constantly on it me, to the point, in the end, he just had to leave the house. He said, i cant be with you here any more. And, to me, i was like, good, thats great, because i wanted him out the door so i could just use more. I was just completely obsessed with drugs and nothing else mattered. Well, thats the nature of addiction, isnt it . Yeah, it is, thats the illness. But he tried. I think on new years eve, you had some people round, it was the early hours. Oh, i brought loads of people back at three in the morning, and he kicked them all out. What did he say to them . He was like, what are you doing hanging around with a 45 year old woman who looks an absolute mess . Youre only here for one reason. Get out the house. And i was like, kai, you cant do that. Why did he think they were there with you . Cos he knew that everyone was just thinking its a good time, ill pay for the drugs and drink, and, you know, just say that theyve used with me. And kai, its embarrassing for the child. I think youre considering having surgery for the botched surgery on your face later on this year . Yeah. Tell us about that. Yeah, because i dont have. Theyve got to redo my teeth and put a metal plate in here because its receded here, up ther with osteoporosis. But i think im going off to turkey to do that later this year. But again, ive put everything on hold because ijust want to get a certain amount of recovery underneath me and, you know, ive onlyjust got over having operations for the cancer. I just want to just have some time to do that, and while im not in any pain at the moment, im just going to let it go for a little bit longer. Aa meetings now how often do you go . Every day. Do you . Yeah. Seven days a week . Seven days a week. I do a meeting every day, and unless. If im in town, like today, ill do a lunchtime meeting cos i wont be home in time for my evening meeting. But i can do meetings meetings are everywhere. And the help is there you dont have to have the money to go to treatment to get well. 0n the way in to talk to us today, you actually bumped into michael gove, who is standing to become. And he said, hello, daniella. I was very pleased. How do you think he knew . Probably because ive been in all the papers for drugs. I doubt he watches eastenders. So. Were you aware that hed admit to taking cocaine. . I saw it on the front page of a paper, but i didnt really take much notice. I mean, its so. You know, 89 of the country now. There was a thing on sky news the other day, saying about how cocaine is the biggest drug that everyone is taking, the biggest secret. So we have a huge epidemic in this country and, you know, we need to open more Treatment Centres and get more things done. Thats something im hoping to do. Do you think there is a difference between the way people treat middle class professionals whove taken cocaine and people like yourself . Of course there is. I mean, you know, theyll say, you know, theyre under pressure and its just a phase theyre going through, whereas with people like me, theyre like, well theyre common and theyre a crackhead. 0r theyre a drug addict. You know, it will be stuff like that. But at the end of the day, an addict is an addict is an addict, no matter whether youre up here or down there, the same addiction eats you up the same way. Do you think you thought enough about the impact of you taking cocaine, for example, ie links to knife crime, the fact that kids can be involved in carrying cocaine for drug dealers before they sell it on . Did you think about that . No, i never ever thought about that, actually. Thats a great question, because i only used to get my cocaine from one person, and children werent involved in that, but when i look at the bigger picture, and being in rehab, listening to peoples stories and what theyve made their children do, and, you know, the situations theyve been in, im shocked about it. But thats real life, thats whats out there, and knife crime and gun crime and gangs and drugs. And, you know, its something that does need stopping, and now my eyes are open, my aim is to really get a Treatment Centre up and running in the next 12 months and get as many free beds as we can for people in areas that cant afford rehab, cos theres so many people out there crying out for it and young people as well. Youve been in rehab five times before. Yeah. Does it feel like a battle every day . No. No . So youre not waking up thinking, i need to drink, or im thinking about drugs . Today the obsession is not on me. The obsession has been lifted from me at the moment. I mean, that could come back at any time, but theres certain tools i have in place to deal with that and people i can reach out to. So, no, i dont have that obsession, im very blessed today. So, you told us that last year you wanted to. Basically wanted to die . Yeah. This year, when you look to the future, what are you thinking about . Ive got lots of good things going on. You know, ive got conventions that im speaking at, from within aa and everything. Ive got lots of good things going on, and work. And then hopefully doing this course and to help other people. So, yeah, ive kept myself busy with the right things and ive had a reawakening of life and, you know, reset my structure of my life and whats going on, and today i dont need to feel like that, which is good. And if there is someone watching right now who is struggling with an addiction, whether its drugs, whether its drink, whether its food whatever it is what would you say to them . Get help. Is that. . Not necessarily. No, not go to a doctors. Ring up a help line, for there somebody that will answer the phone will be another addict, cos thats all theyre run by. Someone will come and get you and take you to a meeting if you cant go to a meeting, and just sit down. Even if you dont understand at first, just ask questions. Dont be nervous, dont be alone were all the same, were just on different pages, but were all the same, and you can get help and its free. So just reach out and get some help. Do you feel happy . Yeah, ido. I feel good. Yeah. Is that the first time youve felt happy in a long time . In about the last six years, its the first time ive felt really good, yeah. Wow. Well, well done. Thank you very much for having me. Thank you very much for telling us about it. Thank you. There is a serious lack of training for doctors on eating disorders, and the Health Service is risking avoidable deaths from the illness. Thats according to a report from a group of mps. Meanwhile, the charity beat has published its own report, showing that adults with eating disorders in some parts of england have to wait, on average, more than ten times longer for treatment than in other areas and might not even get referred at all. Next month, were broadcasting live from an eating disorder Treatment Centre in halifax. Linked to that centre is seacroft hospital, where they can treat 19 patients at a time. It costs £400 a day to treat someone there, and on average theyll stay for 120 days or around four months. 25 year old Charly Mannion whos being treated there showed me round. This is obviously the corridor for women, in their bedrooms, isnt it . Yeah, one of the womens. Youve got your own sink, wardrobe, single bed. You have got your stuff. And this is your kind of sanctuary, i suppose . Yeah. You have got some little cards on your notice board which are sort of motivating sentences. Lets have a look at those, tell us about those. 0n mondays and thursdays, we get weighed, which i guess can be a more difficult day or time, and every morning at breakfast, we get our own milk quota for the day, and different patients will leave a little quote for everyone on their milk. And what would you say is your favourite . Could you pick one . Difficult to pick one, but i like this one. A champion is defined not by their whims but by how they recover when they fall. It resonates because just because youve had an eating disorder, it doesnt mean that you cant go on to have a really good life, and this isjust like a small portion of my life, i guess. I hope. Lets speak to dr rhstones, consultant psychiatrist and clinical lead at that service. And katie holloway, now 26, who first developed an eating disorder in herfinal year of university. Let me begin with you, katie. Your last year at uni, 2013, you showed signs of in eating disorder. What happened from there . signs of in eating disorder. What happened from there . I mean, initially it was just a matter of i wa nted initially it was just a matter of i wanted to lose some weight, get healthier. I went on a diet. I joined a gym. I did all the things that people do when they want to get a healthier lifestyle. It very quickly turned into an obsession as soon as i started to lose weight. I would be over exercising. I was eating less and less as the days went on. And how was the gp, what kind of knowledge did they have . Ba rely kind of knowledge did they have . Barely any. The understanding i got was that we both had no idea what was that we both had no idea what was going on. He told me i had to come back in a weeks time for him to do some research to see what steps we could take. Were you shocked by that . I was because it took so much for me to get the point took so much for me to get the point to speak to somebody, to then they have no idea how to treat me. So you just feel even more helpless than you already do. Doctorjones, thank you already do. Doctorjones, thank you for talking to us. What was your experience when it came to the kind of training you got in this area at medical school . Not very much, im afraid. Just to put that into context, during the five years of medical school i had one lecture on eating disorders when i was a junior doctor. I had very little training. A little bit more training as a psychiatric trainee when i was specialising in eating disorders. But overall theres very little training for doctors and Health Care Professionals on important condition. And it is something that hopefully this report will address. It is down to the government, down to guidelines, down to the department of health. You think it has to change, do you . One lecture in five years is not acceptable, is it . It is nowhere near enough. I am thinking about what training means and what is the audience for that training . Katie emphasised her experience. But also across the board, from schools to university, to Health Care Professionals on the front line, to a e doctors, period persons etc. Front line, to a e doctors, period persons etc. Paediatricians. Front line, to a e doctors, period persons etc. Paediatricians. What about trying to get a referral for more expertise . It is very difficult. Numerous visits to the gp. Numerous assessments. Before they could even consider i was at they could even consider i was at the threshold they need. That was to do with my bmi. By no means it was tell them you have got an issue and they will put you in touch with the right person. It was having to jump through hoops just to get some support. What do you think of that, mr doctorjones . The impact on a patient if they are repeatedly told that there bmi isnt that the right level to seek help . I mean, that there bmi isnt that the right levelto seek help . I mean, it is such a big problem. One of the reasons is because there is not enough funding to see everybody. But i think the message that gives to people who are struggling with eating disorders is they dont deserve treatment. And i think anorexia and other eating disorders, that can often be the common belief that can often be the common belief that people hold and the system maintains, almost increases the intensity of that belief, which means people dont access treatment early enough. The key is early intervention. Accessing treatment as quickly as possible and getting Specialist Services so they can get the treatment they need and they can re cover the treatment they need and they can recover if they get it in a timely fashion. Having a look at this research from the charity for eating disorders, the mean average waiting time for eating Disorder Treatment in 2017 to 2018 was nine and a half weeks, with a massive variation between services. One had average waiting time of two weeks and other of five and a half months. Why do you think there might be that disparity . I think the access to aduu disparity . I think the access to adult eating Disorder Services are incredibly important across the country. In some areas you have services that have high quality excellent standards of care. They offer outpatient treatment, inpatient care, intervention services. And in some areas you have almost nothing, if nothing. So patients rely on the gp to give them all the aspects of treatment they need. Gps can offer a lot. But they cant provide the specialist treatment they need. They can coordinate care, i suppose get them into the services they need to, get support and support the family. But i think the real issue is bringing in some waiting time directives like we have had with children and young people, alongside funding from the government which, hopefully the report from parliament will support and encourage and help implement. Beat have been championing this can work for years. Katie, tell our audience by the treatment you received . I audience by the treatment you received . I never audience by the treatment you received . I never received specialist treatment because i did not meet the criteria for eating Disorder Treatments. The treatment i eventually got after waiting for about four months was cognitive behavioural therapy. But it only focuses on the mental aspect of it. And not the physical problems that you are having. It only focuses on one part of the issue. Whilst it was great to extend it, and i probably wouldnt be where i am today if i didnt have it, at the time it wasnt what i needed. I needed support to gain weight, to stop bulimia. How do you do that without the expert help . It was a struggle. The support of my family and friends, support groups, online communities. It was just a matter of talking to people. The more people i told, the more awareness those around me had they could help me. It was definitely an uphill struggle. Ella says tweeting eating disorders are completely misunderstood by the health system. They base a Mental Health illness on physical systems. I have had gps googling symptoms in front of me. For example, eating rituals and food obsession. How have they not learnt about this . No doubt we will talk more about this, doctorjones, when we come to your place early next month. We look forward to seeing you there. Thank you. Katie, thank you for coming on and talking about it. We appreciate it. You can contact the axe on line if you want more information about these issues. This man is one of the worlds most famous football legends. I thought we we re famous football legends. I thought we were going to show you a picture of him. In the last hour it has emerged that former uefa president and french football captain Michel Platini is being questioned by police over suspicions of corrupt, suspicion of corruption. Alex capstick is suspicion of corruption. Alex ca pstick is here. Suspicion of corruption. Alex capstick is here. What has happened . 0ne capstick is here. What has happened . One of the greatest footballers ever to play football for france, some would say one of the greatest footballers ever. He then became one of the most powerful figures footballers ever. He then became one of the most powerfulfigures in governance as president of uefa and a Senior Member of the fifa executive committee. That was the committee that voted in december 2010, to award the world cup to qatar in 2022. It is over that decision he has been detained by French Police. We understand he was taken in earlier this morning by the Anti Corruption unit and questioned about that vote in december 2010, to give the world cup to qatar. Also questioned is a former adviser to Nicolas Sarkozy, the french president at the time. He has almost been described as a french suspect. We know no more than that at the moment except they have been questioned by French Police. Lets cast our minds back to 2010 when the vote happened. There was widespread shock and all when qatar, one of the hottest countries in the world, was awarded this . And no infrastructure. You were there i was in the room. There was a sharp intake of breath when qatar was named. If people remember, there had been a report that looked at the technical aspects of all the bits and right at the bottom of that league table was qatar because of the heat, because of the fact there was no tradition of the fact there was no tradition of football they are, even though people supposedly like football. The National Team had not done very much. It was a huge surprise. Ever since then qatar has repeatedly had to fend off allegations that the vote was rigged, that was fixed somehow. They denied all allegations of wrongdoing, explaining it was won fairly, that the world cup went to a new region, which is what fifa wanted. Still these allegations persist. Todays news will not stop them. Does anyone know why today, why now, this question is happening . Thats an interesting question. We dont know. Fifa are in france at the moment for the womens world cup and they have been based in paris which is where Michel Platini was reportedly made detained. Interesting timing. We know this corruption arm of the French Police are not afraid to take on senior figures in politics or in the sport over corruption allegations. They did detain and question Nicolas Sarkozy back in 2014. And lamine diack, the former head of the iaaf, the governing body for world athletics, is currently under house arrest, accused of corruption in the doping scandal. I dont quite know why this has happened now. Not a massive surprise given the history of this particular unit. Thank you very much, alex. A couple of m essa g es thank you very much, alex. A couple of messages from you about the interview with daniella westbrook. Karen says, you are an amazing lady, stay strong, you are doing great, from a friend. And philip says, thank you for your honesty. Thank you for your company today. We are back tomorrow at ten. Bbc newsline life is next. Have a lovely day. Good morning. While some of us have had some sunshine this morning, particularly in the northern parts of the uk, we have had some heavy showers moving from the south and across the channel through the Channel Islands into southern portions of england. Quite lively downpours. You can see thunderstorms developing as we go through this morning, moving their way north and east through the day. Southern england, south wales. Further north, sunny spells in northern ireland, southern, eastern and northern scotland. Northern ireland also getting some sunshine this afternoon. Showers in the west. Maximum temperatures getting up to 18 to 21. Warm and humid, particularly in the south east. That is where well see more thunderstorms overnight wednesday morning. 50 millimetres for some locations. Lets look at that more closely. Some showers will drift away. As we go into wednesday morning, those heavy showers move their way and could wake you up in their way and could wake you up in the middle of the night until early morning. Bye for now. Youre watching bbc newsroom live its11am and these are the main stories this morning. Proposals have no open for Public Consultation over heathrows third runway. Boris johnson consultation over heathrows third runway. Borisjohnson gets the backing of former rival Andrea Leadsom ahead of a second round of voting in the conservative leadership race this afternoon. believe he is an election winner. I think hes someone who can bring the country and the Party Back Together and take us forward in a positive way. The United States will send more troops to the middle east in response to what it calls hostile behaviour by iranians voices. Former uefa president Michel Platini is detained by French Police over

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