Five points if you can name this film. Correct its raiders of the lost ark. No, that is not harrison ford, that is the face of nicholas cage. 0k, try this one. Yes, it is the fellowship of the ring. 100 points if you spotted nicholas cage, nicolas cage and nicholas cage. So, what on earth is going on . Were just about getting used to the idea that there are loads of fakes online. Fake news, fake tweets, fake photoshopped images. But these videos are awholelevet before, and they may have consequences that go far beyond just switching out a few movie stars. A lot of what we talk about over the dinner table is, we live in a diverse world. Researchers at the university of washington released this video last year, which used a Computer Vision algorithm to very convincingly doctor 0bamas mouth movements to make him lip sync to something he said in a different interview. A lot of kids, the doors that have been opened to me arent open to them. And with the tricks and tools of Machine Learning becoming better and easier to use, its now possible to do this without a particularly powerful computer. Remember the nick cage videos from earlier . Well this mix; fif wing. Rump using the same tool, a tool called deepfa kes. To be clear, this is notjust a face swap like you might see on snapchat. Like and then made it copy merkels facial expressions. Whats fascinating is that these werent made by a team of researchers, or a hollywood visual effects department. These were made by individuals following an online tutorial on a desktop machine. Now, to see how easy it is, were going to do it. Were going to take my face and make me president. We trained a Neural Network by feeding it video of some of my past appearances. We mixed it with president trumps state of the union address. The software broke the video into individualframes, ran them through the network and, in less than a day, this was the result. All of us, together, as one team. So, this is the original video of trump. And this is me, on his head. Im not sure its an improvement, but that does seem to be president spenley trump. This is click presenter donald kelly. Nqw, this was a very short. Its far from perfect. Its blurry, you can see the edges and sometimes well, its just downright scary. But had we left the network to train for longer, on better videos, we could have got much more convincing results. Now, deepfakes has hit the headlines in recent weeks, now, it doesnt take much imagination to see how one could create International Outrage by making fake statements from world leaders. Something that may become possible very soon, thanks to some software that we looked at last year. This is lyrebird. The idea here is that i can train a Neural Network with samples of my voice and then it will be able to speak like me. Harry hoped he would see some success from the current project. Parents should look out for. The software asks you to read out at least 30 sentences of its choosing, from which it can pull out the basic Building Blocks of words, the phonemes, that can then be put back together in any order. In other words, in other words. Ive always been a big fan of one direction. Laughs. Although the creators of lyrebird are aware that this technology could be misused, they say that by releasing it as a free tool, are already a reality. As donald trump great, the best one idea that we are considering is to watermark the Audio Samples that we produce. So, how do we protect ourselves from having our online photos, videos and sound recordings used to create fake us es . We dont know the attitude of the courts to this problem. We dont have a clear piece of legislation that would cover it. We have piecemeal laws on privacy, copyright, trademark and passing off that would be useful to somebody in trying to stop this from happening. But we dont have a clear Legal Definition and we dont have a clear piece of legislation that is exactly on point. And until we have that, this legal uncertainty will continue. The morality and the legality of deepfakes are murky issues. Just as we are wrestling with the fact that we cant trust what we read, very soon we will need to confront the fact that we cant trust anything we see or hear either. Remember nintendos switch, its hugely successful console thats both mobile and which plugs into a tv . Well, the japanese gaming giant has now created a host of rather unusual new peripherals which wildly alter how the machine is used. And marc cieslak has been getting all bent out of shape over it. He plays a musical scale. You may be forgiven for thinking that this cardboard is the packaging for the new peripherals for the Nintendo Switch console. Called labo, its a range of devices which includes things like a piano, motor bike handlebars, fishing rod and even a robot suit. Straps on the shoes. I might look like im stomping around in a slightly weird way. But this game asks you to really get into the character of a giant robot. And, if i pull down my visor, i activate first person mode. For precision destruction gelled tey qens. Theyereell ~ , ~ ~ ,, someeeuse elastic bands motion sensing controllers. I think labo is a big deal for the Nintendo Switch, just because it proves that nintendo is capable of continue to innovate on an already innovative product. The fact that it is made out of cardboard and your existing controllers fit in, i think that will blow parents minds and, more importantly, blow childrens minds as well. But before you can play with your toy con, youve got to build it first something that you might worry requires the prowess of an origami expert crossed with the advanced flat pack furniture building skills of a Self Assembly sensei. Building these devices takes varying lengths of time. More complicated tfiy efiflfi can take up to eight hours to complete. But thats part of the appeal of labo taking pleasure from the building of the devices that you are about to use and understanding how they go together. A little bit of patience and some deft folding results in this. Nintendo reckoned this is a radio controlled car. Last time i looked, cars had wheels. My cempleted tey cen, because the switch controllers have got hd rumble and it means that you can have Different Levels of rumble. Allowing this particular toy con to move about. Each one of the toy cons comes with a game. Some are more complicated than others, but will require an element of physical control, which comes courtesy of the folded cardboard. The games themselves are more like mini games. But thats not the point. This is more about creativity and making something than it is a hard core gaming experience. But i do question the durability of cardboard peripherals. How does that go back in there . Not very, based on my time with them. Mechanic. 0k, fantastic. Repairs are really quite easy. There are two different offerings so far the variety pack, which includes five different toy cons, priced at £59. 99, and the robosuit, which costs £69. 99. That seems like a lot of money for cardboard toys with bits you Replacement Parts for that, or whether you are going to have to scavenge cardboard from supermarkets or things like that. So its going to be interesting to see how much nintendo are expecting you to spend on top of the base game and cardboard kits. This week, caterpillar announced the release of a new smartphone. Youd be forgiven for not even knowing they produced such a thing. These devices are specifically aimed at the construction industry. But this one has a few interesting features. An upgrade to their flir thermal imaging camera, the addition of a laser beam for measuring how far away something is, or room size, and the stand out feature, a nose. Yes, it can smell. Or, more specifically, has an Indoor Air Quality sensor which aims to alert users if there are high levels of volatile in paint, solvents and cleaning products. Sound a bit niche . Well, its creators dont think so. Builders, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, farmers. These type of people kind of generally get overlooked by the everyday phone vendors. So what we are doing is understanding the technology that we can integrate into our products that really makes their lives better. And next week on the show, well be bringing you all of the latest news and releases from nwc in barcelona. It is all from the shortcut of click this week, the full link is up on iplayer. We live on facebook and twitter. Thank you for watching. It will see you soon. We will see you soon. Hello and welcome to newswatch with me, samira ahmed. Coming up has bbc News Coverage of the Winter Olympics been too focused on badly performing brits . We speak to the head of bbc sports journalism. Certain newspaperfront pages made a lot of allegations aboutjeremy corbyn and a czech spy. Did the bbc make too little . And, as kfc Stores Across the uk temporarily shut this week, did bbc news go clucking mad with its coverage . First, for the past week, many of our National Newspapers have featured headlines such as corbyn the collaborator and corbyn urged to reveal his stasi file. Allegations that the labour leader had questionable contacts with a czech diplomat and agent in the 1980s emerged from files held by the Czech Security service archive. The labour leader called the story nonsense and accused the newspapers covering it of lies and smears. But not all newswatch viewers were so dismissive of the claims. This anonymous telephone caller thought they were at least worthy of an airing on the bbc. Youve covered the story regarding donald trump and the russia investigation ad nauseam for months and months and months on end but theres nothing on bbc news, even though its featured very prominently in the newspapers, and im a bit staggered and a bit flabbergasted by this. Although there were some mentions of the story on bbc news, it didnt feature on the Main Television bulletins until a brief mention on tuesday, and then gained more prominence throughout the week. By wednesday on the daily politics, andrew neil tackled the subject to much acclaim. The defence secretary says mr corbyn has quote, betrayed his country. In what way . Well, the defence secretary has chosen his own words. I mean, the point for me about this debacle is that we believe. How has he betrayed his country . Jeremy corbyn is a grave danger to this country, i believe, but thats because. Has he betrayed his country . But thats because of the ideas in which he believes and what that would mean for our economy and our society if he were elected. People have all sorts of ideas. But your defence secretary, our defence secretary, the defence secretary of this government, of our government, has said the leader of her majestys opposition has betrayed his country. In what way has he betrayed his country . Although the claims lacked evidence and were firmly denied, some newswatch viewers thought it was too little,

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