With the European Union and no set time limit. One friend of mine said it looked more like a plank than a bridge. Number ten says it is committed to delivering brexit and one of mrs mays allies has come to her defence. The conservative family, left right and centre, were a broadchurch, needs to come together in a spirit of mutual respect. There are difference in any broadchurch and look at what the bigger pictures showing. The labour leader is showing divisions in a party which predominately voted to leave. E eu. He told Andrew Marr Show that they wanted to be part of a union after breaks what we asked for and demanded in parliament has been a meaningful vote in parliament. Im on about the people deciding not parliament what happened with this bill, it was an undemocratic power grab by the government. Were not asking for a second referendum. The american president who met mrs may in davos this week offered his own words the wisdom on brexit, that hed have been tougher than she has been. would have negotiated it differently. Had a different attitude. What would you have done . I would have said the European Union is not cracked up to what its supposed to be and would have taken a tougher stand supposed to be and would have taken a tougherstand in supposed to be and would have taken a tougher stand in the thing out. The balls back in the eus court this week. The other 27 Member States will prepare to set out anywhere own position on the transings period after brexit. Police are still hunting for a man who is believed to have fled the scene after a crash that killed three teenage boys in west london on friday. The three victims have been named locally as josh kennedy, George Wilkinson and harry rice. They died when a car, believed to have been travelling at high speed, crashed into a bus stop in hayes. Our correspondent leigh milner is there for us. What is the latest there . Within the past half an hour, weve been told the police have released this cctv image of the man theyre trying to find in connection with the incident who fled that night. So far, police have arrested another 28 year old man whos currently being questioned on suspicion of dangerous driving. But the main focus by the police is to find this other man. For anybody who may have been walking or driving along this road, to come forward and talk to the police. Three boys named locally as josh kennedy, talk to the police. Three boys named locally asjosh kennedy, George Wilkinson and harry rice were standing just by that bus stop on friday night when a black audi mounted the pavement and hit them at speed. As you can see, there are dozens of floral tributes and m essa 9 es dozens of floral tributes and messages left by residents, friends and family. One left by George Wilkinsons grandfather who i spoke to today. In his words he told me hes cut up. The mothers lost the plot and the family is absolutely distraught. The residents, however, are angry. Theyve told me speeding is an issue here. That is the whole reason why this has happened. It was just an accident waiting to happen. Leigh, thank you. Leigh milner reporting there from hayes. More than 100 people are now confirmed dead and 230 injured in yesterdays bomb attack in the afghan capital, kabul. Its the worst attack there for several months. Lets go live now to our correspondent secunder kermani, whos in kabul. Clearly, a deteriorating security situation there in kabul . Yes, thats right. Today is the funerals for the victims were held. Weve learnt more about how this particular attack was carried out. Officials say the militants had two fa ke Officials Say the militants had two fake ambulances. One was filled with explosives. The other was empty. The empty one travelled in front so when they reached a police checkpoint, it was searched but the second one wasnt. Then, the driver of that second ambulance blew himself up close to a police compound in a busy street killing over 100 people. All this comesjust a street killing over 100 people. All this comes just a week after more than 20 people were killed by the taliban in an attack on an upmarket hotel in kabul. This city used to be one of the most secure places in afghanistan. Now, for the last year 01 afghanistan. Now, for the last year orso, afghanistan. Now, for the last year or so, it is feeling like one of the most dangerous. It seems the Islamic State group and taliban are deliberately targeting kabul because they know attacks here will capture local and international attention, spread fear and, of course, undermine the government. Thank you very much. The russian opposition leader, alexei navalny, has been arrested in moscow. He was detained by police at a demonstration supporting a boycott of the president ial election in march, which he claims will be rigged. Earlier, his headquarters were raided by police. Ingvar kamprad, the founder of the Swedish Furniture giant ikea, has died. He was 91. Ingvar kamprad started the company when he was just 17. The firm said hed passed away peacefully at his home in southern sweden. Heres our business correspondent, joe lynam. Ingvar kamprad can safely be described as a retailing genius. Born in 1926 in southern sweden he started selling matches aged five. Then seeds and then pencils. At 17, he formed ikea named after his own initials and the area where he was born. Now, its probably the best known Furniture Store in the world with over 400 giant shops and annual sales of £30 billion. Mr kamprad was inspired to create the idea of flat packed furniture when watching someone remove the flat packed furniture when watching someone remove the legs off a table to fit it into a customers car. Ikea grew exponentially in the 19805 based on the simple but untested idea that customers would buy well designed furniture and assemble it in their own homes. One famou5 de5igner 2i7ed his hat today at what Ingvar Kamprad had achieved. Actually tapped into the taste that every ordinary person wanted. So they could get this new wave of modernity that was coming about in the 19505 and he managed to trap it and make it available to everybody. Eye key gentleman 5aid Ingvar Kamprad who was involved with the bu5ine55 until recently, will be much mi55ed bu5ine55 until recently, will be much missed by his family and warmly remembered by the companys employee5 remembered by the companys employees worldwide. Joe lynam looking back at the life of Ingvar Kamprad, whos died at the age of 91. Tennis, and Roger Federer has won his 20th grand slam title with victory at the Australian Open. He beat marin cilic in five sets in melbourne. James burford watch the match. The warning signs were there for all to see, 20 grand slam5 the prize for the swiss. Hes already the most successful male 5ingle5 player of all time. What an arena then in which to surpass another milestone. Never one to waste time, a fast start is something of a trademark for the 36 year old. The forehand looking as strong as it ever has done. Just 24 minutes into the match and a first set point, you neednt give Roger Federer a second chance, amid the heat somehow keeping cool. What is a final without a fightback . Cilic, a magician in his own right. After this tournament, he becomes the third highest ranked player in the world and has every shot in the book. Commentator that time he was compsed. So, spellbinding though i5 federers tennis, you can never truly ca5t him a5ide. How often over the years have we seen him hammering down an ace to regain the lead, even with the mighty thor watching in the crowd. By no means finished, cilic forced a fifth and final set, fighting spirit there for all to see. But this was to be federers day. The first man to win 20 grand slam5 and a sixth Australian Open title. Of course winning is just an absolute dream come true. The fairytale continue5 for us, for me. After the great year i had last year, its incredible. Cheering emotions running high, 20 already, how many more can this great champion win . James burford, bbc news. You can see more on all of todays stories on the bbc news channel. The next news on bbc one is at 6. 05pm. Bye for now. Hello. Youre watching the bbc news channel. The time is the time i51 10pm the time is 1 10pm exactly. Police in moscow have arrested the russian opposition leader, alexei navalny. He was attending a rally called by him in support of a boycott of the president ial election in march. There are other demonstrations in a number of cities, including st petersburg. Mr navalnys headquarters in moscow were raided by police earlier today. Our correspondent, steve ro5enberg, is at the demonstration in pu5hkin square in central mo5cow. That is where a demonstration has been taking place. Alexei navalny has been a thorn in the side for the kremlin for quite a while . He has. He is russias mo5t kremlin for quite a while . He has. He is russias most prominent opposition voice, opposition leader. Hes also the most critic of president putin. He has been barred from running in the president ial election, which takes place in march. The reason, a suspended prison sentence, which he and his supporters say is politically motivated. We were standing right next to mr navalny earlier this afternoon when he was detained. It was afternoon when he was detained. It wa5 dramatic. He was walking up the main street in moscow towards pu5hkin square when police bundled him intoa pu5hkin square when police bundled him into a police van. He was driven away. Quite dramatic. His supporters on pu5hkin square square, when they heard this, they were shouting, freedom to navalny, down with the kremlin and putin i5 freedom to navalny, down with the kremlin and putin is eight i5 freedom to navalny, down with the kremlin and putin is eight is a thief. Dramatic pictures and the russians dont mind if it is bad publicity for the russian authorities around the world. Are they trying to send a message in a sense that opponents like mr navalny are not going to win and are not going to disrupt the president ial elections . The russian authorities maintain that this was sanctioned protest. That the navalny supporters didnt have the right to be on pu5hkin square. They maintain they dont need to get special permission to come out and express their opinion and denounced the president ial election. The kremlin maintains that this election in march is free and fair. And that voters will have a choice of candidates to vote for. Its important to say that in the system of power which Vladimir Putin has constructed over the last decade and a half or so, its often referred to as managed democracy. Here we have a managed election. It is Vladimir Putin who dominate airtime on russian tv. Hes the face you see most. Also, only those candidates who dont pose a risk to Vladimir Putins power have been allowed to take part in this election. Give us an example, somebody like mr navalny, how much support, roughly, would you say hes got in the country amongst the russian people . Its a really interesting question. Because if you did an opinion poll, i think he wouldnt get too much, because he has no access, you have to remember, too russian television. He is blocked, hes blacklisted. A5 i say, is Vladimir Putin and pro authority voices you hear and you see on russian television. That leaves the internet, social media, thats been a key way that mr navalny has got his message across. Its really the only western style politician in this country. Someone whos been able, by getting his message over social media across, to get people on the streets across the country. There have been protests, some very small, some larger, today, in more than 100 towns and cities across russia. I think no other politician, politicalfigure, across russia. I think no other politician, political figure, in this country has been able to do that. Good to talk to you, thank you. Paris remains on high alert, with water levels continuing to rise along the river seine. The country has seen some of the heaviest rainfall for a century, and the river is expected to rise six metres higher than normal. Our europe correspondent Kevin Connolly has the latest from the french capital. Predicting extreme weather is always problematic. The river level is continuing to rise, but the maximum point it is now expected to reach is not as high as it was a couple of days ago and its thought not likely to reach the levels we saw during the floods of 2016, for example. The people of paris and tourists are adjusting to the swollen river. The police here have issued a warning that you shouldnt swim or go canoeing in the river, not a warning that most of us, of course, have needed. This has been a winter of exceptional rain in france, some regions have seen levels they have not seen since the 19505. So, the peak of the river seines flooding is likely to be reached some point between sunset on sunday and dawn on monday morning but the consequences of this, especially in communities further out in the seine valley, where there has been realflooding, will take weeks or months to resolve. More than 16,000 people have signed a petition to reinstate walk on girls at all professional Darts Corporation competitions. It follows a decision by the corporation that it will no longer employ women to escort male players onto the stage. That move came after discussions with broadcasters and its been welcomed by campaigners for gender equality in sport. For more on this decision, i can speak to the author and activist laurie penny, who is in our brighton newsroom. Thank you very much for being with us, what do you think of this decision . It seems a sign of the times, doesnt it . People across all fields of culture, sport and media are trying to get it right and trying to, you know, better represent women as equal players in culture and society. Rather than people who were there just to look pretty while men achieve things, whether that is in politics or said, the world of darts, which is what we are talking about today. I dont think its demeaning to women to do this work. I support young people who want to do any kind of work they feel they need to do to survive and get on in a world where its hard for young people to find employment of any for young people to find employment ofany kind. For young people to find employment of any kind. But i do think its demeaning to audiences, who like darts, who involve them in this kind of, sort of, routine, lazy objectification. I think it seems like the right decision. Its certainly a very smart decision on the part of professional darts to get us all talking about this on prime time on a sunday morning. I really, really respect that pr move. Women are also used in formula 1, in boxing and so on. Would you like to see the same in those sports as well . Well, honestly, its not my call, because im not a sports fan. I watch boxing a couple of times and i think it probably sends the wrong message, now that women are getting more involved in the world of boxing at the olympics, to have women also just be standing there looking pretty, rather than being fighters. Which is what, i think women are more interested in doing now. Yeah, ido more interested in doing now. Yeah, i do think it sends the wrong message. Apparently 16,000 people think otherwise, but 16,000 people have the right to express their sexist opinions, we live in a free country. I was going to ask you exactly that, people are signing this petition to get this decision on women in darts reversed, what would you say about them . on women in darts reversed, what would you say about them . I mean, sure, look, if you want. I think that having these kind of roles for women is sexist and Old Fashioned. A lot of people in this country like sexist, Old Fashioned lot of people in this country like sexist, Old Fashioned things. Lot of people in this country like sexist, Old Fashioned things. If they want to bring that back and they want to bring that back and they want to hang that thing, they want to hang onto that thing, thats ok, just makes it very. It doesnt make it very appealing to women, as people who are in the audience, people who may want to be involved in professional darts. If you want to keep your sexist, objective eyeing traditions, ok. Just be aware that it is sexist and objectifying and demea ns just be aware that it is sexist and objectifying and demeans everyone involved. Do you think this decision on the darts, is it following that whole row that we have seen over the president s club dinner, the men only Charity Fundraising dinner that caused such controversy because people were being used there and allegedly being harassed and demeans. Yeah, of course, look, four months, weve been talking about a broad change in culture where things that we re change in culture where things that were previously acceptable now no longer acceptable. People on the receiving end of harassment and abuse and objectification, theyve never been acceptable. Look, this, it feels like its happening all at once. Its very frightening for some people who are attached to Old Fashioned ways in understanding how men and women relate to each other. But this is part of a much Bigger Movement to make things better for Bigger Movement to make things betterfor women in Bigger Movement to make things better for women in society. Bigger movement to make things betterfor women in society. As Bigger Movement to make things better for women in society. As to make things better for men better for women in society. As to make things betterfor men in society as well. Because a lot of men i know, i know lots of different kinds of men, notjust lefty social justice warriors like me, but particularly men around my age, they are not comfortable with that stuff either, honestly. A lot of young people are uncomfortable with this stuff. That kind of sexism isjust Old Fashioned. I think it needs to change. Thank you. A team of elite mountaineers has rescued one of two climbers stranded near the top of the pakistans most dangerous mountains. French climber elisabeth revol was found during a high risk night rescue mission on nanga prabat, which is also known as killer mountain. The search for her polish climbing partner Tomek Mackiewicz pron mats kyeah veetch has been called off due to bad weather and treacherous High Altitude conditions. Earlier i spoke to masha gordon, a fellow mountaineer and friend of elizabeth revol, and who spearheaded a crowd Funding Campaign to help with the rescue attempt. She began by explaining why she needed to raise the money. Pakistani authorities demanded 35,000 upfront in cash. In fact, we lost a day of rescue, because we didnt have cash in hand. Once the fundraising was underway, we could demonstrate we had the money. When did you first realise she was in trouble, that the pair of them were in trouble, and you needed to do a rescue . We received a text on thursday night around 7pm london time, saying that tomek, after the summit, got snow blind and developed severe frostbite and they needed a rescue. In the following 72 hours, we were scrambling to get the money going and to get the helicopters necessary for that attempt. We were extraordinarily lucky to have a very Competent Team of climbers doing a historic ascent of k2. We were able to pick them up in the helicopter yesterday and mount that ascent. We have just been seeing some of the pictures of elisabeth and her friend. Sadly, the rescue attempt for herfriend, tomek, that has been called off, for now . Correct, because he was left. Elisabeth had to make a very heartbreaking decision of leaving him at 7,200 metres. He was in an agonising condition and he was in a coma, one could say. She started her descend to try to get the rescue attempt underway. She had no tent, no sleeping bag, because they were doing the light, alpine style attempt. She had to stop at 6,700 metres herself, because she started developing frostbite. Tell us about this mountain. We said its the killer mountain, why is it so dangerous and why on earth do people want to climb a lethally dangerous mountain . I have to make a statement, that both of them are one of the best mountaineers, she is the best female alpinist. People are driven by the quest. She became the first woman to make a winter ascent. This is the ninth highest mountain in the world and winter ascents are done alpine style without any support in 40 temperatures. What went wrong this attempt . Was it lack of preparation . Was it bad luck, was it just the weather . Absolutely not. Its the human body. When you are climbing without oxygen at such altitude in such temperatures, anything could happen. The reason she got into trouble was because he got into trouble and she had to stay back and help him down. She brought him down 300 metres from the summit, at which point she realised that was not going to happen. What condition is she in . Have you heard . We had good news that she landed in islamabad about an hour ago and she is on her way to the hospital to be treated for frostbite. She developed frostbite on three toes in her foot. She is in competent care and we hope for the best. Let me update you on the russian news about the rest of alexei navalny, the opposition leader. A total of 185 people have been arrested at various opposition rallies across russia. Including alexei navalny. This was the moment when he was arrested. Arrested by some police in the centre of moscow, dragged into a police van, bundled to the floor and dragged into a police bus. You can see him being arrested. 185 opponents of Vladimir Putin in all have been arrested at various rallies and protests and demonstrations around the country. Sport now and for a full round up, from the bbc sport centre, heres jj. News of a 20th grand slam for Roger Federer. It was incredible. There were tears from Roger Federer as he won the Australian Open. Its a 20th grand slam title for him and a record equalling sixth at the event in melbourne. He beat marin cilic over five sets. Afterwards he said, even at the age of 36, he will never get tired of winning. Much fun, really. We all work hard, notjust much fun, really. We all work hard, not just myself. We much fun, really. We all work hard, notjust myself. We all sacrifice much fun, really. We all work hard, not just myself. We all sacrifice a lot, being away from home. But this is what you live for. Hopefully, one day we will experience these moments. Ive had so many of them but i cant get tired of them. Also thanks to you guys that you keep me going. A big, big thank you to all with supporting it, wherever you are in the world, wherever i am in the world. I do feel the love and i wanted to thank you very much. Thanks for being out here tonight. I hope you had a good time. England have beaten australia in a dramatic fifth and final one day international. They bowled the aussies out in perth to win by 12 runs. Alex goolrajani has this report. A new dawn for cricket in Western Australia with a sell out crowd at perth post a new arena to witness england finding the boundary rope with relative ease. After bairstow felt short of half said trees, ridge stood his ground and made hefty with a little help. Others couldnt. A5 he soon ran out of batting partners and england scored and they threatened to be big, that was arraigned in that tom curran cut loose right at the end. A suitable warm upfor loose right at the end. A suitable warm up for what followed as he removed david warner early in the australian reply. In his absence, marcus troy nest took on the england bowlers and had a bit of a party. Just as england were told to put big partnerships together, so too did australia. A stunning caught and bowled out street for mowing and a removed mitchell marsh. Tim paine was the last line of attack for the hosts and he made for a nervy ending until tom curran struck again. A new ground but a somewhat familiar feeling in this series, an england victory. Chelsea and newcastle kick off shortly in the fa cup. Both sides have made changes from their usual line ups. Newcastle are prioritising their fight against relegation while chelsea are hoping to bounce back from their carabo cup exit to arsenal last week. Every competition is important. The carabao cup, we tried to go to the final. And reached the semifinal. Then we lost against arsenal. Now, there is another competition, the fa cup. As you know, very well, this competition is very difficult. We tried to go to the next round. We will try to go to the next round. But, as you know very well, there is also an opponent and the opponent has the same idea. Thats the first of two fourth round ties in the fa cup today. The other sees premier League Leaders Manchester City go to championship side cardiff. And that game is live on bbc one this afternoon, coverage starts from just after 3. 30pm. You can hear it on 5 live as well. And every goal thats scored in that game and any other fa cup game from the weekend will be on the bbc sport website. Rory mcilroy missed out by one shot on another title at the dubai desert classic. The nortern irishman wasjoint leader for much of his final round but a couple of wayward shots on the closing holes left him behind the eventual winner li haotong. Mcilroy finished with a birdie to go to 22 under overall and outright second place. Thats all the sport for now. Thank you. Time for a look at the weather. Thank you and good afternoon. Not a bad day for many, in fact, a very mild day for the time of year, particularly when you get to see some sunshine. Some of us are seeing sunshine. Our weather watcher in devon with some blue skies overhead. It isnt like that everywhere. This is Saint Andrews earlier on. Lots of cloud, outbreaks of rain and scotla nd cloud, outbreaks of rain and scotland is where we have the thickest of the cloud and outbreaks of rain at the moment. Where this hole is an the gabba, east wales, the midlands, lincolnshire, sunspots have already reached 14 degrees this hole in the midlands. The best of the sunshine and high september just. Their mother cloud elsewhere and outbreaks of rain pushing northwards across scotland fair amount of cloud. Increasingly strong and gusty winds. Could well be gales across northern and North Western scotla nd across northern and North Western scotland this evening. This wet and windy weather will go south overnight, into northern england, northern ireland, wales and the midlands by tomorrow morning. In the south ahead of that rain band, a mild night but to the north, things are beginning to turn colder. This band of rain is associated with a cold front drifting its way southwards. Strong and gusty winds ahead but behind the frontal system, some colder air, which would be pushing down from the north west. Mondays forecast like this, we start off with very mild weather across the channel island, the south of england, south wales. Largely dry, generally cloudy but some brea ks dry, generally cloudy but some breaks in the south east. Eddie bursts of rain in this rain band, 8am likely to be across

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