The president says he will sit down with Robert Mueller under oath. But once again questions the integrity of the fbi. And davos is one of the most expensive places to be in the world right now, well look at whats its like if youre not one of the global elites get in touch with us using the hashtag beyond one hundred days hello and welcome. Im katty kay in davos and Christian Fraser is in london. Donald trump has taken davos by storm. You might think that the global crowd gathered in switzerland has nothing but antipathy for the us president. Well think again. International Business Leaders gathered here may mutter in disapproval at mr trumps tone but they are very happy with the economic boom fueled by his tax cuts and deregulation. Its a strange paradox and one the disruptor in chief may well relish. Administration Officials Say they are heartened that the reception at the World Economic forum has been as positive as it has been. So now the question is does the us president reach out a hand of global friendship in his speech tomorrow or a stern reminder that hes putting america first. Ive been speaking to republican senator bob corker, chairman of the Foreign Relations committee, whos been critical of the president s behaviour suggesting he needs supervision. I asked him if he thinks donald trump is doing a good job on the world stage. I think from the very beginning, i have criticised things i thought needed to be criticised. But i have also applauded those things that needed to be applauded and you and i were just talking before we came on here, the Economic Situation around the world is very different than what people thought at this time and i think what he has done in our country is release the animal spirits. I dont think there is any question, with the deregulation, tax reform thats taken place, its not only affecting us, but its affecting other countries that trade with us, which is most of them. So i think again, support those things you think are good for the country and the world and sometimes, some of the comments i wish were made in a different way. All the things you deal with from a National Security point of view, whether it is north korea or the middle east, russia or china, all of those in security still exist insecurities still exist in the world. Youve accused the president of inching the world towards world war iii, has that gone away now . It seems to me that we are moderating some of our policies and i think understanding what our role in the world is. We will continue to press for that. But again, i think when you have this, this incredible growth thats taking place, you should applaud that. Yet, you are right, we still have all these intractable issues. Ive been on panels this week relative to russia, relative to chinas growth. We still have tremendous issues to deal with in the nation. Ok, lets talk about china and north korea, because of course the president came here and announced sanctions against some south korean, tariffs on some south korean products. Is this a wise time to be doing things that might alienate a key ally when it comes to dealing with north korea 7 well, at one point they were looking at moving out of the south korean trade agreement. So i think what has happened has ended up being far smaller than what people expected. But why do anything to alienate south korea at this particular junction when things are so fragile with north korea 7 i think that again, he is following through on the things he said he would do, but not in the sort of manner that is as punishing as people had once thought. I am glad of that, the pushback against the solar panels was really not as bad as it could have been. So look, hes demonstrating, or at least attempting to demonstrate he will pushback on inequalities and trade, but at the same time, we havent seen the things that can so many people that are here, just wanting to do away with trade agreements. The other issue i hear concern about from european diplomats and im sure you hear it when you speak to europeans is the issue of iran and a sense of unpredictability about the administration. We lurch from deadline to deadline and its only 2a hours before the next deadline that we know what the white house is going to do in terms of recertifying the iran deal, or continuing the waiver on sanctions. Does that lack of clarity hamper the long term future of the Iran Nuclear Deal . The concern people have about what hes actually going to do has actually stimulated discussions, that otherwise would not have taken place if they knew he was not going to do anything relative to the agreement, he was going to do it in place. We wouldnt be having the conversations we are having. On the other hand, no doubt you have seen the trust factor around the world and the view of the United States. No doubt many of the statements that have been made, some of the actions, many of the actions have caused people to wonder whether we are liable allies, a reliable friend. I hope that when he comes and speaks tomorrow that he does so in a manner to re establish or at least build back some of the trust that our nation has had. The most critical thing you have said about this president is a tweet you sent out famously in october in which you called the white house an Adult Daycare Centre and that it was lacking adult supervision, somebody had missed their shift. Do you stand by that tweet . Look, i say what is on my mind at the time and you know, i do so with thoughtfulness when i do it. I have moved on, we have continued to work with them. We work every day actually, with the administration trying to make sure good policies are put in place. I will say that the administration has a top notch group of people involved in Foreign Policy that i have tremendous amounts of respect for and we work with them nonstop to try to ensure the policies that are put forward are good for the nation. What about the president himself, do you still believe he need adult supervision . He needs adult supervision . The president is an unusual person in that all of those people who work around him really dont know what the outcome is going to be, the decision is going to be. So they will work for months sometimes, sometimes its weeks, to try and shape a policy point. You know, it is an unusual decision process that takes place. But it is where we are and lets face it, again on the economic peice, on the deregulation piece, a lot of good things have happened as a result of it. Another straight shooter . Yes, being careful to say things have got better, we have moved on in the relationship. It did get bad when he sent out the tweet about the white house being an Adult Daycare Centre. But senator bob corker like the leaders gathered here in davos realise they have to deal with the United States and deal with this very unusual presidency. Watching World Leaders here this week as President Trump comes in and takes over the show in davos. For all we talk about america retreating, it is a reminder that the white house, President Trump, the United States of america, when it wants to can throw its weight around and make its presence felt and that is what he is doing in davos at the moment. Through the cause of the day i have seen through the cause of the day i have seen him waving, smiling and talking about peace and prosperity. This is the global elite he bashed up in the campaign . I bet if you polled them ona campaign . I bet if you polled them on a personal level and speak to Business Leaders, they arent impressed with some of the things the president stands for, his policies on immigration and he does talk about imposing more tariffs and he is disrupting the free trade order. Some of the things he says, the way he has talked about african nations in the last few weeks. They dont like any of that, but they do like the economy and be revelling in the fact they are doing so well. There is a schizophrenic reaction to donald trump in davos. Some officials a couple of hours ago said we are happy with the way things are going. Bate are the biggest show in town. They have been making headlines already. President trump has been meeting today with the israeli Prime Minister benjamin netenyahu. And during that meeting he questioned whether the peace talks with the palestinians can resume. When they disrespected us a week ago by not allowing our Vice President to see them and we give them hundreds and millions of dollars in aid and support, tremendous numbers. Numbers that liberty understands. That money is on the table and that money is not going to them unless they sit down and negotiate peace. Because i can tell you that israel does want to make peace and they have to want to make peace or we will have nothing to do with it any longer. Our Diplomatic Correspondent James Landale is here with us now. This is donald trump the businessmen rather than donald trump the diplomat . Yes, he thinks he is involved in Something Like a business deal and you can threaten the withholding of money, un money that does a lot of work for the palestinians. His aim is to say, we wa nt palestinians. His aim is to say, we want you to consider peace talks, as he calls them, by threatening to withhold the money. At the moment, the palestinians are not playing ball. There is an outright refusal to agree to this. They are saying as a result of this, these threats, donald trump to recognise jerusalem as the capital, they dont see the us as they have in the past. He is saying jerusalem is off the table and president about as saying if jerusalem is off the table than america is off the table as the negotiator . Guest macro the palestinians dont accept that. Everyone is waiting on the great new announcement that the white house we think are going to make potentially sometime this year, which is their plans for the middle east issue. Jared kushner, the president s son in law is working on that. But when you ask where are they going, where are they heading . You dont get much detail. James ireland the stand you are a genius and you arrived in the studio and you would be talking about the special relationship, so how much when you speak to european allies, do you hear that the issue ofjerusalem is causing disquiet amongst them and the decision to recognisejerusalem as the capital of israel or have they decided it is something President Trump always said he was going to do and we will have to live with it . On one level, they factored it in because they were expecting it at some stage. Some of them, when they talk to european leaders and politicians, they are relieved the scale of potential violence and disruption it could have caused in the region as a result of that announcement has been quite muted. There hasnt been the potential outrage and it hasnt been matched by any physical response. I think their concern is this, is that the wider shift of President Trump saying we will support the israelis on israel. President trump saying we will support the Saudi Arabians in putting more pressure on iran. Particularly the threat still outstanding of whether or not the United States will give up its support for the Iran Nuclear Deal. That is something that is at the heart of a lot of policymakers, their concerns within europe. They are thinking long and hard about what impact that will have in the long term. You see come he just moved seamlessly from the special relationship into israeli, palestinian policies. James langdale, thank you. President trump also met of course with the british Prime Minister, theresa may. The first time the two have met since mrs may criticised him for retweeting those videos posted by the far right Group Britain first. President trump has cancelled a scheduled visit to london to open the new us embassy. But today mr trump promised a tremendous increase in trade between the us and britain. Mrs may said the meeting reaffirmed the special relationship between the two countries. She is under pressure to prove that britain will benefit from new trade deals when it leaves the eu. We have had great discussion today and there is a special relationship between the uk and the United States, standings s shoulder to shoulder against the challenges across the world. Alongside back, working for a good trade relationship in the future which will benefit both of us. So the uk and the us both do well out of this and the us both do well out of this and it has been great to see each other. It is great to see you. One thing that will be taking place over a numberof years thing that will be taking place over a number of years is trade, trade will increase many times and we look forward to that. The trade concept and discussions, they will be taking place and they are going to lead to tremendous increases in trade between our two countries. Which is great for both in terms ofjobs and we look forward to that. We are starting the process pretty much as we speak. Thank you all very much for being here. Thank you. The president hasjust the president has just treated saying he has had a productive meeting with the Prime Minister. Laura kuennsburg says, theresa may trying to get as many words in as she can be for trump speaks after stories that he does all the talking. I know you are the expert on body language, what did you think about that . She cut away, and it looks like he squeezed her hand to type, but he does that with everybody so he cannot read too much into that. Look at that handshake with president macron, it went on for ever and ever. Idid ask for ever and ever. I did ask if the uk would be let off some of the stringent requirements there might be in a trade deal, how long was going to take . I was met with a certain amount of scepticism and told they will have to stick to the rules and it will take some time. Bate are saying in the last few minutes, the visit of donald trump will be back on in the second half of the year but they are not saying if it is a state visit. Lets look at some of the other news. The president of Michigan State university has resigned over the scandal surrounding years of abuse by the former usa Gymnastics Team doctor larry nassar. Nassar, who used to work at the university, has just been sentenced to 175 years in prison for sexually molesting young athletes. The new leader of south africas governing African National congress party, cyril ramaphosa, has told the bbc that the country has been badly affected by corruption. He said the state had been captured, as he put it, by people purporting to be close to president jacob zuma. He said allegations against the president and others were being handled by a judicial inquiry. Hindu hardliners have ransacked shops, burnt vehicles and clashed with police in parts of northern india during protests against a bollywood film. Padmaavat is a period drama about a relationship between a hindu queen and a muslim ruler. Hindu extremist groups say the film distorts history. Before leaving for davos the president gave an impromptu press conference to white house reporters, in which he said he was willing and eager to be interviewed by Robert Mueller the special counsel under oath. Lam i am looking forward to it. There has been no collusion whatsoever, there is no obstruction whatsoever andl there is no obstruction whatsoever and i am looking forward to it. The president is convinced the russia investigation is a political witch hunt to undermine his election victory. And his anger is fuelled by the allegations and conspiracy theories that are swirling around the fbi. The latest drama involves a secret four page memo that has been written by the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, devin nunes. We still dont know whats in that memo because the House Intelligence Committee wont release it, not even to the fbi or Thejustice Department. But Senior Republicans have seen it and are commenting on it publicly. The baseline allegation appears to be that the Obama Administration approved secret surveillance to target members of the Trump Campaign and that this russia investigation is politically motivated. The republicans have also have seized on an anti trump text message referencing a secret society that an fbi lawyer, lisa page, sent to senior fbi agent peter strzok, who was working on the russia investigation. Are you even going to give out your calendars . She wrote. Seems kind of depressing. Maybe it should just be the first meeting of the secret society. It later emerged that further texts strzok and page exchanged between december and may last year, had disappeared. The fbi had blamed a programming glitch. But the president last night compared it to watergate and the 18. 5 minute gap in a crucial tape, deleted by nixons then secretary rosemary woods. Lam very i am very disturbed, as is the general, as is everybody else who is intelligent. When you look at five months, this is the great rosemary woods, right . This is a large scale version. That was 18 minutes, this is five. They say it is 50,000 Text Messages and it is prime time. That is disturbing. This isnt the first time the president has made comparisons with watergate. However, in the last hour Thejustice Department Inspector General said his office has succeeded in using forensic tools to recover Text Messages from fbi devices. I have been putting some of this story to the virginia democrat don beyer the president said he is eager to sit down with Robert Mueller and the investigation, is this nearing the end . Is it leading somewhere . M investigation, is this nearing the end . Is it leading somewhere . It is leading somewhere. Whitewater went on for ever and benghazi, which was about nothing, went on for years. I think mueller will act more quickly. He doesnt have a political agenda. I think what most americans want is just for the truth to come out, whatever it is. What do you make of the criticism of the fbi at the moment and it seems to have heated up moment and it seems to have heated up in the last few days that the fbi is bias, there is some kind of secret society in the federal bureau of investigation, which is trying to undermine the president . Ridiculous. The fbi are famous for their professionalism and we often see them as very conservative and much more republican leaning. If anything they will be leaning towards protecting the president. They have a deep commitment to uncovering what the truth is because that is their responsibility. Missing text m essa 9 es responsibility. Missing Text Messages about when we are going to dinner is silly. Where does this come from why would groups want to criticise the fbi like this, where is it leading . If there is illegal and improper and Donald Trumps behaviour, one of the things that comes up behaviour, one of the things that comes up again, what is the source of his money for his real estate, what does that do to connect russia . I dont know. So i think they want to undermine the fbis credibility now before it comes out. You think it is about the integrity of the Russian Investigation not about the integrity of the fbi itself . It is harder to attack the Russian Investigation, although they do it pretty good, but if you can undermine the fbi, you try to make the problem go away. Are you surprised how positive european Business Leaders are about the state of the World Economy and how much credit they will give donald trump and are prepared to give donald trump . Ithink and are prepared to give donald trump . I think the reaction donald trump . I think the reaction donald trump is getting here is not what you might expect from the so called global elite . The us is essentially at full employment we have all these yea rs at full employment we have all these years ina at full employment we have all these years in a row of positive growth. But the rest of the world is growing as well. He put that with significant tax decreases the public corporations and people are feeling good about the future. Donald trump can doa good about the future. Donald trump can do a deserved victory lap, is that what youre saying . They will get the blame, they will get the credit. Id prefer to look at how 0bama inherited an economy in 2009 and headed to 15 unemployment and then we went to remarkable growth, which is sustained so congratulations to donald trump keeping it growing. What is your reputation with donald trump with these people tomorrow . His speech is important, it is synonymous with douglas. We are working together on poverty, hunger and the fourth industrial revolution. All the things not part of the trump agenda. We will see how he aligns those put them together tomorrow. Thank you for joining them together tomorrow. Thank you forjoining me. Somebody has overlooked night invitation tojoin the somebody has overlooked night invitation to join the global elite. Some have to be left behind. Invitation to join the global elite. Some have to be left behindlj invitation to join the global elite. Some have to be left behind. I have devised a little quiz and i want a nswe rs devised a little quiz and i want a nswers to devised a little quiz and i want answers to where you fit in the davos hierarchy. Did you arrive by car, train or helicopter . Car. Ok, does your accommodation look like this . Yes, absolutely that is where iam this . Yes, absolutely that is where i am staying in a large suite and thank you so much for the offer of paying the bill, it is on the way to you. That is on the 100 days charge codes. What list of party were you at last night . I wasnt at any, i spent most of the time trying to stuff myself with medicine, which is why i am wearing a woolly hat and a p pa re ntly why i am wearing a woolly hat and apparently i look like a bank robber. I was in the infirmary. You are more detroit than davos. What are more detroit than davos. What are you wearing on your feet, snow boots like the Prime Minister or throwaway crampons . Wet socks. She will be happy because she will say get your dry shoes on especially when you have a cold. Youre no good, iam next when you have a cold. Youre no good, i am next year. This is beyond 100 days from the bbc. Coming up for viewers on the bbc news channel and bbc world news. We get the view of goldman sachs. Good evening. Early on we have most of the showers in the west and the sunny skies in the east. Though showers are moving their way eastwards now. Particularly across england and wales. Maybe if you have the one to begin with but they do become fewer, the showers and they become fewer, the showers and they become lighter but we are left with a residue of cloud across england and wales. This should keep temperatures. Different story in scotla nd temperatures. Different story in scotland and Northern Ireland. Winds will be lights are likely to be a touch of frost. Could be icy patches around scotland in particular. Possibly Northern Ireland, although more likely to have fog around here early on friday. Eventually as the cloud breaks at the end of the nights of the start of the morning, we could see the temperatures dipping in the north west of england and west wales. As we had to the midlands east anglia and the south east of england, it is a cloudy start and there will be like showers, one or two showers clipping pembrokeshire and perhaps into cornwall. 0therwise pembrokeshire and perhaps into cornwall. Otherwise we should see a dry day with good spells of sunshine. Well use the fog in Northern Ireland in the morning. The cloud is stubborn across the south east of the uk, it does break up south east of the uk, it does break up eventually, any showers will fade away and temperatures will probably be around six, 9 degrees. A fine day ahead of rain coming into the north west later on. The weather front will be weakening as it runs eastwards, barging into the back of it we have a deepening area of low pressure strengthening the winds and the warm front, the weather front will bring more persistent rain early on in the day. As the rain pushes its way eastwards, the rain becomes lighter and more party. Will beer windy day with sunshine across northern and western areas. We dig up northern and western areas. We dig up the winds in the north west of scotland. We are drawing in mother air, temperatures on saturday will be higher than they will be on friday. Theres tebbit is likely to continue to climb during the second half of the weekend. Slightly cooler air across the far north of scotland. It will be windy overnight and into sunday, gales transferring their way for a while towards the northern isles. Rain across scotland, particularly over the hills and perhaps england and wales. The third east you are and the shelter from the high ground, the third east you are and the shelterfrom the high ground, we could get some sunshine. Windy weekend, it will be a mild one as well and as we head into the beginning of next week, temperatures will be little lower. This is beyond 100 days, im katty kay in new york Christian Frasers in london. Our top stories he loves theresa may and britain, and expect a tremendous increase in trade between america and great britain. And coming up in the next half hour. Swiss scientists solve the mystery of a mummified woman, and it turns out that she is a distant relative of one of the uks best known politicians. Let us know your thoughts by using the hashtag beyon100days taking a stand as the us did the other day on washing machines and solar panels, he said, should not be considered protectionist. Their trade is part of the debate that is going on here at davos, but what exactly is it, and how does the world redistribute the wealth that is being created. Free trade is the best way to optimise Wealth Creation around the world. But, an Economic System has got to be doing two things, it has got to generate wealth and distribute it. If you fail to distribute it in a fair way, you get political unrest, and that is not good for an Economic System among other things. One of the things that mr trump has tapped into, isa things that mr trump has tapped into, is a feeling that the distribution has not worked out well. The Economic System has not worked. Some of that take space with wage inequality within the country, but some of that is the effect of trade amongst countries. So, what oui trade amongst countries. So, what our Business Leaders going to do about this. A short time ago, we caught up with our economic editor. Ironi caught up with our economic editor. Iron i think that the Business Leaders, here, do understand that there is a risk to, some might say, their very existence, if economies cant work, so that everyone feels that they can gain a little prosperity. Frankly, people are going to respond to that by reacting against businesses, by reacting against businesses, by reacting against governments, by reacting against the global elites. I think there is a genuine sense here, but many other people, that although there is growth, it is not both everybody. There have been talking about this trade issue. Its not about this trade issue. Its not about protectionism, he is saying, it is about asymmetric trade, so that america gets you less out of the free trade deals and the other side of the free trade deal, and i think that there is a real understanding Thomas Acquier be president companies actually onto something, here. Maybe donald trump is onto something here. Everybody seems very happy with the global state of the economy, so where are they what are they going to do about this idea that they have to look out for those people who have not benefited from the surge in wealth . Every since the financial crisis, there have been one big trend which businesses really need to think about. The returns to capital, to assets have been far higherthan returns to capital, to assets have been far higher than the returns to income, to labour. And, around the world, particularly in developed countries, there has been as incomes grieves, and writers have been rising faster than wages. Must ask you about the meeting with the Prime Minister, theresa may. He has treated in the last hour or so about the special relationship, which is very much a british time, call me a cynic. Somebody has 0dyssey told him that it cynic. Somebody has 0dyssey told him thatitis cynic. Somebody has 0dyssey told him that it is important to him obviously told him that it is important to the british side. Obviously told him that it is important to the british sidelj think you are at salute the right, that. If you think about what britain is about to embark on, it is and extraction from the European Union. The last thing that theresa may wants is frankly a war on two fronts on trade, a battle with the americans on trade, and also this divorce from the European Union in, leaving the single market, and leaving the single market, and leaving the single market, and leaving the customs union. Many people forget that america is the second largest destination for uk exports, behind the whole of the eu, so exports, behind the whole of the eu, so there is already a big and important relationship between the two mac countries, but of course, as you suggest, the proportion of exports from britain going to america is far larger than the proportion of experts from america back to britain. So, yes, more important from britain and for america, but, ithink important from britain and for america, but, i think there was a some genuine warm words, here. But one word to not mean a free trade eel. What will be substance like i . We wont know that for many years. He has been to germany, italy, and france and the middle east, he still has not been here. The manual macro Emmanuel Macron makes the first visit. A bit like our relationship, right, christian, it doesnt look very special. 0k, right, christian, it doesnt look very special. Ok, lets move on. Is work it worked it does. And come and visit one day. I have been getting reaction to this comment from a member of the us administration. We have every reason to think that the turks will think through their long term relationship with the unit rates, and will take that into consideration. That they will de escalates tensions. Will deescalates tensions. So, would likely tag at this point to pull back from the actions that they are taking against the kurds. We would like that. The talking to them about integrals machan we are. But what is the response was magellan mac i will let them handle that. Talk about counterterrorism efforts. The focus is now on rebuilding the us military, does that mean that from a military perspective, the us is thinking that the war against isis is over, and that there is a lead of less of a focus on america. Tenner we have got to be a just and recalibrate based on the start of the enemy, and there is no question that isis has been decimated. What we cant do, is take oui decimated. What we cant do, is take our eye off remaining forces. There has an isis hasnt, and in alqaeda presence. We have seen a pattern in the past where alqaeda have been defeated only to re merge. Defeat and long term defeat are different. People get a little too excited about the reduction in control to physical light and space. At the moment, we have a large isis presents across the globe, but in syria, we have to make sure that we defeat them completely. The white houses representative speaking to me earlier. I spoke to her about the conflict, there, and about europes reliance on america, and how it is changing. So, we have to keep in mind that this escalation hast to stop. Are you asking the turkish government to de escalates . Everybody is asking them. Even if security council, this is correct, because there is no military solution at the permanent conflict, over there. This brings to be me larger question of syria. If you look at different powers acting in their interests, there is only one solution, and this will be a negotiating solution under the roof of the united nations, because we have so many interests in the region, and none of them will be able to bring peace to that area. The arms we were talking about have been delivered jointly as 2006 to 2013, so this is way back. But,. We have a very clear regime in germany. This is a decision of the whole government, that has to be discussed. President s donald trump is in davos. Do you agree with Angela Merkel that the moment has come where europe can no longer rely on the American Security umbrella in the way that it has done since the end of the Second World War . First of all, the friendship between europe and the United States has a very strong foundation, and we will never forget that. So, very strong foundation, and we will neverforget that. So, there very strong foundation, and we will never forget that. So, there are zillions of brilliant relationships between americans and europeans. Zillions of brilliant relationships between americans and europeanslj between americans and europeans. am feeling a but coming on. Not a bad, but we as as lean as europeans, we have to take it on. Be it in ukraine or the middle east, we have got to be able to solve them, because nobody else. Then for us. The German Defence minister, there. It is interesting when you talk about the tensions that thereafter at the moment with a key nato ally like turkey, just how brittle some of these relationships are, particularly around the middle east, at the moment. You talk about the palestinians, a spat with the turks, and we all know what is going on with the iranians nuclear situation. She was trying to put a positive spin on the idea that america might be retreating from something good in those bats, and this compensated world that we are living in, the middle eastjust to name one of those areas, and what she was tied to say, is that we dont really like america first, but it has had the upside of forcing us to address our own security issues, and how we are going to deal with these things. Maybe it is forcing europes and European Countries to set up to be paid a bit more, and not rely on america the way that they have done the last few years. They echoed in polite terms that they are part depended on the United States. Much more positive, but the same message. I would like to choose an thing rather touching that has happened in british politics, today, katty. Baroness tessa jowell has been given a standing ovation after delivering a standing ovation after delivering a emotional speech about new cancer treatments. She was diagnosed with a severe form of brain cancer last may. I hope that this debate will give hope to other cancer patients, like me so that we can live well together with cancer, not just like me so that we can live well together with cancer, notjust die of it. All of us, for longer. Thank you. Applause it is something that many people have not wanted to talk about all show, do you think that tessa jowell standing up like that lifts the veil of secrecy on the treatment . Standing up like that lifts the veil of secrecy on the treatment7m standing up like that lifts the veil of secrecy on the treatment . It is interesting you say that. The testimony from cancer sufferers should be enough for mps to know what is needed in the nhs, but at the moment, they have two very prominent figures in politics, nick bowles, the conservative mp who has had a real problem with cancer, and he spoke very candidly about the extra money that is needed in the nhs, and many have had this, today from tessa jowell, who of course is a very big figure in the labour movement. So, it is interesting. It shouldnt need to be politician sitting in the house suffering from cancer that puts this in such terms, it should be enough to get it from ordinary patients, but of course it does help the argument with the debate when they are sitting among them. And good for her, a brave thing to do. The idea is that a new network will be set up, including restaurants, shops and businesses, where you can fill up your water bottle, rather than buying a new one. Water uk, who are behind the idea, say that this could end disposable plastic people dispose of artic bottles by tens of millions year. For this to really work it needs to be on every high street, in every shop and cafe. You are watching, beyond 100 days. The bbc has been hearing details about how saudi arabias Anti Corruption about how saudi arabias anti corru ption drive is about how saudi arabias Anti Corruption drive is being conducted. It began last november, with the rounding up and attention of d oze ns with the rounding up and attention of dozens of citizens, including number is the saudi royal family. Canadian based business murnan has been talking to newsnights mark irving. Earlier in november, dozens of saudi arabias richest men, including ambers of the raw family we re including ambers of the raw family were swept up and detained in riyadh, ritz carlton hotel. It has been called an Anti Corruption drive, but inmates were being tortured and were required to sign of their fortunes in order to be released. Those facing with state in eurodisney and High Profile Companies makes him saudi arabias richest businessman. But, his wealth have also made him a rival to the crown prince and architect of the Anti Corruption drive. 0n crown prince and architect of the Anti Corruption drive. On monday, the arab digests website reported that canadian based businessman, alan bender, seen here to the right had been flown to the kingdom, as it but a case. Mr bender was taken to a site near the hotel. Bbc newsnight managed to locate mr bender in toronto, he was able to confirm his trip in december,. He was brought in through the teleconference, and he was sat down. We were looking at each other, face to face. He was sat down. We were looking at each other, facetoface. Did he look as if he was in some way being ill treated, or was he just look as if he was in some way being ill treated, or was hejust shocked to see you . I would say, he looked, he didnt look comfortable. He was unshaven. He didnt look in his best condition. At all. He looked tired, a lot of twitching during the conversation, whilst i was reading the script out to him. The saudi authorities had prepared a script of allegations for mr bender to read out to him via video teleconference link. I would say that my presence was. Link. I would say that my presence was. Details that they needed to confront him, because i am probably be any person who was involved in personal and direct negotiations with him. Related to a very personal matter. Those very personal matters related to his separation from a former long time partner, who mr bender represented in settlement negotiations. The saudi authorities, it seems, want to use this to pressure him to sign over his foreign wealth. These two know each other very well, and the saudis flew in alan bender, and other Bold Business old business adversaries of him, to try and put pressure on him, and try and crack him, and try and make him do what the crown prince once, and hand over his foreign assets, and make videotaped confessions to all of his guilt, and swear allegiance. The saudis have announced that the hotel will soon resume its normal role, but there is evidence to think that they might have been transferred to the attention elsewhere, even in december. It looked more like something related to a jail cell. Even the sounds of the doors sliding back and forth. It did not look like he was. Alan benders account is a singular one. The saudi authorities have not yet responded to our request for comment. But, it gives a goodidea request for comment. But, it gives a good idea of the length that the kingdoms rulings were able to go to humble a successful businessman. Such an interesting story. Way back in 1975, during the renovation of a church in basel in switzerland, the workmen made a unusual discovery. Basel is a historic city, and has extensive records of their match in families, but on this occasion, there was no information on who this money had been. However, they finally know who she is. And their results might well surprise you. With me is a relative of boris johnson. Anyway, you must being amazed. Most people only get a dusty photograph, or a portrait. We all have monies. Mummies. But this is a special one. I am shocked. First thing i knew about it was this morning. This lady, yes of course i knew that i had ancestors, and i knew that i had ancestors, and i knew i had them. We all have them, andl knew i had them. We all have them, and i knew that i had them from different parts of the world, but i did not know that i had those ancestors on my mothers side. I knew that i had them on my fathers side, and my fathers grandmother was heartless. But, this is news to me. It is at a good story, that they took a sample of the dna for her big toe. And they know that they they know that she had. Apparently she had syphilis, because she was busy treating the sick and poor and wounded, and managed to catch it in the course of that noble work. We should bring in boris tweet. But, as you say, it was because she was treating the sick. What you make of this katty . Join the club. My grandmother was less. But, we should clarify that she died of mercury poisoning, isnt that right . She did. And it is the mercury poisoning that cause being bombing affect on the corpse. There it was, you feel a little bit sorry for the lady, because she was dug up once in 8043, 18 because she was dug up once in 8043, 18 43. And because she was dug up once in 8043, 18 43. And then re dug up in 1975. You might have expected it, that you were allowed to lie there in peace, but what will happen to her now . Will they send her back to britain . Was to be caught by the immigration gritters . Who knows. Well, she is 230 years owed, and she is looking really good, i must say. She marry someone from the church, and india had a daughter who. That indeed was my grandmothers name. When we were growing up,. Anyway, boris, has a middle name which is the same name. The line goes down fairly strongly. They are brilliant, these swiss people, they have got she blames sheer brains. They worked out that what they dug around, and reckons that she must have come from one of a fairly small numberof families, so have come from one of a fairly small number of families, so then they did some dna testing, and worked up from the lady, that this was possibly related to the. And bearing in mind that we are the only ones that family left, they got us. Right, you up family left, they got us. Right, you up there tomorrow, katty. Yes, i was going to tell you more about davos, but that was far too gripping. I am so glad that we had much more about anna katerina. Forget davos and trump, that was better. Hello, good evening, we had most of the sunnier spells in the east. Those showers are moving eastwards, now. Maybe if you have the ones to begin with, but they do tend to become fewer and lighter. With a residue of clouds are brought england and wales. The wins will be light, said there is likely to be a touch of frost, there could be some icy patches across scotland in particular, possibly Northern Ireland, although mullally to have some fog early on friday. Eventually, at the cloud breaks, right at the end of the night, you could see that leverages dipping in north england and west wales. As he had the midlands, their as he headed to the midlands, still sounds around, one or two in temperature, perhaps into cordle, but otherwise, you should see some sunshine, beginning to develop across these areas. For most part, it will be a dry day, with an good spells of sunshine. Lose the fog, and clouds, pretty stubborn. They will break up eventually, at any showers will fade away, and temperatures probably around six to 9 degrees, also. A fine day ahead of some rain that are coming into the north west, later on. That weather front there will be wea ker on. That weather front there will be weaker as it comes eastwards. That warm front, that weather front, there, will bring some auspices to rain. Again, as the rain pushes its way eastwards, the rain will become lighter and more patchy. Windy day, we will pick up those wins in the north west of scotland. We are drawing in some milder air. Temperatures on saturday will be higher than they will be on friday. And, those temperatures are likely to continue to climb during the second half of the weekend. Some slightly cooler air across the top pa rt slightly cooler air across the top part of scotland. It will be windy, overnight into sunday. Gail is transferring away for a while into the northern isles. Some rain across scotland, perhaps across and wales, but further east, you will get some shelter from the high ground, but further east, you will get some shelterfrom the high ground, and some sunshine and highs of 14 degrees. It windy weekend, yes. It be mild. But bats, as we head into the beginning of next week, temperatures will be a little lover. A little lower. This is bbc news. The headlines at eight a sharp rise in serious Violent Crime and sex offences knife crimes rise by more than 20 . The mother of one victim says the government needs to do more. They are standing up and doing their token gesture and it isnt working. How many young people have to die for them to admit that what were doing isnt correct . Rift . What rift . President trump tells theresa may he loves britain and expects a tremendous increase in trade between america and the uk. But back home, more trouble in the conservative party over brexit the chancellor says he wants modest changes after we leave the eu and downing street contradicts him. The number of people sleeping rough on the streets in england reaches the highest level since current records began

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