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Newsday. It is seven in the evening in washington dc. The politicians have agreed to ensure that the Us Government is open on agreed to ensure that the Us Government is open on oui agreed to ensure that the Us Government is open on our at least. Republicans and democrats had been locked in a stand off that threatens to keep tens of thousands of federal workers at home. The primary cause, the fate of young Illegal Immigrants who the democrats want to help. Mondays deal is only a temporary measure as issues are yet to be resolved. Here is laura trevelyan. The scene in the senate was the result of the high end doors negotiation. In return to funding the government for the next two weeks, democrats got this. The government remains open. It would be my intention to proceed the legislation that would address darker, Border Security and related issues. The childrens temporary permits start to expire in march. They got a vote to vote on other things. The government says the president was no meat no help at all. The president and i have not spoken and the great dealmaking president sat on the sidelines. The president did take an uncharacteristically low profile during the shutdown other than these photos released by the white house and of course, a few tweets. His spokesperson is making clear that donald trump is central to whatever happens next. As i have always said, on secondment is funded, my administration will work on the problem solving the very unfair legal immigration. Well a long term deal if and only if it is good for our country. The government will be funded and till february d8 unless there is a plan by then to address there is a plan by then to address the fate of the dreamers, expect more drama here in washington. Laura trevelyan there about the battle between democrats and republicans over funding the Us Government. So where do we go from here and who is likely to face the political blowback for all this brinksmanship . David willis in washington gave me this update in the last hour. I7 pressures days precious before we go through this all again. They have agreed to fund the federal government until february eight. Senate just approved it. Government until february eight. Senatejust approved it. It government until february eight. Senate just approved it. It is about to go to the house in the next hour and spend the bill will go to the president s desk and once he has signed off on it, the government shut down, this three day Government Shutdown, will formally be over. In return for their support, the democrats have got a commitment from the House Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell to table a debate on the thorny issue of immigration sometime over the next few weeks will stop thatis over the next few weeks will stop that is not, by any means, guaranteed to protect the so called dreamers. These are the people that the democrats are extremely anxious to ta ke the democrats are extremely anxious to take up the cause of and fight on behalf of, if you like. That discussion on immigration is going to be susceptible to a lot of different opinions from different sides, not least of the republicans who want to see funding for a border wall along the Mexican Border and much more tough these requirements as well. There are issues they are yet to resolve. How much damage to you think this has done to the Trump Administration in the last three days . It is interesting. President trumps team is claiming that he deliberately stayed out of view to let the lawmakers get on with this over the weekend. He was, apart from issuing a feud tweets, well, very little was seen or heard from President Trump over the weekend. The white house as this was a deliberate strategy. Both sides wa nted deliberate strategy. Both sides wanted to see a solution quickly. A prolonged Government Shutdown could have proved very, very awkward and difficult to argue against. The polls here suggesting that the majority of americans, had there been a prolonged shutdown, would have laid the blame firmly at the door of the republicans and the president himself. David willis, reporting out of the danger zone, at least the next couple of weeks. Our other top story pope francis has apologised for remarks he made last week defending a chilean bishop accused of covering up sexual abuse. On thursday, the pope said that victims who had accused Bishop Barros were committing slander and that he had not seen proof of guilt. Translation here, i have to apologise because the word proof hurt them. It hurt a lot of abused people. I hurt them without realising it. But it was a wound that i inflicted without meaning to. Also this hour Turkish Forces have shelled targets in northern syria, on the third day of an offensive, against the Kurdish Militia group, the ypg. Turkish media say, the army has advanced at least five kilometres, into the afrin region. But the ypg says it has halted the offensive and destroyed two turkish tanks. Scuffles broke out in the knesset on monday as the us Vice President addressed the israeli parliament. In the first visit, since Donald Trumps decision, to recognise jerusalem as israels capital. Mike pence pence confirmed that the us would move its embassy tojerusalem by the end of 2019. Oxfam says Global Inequality increased last year, with tax evasion, the erosion of workers rights and cost cutting contributing to the gap. The charity said around 80 of money generated went to the top one per cent of the global population. The head of the imf, christine lagarde, raised the issue of income inequality at the World Economic forum in davos. Growth, in our view, growth, in ourview, needs growth, in our view, needs to be more inclusive. Not only across country which has occurred over the course of the last few decades but within countries. The executive leadership of usa gymnastics has resigned in the wake of the Sexual Abuse Scandal involving former us team doctor larry nassar. Nassar has admitted io criminal counts and is currently waiting to be sentenced. Sport and Manchester United has signed the chilean Football Player Alexis Sanchez from english rivals arsenal. Reports suggest sanchez will earn about 19. 5 million a year after tax at old trafford, as part of a four and a half year contract. More coming up on sport today later. And take a look at these pictures of a russian cosmonaut on board the International Space station. He posted a video online of himself riding a vacuum cleaner under zero gravity. According to anton shkaplerov, people often asked him if he flew vacuum cleaners on the iss and he decided he had to try it. Australias government has announced a 48 million plan to help save the Worlds Largest coral reef. The Great Barrier reef is in the coral sea off the North Eastern coast of queensland. Its being damaged by crown of thorns starfish and coral bleaching. Scientists say this is caused by warmer ocean temperatures. The new money is to target starfish, soil erosion and water pollution, but some campaigners say more action on Climate Change is what is needed. We spoke to nick heath, president of the Australian Marine Conservation Society and asked if he was satisfied with the plan. What we are seen from this government is at shutting down of all of the really good options that we would have had to tackle Climate Change and instead, they put this paltry amount of money on the table. Lets not forget, the Great Barrier reef is the size of italy and 50 of the remaining coral cover of the reef has died in the last two years. The scale of this announcement, frankly, its insulting to those of us who love the reef. But its 48 million us dollars, that is not paltry, mr heath. And this plan and new money is to target starfish, soil erosion and water pollution. Yeah. So, the queensland State Government has engaged economist and it has estimated it will take 800 million per annum to improve the Water Quality of the Great Barrier reef and if that seems like a lot to you, consider this, the reef and 6 billion per annum in tourism. A paltry 36 million is a sign of failure and a sign of ignorance towards what the reef really needs. Instead of 36 million, what we actually need is action on Climate Change as well. The Australian Government has gotten rid of our ambitions trading scheme. It is in the process of undermining our Renewable Energy target. It is allowing deforestation and a host of other things that are directly impacting on at the reef in a negative way and this small amount of money isjust negative way and this small amount of money is just a distraction from the main game and im really worried that it will distract us from the main game in the coming months. Indeed, the amount you mentioned and the package of the Prime Minister is really paltry. What is your recommendation now . We need action on Renewable Energy, we need industrial scale solar. We cant be encouraging a pipeline of new coal mines which is what the government is doing at the moment. We have plenty of coal mines in australia. We need to phase them out, we dont need any new ones. We need action on deforestation and we need a lot more money, we need to put a lot more money, we need to put a lot more money in the reef to save the 6 billion Tourism Industry and a wonder of the world. Youre watching newsday on the bbc. Still to come on the programme assams tea growers are under a new threat from the states elephant population. Well have a report from the plantations there. Also on the programme hundreds of people take part in tokyos first Ballistic Missile evacuation drill amid increasing tensions with north korea. The people of saigon have just heard that, at last, there is to be a ceasefire. The reaction of american servicemen was predictable. Im going home. Demonstrators waiting for mike getting and his rebel cricket team were attacked with tear gas and set upon by police dogs. Anti apartheid campaigners say they will carry on the protests throughout the tour. They called him the butcher of lyon. Klaus altmann is being held on a fraud charge in bolivia. But the west germans want to extradite him for crimes committed in wartime france. There, he was the gestapo chief klaus barbie. Millions came to bathe as close as possible to this spot, a tide of humanity that is believed by officials to have broken all records. This is newsday on the bbc. Im rico hizon in singapore. And im Babita Sharma in london. Our top stories the us senate agrees a short term fix on the federal budget to allow government to reopen. A former communist Party Official in vietnam has been sentenced years in prison for corruption, the most senior politician to be convicted in decades. One of the last remaining parts of the dead sea scrolls has been deciphered by researchers in israel. 60 tiny fragments were pieced together over a period of a year, identifying a festival marking the changes between seasons. Thats one of the most read stories on bbc. Com. Lets take a look at some front pages from around the world. The South China Morning Post says that the us is suffering a crisis of trust in its institutions. A new survey shows that the chinese public have the greatest confidence in their government, media and businesses whilst Americans Trust in theirs has plummeted in the last year. Tokyos first ballistic drill makes the front of the japan times. 350 people took part in the drill, a first for the city. However those participants that spoke to the paper offered mixed reactions on its value. And indias Business Standard reports that the mumbai to delhi air route is now the worlds third busiest. There were almost 48,000 flights between the two cities in 2017. The only busier flight paths arejeju to seoul in south korea, and melbourne to sydney in australia. Now, babita, a famous blogger is sparking discussions online . Well, rico, the uk blogger amena khan is trending after she announced that shes pulling out of a loreal campaign. She had spoken to the bbc saying she was delighted to be the first woman in a hijab to be part of a mainstream advert for hair care. But after the discovery of tweets she wrote in 2014, which some have branded anti israel, shes said shes stepping down. Thats among the most read on our website. It is billed as the most high profile trial in vietnam in decades. A former member of the all powerful communist Party Politburo has been sentenced to 13 years in jail. Dinh la thang is the most senior vietnamese politician to be convicted in many years. The bbcs hoang nguyen was at the court in hanoi for the sentencing. How controversial and significant was this trial . As you can imagine, this is outside the hanoi court wet 22 defendants were tried yesterday and given heavy sentences. Dinh la thang is the former member of the politburo, the most powerful political body of the communist party of vietnams. Dinh la thang also served as the party chief which is the Economic Centre in the south. Dinh la thang also served as the transport ministerfor Dinh La Thang also served as the transport minister for some time and the fact that somebody is hires him is being tried sends a strong message, just because you had quite a senior position doesnt mean mean you are untouchable. So what kind of strong message doesnt seem to outside world and investors who want to put money into vietnams . Thats a good question because vietnams investment and Foreign Investment in the vietnamese economy is important but vietnam has a problem with corruption and the government realises that corruption is a problem. Yesterday, the party chief, he had a meeting in which he said, i quote, we need to continuously accelerate the fight against corruption with determination and effort. I think the party chief is in his driving seat now. He will try his best to fight corruption and eradicate the wrong deeds. Briefly, going forward, will there be more investigations and corrupt officials going on trial . Yes. One of the defendants was given a life sentence yesterday. He will be back in this Court Tomorrow for another trial. Allegedly, and the charge for him was taking bribes of more than 500,000. This is the end of the beginning. We will see another 20 trials of corruption and economic mismanagement between now and the end of the year. Hoang nguyen, thank you for that updates. The North Eastern state of assam in india is one of the worlds biggest tea producers. But workers who spend their day picking the leaves are facing a new threat. Continued expansion of the Tea Plantations into the forests around them is putting them into conflict with the elephant population. Navin singh khadka reports from assam. The tea leaves these women are picking will end up on supermarket shelves across the globe. It is a beautiful part of the world but also a dangerous one. Those mountains are in bataan, bordering the indian state of assam. Wild elephants keep moving between these two places as they always have that when they find their forests have been cleared by tea gardens like this, they become hostile to people. Nearly 800 people have been killed by elephants in assa m have been killed by elephants in assam over the past decades. Murray lost 26 old daughter last october. Mary. Her friend lost 26 old daughter last october. Mary. Herfriend shows me where shejumped mary. Herfriend shows me where she jumped off the scooter and tried to run away from the elephant. Translation both sides of the tea garden had fencing so my daughter could not escape. I never got to say goodbye to her. I couldnt even see her when she was still alive. Government Officials Say small growers government Officials Say small g rowers a re government Officials Say small growers are illegally taking over forest la nd growers are illegally taking over forest land but Community Leaders says big Tea Companies are involved as well. But the organisation representing most tea firms, the indian tea association, rejects this. It says it is not encroaching on forest land. The warden of the forest says his hands are tied as tea gardens have taken over part of the forest, but he has no control. Translation there was plenty of food and water 30 elephants but because of increasing populations, and because elephants dont eat tea leaves, we see this conflict with humans. Government official had told me they had recently recovered some land which was being used illegally for tea gardens. It is a small step but a bigger issue remains about how people and elephants can live together. Mariam kerketta wants no otherfamily to together. Mariam kerketta wants no other family to go through her loss. Navin singh khadka, assam, bbc news. New caledonian crows, are famously clever. They use sticks to forage for food, hidden in trees and branches. But some, painstakingly carve out hooks, to collect worms and spiders. A group of scientists has been studying the birds, in the South Pacific and believe they know the reason why. Victoria gill has the story. A very crafty crow. These birds are carefully manufacturing hooks out of sticks that they will use to snag spiders and grubs that are hiding in three holes. They use their bills like a precision instrument. They will take away small fibres of wood to get this really pointed and sharp survey can snap the prey with it. In tests carried out in these purpose built aviaries, when the crows made and used their specialised hooks, they captured the food ten times faster than using a simple twig. This, the scientists say, say the crows have given us a glimpse of new technology being developed. Since our closest primate cousins the chimpanzees were observed using sticks as tools, many creatures have joined the ranks of tool using animals. These sea otters use rocks as hammers for shellfish and these sri lankan elephants are using brunch used to swat away flies. But only humans and new caledonian crows had engineered the simple yet hugely important hook. The very earliest human made fishing hooks were madejust the very earliest human made fishing hooks were made just 23,000 years ago and crucially, these were big technological breakthrough for each species, a way of foraging for food much more efficiently to increase their chances of survival. Technology that could be passed from generation to generation. Its fascinating to have these birds which make tools which are believed to have been a very major innovation in humans technological revolution. When you look at how our ancestors will find that technology, the invention of that hook was a key event. There are signs some of the wild birds are fine tuning the clock designs so it seems these remarkable crows could be on their very own technological journey. We have been following the most active volcano in the philippines, mount mayon. Thousands of people we re mount mayon. Thousands of people were evacuated from the area around the volcano. In turn, tourists were flocking to the area to see the incredible spectacle. Philippine officials have raised the alert level to fall. On a scale where five is the highest warning because they said the imminent threat could be a hazardous eruption. You have been watching newsday. Stay with us. We will be taking a look at a gathering of a few familiar faces in the swiss resort town of davos and ask what they hope to achieve there. And before we go, londons night time Art Exhibition lumiere has come to an end. The public display featured works by over 50 artists all using light as a medium. The works comprised a range of installations, including a giant desk lamp, a triangular tunnel of light and one of londons iconic telephone boxes turned into an illuminated fish tank. Hello there. We are sticking with the mild the next couple of days and if anything today looks mild in places. We import that you are from the south west, bringing about a considerable fall of any lying snow across central and northern areas. With weather fronts binning outbreaks of rain and falling snow, we should see standing water. A mild start. Those are the expected temperatures but a lot of cloud through tuesday, a bit of brightness here and there in a couple of weather fronts straddling the country. We off with rain in england and wales and another one pushing into Northern Ireland and scotland. This will produce moderate boasts a brain. Adding on to the snowmelt. Temperatures between 9 11 degrees. A lot of standing water around. A warm weather front across the eastern side of england gradually clearing away. Dreyer, pushing into wales and the south west of england. A lot of low cloud, mist and murk. Always the case when we pick up these mild south westerlies. A bit of brightness at times across central, southern and eastern areas, pushing temperatures up. More rain into Western Areas and some heavy showers into scotland and Northern Ireland. Look at these temperatures, double figures for most. We could even make 14 in one or two bright spots. Tuesday, blustery. Very windy with gales across Western Areas. Persistent rain moving in. Briefly snow moving to higher ground. A mild night across the south, ten or 11 degrees, the lowest. This area of low pressure will move through on wednesday, causing some disruption. It will deepen and bring about severe gales. Gusts of 70 miles an hour. A windy day elsewhere, widespread gales, squalling rain spreading southwards and eastwards, brightening up behind it but it is a cold front. It will introduce cooler air which will reach the south east by the end of the day. On into thursday, we are all into this cooler air mass. That is through thursday and also friday, quite blustery day on thursday but perhaps some sunshine across england and wales, maybe even long spells of rain. Those temperatures back into single figures for most of us so to end the week, we are back into the cool air briefly, sunshine and showers and it will be quite windy but as we had on into the weekend, it looks like things are set to turn milder once again. Im Babita Sharma with bbc world news. Our top story. The Us Government is set to reopen after democrats and republicans strike a deal and approve temporary funding bill. The democrats agreed to vote for the bill on condition that protections for young immigra nts would be addressed. A former communist Party Official in vietnam has been sentenced to thirteen years in prison for corruption the most senior politician to be convicted in decades. And this is one of the most read stories on bbc. Com. One of the last remaining parts of the dead sea scrolls has been deciphered by researchers in israel. Sixty tiny fragments were pieced together over a period of a year, identifying a festival marking the changes between seasons. Thats all from me now. Stay with bbc world news. Now on bbc news its time for hardtalk

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