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For improvements at calais. A short time ago both leaders held a joint press conference in sandhurst. Lets take a listen. Translation row translation the mandate will be discussed in march at the next european council, but these discussions should not in any way impact the quality of the relationship between our two countries. Brexit will never prevent their high level of cooperation between our two countries. Today we have agreed additional measures that will work in the best interests of both france and the uk, increasing the effectiveness of our cooperation. We will reinforce infrastructure with extra cctv, fencing, at calais and other border points. In 2016 more than 56,000 attem pts points. In 2016 more than 56,000 atte m pts by points. In 2016 more than 56,000 attempts by clandestinely to cross the channel were stopped by the juxtaposed border controls, the further investment to date will make the borders even more secure. The bbcs chief Political Correspondent vicki young was in the joint press conference in sandhurst. It does look like president macron has got a good deal. Yes but when you put that to british ministers their argument is that we have effectively muted British Border to calais and we were not dealing with theissues calais and we were not dealing with the issues der bvb dealing with it in the south east of england, so they would argue that this is cooperation and it shows the importance and having a secure border. Dealing with they would say they are dealing with it in the south east of england. The other thing is the sandhurst treaty that the two sites have signed. It talks about a smoother process for unaccompanied children in calais, reducing the time they had two meat from six months to just 25 days, both sides see this as a bilateral agreement. Reducing the time they had to wheat from six months to just 25 bees. There was a rainbow arcing over the military academy and some say there was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow but in the context of brexit it is may be worth handing over . Yes, we did not appreciate the rainbow because we were all soaking wet, the heavens literally opened that they stepped out of their car but it ceremony to date was important. We are at this world renowned Training Academy for officers. It was picturesque. It was not quite rolling out the red carpet but it was showing areas where we can cooperate and that is what they we re can cooperate and that is what they were both emphasising in that press conference, it is about security, it is not all about brexit, he said that was not the main part of the discussion. A lot of this is britain saying to the European Union and france that we still have a lot to offer, intelligence, thejoint france that we still have a lot to offer, intelligence, the joint fight against terrorism as well, all of that. Theresa may saying we are leaving the eu but we are not leaving the eu but we are not leaving europe, bc france needs as, they want to work with us, we can be powerful nations when it comes to the military. You can see from their ca is the military. You can see from their cars behind, this is a lot of the members of the british cabinet is leaving, the first year with their french counterparts, it was a big and impressive event, trying to show how in the future britain will have these bilateral kind of relationships with countries. It is a sign of how things in the future might go, but president macron gets the prize for the sound bite saying that the two sides will make a ta pestry that the two sides will make a tapestry together. Sir Peter Ricketts was the uks ambassador to france until last year. He joins us now in the studio. We have talked about the agreement. You would see it is money well spent . Yes, if you think about it from the french point of view, hundreds of police keeping migrants in calais, all the disadvantages of that, people who want to go to the uk, the french would prefer that they did go to the uk, but they and we have accepted that this border is their way to show you cannot get to their way to show you cannot get to the uk illegally through calais. It isa the uk illegally through calais. It is a good deal. They are protecting britains border at calais and what we have got from this summit, yes, we have got from this summit, yes, we had to pay some money, but we have rebooted the treaty. President macron when he was campaigning was talking about really negotiating or thinking again about that treaty, this additional bit of treaty gives it a new life and reconfirms it politically in france. New french president s do tend to see babel tear it up and then they look at it and see it is perhaps better that the signal is sent to say that you cannot get across the border so easily. We are sending Chinook Helicopters and there is a team going to estonia in 2019, these are two Nuclear Powers that must work together. There is more going on, cooperation between the two armed forces, the joint pool of forces trained and ready to fight together if necessary. We have the Defence Industrial cooperation, building a big new future drawn together, and the nuclear cooperation, and all that has been pushed forward at this summit. The most visible sign as we are helping the french in sahel and the french are coming through new to reinforce in eastern europe, it is a balanced package. There is some sense here in washington that the centre of gravity is shifting in europe, from americas point of view, from london, to paris, and onto pearland, andl london, to paris, and onto pearland, and i am wondering if for some extent president macron sees brexit as an opportunity . Ewood park there did not happen, he said if you want to come back we would be delighted. But president macron is in the strongest position amongst european leaders, recently elected, all that energy and enthusiasm, Angela Merkel is preoccupied with her cooperation, theresa may is preoccupied with brexit, the italians have got elections going on, president macron is in elections going on, president macron isina elections going on, president macron is in a position to speak for you and take action and initiatives and try and help in world crises. Today has shown that fans understand they cannot do that alone particularly when it comes to defence and security, they need britain, that is not affected by brexit, but there is an important message. Thank you. Interesting, you have pointed out the rainbow. It is like he cannot do anything wrong. But you watch president macron, going around the world with a certain panache, he we nt the world with a certain panache, he went to china, he took with him this racehorse. He is good at gift giving. That impresses the chinese, who like this symbolism. Then he comes to britain and he brings with him at the offer of that bayeaux tapestry, which has not left france for 950 years. Is itjust gets that he is good at giving . I think he understands the power of objects. People stand in front of these things and bc france and france is projected onto the world stage, and be like that. They can examine it. He is projecting france into the world stage in the see me that he does. Do you remember after the terrible events at Manchester Arena he walked out of the elysium palace, what is to the british embassy, unprecedented, but as the touch of humanity that he has. He is very clever at this soft power. There is a little known index on soft power that i saw which is published every year and france has moved from fifth in the top 30, two first, above the United States, uk and germany. He is using this soft power to great effect. The macron effect. Tomorrow, different style of government. Tomorrow the Us Government might shut down. If democrats and republicans cant agree on a budget before tomorrow nights deadline, almost a million federal workers will be told to stay home. Its really a sign that the government isnt functioning properly. So what actually happens during a Government Shutdown . Well it doesnt actually mean that every Government Service closes but staff in non essential departments will have to stop work until an agreement is found without knowing payment dates. Non essential services would include the fun stuff so, no government funded parks, zoos or museums would be open. The last time the Us Government shut down was october 2013 it took them 16 days to restore funding. Speaking a short time ago in pennsylvania, President Trump warned it will be the armed forces that will suffer the most if a shutdown is not avoided. If the country shuts down, which could very well be, the budget should be handled a lot differently thanit should be handled a lot differently than it has been handled over the la st than it has been handled over the last long period of time, many years. But for any reason that shuts down, the worst thing is what happens to our militarily. We are rebuilding our military. We are bringing it to a level that that has never been at. The worst thing is for our military. We do not want that to happen. If the government shuts down it will be probably around the issue of immigration. Is Generaljohn Kelly is the dog house . The president is said to be unhappy with remarks his chief of staff made to a group of democratic lawmakers. According to people in the meeting mr kelly said trumps positions on the border wall as a candidate had been uninformed. Mr kelly then went on fox news and basically confirmed those reports. He has adjusted the wiki has looked at the south asia strategy, afghanistan. He has changed his attitude, and even the wall, he has evolved the way he has looked at things. Campaign and government, he is flexible in the realm of the possible. This was one of three tweets. Lets get more on this from haley barbour, the former governor of mississippi and former chairman of the Republican National committee. I want to get to the prospect of a shuts down. It is like having a snowstorm when there is a Government Shutdown. Let us start with the comments of general kelly, do you agree that President Trump is not fully informed about the border wall . Look at the context. The tweets that the president put out about the wall, and he accurately said in some places the wall is not the best thing because of the 2 lane, mountains. The best thing because of the 2lane, mountains. That is not what he said as a candidate. 2lane, mountains. That is not what he said as a candidatelj 2lane, mountains. That is not what he said as a candidate. I cannot vouch what he did or did not see as a candidate but the most effective way to secure a border is not in every place to build a 30 foot tall wall. As a candidate he said we would have a big beautiful wall that will stretch the entire length of the border and mexico will pay for it. One of the shrewdest and most accurate things about the election, right after the election, came from a friend of donald trump, he said the difference is that the press took donald trump literally but not seriously, while the voters took him seriously, while the voters took him seriously but not literally. Seriously, while the voters took him seriously but not literallylj seriously, while the voters took him seriously but not literally. I think there is a lot to that. We are a day away from the prospect of the American Government shutting down. It did the same in 2013. Is it good to do it and how much of a blow visits to politics . Hopefully it will not. We have had many years where the budget was not finished on time but only three times has been a significant shutdown, 1995, 1996, 2013, in those cases which are by for a couple of weeks. Most of the government continued to operate. The essential part of the government continued to operate. The important thing to me is government needs to work better. We have got a situation here where the three times the Government Shutdown, the republicans we re Government Shutdown, the republicans were hurt politically. Now the democrats all of a sudden do not wa nt democrats all of a sudden do not want to vote to keep the government open, bvb cos they think it will hurt the republicans politically and we are in the beginning of an important Election Year in the United States. Part of this government budget bill has been tied up government budget bill has been tied up with immigration which is as big an issue in the United States as it is here in europe. The problem is that he has not put a fork onto the floor to vote on because he does not know what is in the mind of the president. Last week he said bring a bipartisan bill, that is what he did, then he blew it up. You are right about immigration being a big issue here. The previous president after saying he did not have the authority to do it, but they executive order into effect and said we will not deport these people, trump came back and said that was right that he will not stop this to be, he will give congress six months and keep doing just like what was done under the previous executive order, now that is one month from running out and the democrats say it has got to be exactly what they want even though they are in the minority, it has to be exactly what they want or they will cause the government down. Immigration is important, but on this issue there is too much agreement that the government ought to be closed down because the democrats dont think that the bill is perfect. Thank you very much. There is division and the Democratic Party also on this issue, closing down the government they are worried that they will be the party this time around that there is blamed. Democrats running in elections this year and conservative states. I have spoken to one of them, she is up for re election, she is worried that if she plays too much with the peace and criticises the government admits her chances of getting re elected is difficult. The government admits her chances of getting reelected is difficult. We do not talk about the democrats base as much as the base of donald trump br rest of also and they want a line drawn in the sand. There are womens matches this saturday and perhaps democrat leaders are looking at this and wondering what is the best way forward. Shutdown is not what they are elected for. No, but that might happen tomorrow. Weve been taking a trip down memory lane. Right back to the 1990s and the Clinton Lewinsky scandal. That was the last time a us president was impeached and the last time a president was interviewed by an independent investigation. As donald trump faces the prospect of an interview with special Counsel Robert Mueller in the russia probe, theres much to learn from those days. The man who investigated president clinton was prosecutor ken starr. His pursuit of clinton began in 1994 with an investigation into property investments. But, famously, it led to the door of Monica Lewinsky and a sex scandal. Eventually clinton was impeached on grounds of perjury. Ken starrjoined us from dallas, texas a short time ago. You know from investigating president clinton that these investigations cant take unexpected courses. You started with a fraud and financial dealings investigation and financial dealings investigation and ended up with Monica Lewinsky. Do you think the same could happen with donald trump and that Robert Mueller investigation, that we start with collusion and end that somewhere totally different . With collusion and end that somewhere totally diffe re nt7m with collusion and end that somewhere totally different . It is conceivable but not slightly and one of the reasons is there is greater controlled by the Justice Department over the course of this investigation, whereas the entire idea the statute under which i served was the investigation was independent. The Justice Department had certain and in terms of the Monica Lewinsky fees, that was specifically requested. But Monica Lewinsky phase. Specifically requested. But Monica Lewinsky phaselj specifically requested. But Monica Lewinsky phase. I still remember where i was the day that the report was released on Monica Lewinsky. You were at the time attacked by democrats. It became pa rt attacked by democrats. It became part of what was known as a right wing conspiracy. Robert mueller is being attacked at the moment by republicans, he is being called bias, but it is part of the witch and, as he biased . I do not think so. And, as he biased . I do not think so. I have great regard for Robert Mueller but i do have concerns about some of the agents at the fbi who we re some of the agents at the fbi who were 011 some of the agents at the fbi who were on the investigation, and two of them are known of. But also concerns have been raised about eight Senior Lawyer who was a very avid Hillary Clinton divorcee. Devotee. But in our tradition the prosecutor comes from the opposite political party. Selected for that reason among others, you do not want somebody from the president s all party investigating the president. That makes perfect sense. The president s council said today that the president is eager to speak to Robert Mueller, last week the president said that because there was no collusion he did not see the point ofan was no collusion he did not see the point of an interview, who calls the shots gesture mac it will be Robert Mueller. He has the authority of the department to require the president s to testify. What ty cobb is saying is that the white house is cooperating with the Robert Mueller investigation. The president will make his policy and political points but the lawyers are guiding the president in the right way, which is that you should cooperate in the investigation and under the rule of law you do not have a choice, and she wanted confrontation, and i doubt that the president really want that. I read the other day that you sat down with bill clinton in the white house for nine hours interviewing the president. At that time did you know what you wanted it toa time did you know what you wanted it to a certain extent a fishing exercise . No. By the time you are ready to interview the president , whether that is an informal interview, fact gathering, or, as was the case in 1998 during the Monica Lewinsky phase, you know precisely what you are looking for. Thank you forjoining us. We pre recorded that interview and you were late, i think you got lost in the building. Anyway, we were chatting before you join us and one of the things ken starr said as he thinks this investigation, the Russian Investigation by Robert Mueller, is still in its early stages. The white house says they hope it is about to wrap up, not according to ken starr. Know we have some incredible pictures from australia where two teenage boys have become the first to be rescued by a thrown. Lifeguards were able to drop an inflatable. Lifeguards have been training to familiarise themselves with this equipment when they noticed these boys stuck out there in the sea. It was a trial run and they received them. That is amazing. Hundreds of people have greeted prince harry and his fiancee Meghan Markle at Cardiff Castle on theirfirst official visit to wales. The royal couple arrived to huge cheers, an hour late after their train from london to cardiff was delayed. After meeting members of the public, theyjoined a festival celebrating welsh culture inside the castle. The couple who are due to marry in may are on a tour of uk cities to introduce meghan to her new home. And prince harrys brother, prince william, also stepped out today visiting a Childrens Hospital in london. Keen royal watchers will note Something Different about the future king of england, whos sporting a new look. He has a new hair do a shift away from the longer locks weve been used to. This has become the royal segment of the programme. I think it suits him. Ido the programme. I think it suits him. I do not know whether you should talk about the haircut of the future king, but there you are. This is beyond 100 days from the bbc. Coming up for viewers on the bbc news channel and bbc world news what happens to britons living in europe when brexits complete . We hearfrom one man who wants to know now, taking his case to europes highest court. And hes been president for a year, winning the white house due to manufacturing states like michigan. After 12 months, what do trump voters think of their president now . Another day when weather is making news. There has been some relative tranquillity. Not the entire story of course because some of us have seen further sleet and snow showers today as this cold wind continues to blow right across the uk. Western parts of the uk see the most frequent showers, particularly running overnight into Northern Ireland and western scotland. Further sleet and snow showers. Adding to what we have got in places. Icy weather. Wintry showers continue overnight as temperatures head close to freezing whenever you are. Showers continue to go into western scotland and Northern Ireland. Inland sleet and snow not just in the hills but at lower levels also, the possibility of tricky travelling. I is risk on untreated surfaces. Icy in places. More showers coming in. Central and eastern parts of england and scotla nd eastern parts of england and scotland is fine. Some early sunshine after a frosty start. Wattel changes through the day. East anglia, north east england, some sunshine. Sleet and snow thread is in Northern Ireland and north west scotla nd in Northern Ireland and north west scotland and northern england. Tricky problems with berber snow showers coming in, then there is a change going into the weekend. With foreigners snow showers. There may be sweet. Elsewhere quieter day on saturday. Wet weather pushing north across the uk. Some of us will see more sleet and snow. Away from rain and sleet saturday is mainly dry. Wetter and windier weather by sunday. You. This is beyond 100 days. Summit at shand hurst the french president hold talks with theresa may as the uk agrees to pay £44 million for Channel Border security. President trump dismisses suggestion that his views on building a wall on the Mexican Border has changed, contradicting his chief of staff. Still to come in the next half hour. The state that helped swing the presidency Donald Trumps way. We return to michigan where his supporters are standing with him and blasting the critics. If i thought he was a racist i would tell you, you know what the guy is a turd. I dont feel that. I dont feel that hes racist. The Airline Stewards married mid air over chile by pope francis himself. Let us know your thoughts. It was a key part of the pusle that helped donald trump win the white house we are talking the state of michigan he won over the workers there along with women. A year since he took the oath of office, we returned to the city of detroit. She met up with two supporters and a group of women behind the president from the start. The economic decline in de troy, americas et mo o city, symbolised an america voters felt had been left behind. When i came here two years ago, donald trump wasnt even the republican candidate. But it was his win in the michigan primary that propelled him to the white house. Back then when i came here i met a man named rich ashby. A union member who was signed up ashby. A union member who was signed up to the trump train early on. How are you . Im doing wonderful how does he feel a year into the presidency . Im happy because of the results so far. With the economy, not to say hes the total reason why things have been turning around at least in our region of the country, but hes played a part in it. If somebody is doing the job i want them to do, i dont care how mouthy they are. As long as they are doing they are. As long as they are doing thejob. They are. As long as they are doing the job. The language he used the other day was highly offensive and some people deemed it racist. That i dont agree with. It doesnt have anything to do with the colour of their skin or where they are from. Ifi their skin or where they are from. If i thought he was a racist i would tell you, you know what, the guy is a turd. I dont feel that. I dont feel hes racist. How many of you would vote for donald trump again . This group of women are setting their sights on re electing donald trump for their sights on re electing donald trumpfora their sights on re electing donald trump for a second term. When i supported President Trump it had nothing to do with is he a m i would wa nt to nothing to do with is he a m i would want to date my daughter. He promised to drain the swamp. That is what he is doing. We are not expecting him to be perfect. Should he be more care envelope how he says things . I do. I dont think it helps his image at all. He said what half of this country thinks. his image at all. He said what half of this country thinks. I met ben after donald trump won the election in 2016 he was building houses on this street. Hes still working here. Hello. Come on in. We have come to find out what he thinks of his first year as president. Your hat says make America Great again . Has President Trump fulfilled that promise yet . Hes on his way to fulfilling it. He will keep moving forward. If you dont agree with the quy forward. If you dont agree with the guy, you forward. If you dont agree with the guy, you have got to respect him because hes not afraid to speak his mind. You know where hes coming from. I spoke to supporters across the american who share a sentiment to those i met here in detroit. They might not like his tweets, language or style of governing, as long as the economy is doing well and there is money in their pockets, then they are going to continue to stick with him. So interesting. A year of trump gives us a lot to discuss. We can do that with our political analyst ron ron christie. You have written a piece on the bbc website that i would recommend people to read. Where why are you channelling your inner Clint Eastwood . There are has been so much that good that come. Unemployment rate has dropped for african americans. We have seen the economy of war. Consumer and Business Confidence is up. You get to the bad. The bad is we have the lafrjest governing majority since 1929. Republicans dont act as if they know how to govern. The youing rein the oval office that took place or didnt about certain countries. More than that, i think the ugliness is the insulting terms that the president uses to characterise those perceived or real political opponents on twitter. That is ugly and beneath the dignity of the office of president and i wish he would stop doing it. Its clear talking to Trump Supporters they dont like what you are talking about the tweeting but they love the state of the economy. Does that mean President Trump is setting himself up President Trump is setting himself upfora President Trump is setting himself up for a better year this coming year than the Previous Year if the tax cuts start filtering through and the economy keeps growing. His support numbers could go up . At the end of the piece i think the next 365 days depend on donald trump. Can he work with the government to keep the government open . Can he find a way to keep the economy humming around. If he can, i think he will be well poised for re election in 2020. Its up to trump. Can he get along with congress . Can he get along with congress . Can he get along with congress . Can he get along with people in this town and can he find a way, as he would say, to make America Great again. Good to see you, ron. I want to get your ta ke see you, ron. I want to get your take on the offensive comments. You sent me an email saying you had an invite to the white house for the Martin Luther king event and im not going. Why did you decide not to go . Good to see you. It was a tough choice for me, the honour of being invited to the white house and to be with the president of the United States is a serious one. I did not like some of the things that were coming from the white house and what sealed the deal for me was this was the day before the infamous we know what the president said in the 0val know what the president said in the oval office, the s word day. On the day the president was going to signa the day the president was going to sign a rock cloe mace to honour Martin Luther king. I could not do it. I didnt go. Trump supporters come on twitter saying you dont talk about his successes. We have talked a lot about his successes we talked a lot about his successes we talked about the dowjones going through the 26,000. Fastest 1,000 points in history. We talked about the tax cuts. If you were to look back where you were 12 months ago before the inauguration and where you are now. How do you feel about the United States of america . think the United States of america our government is humming along. 0ur economy is humming along. I believe that consumer and Business Confidence is up. As much as i travel ive got a lot of nervous commentary from people abroad who think americas standing is down. I think americas standing is down. I think were as strong as ever. The presidency does not define one country. I think our country is stronger than where we were before. The commander in chief and the president sets the tone. That is something ive been very critical for the last year to say that donald trump could do a lot more to change the tone and the way he goes about governing our country. Ron, thank you for coming in. We will see you over the course of this year, the second year of the trump presidency. The New York Times is critical of mr trump but they have offered a platform to his fans to voice their support. Here are just two of them. Here is another. That is really what we have been getting from the base all week. I watched jon sopels piece on the bbc yesterday. Everybody that he spoke to likes what they are getting. With yes. If you look at the Approval Ratings for the president they have bounced around in the high 30s, low 40s for the course of the last year consistently. He is where he was when he started. That is with the russia investigation, with the firing ofjim comey, those things we spent a lot of time talking about and the tweets and comments about countries around the world. His core of support is pretty much exactly the same as it was when he was incompetent augurated a year ago. The question for the president , i think the question for his political advisers is does he need to grow that core of support in order to win in 2020 . Can he go back to the american electorate in two years time and say to them vote for me again if he hasnt expanded his base of supporters . I think thats the real question. 0k. Its an issue many countries are grappling around the world. The court of appeal is to consider whether term ali ill patients should be allowed to help to dye. It granted permission to noel conway to challenge the law which forbids assisted suicide. He is now too ill to attend court. The issue of whether there is should be a right to die promotes strong views e flfijtiehiiifereifiiifiiiiee iifififi awfuesififjlfi Breast Cancer has spread to her spine and the treatment has Sarah Jessiman from warwickshire knows her time left is limited. Breast cancer has spread to her spine and the treatment has at times been extremely painful. Sarah, who has an unrelated hearing disorder, fears for the future. The possibility that im going to have a painful and prolonged death, and im scared. I am very scared of the thought of being bedbound in agony for weeks or months. Sarah wants a doctor to be allowed to prescribe her a lethal dose of drugs if her final months become unbearable, but mps overwhelmingly rejected proposals for a right to die in 2015. Id like the law changed so that i can have a peaceful death at the time i choose, rather than the time that cancer might have in mind for me. Sarah, who recently celebrated her 20th wedding anniversary, says people should have a choice over how they die. I dont want to have the kind of death where my friends and family say to my husband and to each other, thank goodness she is not suffering any more. Why do i have to suffer that indignity . Juliet marlow from hampshire has had Rheumatoid Arthritis since she was five years old. Her immune system attacks herjoints. Shes had both her knees and hips replaced. Juliet can no longer walk and relies on carers. Everyjoint in my body has got arthritis in it. I have a large amount of pain, but i take painkillers on a daily basis. I take anti inflammatories and between them they keep the pain at bay. Juliet is opposed to a change in the law. She says allowing assisted suicide would make many disabled people feel even more vulnerable and scared. We dont want society to turn its back on us. It would send a message to me that my life wasnt worth living, you know, because so many people judge me on what i cant do without focusing on what i can do. And she says allowing doctors to help people to die would break the bond of trust. The relationship between doctor and patient, i believe, will be fundamentally damaged if we ask them to be our executioners as well as our healers. Noel conway, who is fighting for the right to an assisted death, is becoming progressively weaker and is thought to have little more than six months left to live. His legal team have asked the court of appeal to hear his case as soon as possible. Fergus walsh, bbc news. Such difficult issues with strong feelings on both sides. This is beyond is00 days. Still to come. The exhibition setting the story straight on American Indians. Severe gales have been causing disruption across much of the uk with gusts around 80 miles per hour. High winds brought down trees, blocked transport links and damaged homes. Robert hall reports. A warning of what was to come. The vital cargo link with the Channel Islands ploughing through gales and high seas as the latest weather system barrelled in. Ahead injersey, mountainous seas breaking over the islands lighthouse, and more alerts warning of coastal flooding. In england, the wind howled through the night, with gusts of more than 80 mph recorded in east anglia. Communities had been warned to expect disruption, if anything it was even more widespread than had been expected. This is the main rail line between ipswich and norwich. Falling trees brought down power lines and blocked sections of track causing major disruption. The traffic ground to a halt mile after mile. Local authorities were at full stretch as they tried to clear trees from roads and pavements. Trees which all too often left families and businesses without power. More than 100,000 in the midlands and east anglia. You through last night and today the repair crews have been moving from call to call in the east of england alone there are 300 of them at work and by the time tomorrow morning dawns they will have covered around 900 locations. In the north of england and in scotland, more snow to compound the difficulties on transport links. These pictures, filmed in northumberland, were typical as police warned drivers not to use the roads unless it was absolutely necessary the gales may have left us again, but winter has us have left us again, but winter has us in have left us again, but winter has usina have left us again, but winter has us in a firm and often beautiful grip. A group of uk nationals living in the netherlands are going to court to challenge the right of the British Government and the European Commission to negotiate away their rights as eu citizens in the brexit talks. The claimants argue that their rights as eu citizens are independent of whether or not their country is an eu member. And they say that should be defended in the eu country in which they live, and not in the uk. The First Court Hearing was held in amsterdam, yesterday. Were joined now by stephen hyton one of those whos taking this case to court. Tell us why you care so much . Well there are two reasons. Firstly, there are two reasons. Firstly, there is inevitably the emotional reason that youve read and seen throughout the media since the brexit vote. I came here to the netherlands in 1993, so some 2a yea rs netherlands in 1993, so some 2a years ago. At the time i came the right of a country to leave the European Union wasnt actually even written into the treaty. That came along later on. What irritates a lot of my expat colleagues, notjust in the netherlands, but elsewhere in europe, for many of us we were denied a vote, the right to participate in the referendum in 2016 because many of us have lived outside the country for many years. 0nce outside the country for many years. Once you have lived outside the uk for more than 15 years you dont get a vote in the uk elections. The uk is one of the few countries that denies its citizens that right. The second reason, which is a practical and more matter of fact reason, is the question of fact. As i said, the law, the treaties back in 1993 didnt provide for a country to exit. It came about in the subsequent lisbon treaty which introduced an article 20 whichle talked about the defined eu citizen. The question therefore is whether this is a tag along solely related to your nationality or whether it stands in isolation that you are an eu citizen. I have sympathy, like you ive lived out of the uk for more than 15 years i too was not allowed to vote in the referendum. Dont we have to accept the referendum happened, the law changed and in democracies things changed. Whether you like the changes or whether you dont, thats what happened . Well, thats true. You cant deny that. The point being though that generally in English Common law we have a situation in which laws are not retrospective when youve enjoyed something for a period of time you get a right to continue that enjoyment. Unless its a legal thing the law generally isnt retrospective. In this case, im having the right taken away from me on a basis of a decision i wasnt allowed to participate in the first place. Ok. We have to leave it there. Thank you very much for joining us. Youre watching beyond 100 days. The us is famously a nation of immigrants im among them but the debate over who should be allowed into the country and who should stay has intensified. So just who are americans today . A new exhibition here in washington addresses that issue through images of the very First Americans to live on the continent. As jane 0brien has been finding out, indians have always been an integral part of the nations complicated identity and continue to define it today. Indian imagery is all around us. This exhibition asks why and seeks to separate the myth from reality. It takes stories we think we know from the roots of thanks giving to the battle of little big horn and invites visitors to rethink americas tangled and conflicted relationship with American Indians. The problem we encountered is people dont think it is to do with them, its located in the past. The look is contemporary because were trying to say, none of this is over. This is part of your life. This is part of the American National identity. It can be hard to believe that the country was once imagined without its native americans. The indian removal act was a tragedy for the tribes, but many details have been forgotten. Did you know for instance that more indians were removed by boat than by wagon. More than 300 died in 1837 when this steamship capsized. What a culture chooses to think of itself is always evolving. Very existence of this museum, the fa ct very existence of this museum, the fact that our congress chose to establish it is a signal, at least we ta ke establish it is a signal, at least we take it as a signal, that they are ready, they ask us to tell these stories in our way from our perspective. I think thats actually a very mature thing for our country to do. Is in the 20th century advertisers began exploiting American Indian images as the us transformed into a consumer economy. The growthing myth of the American West and the pioneer spirit that indians represented became a great way to sell things. Listen to this description of the chief. The chief stands high, wild and handsome with flaerd vendors. We are are talking about a car. It was detrimental it throws American Indians in the past. As you see around the gallery, you are looking at images of 19th century indians. This has had a hugely harmful effect on American Indians because then their contemporary lives are not being appreciated. Thats the ultimate aim of this exhibition, that visitors will leave with a better awareness of the images that surround them and a new way of seeing them. A lot of questions at the moment here about who is an american. Pope francis has married two flight attendants aboard the papal plane taking him between two chilean cities. This is the moment it happened. The couple had told the pope they had been married in a Civil Service because their church was damaged in the countrys 2010 earthquake. They asked if he could bless their marriage, and he went one better performing the ceremony in the front of the plane. Something happened which has never happened before on a papal plane is that the pope married a couple who hadnt been married in church. You just needed a witness. There are publications, but its legit and everyones happy. I cant catch all of that. I think he was saying they were really, really happy, what did you think. They got a written note. Not a proper marriage certificate. If you get it from the top guy it counts. I think your case is pretty solid. Yes. Good for them. When he land something happened. He was in a tour driving down the road and as he was driving down this road he went behind a horse. Watch the horse as he passes it. It starts to get skittish. Then it throws the rider off. Watch the reaction of the pope. Stop the car. So they stop the car. He gets off. He goes down there. You know we were talking earlier about the human touch. We are talking about emmanuel macron, he is another man who has this human touch. Common decency. About that gesture of getting off to check the woman is ok and marrying the couple who were on the plane, beau of them not focused grouped help didnt run it past his press people. He didnt say, how will it go down, can i do this . In both incidents his heart and humanity won out. He did it on a split second, like that. Very different to his predecessor. I followed Pope Benedict xvi from my time in rome, charming one on one. He didnt come across on camera. This man is different. He does the right thing timed and time. That is what makes him popular. In this age of social media that clip goes around and around the world. Its great pr. I dont think it was done as great pr either of those two incidents. What a great week having the pope marry someone and rescue someone the pope marry someone and rescue someone from a horse fall. Exactly. We will be back the same time next week. Thank you for watching. Another day when weather is making news, wind, snow there have been pictures of relative tranquillity from our weather watchers this scene from our weather watchers this scene from worcester. The cold wind will continue to blow across the uk. Exposed to the westerly its western parts of the uk that see the most frequent showers, particularly running overnight into Northern Ireland and western scotland, further sleet and snow showers accumulations into the hills, but at times to lower levels adding to what we have in places. Temperatures will be close to freezing. The showers will pack in to western scotland and Northern Ireland. You may get rain or sleet and hail, but inland these are of sleet and snow, notjusts to hills, but lower levels. The possibility of tricky travel conditions with that ice risk on untreated services. For north west england, wales and the south west. England, wales and the south west. England and scotland will have early sunshine after a frosty start. 0n through the day little changes. Showers to South West England and wales, but the real sleet and snow threat into Northern Ireland, north west england and western scotland. With the wind it will feel below freezing here. Tricky problems with further snow showers coming in. There is a bit of a change going into the weekend. Fist we need to be aware of this. Running across parts of southern england on saturday morning. Rain, maybe a bit of sleet, elsewhere fewer showers to be had. More in the way of dry, bright weather. Chilly. 0n on sunday some of us will see more sleet and snow. For the weekend away from that early rain or sleet in southern england, saturday is mainly dry, by sunday wetter, windier weather coming back. President trump is saying a Government Shutdown is a realistic possibility, blaming the democrats. We will be live in our newsroom in washington. Britain and france have signed a new treaty to boost Border Security and tackle the migrant issue. The further investment we have agreed today but make the uks borders even more secure. Deadly storms cause widespread destruction across europe. Unplug francis has performed the wedding ceremony during a flight over chile. We will hear from during a flight over chile. We will hearfrom one person was on board. And pope francis has performed

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