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According to a new report. You cant look down to read a speech, you have take the speech up because if you did, your neck would break, it would fall off. The weight of the crown on her shoulders the queen recalls her coronation day balancing act. A big year ahead the norwegian pop star sigrid wins families searching for relatives after the Manchester Bombing and in the film review, mark kermode will assess gary oldmans Award Winning performance as Winston Churchill in darkest hour. Its 5pm. Our main story, President Donald Trump will not be visiting britain next month. He had been due to attend the official opening of the new us embassy in south london. He tweeted that he had cancelled the trip because hes not a big fan of the new embassy. Downing street insists the strong and deep partnership between the two countries will endure and says an invitation for a state visit will still take place, although no date has been set. The president is also under fire from the United Nations, which criticised his reported crude comments about some countries as shocking and racist, although mr trump denies using foul language. The Us Ambassador to panama has resigned, saying he can no longer serve the Trump Administration. This report from our correspondent tom burridge. They werent expecting donald trump to pitch up this early. A wax model of the president got a fairly friendly reception this morning outside londons new us embassy. But that might not have been the case for the real donald trump, and so he has cancelled a trip to open the building next month. As ever, the president took to twitter, claiming he had cancelled his trip here because the Obama Administration had sold the Old Us Embassy for, he said, peanuts, only to build a new one in an off location for more than 1 billion. Wanted me to cut ribbon. No. But perhaps the prospect of this, on a much larger scale during the visit, put the president off. The mayor of london said there would have been mass peaceful protest, other labour politicians agree. Here you have the head of state of another country, who has not only promoted hatred and division in his own country, but is surely, given his online activity, guilty of doing the same in our country too. The foreign secretary accused labour of endangering us uk relations, and nigel farage, who was the first british politician to meet donald trump, agrees it could be bad for britain. He is the most pro british there has been for many years, it is an important relationship. I would like to see him come here, i would like to see him deal with critics in open, proper public debate. So what about the president s claim that the sale of the soon to be former us embassy in mayfairs Grosvenor Square was a bad deal . We dont know what qatari investors have paid for a long lease hold on the building. The fact it is a grade ii listed building would have dropped the price. But if President Trump is offended by some in britain, many millions in africa and elsewhere are today potentially outraged. Because during a meeting at the white house donald trump reportedly made offensive comments about developing country, when discussing a deal on immigration. These are shocking and shameful comments, from the president of the United States. Sorry, but there is no other word one can use but racist. You cannot dismiss entire countries and continents as bleep , whose entire population who are not white, therefore not welcome. Donald trump today denied making such comments. In london, his countrys futuristic new embassy has a moat for security. Americas secretary of state instead will open the building. At times donald trump has invoked anger in britain, but for some this is about the office he hold, and the very close relationship between our two countries. If he were to come and there were massive demonstrations, the fallout and the sense of humiliation he might feel would be much more damaging. At times donald trump has invoked anger in britain, but for some this is about the office he hold, and the very close relationship between our two countries. Meanwhile, a democratic senator, who was inside the oval office during the immigration meeting, confirmed the president s remarks. Senator dick durbin said the president s account of his comments was not accurate. Senator graham made his presentation. The president interrupted him several times with questions and in the course of his comments said things that were hate filled, vile and racist. I use those words advisedly. I understand how powerful they are. But i cannot believe in the history of the white house and in the oval office, any president has ever spoken the words that i personally heard our president speak yesterday. You have seen the comments in the press. I have not read one of them that is inaccurate. To my surprise, the president started tweeting this morning, denying that he used those words. It is not true. He said these hate filled things and he said them repeatedly. We have a group who have temporary protected status in the United States because they were the victims of crisis and disasters and political upheaval. The largest groups are el salvador, the second are nicaraguan and the third are haitian. When i mentioned that fact to him he said, haitians, do we need more haitians . He went on to describe the immigration from africa that was being protected in this bipartisan nation. That is when he used these vile and racist comments, calling them as coming from bleep countries. In a moment we will talk to Anthony Zurcher in washington, but first to tom burridge whos outside the us embassy in south london. It isa it is a new building, the us embassy, tom, and that is one of the reasons we thought President Trump would be coming, but not so. Reasons we thought President Trump would be coming, but not som reasons we thought President Trump would be coming, but not so. It is probably a cocktail of reasons. Maybe it is partly the building, but you have to look at the fact that this was probably never the first trip to britain as president for donald trump that he envisaged. In terms of president ial visits it was going to be fairly low key, not a full state visit, without the pomp and prestige that any world leader coming here would want. Any world leader wants those foreign trips to be as big as possible, those royal moments which play so well on us tv, to make him look as president ial as possible to his key audience back home. And then there is the element of protest which was probably playing, too. People like sadiq khan, other prominent people, pushing the idea that large numbers would turn out on the streets of london to protest against the president coming here. It seemed likely there would be large scale demonstrations organised. So it seems to be a mix of reasons why donald trump is not going to be cutting the ribbon at the embassy next month, and in place rex tillerson, the secretary of state, so the event will still go ahead. The full state visit is still on the cards, the invitation stands, and downing street insists they are still looking at plans for the president to come to britain later in the year. Lets head to washington, dc. Much of what the President Trump appears to have said, anthony, in that meeting in the oval office, is really shocking. Some of the words themselves we are not using on television but it was striking listening to that senator talking about what he heard. Right. I think you have heard from nations around the world now responding to this in outrage, a mixture of outrage and puzzlement that the president would use this sort of language, referring to immigrants from african nations and central america. What is interesting to note is that the story broke last night in washington, dc. Donald trump was still awake and on twitter sending a variety of messages, attacking democrats and talking about the london embassy. He did not deny that these were true until this morning. You also saw people in the white house, according to media reports, they were not denying it initially either. They were in some ways leaning into this, saying this would play well with Donald Trumps base, that he is saying what a lot of people think and this is more a deal with who comes into the country, what type of immigration we have and how to modify it. But again, it is the perception of donald trump, among his supporters at least, he tells it like it is coming years blunt, does not use diplomatic language and that is one of the reasons they support him. Turn the page to this morning, and i think you find some of the cooler heads in the white house, some of the diplomats realise how damaging this is, not just diplomats realise how damaging this is, notjust on the International Stage but also domestic lee, as members of congress are trying to reach a bipartisan agreement offer protection to people who came to the us as children, as well as to possibly fund the border wall, increase Immigration Enforcement and have some changes to immigration policy. All of that is now thrown into question because of this controversy. For now, thank you very much. Lets reflect on the wider ramifications of this. As we say, very Strong Language from the United Nations as well as individual countries. Our Diplomatic Correspondent paul adams is here. The reaction is widespread. It isa it is a mixture of shock, disbelief and in some of the countries mentioned by that anatomical obscenity, quite a lot of comedy, too. In haiti, where the Us Ambassador has had to go and see the president and hear the president s shock and outrage at what was said, haitians have been going online, tweeting photographs of sun kissed beaches and beautiful countryside with the appropriately pithy captions. Similar approaches by comedians and cartoonists all over africa. But at the same time, an enormous amount of outrage. The botswa na n enormous amount of outrage. The botswa nan government has enormous amount of outrage. The botswanan government has formally askedif botswanan government has formally asked if the United States really means that botswana falls under that description. They called the ambassador in to ask that question, an extraordinary thing. A spokeswoman for the African Union said it was really alarmed that such contemptuous terms should be used to talk about african countries. We have already referred to the comments from the un, a mixture of baffle m e nt comments from the un, a mixture of bafflement and disgust. We talk endlessly, dont we, about the international ramifications, President Trumps standing on the International Stage. But when it comes to his core base, other countries dont get a vote. We have the midterms later this year, for example. Would the Trump Administration say, it doesnt matter what other countries think, they are not voting for me . Indeed. Americans in certain parts of the country are saying fond of saying, we dont care what others think of us. There is no obvious sign that the trump base feels less loyal to him as a result of this behaviour, and that has been tracked for the last year. But he needs the base and then some, in order to maintain his authority, and the republican party, surely, must be in a state of some anxiety about the prospects for the mid term elections. It is notjust about the trump base. Someone was asking earlier if this is a snub, coming to the question of the embassy and him not coming to the uk. In a way, one of the things that this story about the embassy reveals is that actually this is a snub to his own diplomatic service. The Us Ambassador here, his own choice for ambassador, who told the bbc more or less in terms last month that he would be coming here, now has the realisation that he is not coming here. You mentioned the ambassador to panama resigning. My understanding is that the letter he wrote, he wrote about ten days ago, coming already to the conclusion that he could no longer continue to serve. As a Junior Foreign Service officer, he wrote, i signed an oath to serve the president and his administration. My instructions were clear that if i believed i could not do that i would be honour bound to resign. That time has come. He had reached that conclusion before today. The diplomatic service, the state department, has been in a state of shock, of disgust, embarrassment so many times over this past year, lots of positions still unfilled, quite a lot of resignations over the course of the year, and here is the president saying, i cant be bothered to come and cut the ribbon on the new embassy in arguably the single most important partner country that the United States has. So i think they must be feeling this as yet another blow to their prestige and yet another thing for them to try and deal with. Thanks very much. A huge fire engulfed a section of Nottingham Railway station this morning. No one was injured, but trains are still not running through the station and travellers are being warned to avoid the area. Phil mackie reports. The severe fire rapidly spread through the recently renovated station at the start of this mornings rush hour. 60 firefighters were called to deal with the blaze while passengers and staff were safely evacuated. Our crews were in attendance very quickly and managed to put in place measures to, a, protect lives, and, b, do everything they can to protect the building. Ive got firefighters here that have served 20 plus years and have said the heat they were exposed to was the likes of which they had never experienced before. It was a significant fire. It spread into an area difficult to get to, meaning it took several hours to get the fire under control. This is where the fire started at 6 30am this morning, in the main concourse. You can still smell the smoke in the air right now. The fire station is quite close by, so they got here quickly and they evacuated very fast. It is still causing knock on effects for the rail network, notjust in the midlands, but elsewhere in the country too. The station is closed until further notice. Rail and Tram Services continue to be affected in nottingham. And the disruption is causing problems over a much wider area. Obviously, ive come down, speaking to the officer, the train station is still closed and he diverted me here and now im going to find out if i can actually get a coach to lincoln. Thousands of people are affected by this. Its not a Little Village station, its the main station for the midlands, basically, isnt it . So loads of people have been affected. Crazy. The fires now under control. A joint police and Fire Investigation has been launched. Lets go to nottingham now for the latest with our reporter geeta pendse. The disruption is extraordinary, and now this word from the police that they think this might have been arson. Yes, that has onlyjust emerged in the last 20 minutes, that british transport lee is believed the fire was caused deliberately. We dont still no the exact cause of the fire but police are appealing for anyone who may have been here early this morning who may have seen something, so they can piece together who and how this fire was started in the first place. It has taken all day to extinguish the fire. It is now extinguished but there is still a lot of activity here because fire crews are assessing the damage to the train station building before they camera you open the station to the public. They need to make sure it is safe. We have no sense of when it will reopen. It might be tomorrow but passenger are being advised to look at alternative transport arrangements. It has been massively disruptive, not just in arrangements. It has been massively disruptive, notjust in nottingham but across the midlands, and the knock on effect in other parts of the country with the network itself. There is another aspect because nottingham train stationary sung lee underwent a £50 million redevelopment, including the restoration of the edwardian frontage, which is grade two listed. There is anxiety about the state of the building, as well as the fact that people want to get moving again. Thankfully, no one was injured. Thank you. The mother of a teenager who died after contracting the flu virus has said she is truly devastated. 18 year old Bethany Walker was airlifted to hospital in inverness, but staff were unable to save her. The rate of flu in scotland has doubled over the past week, and Public Health england says there was a 50 increase in hospital admissions for flu in the first week of the year. Lets speak to dr george kassianos. Hes the National Immunisation lead for the Royal College of general practitioners, and hejoins me via webcam. Thank you for your time. When we hear of thank you for your time. When we hearofan thank you for your time. When we hear of an 18 year old losing her life to flu, rightly or wrongly, to those of us who are not medically qualified, it seems almost unbelievable. Is this terribly shocking . Is it unusual . I am thinking particularly because of her age. It is rare to see Healthy People losing their lives because of influenza infection. In the United States we have someone very young who died, and another girl under the age of ten, so it is a disease that can occasionally kill very Healthy People but it is even worse when people but it is even worse when people actually have a chronic disease. Yes, i appreciate if you are compromised in some way with your health. What should people be looking out for . What is your advice . What should people be doing . We should be looking for symptoms of influenza, like sneezing, runny nose, coughing, sore throat, headaches, muscle and joint ache, fatigue. If you are getting symptoms like this, please stay at home. Dont go anywhere. Stay at home. Take a lot of fluids, rest and take paracetamol. Remain at home until a day after your fever has gone down to absolutely normal. When we actually feel like sneezing, if we dont have a tissue straightaway, then sneeze into our elbows. Otherwise, tissue, sneeze into the tissue, dispose it safely and wash your hands. And wash hands very frequently and use alcohol gel if possible. And this is all about not spreading it. It sounds pretty basic, but that is absolutely fundamental. The most important thing we can do is to get vaccinated. The nhs is very good in the uk because it provides entirely free the influenza vaccine for anybody who is aged 65 and over, for anybody who is aged 65 and over, for anybody with a chronic disease like diabetes, heart, respirator read disease, kidney, liver, all this. Pregnant women. Very, very important that all pregnant women should be vaccinated. And children get it free, aged two to eight years. So please get vaccinated. Those who are not in the groups at risk to get the flu vaccine on the nhs, of course they can visit the pharmacy, a private clinic, and they can ask for the vaccine, but that is private. Thank you for your time tonight. Some of the other stories a 27 year old woman has been arrested on terror charges at heathrow airport. Scotland yard confirmed the uk national who arrived on a flight from ethiopia was detained on suspicion of preparing terrorist acts and has been taken to a south London Police station, where she remains in custody. The government is being urged by unions to bring contracts from the construction giant carillion back into public control amid fears that the company is close to collapse. Carillion, which employs nearly 20,000 people in the uk, has issued a number of profits warnings in the last few months. Its a major supplier to the government and has contracts in the rail industry, education and the nhs. A study of women with Breast Cancer suggests that having a double mastectomy doesnt increase the chances of survival in younger patients who have the brca gene. The Research Also found that women treated for Breast Cancer had the same survival rates, irrespective of whether they had the brca gene mutation. Our medical correspondent, fergus walsh, told me the study focussed on nearly 3,000 women at 100 hospitals in britain. It followed them for around ten years, and it found no matter what treatment they had, and whether or not they had these brca mutations. They have the same survival chances. And so a of young women, if they are carrying the faulty gene, they are generally offered the chance of having a double mastectomy, and there were fears that they were getting it young and they had this fa u lty getting it young and they had this faulty gene, that it could be a very aggressive form of Breast Cancer. This will give them more Treatment Choices because it will not be necessarily in their interests to have a double mastectomy that early in there. What is being said about prevention . Completely separately from that, one in 800 women carry this faulty gene and they often find out because they have a mother, aunt ora out because they have a mother, aunt or a sister who has gone on to get Breast Cancer. They get tested, they find they have the faulty gene, they dont have Breast Cancer. Many of them, like angelina jolie, decide to have a bubble mastectomy then. This is totally separate from that. So that will probably continue. There is one limitation on the study. Only about 5 of Breast Cancer cases occur in that very young age group. We dont know about the long term survival of women with Breast Cancer who get it at a much older age, more commonly at menopause or later. A surgeon who marked his initials on the livers of two patients has been fined £10,000 and given a i2 Month Community order. Simon bramhall pleaded guilty to two counts of assault by beating in december. Sima kotecha reports. Simon bramhall, once a respected surgeon, now a convicted criminal. Today he was given a £10,000 fine and a Community Service order after pleading guilty to assaulting two patients by marking his initials on their livers. His victims were undergoing liver transplants at the time. It was here, at the Queen Elizabeth hospital in birmingham, where he committed his offences. He marked the livers in 2013 and a year later, after a disciplinary hearing, he resigned from his post. The hospital says it can reassure his patients that they suffered no harm because of what he did. One of his other patients, who also underwent a transplant by him more than ten years ago, is adamant that the surgeon should not be punished. When alls said and done, an artist signs his work. Thats what hes done. The difficulty in surgery and everything you have to do with it, 13 plus hours of standing and concentrating on something, its amazing. So signing his work is just his way of showing the artwork hes done. Simon bramhall branded sb on the organs with whats called an argon beam, a heat injecting procedure usually the fact that theres that high level of trust, the abuse of that trust and the vulnerability of the patients and the harm and distress caused by dr bramhalls actions and the importance that the public have confidence in their surgeons, that trust will be respected, which it invariably is. Its important that the message goes out when that is breached, as it was here, action will be taken to hold him to account. He was caught after other surgeons found markings on livers he had transplanted. Bramhall betrayed the trust of patients and took advantage of them when they were at their most vulnerable. Now it is up to the General Medical Council to decide whether he will be struck off or allowed to continue doing a job he loves. Much more coming up in the next half an hour. We will talk more about President Trump, and the film review is coming up. Now, time for the weather. Not that riveting, the weather, but stay with us because it is getting a bit more exciting next week. You might not like the frost and the ice and snow risk, however. It will be quite windy at times as well, with a significant wind chill. The wind is now strengthening out to the west, and for Northern Ireland we replace and for Northern Ireland we replace a couple of foggy nights with some rather dank weather. Elsewhere, we could still get freezing weather in the countryside and still the risk of some fog. Quite a grey start to saturday. For western fringes of england and wales, for Northern Ireland and eventually western scotland, some rain on and off through the day. Elsewhere, a little more prospect of some sunshine but not much more than we have seen in recent days. Temperatures similar to those we have seen this week, about average. Tomorrow night, the weather front fizzles out and we start sunday on a cloudy note. This is the change, much wetter, windy weather sweeping across the country on sunday night and into monday. Behind that, arctic air, strong wind and wintry showers. Good evening this is bbc news the good headlines. Evening downing street has said President Trump is still welcome in the uk , after he cancelled a trip to open the new us embassy in london. Meanwhile a democratic senator has accused donald trump of repeatedly using crude and derogatory language to describe several african countries as well as haiti and el salvador. The president has denied the claims. Major disruption on the rails, road, and trams as a huge fire closes Nottingham Railway station. The police say theyre now treating it as arson. Families searching for relatives after the Manchester Bombing were subjected to intrusive media attention, according to a new report. Time now for all the latest sports news. Hello. Thank you very much. Good evening. We start with the football tra nsfer story good evening. We start with the football transfer story dominating the sporting headlines this afternoon. That is arsenals Alexis Sanchez and will he or wont he move to premier League Leaders Manchester City . The chilean forward has been told he can leave as long as arsenal find a suitable replacement, but this afternoon, its come to light city arent willing to pay the £35 million plus price tag for sanchez and could let him go to rivals manchester united. Heres what his manager at arsenal had to say. People can always be observing you with microscope when you are on a short term contract. I never questioned his professional attitude when hes on the football pitch. Sarchling sank wants to win sanchez wants to win. A bidding war has always been to the club that can take advantage of that. We are not in that. I maintain what i said many times. Normally, he should stay here until the end of the season. But well see. Thank you very much for torturing me. Laughter theres more torture for wenger in the shape of theo walcott. Hes been at arsenalfor 12 years the shape of theo walcott. Hes been at arsenal for 12 years since moving from southampton as a teen either. He looks set for a move, possibly to everton. Hes only played 47 minutes in the league this season and today sam alla rdyce has in the league this season and today Sam Allardyce has confirmed that everton a re Sam Allardyce has confirmed that everton are negotiating over the 28 year old saying, the England International would be a fantastic addition. Chelsea are investigating allegations of racism made against two ex coaches. The Guardian Newspaper has reported that graham rix and Gwyn Williams allegedly racially abused three black former youth team players during the 90s. The bbc has approached williams for comment but rix has declined. Chelseas director of Communications Made a statement on the allegations earlier today we take them extremely seriously. We are absolutely determined to dot right thing, to fully investigate and support those affected and well assist the authorities and support their investigations. The former wales internationals ryan giggs and Craig Bellamy are amongst those interviewed for the vacant National Managersjob. Giggs interviewed for the vacant National Managers job. Giggs is interviewed for the vacant National Managersjob. Giggs is the favourite to succeed chris coleman, who left tojoin favourite to succeed chris coleman, who left to join sunderland, after guiding wales through one of their most successful periods. The faw is thought to be keen on appointing a welshman. Theyre thought to be keen on appointing a welshman. They re hoping thought to be keen on appointing a welshman. Theyre hoping to announce a new manager next week. Scotland fullback stuart hogg will be fit for the start of the six nations next month. He hasnt played since injuring his hip in the autumn series. He miss aid spot on the bench for glasgows european champions cup match with leinster this sunday. Scotlands first six nations fixture is against wales on february 3. Ahead of the start of this years Australian Open tennis, billiejean this years Australian Open tennis, Billie Jean King is this years Australian Open tennis, Billiejean King is calling for one of the arenas in melbourne to be renamed. The Margaret Court arena is named after the 2a time grand slam winner, who is also a devout christian. Last year, court voiced her opposition to gay marriage, as well as making derogatory comments about the children of transgender people. King says it was a step too far. If i were playing today, i would not play on it. Its up to the people of australia. I have to leave it to them. If i were here, i would have difficulty with it now, yes. The most important thing is to be your authentic self, ok . The most important thing is to be yourauthentic self, ok . So the most important thing is to be your authentic self, ok . So they have to decide each one of them. You can have discussion around it. Everyones entitled to their opinion. Margarets very much entitled to her opinion. Id be very welcoming to margaret. Shell say, i welcome you too, but she believes in conversion, like she thinks i can go back to straight. Thats all the sport for now. As always, you can find out more on that story and the rest that i couldnt fit into this bulletin on the bbc sport website, bbc. Co. Uk sport. More for you in sportsday at 6. 30pm, join us then. Even more thank you very much. See you later. As promised, we will talk more about President Trump. Including some elements we havent discussed this hour. President trump is expected to announce whether he will waive sanctions on iran as part of the nuclear deal signed by barack obama in 2015. Mr trump rejected the deal last october , but it is thought that he will continue to extend relief from sanctions, but may impose new ones relating to other issues. Iran has warned that it will respond very strongly if the us pulls out of the deal. What might we expect . What might it all mean . Sir simon gass is a former British Ambassador to tehran who led the british team that negotiated the Iranian Nuclear deal, and is here with me now. Thank you for coming in. Really good of you to give us your time. We should find out within the next few hours what would you like to see happen . What i want to see is that President Trump continues with the wafers of sanctions waivers of sanctions, as he should do if the United States remains in the nuclear deal we agreed with iran. This is a really good deal which has improved security around the world quite significantly. If you think back three, four years, one of the top issues on the minds of foreign ministerries around the world was how on earth can we stop iran from get soing close to having the capability of a Nuclear Weapon that we wont be able to stop them . Against all expectation, after 13 yea rs of against all expectation, after 13 years of negotiation, we reached a deal on this. It would be tragic if President Trump reached what i believe is the wrong conclusion and took america out of that deal. Am i right in saying that as the deal was constructed, it is meant to be all nations united. Its meant to be structured in such a way that one individual nation cant pull out of. It you can explain that better than me. One nation can pull out of it under the agreement, that is possible. But it was an agreement which was endorsed by the Security Council which was welcomed around the world, which was negotiated not by the United States aloan, but by the United States, european governments, russia and china. So this is an agreement which affects british and European Security not just the security of the United States. So im really pleased that the British Government is saying very firmly that we need to stick with this deal and we need to make it work. That is the right position for us to take. And in terms of wider issues, we have all been talking about President Trump for entirely Different Reasons in the last 2a hours, extraordinary language which appears to have been used in a meeting at the oval office, strong condemnation from the United Nations and others. Youre just back from washington, thats happens, what does this tell us again about the administration, about its approach to other countries . I think what it tells us is that the United States under President Trump has become a great deal less predictable than previously and a great deal less predictable than its partners and allies around the world need it to be. Its very difficult for the friends of the United States to follow policy choices and to Work Together with the United States to achieve the right outcomes, which we wa nt achieve the right outcomes, which we want in the world, if were not quite sure what President Trump and the United States is going to say or do in 2a hours time. What we would be wanting is greater consistency. Now the sorts of language which President Trump is reported to have used, if accurate, is absolutely appalling, of course. I think that what we in britain need to focus on most are the policy issues that divide us. Weve talked about the iran nuclear deal. We need to talk about climate change. We need to talk aboutjerusalem. About climate change. We need to talk about jerusalem. You about climate change. We need to talk aboutjerusalem. You know these are serious, International Issues on which the United States, its now appearing to take a different path, and we in britain, with our partners, need to work on the United States to try to reforge some of those common positions. It makes the job of people who do your sort of job of people who do your sort of job extremely difficult, former ambassador, very difficult. Its what were for. You know, when youre faced with this position, the relationship with the United States, whether people like it or not, is incredibly important to us, not least because if we want to get things done in the world, on the whole, you need the United States to be with you. We dont do a lot of business with russia and china or even countries like india to solve world problems. What we do is we work often with the United States and our european partners. So we need to find ways of trying to manage the bumps in the road which we are seeing quite often now with President Trump. A quick thought as to whether not coming to open the us embassy next month, is that a significant bump in the road . |j think what it is is that President Trump knows that if he comes to the uk, he is not going to find it very easy to get a good optic out of it. People in the street will protest. Its not going to be as glitzy an occasion as he would, no doubt, like. It was a low key visit planned. Its not a great surprise hes looked again and found hes got Something Else to do that day. Very good to have you with us. Good to give us your time. Thank you. The queen has been talking about some of the challenges she faced at her coronation in 1953, including the weight of the imperial state crown. Shes been speaking to the royal commentator Alastair Bruce for a bbc programme marking the 65th anniversary of the ceremony. A key piece of advice from her majesty just in case you ever need to know is dont look down. Our royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell reports. She famously doesnt do interviews. This is probably as close as shell get a conversation with questions about the coronation, the crownjewels, and the imperial state crown worn by her and her father, king george vi. Fortunately, my father and i have about the same sort of shaped head. Once you put it on, it stays. It just remains itself. You have to keep your head very still . Yes. It was huge then. Yes. Very unwieldy. You cant look down to read a speech, you have take the speech up because if you did, your neck would break, it would fall off. Its difficult to always remember that diamonds are stones, so very heavy. Yes. So there are some disadvantages to crowns. But otherwise, theyre quite important things. She rode to her coronation in the gold state coach. It weighs four tons. Its not built for comfort. Horrible. Its not meant for travelling in at all. Its only sprung on leather. So it rocks around a lot. Its not very comfortable. Were you in it for a long time . Halfway round london. Really . We must have gone about four orfive miles we could only go at a walking pace. The horses couldnt possibly go any faster. Its so heavy. 65 years after the event, a monarch talking about her coronation the crown the real one. Nicholas witchell, bbc news. The norwegian pop singer sigrid has won the bbc music sound of 2018. The annual award tries to find whos going to be the next big talent in the industry. Previous winners have included adele and sam smith. Heres our entertainment correspondent lizo mzimba. Just like in the movies. The smooth, soothing sound of sigrid. Broken beauties. The norwegian singer songwriter, so composed and in control. When the curtain drops. Most of the time. In the bbc sound of 2018, you are the winner. What . Number one. Laughter. What does it mean to you to have won this . Of course youre asking that question when im about to cry how do you describe that . It means a lot. We welcome sigrid shes been steadily gaining support for the last 12 months, gathering fans from jools holland. Dont kill my vibe. Oh, dont kill my vibe. To thousands at glastonbury. Wont you stay with me . Previous winners include the likes of sam smith and adele, who were also relatively unknown when they won. Now sigrid is following in their footsteps. She is also another huge talent to emerge from scandinavia. I think scandinavian musicians are good at melodies because english is our second language, and i think that creates that barrier where you have to concentrate a lot

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