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With president Tran Dai Quang, mr trump welcomed vietnams commitment to reducing trade barriers to american exports. United states is committed to a free and open indo pacific were strong independent nation to respect each others sobran trygg, uphold the rule of law, and advances the rules of commerce each others law. We will not be proxies or satellites. We look forward to achieving a bilateral trade agreement with partners who abide by the principles of phairand partners who abide by the principles of phair and reciprocal trade. Two very important words, fairer and reciprocal. It has not been that way for the United States almost at all. And we are changing that and we are changing rapidly. For trade to work, all countries must play by the rules. I am encouraged that vietnam has recently become the export market to the United States. Donald trump speaking earlier. Our correspondent, Karishma Vaswani was at the two president s News Conference in hanoi. I asked her what the main points of discussion were. President trump was asked about his comments on president putin and the tweet he had sent out about the fact that president putin really does believe he did not meddle in the us election. He clarified that and said, yes, he believes that president putin feels he did not meddle in the us election. A rare admission from the us president and he has come down on the side of the intelligence agencies who have said that they do believe there is evidence that right up meddled in the us elections. Interestingly enough, the other point that kept coming across in his press conference, both on russia and north korea, was that he was trying to say that we have got a big problem out here, issues of trade, to do with the Nuclear Radiation in north denuclearisation in north korea, and i want to get down to business. It appears to be the pragmatic, practical approach. Appears to be the pragmatic, practicalapproach. Keeping appears to be the pragmatic, practical approach. Keeping in mind some of the sensitivities he has to face, given these allegations, these swirling allegations back home. The other things he talked about in his speech in vietnam, he eluded to greater commitment in the South China Sea with the vietnamese, that is something vietnam was keen to hear. Again, that clear message that hear. Again, that clear message that he here to talk to partners and to try to get some work done on the key important issues facing the United States on north korea and on trade. Meanwhile, President Trumps war of words with north korea has continued with a tweet in which the american president wonders why the north Korean Leader would insult him by calling him old. In his tweet, mr trump said he would never call kim jong un short and fat. He also said he tried hard to be his friend and some day that might happen. Our correspondent, mark lowen joins us from seoul. Any reaction to this from pyongyang . Not yet. I ensure it will be like a red rag to a bull. North korea being like it is there is this divine revere nce like it is there is this divine reverence for the great leader that stretches back to kim jong uns grandfather, the founding father of north korea. It is carried on to kim jong un well. Any zaza motbey dear leader is seen as a direct attack on the regime, any attack on the. That is why there was a furious exchange of rhetoric a few months ago when donald trump had labelled kim jong un little rocket man and the north Korean Leader called him at poptart. That has happened again this week. North korea has been relatively quiet about the tour. The Foreign Ministry in pyongyang has issued a statement that came before the donald trump tweets, calling it a warmongers visit and saying they we re a warmongers visit and saying they were begging for nuclear war and that the reckless remarks by someone like donald trump could never frighten them. And then you had Donald Trumps tweet today. It is very school boy, playground antics. The problem is, when there is an attempt at upping diplomatic pressure, those things on twitter seem to undermine the diplomatic pressure that is happening through beijing and new york and any real hope of north korea pulling back from its aim of developing a long range nuclear weapons. From its aim of developing a longrange nuclear weapons. One of Donald Trumps aims from this was to encourage xijinping to Donald Trumps aims from this was to encourage xi jinping to increase sanctions and pressure on north korea. Has there been any development with regards to that . Donald trump said that president xi had reiterated his desire to increase sanctions and the denuclearisation of north korea, although we have not heard that directly from president xi jinping. But any kind of belief that there is going to be a denuclearisation in north korea is really an indication that the Foreign Policy of the us and the west might have its head in the clouds. As far as north korea is concerned, its survival is dependent on being a Nuclear Armed state. That is the view of the north korean regime. They have seen what happened in libya and iraq when they pull back from developing weapons of mass destruction. They see a nuclear weapon, a full nuclear weapon, a Nuclear Armed state, as being a guarantor of survival. That is why the rhetoric from the white house of denuclearisation or from the rhetoric from the white house of denuclearisation orfrom beijing is com pletely denuclearisation orfrom beijing is completely unrealistic. The growing belief, the hope, is that containment rather than denuclearisation is probably the best that the International Community can hope for. When you have this kind of name calling on twitter from donald trump, effectively calling kim jong un short and fat, and the name calling from pyongyang calling him a dotard brings it down to a war of words on the twittersphere and high rates, which is not helping either side. Good to get your take on it. For more President Trumps tour of asia and the rest of the days news, head to our website, bbc. Com news. The husband of a british iranian womanjailed in iran has told the bbc he will speak to the uk foreign secretary on sunday. Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe is accused of spying. Her family fears her sentence could be extended after comments from borisjohnson gave the false impression that shed been teaching journalism in iran. Eleanor garnier reports. In jail in iran separated from her daughter and husband. Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe is british and iranian and facing a five year sentence for allegedly plotting to topple the government in tehran. Its now understood the foreign secretary borisjohnson has agreed to meet her husband. I think its important now that he tries to meet with us as soon as possible, next week, so that its clear from a political point of view that the uk government is standing alongside nazanin and her family. This week, the foreign secretary had to apologise after he mistakenly told mps he thought mrs Zaghari Ratcliffe had been in iran teaching journalists. Mrjohnson later said his comments could have been clearer and the uk government has no doubt she was on holiday in iran, as her family have always insisted. But this week, irans state tv broadcast a report claiming the foreign secretarys comments about mrs Zaghari Ratcliffe amounted to an unintended admission of her guilt. Spains Prime Minister will visit catalonia later for the First Time Since his government took control of the region and sacked its leadership. On saturday night, hundreds of thousands of people took part in a rally in barcelona, to protest against the arrest of Pro Independence politicians and activists in the wake of the referendum vote last month. Meanwhile, people on both sides of the independence debate are getting ready for a vote for a new Regional Government for catalonia next month. Andrew plant reports. A demonstration in barcelona. More than half a Million People on the streets, their banners and placards showing the faces of the ten people they see as political prisoners. Translation the social majority and politicians are protesting today to ask forfreedom, politicians are protesting today to ask for freedom, demand freedom for the political prisoners. These are independent supporters and the people injail independent supporters and the people in jail health of their rules in the referendum and protest rallies in catalonia last month held for. Eights catalonian ministers and two activists are currently in custody, accused of sedition and rebellion. And the former catalonian president is in self imposed exile. Spain has requested that Carles Puigdemont be extradited back from a belgian. Translation we are appalled and angry at this situation. People dont deserve it. We do things peacefully with the desire to build a country and without a desire to hurt anyone. After the unrecognised referendum, Spains National government dissolved the Regional Government dissolved the Regional Government in catalonia. Next month there will be new elections here. Those in favour of independence hope to win and open the door for another attempt to break away from spain. The spanish Prime Minister, mariano rajoy, will visit catalonia today. Meanwhile, the condemnation of the arrests appears to be uniting the pro independent supporters. Andrew plant, bbc news. Stay with us on bbc news, still to come ceremonies are held across europe in memory of those who have lost their lives while serving in the armed forces. Berliners from both east and west linked hands and danced round their liberated territory. And, with nobody to stop them, it wasnt long before the first attempts were made to destroy the structure itself. Its keeping the candidates name always in the public eye that counts. Success or failure depends not only on public display but on the local Campaign Headquarters and the heavy routine work of their women volunteers. Yasser arafat, who dominated the palestinian cause for so long, has died. The Palestinean Authority has declared a state of mourning for the leader who symbolised his peoples hopes for independent statehood. In the wake of the colombian volcano disaster, rescue teams are trying to reach thousands of survivors who managed to clamber onto rooftops and trees above the sea of mud. After 17 years of discussion, the result was greeted with an outburst ofjoy. Women ministers whod long felt only begrudgingly accepted amongst the ranks of clergy suddenly felt welcomed. This is bbc news. The latest headlines President Trump has been meeting his vietnamese counterpart Tran Dai Quang on the latest leg of his asian tour. The husband of a british iranian womanjailed in iran has told the bbc he will speak to the uk foreign secretary on sunday. Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe is accused of spying. In lebanon, it is still unclear what the current position is of the man who was the countrys Prime Minister. That is, until he unexpectedly resigned last week. Saad hariri announced his resignation in saudi arabia. There is widespread concern in lebanon that he is being held against his will. However, his party in lebanon has issued a strong statement in favour of saudi arabia and against iran, but the lebanese president has demanded answers from the saudis. So what is the political situation in saudi arabia at the moment . Our security correspondent Frank Gardner explains how many of the countrys new policies are down to the crown prince. He is Mohammed Bin Salman, and he has consolidated his hold on power. The Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman is incredibly young for someone with so much responsibility. Hes also a defence minister and in charge of the economy. He has got that because he spent the last few years being effectively tutored by his father, the king. He has had emerged from the shadows with a meteoric rise to take over one portfolio after another. Saturday, the fourth of november has been termed already the night of the long knives, because, under the orders of the crown prince, a large number of senior saudi princes, ministers, former ministers and business figures have all been rounded up, their assets seized, theyve been put into luxury detention. This is unprecedented in saudi arabia. These are big public figures and they have been publicly humiliated and accused so Officials Say of corruption and abuse of power. This has also been seen as a power grab by the crown prince. He is now consolidating all the reigns of power into his hand. The Saudi Crown Prince is one of the very few people who could take on the power of the religious conservatives inside arabia and say it is time for women to be allowed to drive. Saudi arabia is the last country in the world where women have not been allowed to drive. Thats going to change injune, when the ban is lifted. So far the clerics have said that is ok. Theyve always resisted this. Lets see what happens injune. The Saudi Crown Prince is absolutely right in that he needs to reform the saudi economy it has got this huge dependence on oil that will one day run out. So to that end, he has announced plans for this massive vision 2030 and a huge megacity a half trillion dollar megacity in the desert thats going to have robots and drones and Driverless Cars and there will be zones where men and women can mix publicly, and there will be entertainment, cinemas these things are unprecedented in conservative saudi arabia. Driving it through is very much his vision. Anybody who gets in the way of that, he is making sure that they are removed. The Saudi Crown Prince is taking on a lot of enemies at the same time. 2. 5 years ago, he committed Saudi Armed Forces to join in the war in yemen and that war is unwinnable, its costing a lot of money, and its costing a terrible amount of casualties in yemen. He is leading a boycott against neighbouring qatar, which is damaging to both countries. And he is very much involved in the saudi war of words with iran, with both countries accusing each other of aggression and stirring up trouble in the middle east. He is also still technically fighting isis and taking on the power of the entrenched religious clerics at home as well as many business interests. This is a lot of people to be taking on at the same time, and it has been described as building up a reservoir of discontent. Millions of people have observed two minutes silence for armistice day, marking the moment when the fighting came to an end in world war i. Ceremonies have taken place across the uk and around the world to remember the dead of two world wars, and other conflicts as well. Adina campbell reports. Preparing for remembrance. To the sounds of pipes, veterans from the Second World War and those from later wars on parade in whitehall. In the drizzle, before them, the cenotaph, britains stark memorial to its war dead, keeping faith with countless lives lost in conflict. At iiam, big ben, silent for three months because of repair work, marked the hour. Big ben chimes last post plays todays events arent just about those who lost their lives in world war i and ii, the cenotaph also stands as a reminder of those servicemen and women caught up in other conflicts. I thought it was really emotional, because, like, so many people died, so i think its a really good way to pay respect. I think it makes your memories more real. Theres the opportunity to really reflect on what was given during those times. Todays services have been a chance for many people to remember those who fought and what they fought for. Adina campbell, bbc news. Donald trump and russian president Vladimir Putin have agreed to fight so called Islamic State in syria until its defeat. A statement was released after the leaders met briefly on the sidelines of an asia pacific summit in vietnam on saturday. Nearly 250,000 people have now fled raqqa, once seen as the is stronghold, during the military offensive to drive out the Islamic State group from the city. Ahmed is one of them. This is his story. My my house was hit, my whole family we re my house was hit, my whole family were inside. The airstrike didnt differentiate between is militance and my family. I try to help. I managed to pull my wife from under the rubble. But i was not able to save my son. And my little boy. We arrived at the meeting place. There were about 300 of us. We got to the crossroads in the way out of the city. We could see the opposition troops on the other side. We started walking towards them. Suddenly, a landmine explodes, i go deaf. There are body parts flying around me. Doctor shouts take into the operating theatre we need to educate his legs i hear that and i passed out. I wake up three days later, thank god i am still alive. I asked the nurse for a glass of water and then i ask her about my family. She tells me they are waiting for me. At the refugee camp. Later, i find out my wife and my son were killed in a landmine explosion. All i have left in the world is my daughter. The owners of a wildlife park in mid wales have said they are devastated and outraged after a lynx which escaped was shot dead on the orders of the local council. The eurasian lynx, called lilleth, escaped from borth wild Animal Kingdom last month. Ceredigion council said on friday that it had tried to recapture her, but that she had been humanely destroyed, after it was advised there was a severe risk to the public. Lets tell you about an extraordinary story from argentina. It involves two young men, both seriously ill, who made a remarkable discovery at a clinic where they were being treated. It is a discovery that has changed their lives. The bbcs tim allman takes up the story. Emanuel godoy and Francisco Rios both suffer from huntingtons disease. Its a rare condition typically inherited from a parent or parents that destroys brain cells and can lead to mental and physical impairment. Both of them were being treated at the same Rehabilitation Centre in the city of parana when they started asking questions. Translation i told my mother, i said, mum, theres a boy who has the same illness as me and he has a cleft lip. She said, he must be your brother. I didnt believe her. But she found emanuels dad and thats when our stories came together. The two men, adopted as babies by different families, now reunited as adults completely by chance. Its not all brotherly love they support rival football teams but the ups are much better than the downs. Translation my father told me. I was very happy because i have a brother and he lives here and i see him every day. Translation for us, it was weird, because living in the same city, they never met on the street or anything. And then they meet here, both with a rare genetic disease. If they were not brothers, they had to be relatives. Now they want to find their other siblings, all 17 of them. And they will also have to deal with the challenge of their medical condition a challenge they will face together as brothers. Tim allman, bbc news. And you can get in touch with me and most of the team on twitter. Im duncan golestani. You can keep up to date at our website. To stay with us. Do. Good morning. Our weekend started off with a marked contrast, lots of clear blue sky, sunshine but cold to the north. As you can see by this beautiful weather watchers picture. But particularly in wales and South West England, the cloud was a nuisance during saturday and it lingered through much of the day. It even brought some persistent rain by the end of the day. You can see the rain gathering across gower. In fact, some of that rain still lingers first thing in the morning. Not quite as cold here but its going to be a chilly start in scotland with some snow showers with any height. And that cold air continues to push its way steadily south across the whole of england and wales for today. So, if youre up and off early on, you might start off with some rain. Therell be a cluster of showers just pushing down through the cheshire gap towards the midlands and maybe one or two arriving towards the london area, which means theres the slim chance of an isolated shower for the cenotaph at 11am. Hopefully those showers will ease away and there will be a dry, sunny but crisp morning. At am, if youre heading for other remembrance sunday services, a few showers into South West England and wales in particular. Hopefully those showers will have used across the south east corner, hopefully those showers will have eased across the south east corner, a good slice of sunshine generally stretching up through much of central and northern england. A scattering of showers across the east coast of Northern Ireland and one or two filtering into the far north of scotland. Again, with any height, it could be of a wintry flavour too. As we go through the day, most of the showers will die back to the coasts of wales, South West England and one or two just running in off the north sea. Elsewhere, decent, dry sunny afternoon. It will be really quite beautiful but yes, it will be cooler with that northerly wind. So top temperatures of around 6 10 degrees. Now, as we move out of sunday into monday, winds will fall light and the area of High Pressure just nudges a little bit further east. Thats going to allow those temperatures to fall away quite widely. Another hard frost for another monday morning and in fact, temperatures in sheltered glens of scotland as low as 5. Thats important because theres more cloud and rain pushing into the north west, and if it arrives early on, for a time on the leading edge we could see some snow so well need to keep a close eye on that. A little bit more straightforward, the day, across england and wales. Not particularly warm again and a little bit more cloud, top temperatures of 5 10. That front will continue to spill its way south monday night into tuesday weakening all the time and by then introducing milder air, cloudier conditions and some rain at times. Our week ahead starts off cold and frosty, yes, but then turning milder with some rain around as well. Take care. This is bbc news. The headlines President Trump has been meeting his vietnamese counterpart, Tran Dai Quang, on the latest leg of his asian tour. In a joint News Conference, mr trump praised vietnams economic reforms. Prior to that, he posted another message on social media about north korea and its leader kim jong un. The husband of a british woman jailed in iran has told the bbc he will speak to the foreign secretary on sunday. Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe is accused of spying. Her family fears her sentence could be extended after comments from borisjohnson gave the false impression shed been teaching journalism. Hundreds of thousands of catalans have protested in barcelona, calling for the release of Pro Independence politicians and activists whove been detained by the spanish courts. Now on bbc news inside out. Hello and welcome to inside out

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