Into the record books. And coming up in the sport later in the hour on bbc news england women are pegged back on the opening day of the ashes test in sydney, one that they cant afford to lose. Good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. For the second time in just a week, theresa may is embarking on another cabinet reshuffle. She is carrying out a delicate balancing act as she decides who will replace priti patel as International Development secretary. Ms patel is a prominent brexit supporter, and the Prime Minister is facing calls to replace her with someone who also backs leaving the eu. 0ur Political Correspondent Eleanor Garnier reports from westminster. Cleaning up after a chaotic week. Notjust one but two cabinet ministers gone within days. No pressure on the Prime Minister to get her Government Back on track. How damaging is all this for the government . As the rest of a cabinet like the brexit secretary and fresh faces like the new chief whip try to get on with theirjobs. But in the end priti patel had to go. After admitting she had failed to tell the Prime Minister about all of her secret meetings with israeli politicians. In her Resignation Letter at the now former international the belmont secretary admitted her actions fell below the standards of transparency and openness that i had promoted and advocated. I offer a fulsome apology to you and the government. Theresa may told priti patel that when we met on monday i was glad to accept your apology but now that further details have come to light its right that you have decided to resign. The cabinet had been carefully balanced over brexit, some wa nt carefully balanced over brexit, some want another league supporter to fill the post. We have a delicate balance in that we are all for brexit, the whole cabinet is set on the path to leave but she will not wa nt to the path to leave but she will not want to change the balance for example, i would want to change the balance for example, iwould be want to change the balance for example, i would be unhappy and imagine others would be unhappy if there were fewer women in the cabinet. With two of her top team gonein cabinet. With two of her top team gone in the week her deputy in all but name under investigation and her foreign secretary facing calls to be sacked and the battle with brussels and the brexit negotiations, theresa may is in a tricky position and added together it seems things will not necessarily be about to get any easier. And there are still questions over who knew what and when. Its important people know the fa cts. When. Its important people know the facts. Because i have a suspicion there is more to this case than meets the eye. Although the detail role was to form a proper conclusion. Sympathy from some for the former secretary of state but the former secretary of state but the focus is firmly on her replacement and whether a change can bring stability back to the cabinet table. 0ur Political Correspondent vicki young is in downing street. Another very difficult day for the Prime Minister, another balancing act and we are expected to find out who she has chosen within the hour . Yes, the newest member of the cabinet likely to walk up this street within the hour. There have been calls for some in the party as there were last week after the departure of Michael Fallon that this could be the opportunity to be bold and bring in new faces to promote some of the younger members of the party. I think that is extremely unlikely, its more likely to bea extremely unlikely, its more likely to be a limited reshuffle, one in, one out. We had people like Iain Duncan Smith talking about the balance of the cabinet which is to do with brexit of course and the gender balance, somebody like Penny Mordaunt for example, an experienced minister who was on the brexit side of the referendum might be an obvious choice. When you look at what theresa may is having to deal with now, the unforced errors, the departure of two cabinet ministers ina departure of two cabinet ministers in a week, you have to go back to 1998 for the last time that happened. She has the brexit talks which some feel are not making the progress they should be making, a budget in two weeks time and yet she is having to deal with these events which are to some extent out of her control. She will want to try to bring control back as quickly as she can and move on to her agenda for government. Thank you. Well while westminster is gripped by the events of the past 2a hours, the latest round of brexit negotiaitons is getting under way in brussels. Its the 6th time uk and eu officials have come together to try to make some progress and as ever its the financial settlement that is proving to be one of the main sticking points. The eu has warned that the talks cant move to the next phase without an agreement on money. The brexit secretary, david davis, and the eus chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, willjoin the negotiations tomorrow. Damian grammaticas is in brussels. The speculation that the eu could issue some kind of ultimatum . What we heard very clearly is not ultimatum but a clear laying down of the eus timetable. Michel barnier has not been here today, he has been in rome making a public speech and he has been saying its high time for clarification from the uk if a transition deal, if progress is going to be made before christmas. The reason for that is that the eu leaders have a summit in december, thats the next occasion at which they could sit down and agreed to push this process forward to Start Talking about transition and the outlines of a future deal. In order to do that, they need to see progress in the talks here within the next two, three, four weeks maximum and that is the eus timetable. As you were saying things are stuck, in the past we have hardy few days of negotiation at a time, we have a brief session of technical talks, not even detailed negotiations, before david davis and Michel Barnier meet tomorrow. A brief session this week, things we we re brief session this week, things we were told we were going to push forward after the last summit and the florence speech by theresa may are still stuck and the eu still await answers. A woman from west sussex has been arrested on suspicion of neglect under the criminaljustice and courts act and fraud in connection with the investigation into Sussex Healthcare. She remains in police custody. 0ur social Affairs Correspondent alison holt is here. This is a story which is breaking, what are the police saying . M this is a story which is breaking, what are the police saying . It is a statement from Sussex Police a short time ago and they said they arrested a woman today on suspicion of neglect under the criminaljustice and courts act and fraud in connection with this Ongoing Investigation. She is in custody at this stage and they say there will not be any further details for the moment. Its part of an Ongoing Investigation into nine clear homes run bya investigation into nine clear homes run by a private Company Called Sussex Health care. They provide support for people who are older as well as people with severe learning and physical difficulties. Sussex police have said in the past that their enquiries have focused on an alleged lack of care and safeguarding for 43 residents since april 2015 of whom 12 have died. This follows the notification in may of this year. Thousands of children and teenagers have been flagged up to the governments anti Terror Programme in the past year according to the First Official figures. The prevent programme aims to reduce the threat to the uk by stopping people being drawn into terrorism. In total more than 7000 were referred a quarter of them were under the age of 15. In one case a 9 year old boy from london was helped by the prevent programme after he stood up in class and said he supported so called islamic state. It turned out he had been watching their propaganda online. Sima kotecha reports. Preventing terror attacks is a top priority for the government, that is why it has something called channel, a programme designed to stop people being drawn into violent or extremist behaviour. The extreme right wing will use inler missed narratives. I try to work holistic way to understand the individual, to see how i can best help them, not only with an ideological risk or vulnerability but also understanding their particular personal circumstances so we can their particular personal circumstances so we can identify what the challenges are, what the susceptibilities are and improve that persons opportunity, potentially getting them into education, employment, these kind of areas. Todays figures show over the last year more than 7000 people were put forward for help after showing signs of extremism. More than 1000 of them were assessed for inclusion in the programme. Almost 400 then received specialist support but 63 of them stopped cooperating. The programme is voluntary and those who we re programme is voluntary and those who were referred to it are under no obligation to engage. A lot of youngsters are being radicalised as well due to their vulnerability to drugs. A charity based in birmingham and partly funded by the home office reaches two men outside mosque is displaying fake drugs. We want people to come here and talk to is about vulnerabilities they might have which might be radicalisation or homelessness or drug dependency and that is something we are trying to reach out to them to help. Channel hasnt been without its critics, there are some who argue it targets particular communities or create suspicion around them. There are also questions about how effective it really is and how those who were put through the programme are later monitored. And there are serious concerns about what happened to those who refuse help. The good news from the figures today is that over 350 people who were really on track to be violent extremists and terrorists etc have been diverted away from that cause. That means we are safer as a result. The uk threat level remains at severe and that means the effectiveness of the government s counterterrorism strategy is crucial. The father of a man who died after his ex girlfriend allegedly threw acid over him has wept in court as he described the injuries his son suffered and the impact the attack had on his life. Mark van dongen was left paralysed from the neck down, lost a leg and the sight in one eye. Mr van dongen survived the attack but 15 months later took his own life in a euthanasia clinic saying he couldnt live with the pain any longer. His ex girlfriend Berlinah Wallace has been charged with murder. Jon kay is at Bristol Crown court. Cornelius van dongen lives in belgium. He came to court in bristol today to tell the jury about his son. Mark van dongen was 29 when he died earlier this year. He chose to end his life at a hospital in belgium, where euthanasia is legal. 15 months earlier, he had suffered what were described as catastrophic burns at this flat in bristol. Its alleged his girlfriend Berlinah Wallace threw sulphuric acid over him in a jealous rage after buying it on the internet. With his voice cracking, and sometimes in tears, Cornelius Van dongen described how the acid had affected his son. He said Mark Van Dongen had been so badly burned that initially he was unable to speak, and had to use his tongue to indicate when letters were shown to him on a sheet of paper. Mr van dongen said when he asked his son who had done this to him, he used his tongue to spell out the word berlinah. Berlinah wallace looked at the floor as she listened to his testimony. The 48 year old denies murder, and throwing a corrosive fluid. Her defence team claim she thought the acid was a glass of water. Cornelius van dongen became distressed as he described his sons decision to end his life. He said the young engineer applied for euthanasia, after being told he would be permanently paralysed from the acid. He said mark, seen here with his father before he was injured, felt his life was over, and he did not want to go on. The prosecution claims Mark Van Dongen could not bear to live with what they call his unbearable suffering. They say he was driven to euthanasia and that Berlinah Wallace is therefore guilty of murder. She denies both charges, and the trial continues. John kay, bbc news, Bristol Crown court. President trump says he blames the United States huge trade deficit with china on previous american president s, and not on unfair chinese practices. Mr trump was speaking after meeting president xi jinping on the latest leg of his tour of asia. His comments are being seen as an important win for beijing, as John Sudworth reports. Forget military brinkmanship or trade wars, for this state visit china is trying different strategy. A charm offensive. And the us seems smitten. 0ur meeting last night was absolutely terrific. 0ur dinner was beyond that. 0ur relationship has already proven to be a great one. My feeling towards you is an incredibly warm one as we said, there is great chemistry. In place of mr trumps old china bashing, there was admiration for the way it has exploited the huge trade imbalance. Right now, unfortunately, it is a very one sided and unfairone, but, but, i dont blame china. After all, who can blame a country for being able to take advantage of another country for the benefit of its citizens . I give china great credit. Watching this bromance back home, trumps core supporters might wonder what happened to the promises to be tough on china . Critics will say that with a bit of wheeling and dealing on business and the pomp and ceremony of a state visit, the chinese have flattered him into submission. The two president s watched as the us and Chinese Companies signed an number of trade deals. But on issues of substance, market access, copyright theft and state subsidies, china is offering little except warm words. Translation president trumps visit has been successful and historic. We now have the blueprints for the future us china relationship. Then mr trump had one more gift for his hosts. Journalists questions waved away. Us president s used to stand up for press freedom in china. Not this one. John sudworth, bbc news, beijing. Our top story this lunchtime. Another reshuffle is under way in westminster, as the Prime Minister decides who to bring in to replace priti patel as International Development secretary. And coming up Northern Irelands footballing fortunes the side is aiming to reach its first world cup finals in more than 30 years. Coming up in the sport in the next 15 minutes and bbc news, well hear from the Northern Ireland camp as they get ready for the first leg of their world cup play off against switzerland in belfast. The Actor Kevin Spacey is to be edited out of a completed hollywood film, six weeks before its release, following allegations of sexual assault. Hell be replaced in the thriller all the money in the world by the canadian actor, christopher plummer. Sony pictures says the scenes containing mr spacey will be reshot, and the film will be released next month as planned. Heres our entertainment correspondent, lizo mzimba. A powerful true story with a cast including almost unrecognisable double oscar winner kevin spacey asjohn paul getty. How much would you pay to release your grandson . Nothing. But recent allegations made against kevin spacey looked set to kill off the box office and Academy Awards hopes of the story of the famous 1973 kidnapping of billionaire john paul gettys grandson. Its led to an unprecedented decision to reshoot all of Kevin Spaceys scenes with a new actor, christopher plummer. Actress Valentina Violo who appears in the movie says it must have been a complex, difficult decision. I think everything is going a little bit crazy right now, so probably, if they took this decision, it is good for the movie. It underlines the studios determination not to let accusations aimed at one man damage a film with more than 800 performers, writers and crew have worked on for many months. The films Award Winning director sir ridley scott now has a Monumental Task to reshoot the scenes in question and then to seamlessly edit them into the already finished film. At the same time, he is turning what could have been fatally bad publicity into perhaps the opposite. You could say hes profiting very quickly on this negative publicity, turning the story around in classic hollywood is spin fashion, turning this into a publicity machine for this movie which, to be honest, i have never heard of until now. Now it has this amazing hollywood story of rising from the ashes of the awful spacey story, which has its victims. There have now been multiple allegations made against kevin spacey, while the studio, Production Team and sir ridley scott are confident that all the money in the world will still be released in december as planned, with the accused actor no longer appearing insomuch as a single frame. Lizo mzimba, bbc news. The first minister of wales, carwyn jones, will issue a statement this afternoon, following criticism of his handling of harassment allegations of carl sargeant, who was found dead this week. Its understood the 49 year old killed himself. His family said it was never given details of the allegations against him and couldnt defend himself. Sian lloyd is in cardiff for us. A very difficult times for all concerned, but how much pressure is the first minister under over this . The first minister will be making his statement after meeting Labour Assembly members here in the senedd. That meeting is due to start at 2pm. The mood is bound to start at 2pm. The mood is bound to be sombre, because these members are mourning the death of their french colleague, carl sargea nt, are mourning the death of their french colleague, carl sargeant, who died on tuesday their friend. Yesterday the first minister issued a statement in which he said he was deeply upset by carl sargeants death but he hasnt spoken publicly about it any more than that, despite facing criticism from carl sa rg ea nts facing criticism from carl sargea nts family facing criticism from carl sargeants family and from width in his own party about the way he had handled these harassment allegations and yesterday carl sargea nts handled these harassment allegations and yesterday carl sargeants family had issued a statement. Theyve released a series of letters from mr sergeants solicitor to the head of disputes at the labour party, in which they said they believed that ca rwyn which they said they believed that carwyn jones had prejudiced which they said they believed that carwynjones had prejudiced or was in danger of prejudicing the investigation into the allegations because of comments he had made to the media on monday. Labour say that procedures were followed. This meeting will take place in private here come we understand that the statement will come at 4pm. There is a great deal of speculation about that. What is for sure is that ca rwyn that. What is for sure is that carwyn jones is under a that. What is for sure is that carwynjones is under a great deal of pressure. The prince of wales and the duchess of cornwall have paid their respects to indias war dead, as their tour of the country comes to an end. The royal couple observed a minutes silence, and laid a wreath at india gate, the national war memorial. 0ur royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell is in delhi. A warning that his report contains flash photography. Through the dense smog of delhi, the motorcade of the man who will be king. Charles will be 70 next year. No heir to the british throne has waited as long to achieve his destiny. At india gate, charles laid a wreath in memory of those from the indian subcontinent who lost their lives in the two world wars. Last post. In three days time, on remembrance sunday in london, charles will lay his mothers wreath at the cenotaph. For the first time the queen will watch the ceremony from a balcony. It will be the most visible public sign so far of the transition the moves which are gradually gathering momentum, preparing the way for a change of reign. Are there other people you are employing . That moment may yet be years away. When it does come charles knows his campaigning will have to stop, but for now he shows no sign of curbing his interventions on the environment, for example, or his efforts to assist young people. In delhi he met entrepreneurs, helped by an offshoot of his princes trust. Its on visits such as this, where charles is now the senior substitute for the queen, and where hes delivering subtle messages on behalf of the british government, that his enhanced king in waiting status is most apparent. In india the central message has been about the commonwealth. Its important to post Brexit Britain and its important to charles because he wants to follow his mother as its head. The commonwealth, built as it is on a Firm Foundation of shared associations and values, offers us an unparalleled means to build bridges between our countries. A visit which began with a story about a disputed shareholding has gone on to underline charles role on the International Stage and his increasing proximity to the british throne. Nicholas witchell, bbc news, delhi. Football now and a very big night ahead for Northern Ireland theyre hoping to make it into the world cup finals for the first time in more than three decades. They take on switzerland this evening in the first leg of the qualifying playoffs for russia 2018. 0ur sports correspondentjoe wilson takes a look at their chances. In belfast, new belfast. They tell the story of what was built right here to impress the whole world, a titanic experience. What happened next is history. Nothing generates global attention quite like footballs world cup. Northern ireland were part of it in the 1980s. They twice qualified for the tournament. A team built on their most capped player. Time after time pat jennings saved the team. But theres been no world cup for Northern Ireland since 1986. Jennings has been patiently waiting. In all honesty do you think there were times in the last 30 years when you thought this wouldnt happen again, that it would be too difficult for Northern Ireland to get to a world cup again . Well, its always going to be difficult because of the players we have available, because of the numbers, but having said that, we have done unbelievable and certainly looking back im often asked have you any regrets about not playing for a bigger team. I never had that im honoured and delighted ive played 119 times for my country. So what stands between Northern Irelands footballers and their onward progress to the world cup . Well, tonight, its the first leg of the play off against landlocked switzerland. The swiss are ranked 11th in the world. In Xherdan Shaqiri of stoke city they have one of the premier leagues most talented attackers. When i met him after training last night shaqiri had only had respect for Northern Ireland. Its a very tough team to play especially here. Being so proud its tough to play. But i think now its a 50 50 chance for them. Really, you think so . Yeah, its only two games. Northern irelands players have the home leg here tonight. Swiss fans will welcome them to basel for the second leg. Today, theyve been enjoying belfast in a football renaissance. After all the titanic experience was that size doesnt always equate with success. Joe wilson, bbc news, in belfast. Twenty years ago today bbc news 24 as the news channel was then called went on air for the first time. It was a big shift in broadcasting for the bbc and it meant that for the first time viewers no longer had to wait for the daily news bulletins to learn about latest news developments. It was also the day that the bbc news website was launched. In 1997 there were fewer than eight Million People online in the uk. Now around 60 million have access to the internet. Nick higham reports on two decades of rolling news. Hello and welcome for the first time to bbc news 24. Im gavin esler. And im sarah montague. November 9th, 1997, and bbc news 24 goes on air. For the first time bbc viewers didnt have to wait for the news at six or nine. It was available on tap. I was hoping it would just become something people would turn on when they wanted to know the news. Why should we tell them when they had to sit down and watch the news . I thought it would be a true utility and therefore, once wed started, it would never go off air. Was that what happened . It went off air almost immediately because of technical difficulties the computers didnt work. It took time, but they did overcome the technical problems. You may have heard that air france. Jane hill, the only original presenter still on the channel, remembers the day it came of age, when an air france concorde crashed in paris, injuly 2000. That story was so big, it was the first time we were simulcast, and the channel ran on bbc one or bbc two, because the controllers of those big National Channels took the view this was such a big, unexpected story, the audience appetite wanted to watch that story unfold. We have some remarkable pictures coming in from new york, which we can go to now. Since then, the channel has covered many major stories. The british people have spoken and the answer is, were out. London fire brigade has confirmed they are dealing with this serious fire in a tower block at latimer road, in west london. The bbc was late getting into the business of rolling Television News. Cnn had started in america in 1980, sky news, here in britain, in 1989, but where the bbc was a pioneer was in providing news on the web. The really significant event that week in november 1997 was the launch of bbc news online. It started modestly, but soon grew rapidly, deliberately trying to appeal to a new, younger audience. The idea was that online would start to reintroduce young people to news, because they were using computers, and it was so successful that very soon it became difficult technically to keep up with the demand, because it was being pumped down victorian copper telephone lines basically. These days, online and Digital Services are at the heart of the bbcs newsroom. Theres been a fundamental shift in the way people get their news often through social media like twitter and facebook. That worries some. When you were just consuming your news, maybe three times a day from the television bulletin, you were obliged to look at things that you didnt know you didnt know, or didnt know that you might be interested in, but now weve already to some extent decided what were going to be interested in and who we are going to want to discuss with and receive news from, and that is a real problem with the social media news phenomenon. But the appetite for Television News channels hasnt disappeared. The bbc still reaches over 7 Million People a week. Nick higham, bbc news. A british inventor has flown into the record books in a jet suit he designed himself. Richard browning wore the suit powered by six gas turbine engines to fly across a lake in reading. Guinness World Records logged his top speed as 32 miles an hour making him the first ever holder of a newly created world speed title for travel in a jet suit

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