About the Sexual Harassment claims at westminster. A report about the experiences of hillsborough families says the burning injustice felt by people affected by public disasters must end. Aboriginal authorities decide to stop tourists from climbing uluru one of australias most famous and sacred landmarks. President trump said he would consider sending the attacker who killed eight people in the new york larry attacked two on tampa bay. Earlier the government are the city confirm the suspect had been radicalised states. The man has been named as Sayfullo Saipov and interviewed by police in hospital. They say that he has shown no morse and bragged about how deadly the attack had been. Police say its likely that he carried out the attack in line with the instructions posted on social media sites by so called state. Mark lobel has this report. I need an ambulance right here a school bus lies in ruins moments after the terror attack in Lower Manhattan which ended with many dead, and the suspect in custody. Oh my god. Horror. Did you guys get him . One student who moments earlier caught sight of a man revving his engine impatiently at a traffic light, described a state of panic. Me and a friend were kind of wondering why he was being so aggressive behind the wheel, what is going on, you know . From there you could see the carjump onto the kerb, strike two people and continue down the street where it hit a bus and then veered off. At that moment everyone was just trying to figure out what was going on. It all began around 3pm during a sunny halloween in new york. A rented white pick up truck drove through a cycle lane for many blocks, fatally striking cyclists and pedestrians. The driver abandoned the vehicle, wielding fake guns after hitting a school bus. He was then shot by an officer. Eight people were killed and 12 injured. Those who died included five friends from argentina in their late 405, there to celebrate the 30th anniversary of their graduation from a polytechnic college. Two americans and a german citizen were killed. The attacker has been named as Sayfullo Saipov. A 29 year old immigrant from uzbekistan. The uzbek government has offered its full support during any investigation as police now rapidly seek answers. The republican senator Lindsey Graham wants the attacker treated as an enemy combatant so he can be questioned without a lawyer present. Donald trump says he wants Stricter Border controls after what he attack by a sick and deranged person. We wa nt we want a merit based programme where people come into the country based on merit and get rid of chained migration. This man that came in or whatever you want to call him, brought in with him other people. And he was the point of contact, the primary point of contact, the primary point of co nta ct for contact, the primary point of contact for 23 people that came in or potentially came in with him. Today new york is dusting itself down again after another unexpected and shocking struck so close to the site of the september 11 attacks. And shocking struck so close to the site of the september 11 attacksm was the definition of terrorism, an effort to take away peoples hope in spirit and make them change. And what new yorkers showed already is we will not change. We will not be cowed. We will not be thrown off by anything. But now the wave of truck based terror attacks has spread to new york, theres a need for greater vigilance and intelligence to stop any more attacks from clouding this skyline. Our correspondent nada tawfik is in new york. We heard a bit from donald trump and he has just been speaking we heard a bit from donald trump and he hasjust been speaking in we heard a bit from donald trump and he has just been speaking in the past hour. Just outlined a bit more about where he seems to be heading with this in terms of policy, what hes saying about this individual who is currently hospital. While we heard from President Trump previously that he wanted more extreme vetting and is now in a Cabinet Meeting he is going to ask congress to get rid of what is called the diverse of the lottery is a programme. Now the suspect Sayfullo Saipov came into the us in 2010 legally under that programme. And President Trump says it is now time for congress to get rid of it. He criticised the new york senator for his role in crafting that legislation back in the 19905 and so this has politicised this attack, 110w this has politicised this attack, now critics are coming out saying that the senate has tried to get rid of the programme and to allow people with more 5pecialised 5kills of the programme and to allow people with more 5pecialised skills into the United States. The President Trump i5 the United States. The President Trump is now putting an under the i55ue trump is now putting an under the issue and trying to get rid of the programme as well as increased extreme vetting of immigrants coming to the United States. Under score. Is it clear what exactly that means by extreme vetting . M score. Is it clear what exactly that means by extreme vetting . It is not clear and Sayfullo Saipov i5 means by extreme vetting . It is not clear and Sayfullo Saipov is from uzbekistan, he is not, it is not one of the nations included on his majority mu5lim nation travel ban. And so President Trump clearly did not outline what he was looking for but again when he said that the 5u5pect came into this diversity lottery i5 5u5pect came into this diversity lottery is a programme he then turned his attention to that and 5aid turned his attention to that and said that was something that he wa nted said that was something that he wanted to get rid of. Thank you for now. Daniel benjamin wa5 coordinator for Counter Terrorism in the Us State Department during the 0bama administration; he is now directorfor International Understanding at dartmouth university. Hejoins me on webcam from new hampshire. We outlined to our viewers 5ome we outlined to our viewers some of what President Trump i5 we outlined to our viewers some of what President Trump is talking about here. What does your thoughts first of what he said about closing down the Visa Programme and looking at immigration . It was a foregone conclusion that the president would try to relate this terrible attack in new york and use it for political purpo5e5. In new york and use it for political purposes. He is trying to make as much capital out of it as he can. And it is not surprising. I do not think he will much have much problem is shutting down the diversity lottery programme. The senate tried to shut it down a few years ago. But the house of representatives blocked that and in 5ome representatives blocked that and in some ways that was an accident rather than intended. The president 5aid rather than intended. The president said that he would send Sayfullo Saipov to guantanamo bay, the Supreme Court would never stand for that. Anyone committing a crime on us soil mu5t that. Anyone committing a crime on us soil must go through the courts system and so this may play well with the very conservative base of the president but really it is not a po55ibility. The president but really it is not a possibility. And when he talks about increasing extreme vetting, what is your understanding of what that means, what do people in the us listening to him saying that think that that means. What is the practical implication . that that means. What is the practical implication . I do not think anyone has any idea what it means. 0ur border controls are incredibly rigorou5 right now. In the 16 years since september the 11th no foreign terrorist trick has come into the United States and carried out an attack under the direction of foreign organisation. Everyone who has carried out an attack that is far was either a citizen or green card holder, permanent legal re5ident. And President Trump has been talking about this extreme vetting thing, since it was a candidate. And it has communicated to people his seriousness about being tough. But it is like a 5trawman because no one has identified any way to strengthen the border controls except for the implementation of the immigration ban but he has proposed and that the courts have struck down three times. So im sure he will push hard for his immigration ban although it is noteworthy that uzbekistan the country of origin of saipov, has not appeared on anyone of the nations named in that band. It is striking to you that from what we know so far it would appear that this man was radicalised in the United States, he went to the us in his early 205 and has been radicalised since then . So this is completely par for the course, it is worth remembering that we have had an extraordinarily low number of fatalities in the us since september the 11th. With the event yesterday, i think up to 103 from jihadist terrorism. All caused by people who appear to have radicalised here in the United States. And that rate continues to be lower than lightning strikes and it is regrettable that politicians will exploit this. That is to say youre more likely to get struck by lightning than to be killed by terrorists. Good to talk to you, thank you very much. And we will be talking more about this story after half past is well and talking a bit more about the fact that the man under arrest is from uzbekistan. And more about the security situation and the response of President Trump as well. Theresa may has written to the leaders of westminsters Political Parties to ask them to a meeting on monday to discuss plans for tackling sexual abuse and harassment. A list of unverifiable allegations against tory mp5 has been widely circulated it includes claims about consensual relationships as well as allegations of Sexual Harassment. Meanwhile, the cabinet minister damian green has strongly denied allegations of inappropriate behaviour towards a female conservative activist. Kate maltby alleged in the Times Newspaper that mr green touched her knee while giving her career advice in 2015, and sent her a suggestive text message in 2016. Damian green says the claims are completely false. Heres our Political Correspondent ben wright. Damian green is facing questions about his conduct. All of the allegations are completely false. All of the allegations are completely false, the cabinet minister said this morning, clearly angry at claims made by this woman, the academic and tory activist kate maltby. Seen here on the same Television Programme as damian green injuly. Now she has published a piece in the Times Newspaper claiming that in 2015, mr green made suggestive comments and fleetingly touched her knee when they met for a drink in a pub. He offered me career advice and in the same breath made it clear he was sexually interested. It was not acceptable to me at the time and it should not be acceptable behaviour in westminster in the future. Kate maltby also says damian green sent her a flirtatious text message in may last year which she ignored. She describes feeling awkward, embarrassed and professionally compromised by mr green. Damian green has instructed libel lawyers over the claims. Now one of the most senior members of the cabinet, mr green said in a statement he had known kate maltby since 2014 and the pair had a drink twice yearly. But he said, it is absolutely and completely untrue that i have ever made any sexual advances on ms maltby. This untrue allegation has come as a complete shock and is deeply hurtful, especially from someone i considered a personalfriend. The Prime Minister has asked the Cabinet Office to investigate these claims of inappropriate behaviour by damian green, who is the latest and most senior politician to be caught up in the rumours and allegations swirling around westminster, many of which are fiercely denied by the mp5 involved. For instance, theJustice Minister dominic raab today said any insinuation he is engaged in anything resembling Sexual Harassment or lewd remarks is false and malicious. He has already taken legal advice. But politicians from all parties do agree that Parliament Needs to overhaul the way staff and other workers here can make complaints about Sexual Harassment. The government has committed to do that. Mp5 say behaviour more broadly has to change as well. The most important thing is to change the culture and to end a culture of entitlement by some older men who think theyjust have a right to prey on younger women or men that they have a power relationship with. Its an abuse of power and it has to stop. In the commons this lunchtime both main Party Leaders said they were deeply concerned about allegations of harassment at westminster. Ive written to all Party Leaders inviting them to a meeting early next week so we can discuss a common, transparent, independent grievance procedure for all those working in parliament. We have a duty to ensure that everyone coming here to contribute to public life is treated with respect. We need better protections for all in this house. This house must involve workplace trade unions in that. But its also incumbent on all parties to have robust procedures in place to protect and support victims of sexual abuse and harassment. Whether or not there are more allegations about the behaviour of politicians in the coming days, mp5 are clear that the culture here needs to change. Ben wright, bbc news. 0ur chief Political Correspondent vicki young is in westminster. In the past couple of hours we have heard that theresa may wants to hold this meeting pretty swiftly, next week. Your assessment of the mood there and what is happening in practical terms . I think we there and what is happening in practicalterms . I think we heard politicians talk about changing the culture of westminster and clearly thatis culture of westminster and clearly that is not an overnight task. It is going to take some time to do that. If it is the case that people here simply do not know how to behave properly then changing that is going to be difficult. In the meantime politicians want to show that they have some answers and at least have some way of dealing with the complaints. So theresa may calling for a cross Party Meeting next week, she says she wanted as soon as possible and that is now scheduled for monday evening about her point is that there needs to be a twin track approach that of course parties need to have structures in place and complaints systems, and parliament of course is the one place where thousands of people, not all belonging to a political party, and she says the need to be Something Else which needs to be agreed across the parties. Shes written a letter to all Party Leaders and says in it that there needs to be a common, transparent, independent grievance procedure for all those working in parliament. She also says she wants this to be swift, she wants to get going with this and get it sorted. Clearly trying to get on the front foot because these allegations are swirling, this list that many people have seen, a mixture of anecdotes, gossip, some more serious allegations but of course they are unfounded. We have had ministers today who appear on the list coming out and denying that any of this is true. I spoke to one of them earlier, the Justice Minister dominik rab. Some of the allegations are very serious and i fully support what the Prime Minister said about making sure about serious allegations are reported to the police or relevant authorities but mixed up and that is salacious gossip and in my case just an allegation that is frankly wrong. The suggestion that i have been subject to an injunction is just wrong. Ive not sexually harassed anyone or made lewd remarks in relation to anyone in parliament. And i do think whilst it is crucially important to make sure theres proper accountability for these serious cases and allegations of abuse, these serious cases and allegations ofabuse, i these serious cases and allegations of abuse, i do not think it is quite right to have innocent smeared with the same brush. Reflection there of some of the anger that there is in parliament from some people who feel that whoever compiled the list is simply throwing some mud and hoping that it might stick. And concern from others that there are serious issues which need to be dealt with and it could be lost in all of the swell of allegations. Thank you. Im nowjoined from our 0xford studio by labour peer baroness kennedy. Thank you for your time. We keep hearing the phrase now, change the culture, changing the culture. Do you sense that there is some sort of turning point here . You sense that there is some sort of turning point here . |j you sense that there is some sort of turning point here . I think there are two things going on, one is that we have a generation of young women who are now not going to remain silent. And a moment came with the disclosures about hollywood and that made people reflect on what happens in their own workplace. And parliament is one of those places. Where women have experienced really unacceptable behaviour. It is true it is partly about the fact that many of the men there are older, away from home, they have long evenings and are in the company of young women who are ambitious. And im afraid that behaviour takes place is up there is a spectrum in all of this, some incredibly serious and some less so. But it is all part of the same kind of culture and that is the problem here, i am also as well as seeing young women willing to speak out, were also seeing men basically pushing back. And if were not careful they will say it is all a witchhunt and you will get nothing changing in the culture. 0n a witchhunt and you will get nothing changing in the culture. On monday i heard men in the house of lords saying this is terrible, dishonest women lying about men. Women on the whole tend not to lie about this kind of stuff. And they tell each other and the young woman kate maltby, a year ago almost, november of last year, she came to my college and told me, confided in me about what she had experienced. So this is not a recent invention, not getting ona not a recent invention, not getting on a bandwagon, it is women feeling they have a duty to step forward and say when things have happened. And most women get on with it, what has happened for kate maltby, she carried on, she did not try to com pletely carried on, she did not try to completely cut off connection, shes a and has to connect the parliament if she is a generalist and has to connect the parliament if shes she tried to put it behind her but at the same time she felt a duty to speak out because it did happen. 0f course it is being denied and there isa course it is being denied and there is a question as to whether it was accidental, whether it was appropriate or not but all i can say is men have got to say we are going to put an end to this, lets not get into arguments about whether this is a problem. Cultural change needs to ta ke a problem. Cultural change needs to take place and it does so what eve ryo ne take place and it does so what everyone acknowledges that there is a serious problem and it is a problem because even small things can undermine women in their professional capacity. What in practical terms should be done because bex bailey spoke out yesterday and she has been saying, she happens to be within your party, we know this crosses the party boundaries. But she is saying one thing that is needed is someone independent, some form of independent, some form of independent agencies so when women at whatever level have something to report or even concerns, someone independent that they could go to. Is that a starting point . The starting point absolutely is for a starting point absolutely is for a starting point . The starting point absolutely is for third party referrals. You create a professionalised place where people who have experienced who are experienced in dealing with this, it is known that that is the place to go to if you have a complaint. It could be something minor and normally could be dealt with in a way that is not going to be about placing it into the Public Domain and also not have consequences for the complainant. And that has often been the problem, women know their whole life then can pay the price for that. Look at what happened to monica lewinsky. People do not want it to become the only thing about them. But they wanted to end and thatis them. But they wanted to end and that is what a new generation of women are doing. And we must be helped by older women. I meant many young women in the law and have done it in fact in the theatre world, i have done it here in academia because im head of an oxford couege because im head of an Oxford College foot up these problems exist everywhere and they happen on the shop floor. But if we do not get it right in parliament we were not going to create a change in the culture across the nation. So i see this as a moment which could be seized but really it is going to have to mean men not going into a defensive mode and trying to beat this back but acknowledging that sometimes their own behaviour crosses lines. And it should not happen. Just a quick final thought about spectrum as you mentioned that do you have any concerns around that, that there are people watching this who think rightly or wrongly that there is a world of difference between the appalling situation for example but bex bailey talked about yesterday versus what some people today with still they might be dismissed as drunken flirtation. Do you have any concerns in that regard . Yes but as long, of course there is a range, like everything, of course there is a whole range of bad behaviour and misconduct. And sometimes men themselves do not even think what theyre doing is inappropriate. They do not even acknowledge the difference in these circumstances, of power or age. And i think until we acknowledge that this is all part of the same kind of thing, which is about not dealing with the woman as a professional and as an equal. That is what is so undermining. And that is why women, many women have put up with that. I hear it from young women today in many different professional fields. And it still goes on and it starts with the small stuff. We should not minimise that because that is part of the culture im afraid. So it is by dealing with this small step that you prevent the big star. But the big stuff of course has happened in my party, in the liberal democrats, it happens everywhere. And you can only change a culture by dealing with the stuff that is and then men themselves saying i have got to take a look at myself and see whether im guilty of this as well. Thank you so much. A man who ran over and killed a former Royal Navy Officer as he stole his carfrom his home in manchester has been jailed for a minimum of 27 years. Ryan gibbons reversed over mike samwell and then drove over him again as the ex serviceman tried to stop him taking his audi a3. The ex ukip donor arron banks is being investigated over allegations that he breached finance rules during the Eu Referendum campaign. The Electoral Commission has announced it would examine if he had committed offences, in relation to donations and or loans made to campaigners. His Campaign Firm better for the Country Limited will also be probed to find out if was the true source of donations made to referendum campaigners. A second man has alleged that the hollywood star, kevin spacey, behaved inappropriately towards him in the 19805. The man claims that when he was 17 the actor tried to get him into bed while he was staying at his new york apartment. Earlier this week spacey apologised after being accused of making a sexual advance toward child Actor Anthony Rapp, who was 1a. Kevin spaceys representatives were approached for a comment about the latest claims but have not yet responded. The second man, now in his 505, wants to remain anonymous. Sophie long has this report. Kevin spacey, one of the biggest names in film, theatre and television. They say we get the leaders we deserve. His portrayal of president Frank Underwood in house of cards has mesmerised millions for years, but in recent days netflix suspended production of the hit Political Drama after Actor Anthony Rapp accused spacey of making sexual advances towards three decades ago when he was 1a. Kevin spacey apologised saying he didnt remember the encounter but was beyond horrified. Now another man has told the bbc anonymously he was left traumatised at the age of 17 when he woke up to find kevin spacey holding him after he refused to share a bed with the actor the night before. Spacey would then have been 26. In the morning i woke up and his head was on my stomach and his arms were wrapped around my torso. Very affectionately i would suppose. It certainly was not aggressive, but it was affectionate and not something i was comfortable with as a heterosexual male. But not something i was going to jump out of a window over. Speaking exclusively to the bbcs Victoria Derbyshire programme, he said that he didnt think anything sexual had happened but that he felt that he was being groomed in some way. You know what i had felt was that i was being manipulated. And that i was in over my head. This was an adult and i was not yet an adult. Thats what i felt. Anthony rapp said spacey seemed drunk when he alleges he made sexual advances. This man said no alcohol was involved. With me he was either stupid or predatory or maybe a little both. Whatever the case may be, i was uncomfortable at best and traumatised at worst. The old vic, where spacey worked for 11 years, has set up a confidential complaints process for anyone who may want to come forward. Some news coming in from central london, there is some kind of traffic incident at Covent Garden in central london. These imagesjust coming in involving as you can see a london black taxi which mounted the pavement. There appeared to be some reports on social media of someone being trapped but we should stress that the police are saying this incident is nothing to do with terrorism. So not terrorism incident but there seems to have been some dreadful Traffic Accident involving a london black taxi. We will keep you up to date if there is any other development that. Its been a disappointingly wet and a sulky day across southern scotland throughout the morning. Elsewhere, it has been a lovely day. That ring band across scotland is moving southwards over night, fizzling out words as it does so. Some dense fog patches will develop by don and an northern part that will be called with clear skies. Tomorrow, the court not to begin. Thick cloud across the south should eventually left and we are into global cloud. It will be a gorgeous day, lots of sunshine and called in the north but still mailed them the south. Brady will be a benign day, between the weather systems. You will start to see a change across the north west, turning wetter and wendy. Bad weather will sweep across the weather will sweep across the weather on saturday but then introduce much colder here for the second half of the weekend. This is bbc news. The Headlines Police in new york say the man who drove into cyclists and pedestrians, killing eight people, had been planning the attack for weeks. President trump says he would consider sending him to guantanamo bay. I would certainly consider that. Send him to gitmo. I would certainly consider that, yes. Theresa may has written to Party Leaders inviting them to talks about the Sexual Harassment claims at westminster. A report about the experiences of hillsborough families says the burning injustice felt by people affected by public disasters must end. Now the sport. We will start with the next Champions League action because totte n ha m Champions League action because tottenham could take a hugely to the knockout stage of the Champions League this evening if they can beat spurs should be confident after holding their opponents to a 1 1 draw a few weeks ago. Of course, its a game that you must be brave when you are going to play against the best team in the wardrobe. If youre not believe, it is difficult. The mentality is right and its good, we are going to play without fear. We will try to dominate the game and try to win. There are two other english side in action tonight. Manchester city will reach the knockout stages if they avoid defeat well liverpool said at the top of the group ahead of the game. Rugby union, jonny may walled miss the first test against twickenham or that an string injury. He picked up that an string injury. He picked up that injury in training in portugal. A hamstring injury. Englands cricket coach says the players have agreed a sensible rules for drinking on the ashes tour of australia but that will be no curfews. The squad is in perth are praying for the first tour match without ben stokes, still an england awaiting news on whether she will be charged over an incident outside nightclub. To me, not drinking in between the matches is sensible. The players have sat down and had a chat and theyre the ones that have come up with that. We dont want to put too many curfews on them and keep them in the rooms. Its about picking the right time to have a couple of drinks. 0bviously, knowing when to stay away from it, when youre preparing for a match. We are 100 days now from the start of the Winter Olympics in south korea. 0ne of the Winter Olympics in south korea. One of the athletes that the winner is snowboarder kitty 0rmerod. She narrowly missed out on qualifying four years ago. She responded by becoming the first female snowboarder to land at double ten, two full flaps and one spent. Female snowboarder to land at double ten, two full flaps and one spentlj was so ten, two full flaps and one spentlj was so gutted last time when ijust missed out. I did not get there. I just let all that frustration out when i landed the double ten and since then, everything has gone upwards for me. I started get beck invites to the x games and get a world cup audience and my confidence level has gone high and i feel as world cup audience and my confidence level has gone high and ifeel as if i have entered my place in the sport now and i am comfortable and confident with my leading at the minute and the feel as if i am going into this 0lympics minute and the feel as if i am going into this olympics in the best shape possible and join confident that i could eventually bring back two medals. Finally, the players are shot off the lead in the first round of the ladies open in abu dhabi. Both have the local wildlife to thank for making the ruffle the little easier. After negotiating the gazelle, they said one behind the leaderfrom gazelle, they said one behind the leader from south africa. Gazelle, they said one behind the leaderfrom south africa. That gazelle, they said one behind the leader from south africa. That is all the sport for now. More on all those stories on the bbc sport website. Ill be back with sports day at 6 30pm. Lets get more on our top story, the terror attack in new york, in which eight people were killed. The suspect is reported to have arrived from uzbekistan in 2010 and is thought to be a legal resident in the us. Sayfullo saipov is the latest in a number of terror suspects to emerge from the Central Asian country. 0ur security correspondent Frank Gardner has been looking at the growing Security Threat from the region. Sayfullo saipov, the suspect behind new yorks worst terrorist attack since 9 11. He is an Uzbek National who entered the us legally seven years ago. Police have been examining the truck he drove, the depot he hired from is cooperating with the fbi. The truck is said to contain a note referring to so called Islamic State or isis. But that doesnt necessarily mean the attack was directed by them. Most signals indicate this was a lone wolf inspired by isis. There is very little planning or organisation coming from isis central, lets say from iraq or syria, for that matter. And luckily because of his amateurish actions, he took eight lives and not more. Sayfullo saipov grew up in the uzbek city of tashkent. But he was reportedly radicalised in the us. A former neighbour from ohio who knew him spoke to the bbc today. He was kind of a little bit aggressive, like a street boy, like we call it back home. He was a little. How to explain it . It wasnt like any radical or any like, you know, islamic or something. You know, there was no sign. What do we know about uzbekistans links to militant islam . A former soviet republic, it has had a highly repressive government. It has been battling an islamic insurgency and thousands have left to join isis. Uzbeks have also carried out several attacks in europe this year. On new years day an uzbek gunmen attacked a nightclub in istanbul, killing 39 people. In april, an ethnic uzbek bombed a metro train in saint petersburg, killing 15 people. That same month, an uzbek drove into a crowd in stockholm, killing four people. In raqqa in syria, until recently the epicentre of isis propoganda, the group has been defeated. But that will not spell an immediate end to attacks inspired by its violent ideology. Its remaining leaders are now dispersed, desperate, and bent on revenge. Frank gardner, bbc news. Chris meserole is a terrorism expert at the center for middle east policy at the brookings institution. I certainly think, perhaps the british viewers, perhaps for american viewers, uzbekistan is not an area that gets talked about a lot, it does not get of as an area thatis lot, it does not get of as an area that is particularly problematic. Rb wrong in that . What is your assessment . I dont want to overrate this year from uzbekistan, assessment . I dont want to overrate this yearfrom uzbekistan, or exaggerate the threat that uzbekistan may to represent. It has had problems with the jihadist insurgencies in the past. There was a brutal civil war in the 19905 there 19905 there and there was a couple of attacks in 20 200a. It has sent a few thousand fighters to syria at fate with state. But most of those fighters are not going to be able to easily access in europe and certainly not the United States. We have seen some attacks from them, but it is more or less in proportion with what you might expect, given the presence in syria and the and the presence in syria and the and the success the Islamic State has had in reaching out to them. And from everything that we are heeding from everything that we are heeding from the us authorities so far, they seem from the us authorities so far, they seem fairly certain that he was radicalised once she entered the United States, because he was radicalised beforehand. In the situation, she did have contact with folks that the fbi was worried about, someday might have been some off line radicalisation, but it looks as if this is the case where the internet played a significant role and isiss on when propaganda played a big role in driving him to do what he did. On when propaganda played a big role in driving him to do what he didm your mind, in policy terms, is that an area that needs looking at in more detail, that needs tightening up more detail, that needs tightening up in some way, because it seems not unfamiliar now that someone is known to the authorities in some way . Yes, andi to the authorities in some way . Yes, and i think there is a lot that still needs to be done. The Tech Companies have gotten better at working out with government officials on collaborating on what to do with extremist content online, but another area that has not fully been exported as collaboration between, the fbi fa have information on somebody, shedding that with the business community, so i is suspect that buber and home people were not aware of the fbi concerns and did not arrest him. One of the questions coming out of this is should there be more sharing of information . Shedding two companies that make in a position to prevent attacks like this. That is an interesting point that you make because she hired the logic that he used from home depot, as you said, and, clearly, nothing was flagged up on the system. As you said, and, clearly, nothing was flagged up on the systemm there presumably no mechanism for doing that . As far as i am aware at the moment, there is no mechanism. If somebody shows up at home people, and they might look suspicious, there is now with that home people will be able to gain access to information that the fbi or other agencies might have on that individual. Very good to talk to you. Thank you for your time tonight. To tell you the little bit more that we know about the accident in Covent Garden in central london. Police we re garden in central london. Police were called at 5pm this evening because there has been a collision between a black taxi, one of the famous london black taxis and pedestrians. That is what police are telling us now. Important to stress that police say this is nothing to do with terrorism. It appeared to be at tragic Traffic Accident. It has potential to be serious because of the time of day and the location. 5pm, the beginning of the rush hour, and, if you dont know, its a busy, densely populated part of the city, populated in the sense of office workers, tourists, that sort of thing and the fact that that is happening as the fact that it is happening as the fact that it is happening at 5pm, it is busy, there are some reports on social media of people being struck and possibly of somebody being trapped, though i must stress that is not verified and it would appear that police are using the word collision at this stage, butjust an unusual situation, not least because it involves a london black taxi and that in itself is unusual in terms ofa that in itself is unusual in terms of a serious collision, i think i am right in saying. We are keeping an eye on that because it is rush hour and it would have been very, very busyin and it would have been very, very busy in that particular part of the capital. We dont have any information on entities at this stage but police are still at the scene and certainly those pictures give you a sense of what was going on here so we will keep an eye on that. Review of the experiences of families of the hillsborough victims says there should be a new law to make it an offence for public bodies to cover up failures. Bishop james jones was asked to write the report after inquests into the death of 96 liverpool fans in 1989. The review says that public authorities need cultural change to stop what it calls the burning injustice in the way bereaved relatives are treated following a tragedy. Danny savage is in liverpool. I cant stress enough the serious nature of whats happened at hillsborough today. When 96 people died in the Hillsborough Disaster what the families had to go through was terrible. Not only did they have to deal with the loss of a relative, the experience of identifying a body, through to getting questions answered, was harrowing. It all took its toll. Today proposals to stop anybody going through such an ordeal again were revealed to the hillsborough families. We are still suffering mentally, physically. A lot of people are not here today because of what hillsborough has done to them. I said many times over the years that there were two disasters. The one on the day and the one in the aftermath where we were all treated pretty terribly. You can ask me anything you want to and i will answer. The experience of the families has been investigated by a former anglican bishop of liverpool. His report looks at what happened and what couldve been done better. It makes uncomfortable reading for the authorities, described as being patronising, and prioritising reputation over accountability. Suggestions for any future incidents include a charter for families bereaved through public tragedy, which recognises that authority is open to challenge. Publicly funded representation for families. And and end to public bodies spending limitless sums defending their reputation. And a duty of candour for Police Officers to address the issue of those who fail to cooperate fully with investigations. There was a broadly positive reaction to the report from the families this lunchtime. People have a right no matter who they are, they have a right for truthfulness, honesty, integrity, accountability. They have a right to that from the very beginning and i hope that this helps to avoid any other disaster, that they learn lessons from it. The report author says public bodies and big organisations must change. What the families found is that when they challenged the institution, the institution closed ranks and put their own reputation above the needs and the rights of the individual. And it is that which has to change and what im calling for in this report is that leaders of our Public Institutions should read this report and should sign up to the charter. The enquiry into the Grenfell Tower disaster is one incident where todays recommendations could have an effect. The message is that the voices of victims and their families in public disasters must be heard and be prioritised. The Northern Ireland secretary has said he is taking the necessary steps for westminster to pass a budget for Northern Ireland. James brokenshire said talks between the Democratic Unionist Party and sinn fein had failed to Reach Agreement to establish an executive. The parties are attempting to end a 10 month deadlock that has left the region without a devolved administration. Mr brokenshire said he would withdraw the bill if the stormont parties managed to agree a deal. We can cross over to stormont and speak to our ireland correspondent chris page. It does not feel likely. There have been discussions, but they have endedin been discussions, but they have ended in deadlock and not ideal. Now she feels the time is right for him to go forward and begin moves in westminster to bring forward budget legislation for Northern Ireland because at the moment, this place does not have a budget for the current Financial Year which began in april. That means that money for Public Services role play run out at the end of this month. The check start printing, the government has too intervened. He expects the bill will go before parliament in the week after next. He says that he could withdraw it at the main parties here to manage to strike a deal, but listening to the parties today, it does not feel as if things are moving in that direction. Sinn fein say they are open to more talks but they said that endless negotiations without a conclusion are not sustainable and they will have to reflect on the situation. The democratic unionists support the government 5 move to legislate for a budget at westminster, seen that will bring a measure of Good Government in Northern Ireland, which Northern Ireland needs. They say they do want devotion back year but the Sticking Point between the parties means remains this idea ofan irish parties means remains this idea of an Irish Language act, with the addition be legislation and then you law to protect the Irish Language. Sinn fein want that to happen and the dup what a broader cultural act will which will incorporate some which are more important to unionists. The talks have not collapsed. They have certainly stalled and i think and there are still no resolution in sight to the stormont stalemate, the passing of the budget at westminster for the first time in more than a decade would be the most serious consequences yet of this lengthy political crisis. Aboriginal authorities have decided to stop tourists from climbing uluru, one of australias most famous landmarks. The giant red sandstone monolith, formerly known as ayres rock, is sacred to Indigenous People and aboriginal landowners have long complained about travellers scaling the site. Now theyve ordered a ban that is expected to start in 2019. From sydney, phil mercer reports. Aboriginal leaders say that uluru shouldnt be treated like a theme park. To them the huge rock that is almost 315 metres high is a sacred place like no other. The local people believe that simply by touching the ochre red sandstone, they can communicate with the gods of creation and receive blessings from their ancestors. The rock was handed back to its traditional indigenous owners in 1985. Since then they have urged tourists not to climb uluru and elders believe a ban has broad public support. Translation i work with lots of visitors on a daily basis. I do it all the time, and if anything they ask us when we will close the climb. For traditional owners, seeing non aboriginal visitors scale the iconic monolith is to witness the desecration of a holy site. Officials hope that the ban will restore dignity to a special place. We will need some experts to help us work out how we restore and rehabilitate if that is what the traditional owners want. And how i think the word that was used today, was how we heal some of the scars that might be on uluru. While bad weather and safety concerns have led to the rock often being closed, many travellers have stopped climbing it out of respect for indigenous culture. Those falling numbers have triggered a clause in a Management Plan that gives aboriginal groups the authority to order a ban. It is expected to come into force in two years time. But for some tourists it is a move that will cause disappointment. Everyone does a base walk but i think you would have a heart warming story to tell, you know, like something that was a little bit more passion driven when you actually finally get to the top. More than 250,000 people visit each year. Indigenous leaders believe they will still come, despite the ban, and experience the majesty and wonder of australias big red rock and its shifting colours from the ground. Phil mercer, bbc news, sydney. The olympic flame has arrived in south korea and begun its trip around the country ahead of the 2018 winter games. Its now just 100 days until the opening ceremony, but ticket sales have been lower than expected amid fears over Rising Nuclear tensions with its neighbour north korea. Meanwhile data analysts have predicted that team gb may win its best ever winter 0lympics haul, getting its hands on five medals. Among those competing will be Gus Kenworthy, the american freestyle skier. He became a media star not only for winning silver at the sochi 0lympics but also, later, for publicly declaring he is gay. Hes been called the first Action Sports star to come out and has since been hailed as a new standard bearer for lgbt people in sport. 0ur correspondent andy swiss went to meet him. Im just hoping that might story serves as encouragement and a beacon of light for any people that are in the closet in sports. Of anything ive done my life, the thing im the most proud of for sure is coming out and doing it the way that i did it. In the frenetic world of freestyle skiing, Gus Kenworthy stands alone. World number one and also the first openly gay competitor. When he won silver at the sochi olympics in 2014, kenworthy had not revealed his sexuality. Behind the celebrations, he says he felt deceitful, guilty and even considered quitting, for fear of what his sport would think. Your whole sport is based around you image and your persona. Its like, your social media followers and your sponsors and just the way that you portray yourself and ijust didnt want to throw that all away. I had just heard friends and people in the industry say homophobic things. We used to have snowboarders at events, call us skier fags and anytime anything was bad at a contest, whether it was the weather or the course or thejudges, it was, this is so gay, thats so gay, all these things, so i wasjust like, oh, my god, thats not what the words means. I was like, what are they going to think when they realise that i actually am gay . And you came out. Yeah and what was the reaction you got . It was crazy. The reaction when i came out was the opposite of what i expected. I posted the cover and i tweeted it it and it was just like my phone stopped working, it was going so crazy. I got calls from people, other people in the industry who had joked about things, called me gay, called me a faggot, whatever, called to say that they were so sorry and had no idea that if they ever had they would have never said these things. Ive been feeling so guilty all morning. I was in tears hearing these apologies. I get messages every single day from kids. I want to help them come to terms with themselves, help them come out. It does make me feel really, really good. And coming out, he believes, has actually enhanced his marketability. Hes one of americas faces of the winter games and he told me its given him the focus to realise his sporting potential. What would it mean to you to go to the Winter Olympics and come away with a gold medal, how much would that mean to you . My god. I get goosebumps even hearing you say that. I want to do well for myself but i want to do well for the lgbt community. I want to be their sports guy. I want to be at the olympics, like, i want to get a medal for that community. The skys the limit, then, for a man who blazes a trail both on and off the snow. Time for a look at the weather. Today has been pretty balmy across england and wales, gloriously sunny, not just across england england and wales, gloriously sunny, notjust across england and wales, pa rt notjust across england and wales, part of ireland and north east scotland. This was east sussex. Widely across the country. Not bad at all, for the 1st of november. Things are set to start cold start to get colder this weekend. This weather front, stinking southwards across england and wales, says on the out through the course of the night. Beheaded, clearer and colder conditions, a touch of frost and dense fog patches developing across southern england in the morning pda. It is a cold start across scotland and Northern Ireland but a much better day for use year. A little bit of mr and in the central belt, but gorgeous amount of sunshine. Further south, a bit more cloud and, through the midlands, into wales, the odd spot of rain and watch out for those dench gus dense fog patches. They should do generally left and clear into low cloud, so one of the showers across the south of the country, but, that said, apart from the unsure elsewhere, the fendi, with loads of sunshine through the afternoon. Colder than today, in glasgow, for example, named celsius. But you will have the weather front begins to clear away and then we are in between weather systems. At the name day before this weather front begins to play a hand on weather into freddy and saturday. It breaks of lea n freddy and saturday. It breaks of lean into north west of scotland and ireland. Else should be largely dry with one of two showers around. We could see one or two showers. The male dweller gets pushed away, these we re male dweller gets pushed away, these were the fronts get swept in over friday night and saturday to bring a wet day in places, and then we open the floodgates across the northwest. Hold the font into the country. Quite a few showers but some sunshine in between as well. Some of the shares could be quite heavy but thenit the shares could be quite heavy but then it will be called, that wind will be cool and we will see a return to overnight frost. A traditional bonfire right for this weekend, particularly into sunday night, with it being cool and rather breezy. Police in new york say the man who used a truck to kill eight people had been planning it for weeks in the name of so called Islamic State. The 29 year old from uzbekistan careered onto a cycle path at high speed, mowing down his victims at random. Sayfullo siapov had been living in america for seven years and wasnt known to the authorities. President trump has renewed his vow to crack down on immigration. We have to get much tougher, we have to get much smarter, and we have to get much less politically correct. Among the dead, five friends from argentina, part of a group of ten Old University friends whod been celebrating in new york. Well have the latest from the scene. Also on the programme tonight the Prime Minister invites Party Leaders to talks next week to discuss the best way to deal with allegations of sexual abuse in westminster

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