Sports could be made more accessible to people who cant afford them. Good morning. A man is in Police Custody in hospital in new york after the deadliest terror attack in the city since 9 11. Five friends from argentina were among eight People Killed yesterday when a truck ploughed into pedestrians, cyclists and hit a school bus. At least twelve others were injured as the driver careered down a cycle path along a number of blocks in Lower Manhattan, in an area where the streets were busy with people out celebrating halloween. The suspect has been named as this man 29 year old Sayfullo Habibullaevic saipov a driverfor the taxi company uber, who arrived in the us from uzbekistan in 2010. He was shot and injured by police as he tried to flee his hired vehicle and eyewitnesses said he shouted allahu akbar god is great as he ran. President trump has ordered the Homeland Security services to step up the vetting of immigrants. Our new york reporter, nada tawfik, has more. This was the scene of the deadliest attack on new york since 9 11. Cyclists enjoying a beautiful autumn day, struck down by a white pick up truck travelling at high speed, leaving bodies and bicycles scattered in its wake. The drivers journey ends only when he smashes into a school bus and passers by had to call for help for some of the injured. He can be seen here leaving the vehicle and brandishing a paintball and pellet gun before being shot by police. Eyewitnesses describe the panicked moments when they realise something was terribly wrong. He was running around like with a gun and so police came out and then people called the cops and so they were coming in and the guy fired a couple of shots before and then there was like a shoot out scene like the police and the guy and thats when they started to close down everything and we had to go. He was screaming in the street. He looked frustrated, panicked and confused. From there, a whole bunch of customers started running past me, a whole bunch of people came running past my way yelling, hes got a gun. Hes got a gun. The full force of new yorks Emergency Responders swarmed the area. Announcement be advised, we have multiple people on the ground. There is multiple people on the ground. We need buses. Authorities believe this was an act of terror aimed at innocent civilians. They say a note in the suspects vehicle referenced the so called Islamic State. Its a very painful day in our city. A horrible tragedy on westside. Let me be clear that based on the information that we have at this moment this was an act of terror and a particularly cowardly act of terror. The suspect has been identified as 29 year old Sayfullo Saipov who came to the United States in 2010. Hes said to have travelled to the east coast from florida and to have worked for the company uber as a driver. President trump has been briefed and in a series of tweets, he promised to crackdown further on those entering the country. Every day thousands of new yorkers make their way down this bike path on their way to work and school and just blocks from the site of the World Trade Center, this attack in Lower Manhattan is a stark reminder that the city remains a target. This attack happened on one of the most festive days in the big apple, just as children prepare to go trick or treating and new yorkers carried on with that tradition as normal with the annual halloween parade in a show of defiance and resilience. 0ur security correspondent Frank Gardner can tell us more. Clearly police were trying to find it all they can about this man who remained in hospital. We know he is from uzbekistan. Is there any significance immediately and that . He has been illegal resident in the United States since 2010, and doi he was uber driver in florida. There isa he was uber driver in florida. There is a mugshot of him from Missouri Police force other than that he cannot come into contact with police and those who knew him say he was the last person to become a terrorist. He is the fourth whose biggest and national to be involved in terrorist attacks linked to so called Islamic State in the last two years. So called Islamic State in the last two yea rs. Why so called Islamic State in the last two years. Why is this happening . We should not read too much into it. The vast majority of uzbekistan immigrants are completely law abiding and they are appalled by this. There is shock and outrage in cincinnati in the mosque where many of them are seeing this is abhorrent. The added worried about what will happen just if community. There is a violent streak, or Violent Movement underground and uzbekistan as that is in many countries that there was something called the Islamic Movement of uzbekistan which reflects to the taliban and alqaeda for something. Because of oppressive policies in that country, a lot of young men of your themselves are driven to isis and able to come to turkey and can get into syria and join basis from there. We heard only report that have been some documents found in the truck which have links to isis. Do we know of anything formal . The whole propaganda of isis is in trouble because they have lost their base so normally i would expect within 2a hours there would be a statement saying he has a lion of the caliphate of a soldier ofjihad. It has not, you probably will do but never more Radio Network is down and the online magazine has not appeared. This is unprecedented in two and a half years and it shows because they have lost their base it is harderfor them to do because they have lost their base it is harder for them to do this. They will recover, they will start pumping it out from summer and i have no doubt they will claim this. Isis claim they are behind a lot of attacks that they have nothing to do with but they think in this particular case if there was something written already in his truck then almost certainly he would have been inspired if not directed by them. The first secretary of state, and senior ally of the Prime Minister damian green has denied allegations of inappropriate behaviour towards a female activist. Kate maltby has written in the times that he fleetingly touched her knee and sent her a suggestive text message. Mr green says the claims are completely false. Hes been referred to the countrys most senior Civil Servant and will decide whether he broke the ministerial code. Lets talk to our our assistant Political Editor norman smith whos in westminster. Norman. Damian green has categorically denied these allegations saying they are com pletely allegations saying they are completely and absolutely untrue. He says he was shocked and hurt by the claims by kate maltby, that he regarded her as a friend and bodies under investigation by the cabinet 0ffice under investigation by the Cabinet Office this does not anyway suggest guilt, it is the procedural response toa guilt, it is the procedural response to a complaint about a minister. We have now heard from a former conservative minister who has called for conservative minister who has called foer conservative minister who has called for mr green to stand aside from his post as first secretary at least temporarily while the allegations are investigated by the cabinet 0ffice. Are investigated by the Cabinet Office. Mr green for his part has instructed a firm of libel lawyers to pursue anyone herejudges instructed a firm of libel lawyers to pursue anyone here judges are guilty of definition and this was his response this morning. All the allegations are completely false. Thank you. Do you regret your behaviour . This is the latest in a whole string of allegations which have dominated westminster for days 110w. Have dominated westminster for days now. Pressure for action to be taken but what . Joining me as labours yvette cooper. In terms of providing some sort of grievance procedure, we have heard talk of action within days but what specifically should 110w days but what specifically should now happen . I think the something all the Political Parties and parliament could do very quickly. And that is to set up independent reporting systems may be through a charity, and appended Sexual Violence adviser with expertise in dealing with both Sexual Assault and harassment. They can provide support for people who are coming forward, can do so in confidence and know that if for example they need to go to the police because this is a seedy Sexual Assault that has taken place, they will have the support. If it is an employment issues are also get the support. Unless we do more to make it easier for people to come forward and speak out we will see this problem continue and it is deeply unfair and sometimes crimes are taking place. Who will investigate these allegations . Very often there are no witnesses. Who will carry to investigative investigatory work to establish the truth. It would depend on the issue because this is a wide range of things that are happening. When you have a serious sexual shock doi becoming friends has taken place. And independence grievance procedure should be in the workplace as part of that Employment Contract and should be a proper way to deal with that as well. We also have the labour party has set up a process to also take other kinds of complaints not just from employees also take other kinds of complaints notjust from employees but maybe from volunteers. I think that could do with stronger independence in that process because you have to have the confidence that they will not just be have the confidence that they will notjust bejudged by have the confidence that they will notjust be judged by people who actually are friends with the person they might be complaining about. All other parties should do the same and should set up similar processes but also with independence in them as well. We can talk forever about the kinds of reforms to the processes but the most potent thing is to change the culture and to end the culture of entitlement by some older men who think that theyjust have a rates to prey on younger women or men that they have the power relationship with. That is in an abuse of power and it has to stop. As pa rt of abuse of power and it has to stop. As part of that is a to send out a message that damian green should stand aside even if only temporarily from his position . I will not get drawn into that case because i do not believe the details and they do not believe the details and they do not want this to end up looking like a Party Party Political dispute. What i do think is that as a problem with inappropriate behaviour and sometimes older men and authority thinking it is ok to prey on younger people who may be asking them for advice or any position of power or authority and that kind of behaviour is not ok. It is very different from some of the Sexual Assaults we have been talking about but it is still something we have to change the culture about so that young people particularly young woman can have the confidence and the workplace that the dividend. Thank you. I am told the leader of the house has begun discussion with stakeholders and parliament to come up with some new complaints grievance procedure but she has set a tight timetable, she has promised action within days and parliament was into recess next week so one imagines we would have to have some outlines of the new system at least by the end of the week. Thank you. Some breaking news concerning the Eu Referendum, the Electoral Commission said have opened an investigation into the form of and leave you chairman alan banks offer that he breached finance rules. You medical the money given by mr banks to the League Campaign was the biggest nation in british political history. The businessman said he had contributed almost £9 million in cash loans and services to pro brexit causes. We have the Electoral Commission opening an investigation into how that he breached finance rules with the donations. Labour will try to force the government to disclose the likely impact of brexit on different sectors of the economy. The government has confirmed that 58 reports looking at different sectors of the economy have been prepared. But it is resisting calls to publish them, saying to do so would undermine the uks negotiating position in brexit talks. Northern ireland secretary James Brokenshire will issue a statement later on the way forward to restore power sharing at stormont. The negotiations between the dup and sinn fein are resuming today, after the two parties failed to Reach Agreement by the previous deadline of monday. The government insists that progress has been made in what is now a ten month deadlock. The nhs in england estimates that more than a billion pounds is stolen from the service through fraud each year. That amounts to just under one per cent of its overall budget. The Nhs Counter Fraud Authority says patients wrongly claiming for free prescriptions is one of the biggest problems. Our health correspondent, rob sissons, has more. Nhs fraud, we are told, has to be tackled on many fronts. Now bosses are appealing to honest, dedicated nhs staff to report anyone they suspect of committing a crime. Patients sometimes fiddle the system, falsely claiming for free prescriptions or dentistry. Professionals including dentists have been caught claiming for services not provided. And suppliers have been known to overcharge for items of a Higher Quality or number than those delivered. Earlier this year, paula vasco knight, the former boss of the Torbay Hospital in devon, was convicted of defrauding the Health Service of £11,000. She paid her husband, seen her on the left, for work he didnt do. Now the head of the new organisation, fighting fraud, says her aim is to see more people convicted. Nhs staff can really help us to identify fraud and fraudsters and to really put a stop to people taking money out of the system. So if youre in the nhs and youre working in the nhs please report any of your suspicions to us and if you are a fraudster and youre committing fraud in the nhs then were looking for you and we will find you. The nhs accepts the £1. 25 billion annual fraud figure is an estimate. Most cases are undetected. Im joined by the Royal Pharmaceutical society. When you surprised by this figure . I am surprised by this figure . I am surprised by this figure . I am surprised by the figure of £1 billion. I dont know how that number was made ups. Some will come from people claiming they have an exemption to a prescription charge when they do not but our concern is what that means for patients to 90 of people do not pay for prescriptions and england. And youre exempt in scotland, wales and Northern Ireland so the cost rests ona Northern Ireland so the cost rests on a 10 of people with long term conditions that are not exempt, people of working age with asthma, hmv, depression they are the people paying these description charges, it is tough to label these people as fraudsters, they need medical assistance and should be supportive and informative information from government rather than perhaps the sort of like behaving today. Do you feel that in some ways it may be understandable that some people who are struggling with long term conditions which mean they have to keep paying, they may occasionally try and circumvent that payment . Were talking with people with long term pain so if you have arthritis or asthma medication you are taking is not trivial, it is about keeping it out of hospital and making sure you can stay and work. If those scots suddenly become higher than you can afford, you have to make some really difficult choices about whether you can afford food or heating, or medication. Peeved putting people in that kind of impossible situation is something that has to be looked at both. Do you think by targeting people like this who may be trying to play the system, the government is missing the point . We have seen that happen already. We have been talking to diabetes uk about patients who bureaucratically have not filled in the correct form, they have been shut hundreds of pounds which means they have to pay those before they get those medication for diabetes. We both diabetes and medication they end up in hospital and that is not a consequence that anybody Health Service wants to see. There will be people who work in different parts of the nhs are dealing with people with very serious needs and a e etc as its not fair to say that we have two paper they have to pay because otherwise the system will greatly . Someone with asthma, if you do not collect your prescription because you cannot afford, what happens question mark the likelihood is your condition may worsen and youll end up condition may worsen and youll end up with an emergency admission because you require Urgent Medical attention so it might be a false economy going after patients with long term conditions. Economy going after patients with longterm conditions. Thank you. We have said that the Electoral Commission say they have opened an investigation into the former ukip donor aaron banks about the possibility of reaching Campaign Finance rules on donations. Some response coming in. Aaron banks hasnt responded to that investigation saying quote, i am terrified. I do not know if that was a little tongue in cheek of the town was by that response from aaron banks was by that response from aaron ba n ks after was by that response from aaron banks after the news that the Electoral Commission are proposing to investigate western nations to the leave you campaign. More rather, first of all the sports news,. U nfortu nately we all first of all the sports news,. Unfortunately we all have two parked sport for a moment because you want to hear from James Brokenshire who is in belfast making a statement. The legislation necessary for an executive to be formed in this week. I must stress we are continuing to work with the parties as they proceed with ongoing talks. As i have outlined previously, there are consequences to not being able to bring forward this legislation this week. It is the responsibilities of the parties to form an executive, to ta ke the parties to form an executive, to take forward its own budget. But as i have indicated, it is now very unlikely that an executive will be in place within a timetable to pass a budget by the end of november. Which is the point at which we and the Northern Ireland Civil Service access that Northern Ireland will begin to run out of resources. No government could simply stand by and allow that to happen. I am therefore note taking forward the necessary steps that would enable a budget bill to be introduced at westminster at the appropriate moment in order to protect the delivery of Public Services in Northern Ireland. I would expect the budget bill to be considered and parliament after the short november recess but i will be returning to westminster to update mps. Subject of course to parliamentary approval, the effect of this would be to give the Northern Ireland Civil Service certainty to plan for the rest of this Financial Year by giving the necessary Legal Authority to spend to existing plans. The budget bill will deal only with 2017, 2018 and will deal only with 2017, 2018 and will incorporate figures provided by the Northern Ireland Civil Service reflecting their assessments of the outgoing priorities of the previous executive. I also want to underline the passing a budget investments that does not mean a move to direct rule. Any more than passing of legislation to set a regional rate that in april. Let me be clear, this is not a barrier to continued political negotiations. The government will continue to work with the parties with that clear intent. Indeed however unlikely should an executive be formed speedily enough, and a means could be created to provide an exceptional procedure to enable the budget to be passed by the end of november, i would even know be prepared to withdraw the budget bill in order for the assembly to legislate for itself. In addition, i will also now be seeking formal independent advice on what steps should be taken to reflect the current circumstances and mla pay. The government remains steadfast in our commitment to the 1998 belfast agreement and its successors as to the institutions that the established. I therefore urge the parties to resolve their outstanding differences, to see the restoration of devolved government quickly. Together with the Irish Government in accordance with the three stranded approach, we will continue to work with them and support them in their efforts but then in the end it is only the parties themselves that can reach that agreement. It remains firmly in the interests of Northern Ireland to see devolved government restored, to see devolved government restored, to see locally elected politicians making decisions for the people of Northern Ireland. With goodwill and compromise on all so this the parties can still achieve this and this is what needs to happen. I will ta ke this is what needs to happen. I will take some questions, stephen . The 13th of november as the next deadline, as the danger that this whole process has lost all credibility and why do not go back to direct rule . I recognise the pressures that are out there. The that people expressed to me across Northern Ireland. That is why i have spent days and hours with the parties working with them to see devolved government restored. Because actually that is what matters the most. That is what i still continue tojudge matters the most. That is what i still continue to judge firmly as of what is in Northern Irelands best interests. It is why i have provided that personal commitment to this process and will continue to do so. We have obviously passed a point where it is not possible in my judgment for a budget bill to be provided here in Northern Ireland and tryi provided here in Northern Ireland and try i am taking the steps that i am taking today subject of course still for the parties to find that resolution as i have indicated. But it is that question of the parties themselves finding that resolution, that space for compromise, it is important to recognise the important progress that has been made in re ce nt progress that has been made in recent days but not sufficient to find resolution and an agreement being reached. Fundamentally it is about locally elected politicians making decisions here in the best interests of Northern Ireland. That is what i believe and so passionately and why i will continue to support them to find that resolution quickly but knowing that things cannot continue forever, the decisions do need to be made, and responsibilities that we feel as a government to the people of Northern Ireland in seeing that political stability and seeing Northern Ireland moving forward. Tracey. I think you are right to highlight that point. Studio we must leave James Brokenshire. The headlights coming up. Lets join James Brokenshire. The headlights coming up. Letsjoin simon for the winner. I hear very clearly as others do the concerns i hear very clearly as others do the concerns that have out there that this cannot continue in this way. Why i am taking the steps now of getting independent advice to advise me on those mix tapes. Under those next steps. Studio apologies, some technical problems. The headlines are coming up on the bbc news channel. In a moment we say goodbye to viewers on bbc two first we leave you with for a look at the weather. Dry weather across the uk. In scotla nd dry weather across the uk. In scotland is not looking so nice. Heavy rain and western scotland that has been with you since monday evening. Continuing from the latest rainfall radar picture. Thatll continue into the afternoon. Moving further southward, showers across the north of scotland, rinse reading south across Northern Ireland but for england and wales, plenty dry weather with the sunshine, a bit more cloud in the far north and the east, maximum temperature is about 12 to 14. East, maximum temperature is about 12 to 1a. Through tonight, the cloud and rain moves further southward, fog developing in central and southern areas, the few columns can be caused. Throughout thursday now looking at the cloud is one from real to the south east, sunshine in cornwall but for much of northern england, not wales and scotland thursday looking fine and dry. Lots of sunshine and temperatures about nine to 1a celsius. This is bbc news our latest headlines eight people have died and 11 more have been injured in a terror attack in new york yesterday. Following the attack, President Trump has ordered Homeland Security to step up what he calls extreme vetting for people looking to settle in the usa. The first secretary of state damian green has been referred to the countrys most senior Civil Servant, following allegations of inappropriate behaviour towards a young female activist. Mrgreen mr green describes the allegations as complete the false. X ukip donorand as complete the false. X ukip donor and leave chairman alan banks is being investigated by the electoral chairman over allegations he broke rules over the Eu Referendum campaign. A report on the Hillsborough Disaster has been released today by the bishop of liverpool, examining the experience of the families of victims. Tourists are to be stopped from climbing one of australias most famous landmarks, uluru, also known as ayers rock. The giant red sandstone is considered sacred to indigenous people. In sport, chelsea conceded against roma last night, as they became the First English Club toulouse in the Champions League this season. Celtic are out, but Manchester United by one point away from the knockout stage after beating benfica. Four wins out of four for united. Trevor bayliss admits the ben stokes affair has made for a difficult month, while he has focused his players will be fully focused on the ashes ahead. Ill be back with more in the next hour. Lets get no lets get more now on our top story this morning, a terror attack in new york in which eight people died. A 29 year old taxi driver from uzbekistan is in Police Custody in hospital after ploughing a hired truck along a busy cycle path, mowing down pedestrians, cyclists and hitting a school bus. Speaking earlier this morning we heard from kenneth craig, correspondent for the American News network cbs, he explained what was currently known about the attacker. He has a florida license plate, and his last known residence is in tampa, florida. Authorities believe this was a lone wolf attack, they do not believe this was part of some larger terror plot. He came to the United States some seven years ago backin United States some seven years ago back in 2010, from uzbekistan. During the course of the investigation today after this all came to an end, authorities also according to one Law Enforcement source found a note inside that rented flatbed truck that had some sort of reference to isis. Beyond that i can tell you he had a commercial drivers license and at one point was a driver for the commercial drivers license and at one point was a driverfor the Ride Sharing Service uber, which since then has obviously banned him from driving. But they say he they say they did a full background check when they hired him and nothing came of. At this point investigators have a lot of digging to do, talking to people who knew, going through his cell phone records and any online evidence, to try and figure out whether he was working in tandem with any other groups or larger organisations, and how long that might he might have been plotting the attack here in new york city. 0ne the attack here in new york city. One other fact that has emerged about the attacker is that he came legally from the states on a visa from uzbekistan, but that freezer was acquired from the Lottery Programme element that visa. There has been a tweet from donald trump, you can see there. So he is saying he would like a merit based visa programme, and that the lottery element of it should be removed. That recent response from President Trump. Lets return to the details of the attack. It happened near a school, and students there have been speaking about their shock. We were heading out and we were sort of, we were a little bit from the school, a little bit sort of towards the highway a little bit. Almost to the corner. And we see like the car and the smoke. And we see this guy and he has like guns and he came out, and he had a beard maybe. And then everyone was like, run, get back in the school. We ran in and hid behind the locker. I mean, ijust kind of saw blurs of everything because i was trying to get back inside. We walked out together. Yeah. Did the teachers kind of grab you or did you see that. We see that, we were about to go back in. Pta members and teachers were directing us inside, like, run, get back inside, now, quickly. Everyone was, like, freaking out. Some friends of ours were really close. They saw him, but they didnt have any interaction, theyjust came back. They were ahead of us but they came back inside. So, i know this must have been very confusing and scary because you didnt know what was going on, but can you explain a bit about how you were feeling when you realised you had to go back inside . I was worried that me or my friends would get shot. I was listening to his gunshot or Something Like that and i was waiting, and kind of like anticipating pain at any minute. I was just scared for me and my friends. I was just worried about my friends, also being hurt and my friends being hurt. Just wanted to make sure my family stayed safe. The first thing he did when we got in was call our families, to just tell them that were 0k, everyone is ok. With me is the new york Security Consultant marco vicenzino. Given the nature of this attack and the fact we have seen similar what one might say low tech attacks across europe recently, some might be surprised we have taken so long to see Something Like this in america. These type of attacks are called lone wolf attacks. They are cheap, it costs nothing to rent a vehicle, it is effective, you win headlines which you can use for recruitment purposes. And it tries to create a state of fair fear. Remember the us have had attacks in 0rlando remember the us have had attacks in orlando and in california and around the western world, similarly in europe you would draw parallels with london in march, berlin last christmas, you had nice injuly. All western societies, it is creating a state of fear. I think western societies have become far more resilient, it is important to promote vigilance, but not fear. Also, here you have an individual, young person from uzbekistan, it draws somewhat similar parallels possibly similar in profile you would say to the brothers involved in the boston bombings. But that resilience factor in new york last night, the annual halloween parade went on, and on sunday november the 5th you have the new york city marathon, it will take place, obviously be there will be increased security, but life is somewhat back to normal, i would say. But the authorities will be saying, as you say, what can we do to make sure with lower risk as much as possible . I suppose the issue is, it is almost impossible to put in enough barriers, if somebodys determines to get through, it is ha rd to determines to get through, it is hard to stop them . You cannot prevent these attacks, but you cant reduce the probability of them. It rests with citizens and authorities, to increase that relationship with the two. There needs to be responsible responsibility of citizens, than an issue of vigilance. So if you see something you are worried about or if you suspect something. Yes, and this took place near the World Trade Center site, you have the upcoming christmas season. It is that desire to wa nt christmas season. It is that desire to want to create fear, and there are also political, social impacts, obviously the president has seized upon this for his immigration argument, the question is, do we know who is coming into our societies, and individual who perhaps was off the radar. Also, the political fallout is the debate between Civil Liberties and national security. France, we are coming up to the second anniversary of the powers attacks, for two years he had a state of emergency renewed six times. This week, that comes to an end, but there will be new legislation, and that will include a lot of elements from the state of security, which will have Civil Liberties groups up in arms. But once again, these attacks are impacting society at other levels. At all levels. We seen this tweet from President Trump about the visa programme, it appears this man came in from the lottery based visa programme. But as far as we know, he would have ticked off the boxes, and nothing would have been flagged. So it isa nothing would have been flagged. So it is a challenge to vet everybody coming in, because some of the people, the radicalisation process ta kes pla ce people, the radicalisation process takes place at a much less obvious way, it may just takes place at a much less obvious way, it mayjust be happening at home on their computer. For the boston bomber brothers, it seemed that when they arrived in the us, there was no radicalisation, it was over the years as they grew up in us society, there was no one single profile but that says of self radicalisation begins over time, and a lot of it over the internet, hence also the responsibility notjust of Political Leadership but also the private sector. Getting online. Tech companies, facebook, social media, google for example, to see where these searches are taking place, so it is not just these searches are taking place, so it is notjust a response ability of Law Enforcement, but of the private sector. Ok, lots of things to think about there. Marco, thank you very much. A major report examining the experiences of the hillsborough families is to be released this morning. It was commissioned after inquests last year found the 96 football fans were unlawfully killed. The reports aim is to inform authorities in their handling of current and future disasters. 0ur correspondent fiona trott is in liverpool for us. The title of this 140 page report makes the theme very clear, the patronising disposition of unaccountable power. The patronising disposition of unaccountable power. The former bishop mays 25 points, main ones include he promotes a charterfor families believed through public tragedy. Bereaved. Not knowingly misleading the public or media, he says, and avoiding to seek to defend the indefensible. He also says there isa the indefensible. He also says there is a pressing need for publicly funded representation for families at inquest, and ending the situation we re at inquest, and ending the situation were public bodies can spend limitless sums on their representation, he wants more parity. Thirdly, bishopjames representation, he wants more parity. Thirdly, Bishop James Jones also calls the establishment to have also calls the establishment to have a duty of candour for Police Officers. This addresses the Unacceptable Behaviour of Police Officers, he says, serving over time, who failed to comply fully with investigations into alleged criminal offences or misconduct. These proposals, they address issues that relatives lawyers have been calling for, they have been calling for a hillsborough law, making it a criminal offence for senior managers in police and other public bodies to cover up in police and other public bodies to cover up failures, and bishopjones recommends that the government should give full consideration to the idea of a hillsborough law, that is something the families were hoping for when they were going into the cathedral this morning to read that 140 page report with the former bishop. There are other recommendations, the way bereaved families are treated in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. The report says relatives should never be asked to identify their loved ones by viewing scores of unsorted photographs of victims, of course the former bishop has been hearing all these first hand that accou nts hearing all these first hand that accounts from relatives of the 96 who died, bereaved families should only be interviewed by a Police Officer after a disaster, when it is absolutely necessary. We heard from one relative this morning who said that she believed it was a disgrace that she believed it was a disgrace that the report had taken so long to come out, 28 years of course, for this to happen, and she had been suffering from Mental Health issues, so something today is very pertinent, it says support and counselling should be offered to families at the earliest opportunity. So there we are, recommendations from that report from the former bishop of liverpool, 28 days years after the Hillsborough Disaster, and families here today will be pleased to hear that he is recommending that yes, parliament should consider a hillsborough law. We hope to speak to the former bishop to get more information on his recommendations a little later. In a moment a summary of the Business News this hour, but first the headlines on bbc newsroom live. Five friends from argentina are among eight People Killed and 11 injured in a truck attack in new york. The Prime Ministers deputy, damian green, denies allegations of inappropriate behaviour towards a female activist. A report on experiences faced by the families involved in the Hillsborough Disaster is expected to be published has been published, and calls for a charterforfamilies has been published, and calls for a charter for families bereaved through public tragedy. Im alice baxter in the Business News retail giant next has once again seen growth in online sales offset a decline in its shops. 0nline sales rose more than 13 in the three months to october, but in store sales felljust under 8 . Next said it expects consumers to continue the trend towards shopping online, and that other retailers were experiencing the same. Uk manufacturers enjoyed strong growth last month. The measure for the sector known as pli rose to 56. 3 in october from 56. 0 in september. This was largely as a result of new contracts encouraging firms to ramp up production once again. And britains Housing Market remains subdued according to nationwides latest survey. House prices rosejust 2. 5 on the year compared with 2. 3 in september. Fragile confidence and squeezed consumer purchasing power are largely to blame. 0n the upside, an expected rate rise tomorrow from 0. 25 to 0. 5 is likely to have only a modest effect on borrowers with a variable rate mortgage. The average monthly mortgage will rise by about £15. Car manufacturers are meeting at downing street today to discuss the future of the uks car industry post brexit. Jaguar land rover, honda and toyota are among some of the uks leading car makers looking for reassurances from the government about access to the eu market, and how the industry will transition once the uk leaves europe. Lets talk to car Industry Expert professor david bailey. Many thanks for joining many thanks forjoining me here. This trade body was one of the very first, wasnt it, to talk about the need for some sort of transition deal to be in place. Need for some sort of transition dealto be in place. Yes, the industry is concerned about the uncertainty affecting investment in the industry. He called for a transition deal a short time ago, so for a short period things stay the same, and they continue to hire skilled workers. So they want that putting in place, while a longer term trade deal can be sorted out, so it is to underpin confidence in secure so it is to underpin confidence in secure the industry. So presumably today at number ten these car makers will be putting forward their concerns about how uncertainty could affect investment in the sector, and also these are major global brands. Yes, they are footloose and mobile, there is no guarantee companies will remain in the uk longer term, but there is uncertainty in the short term and if the longer term trade deal is not seen as giving access to the industry, companies sitting on their hands, and we have seen is well both sales done for the last six months and production down in five of the last six months as well. So there is a fear that there is a slowdown taking place, this is a very successful industry, the uncertainty needs to be overcome. And recently a lot of press about the government potentially preparing for the possibility of a no deal, how would that affect the car industry . That would probably be the worst outcome, in the case of automotive is, wto could mean. That sort of tariff level would cause a lot of disruption to complex supply chains, and i think probably would look to the loss of some of the plants in the uk if that happened. Many thanks for talking to us. Markets and a big day for retail on the ftse 100 but declines for next and standard chartered, not enough to derail britains top share index which was lifted on wednesday by a rally in commodities exposed stocks. But that 6 plunge in nexts shares was a main mover after the retailer said that trading was extremely volatile. Shares in fellow retailers Marks Spencer and primark owned ab foods also fell 4 today. Overall though the ftse gave up some gains following robust uk manufacturing data all of which heightens expectations for a rate rise from the bank of england tomorrow and that in turn has sent sterling higher. Thats the Business News. Prime ministers questions is due today at midday in the house of commons. Letsjoin today at midday in the house of commons. Lets join norman today at midday in the house of commons. Letsjoin norman smith. Youre going to tell us about what is coming up, but of course lots of chatter there this morning about the whole issue of Sexual Harassment. I suspect that will almost inevitably come up at Prime Ministers questions, and theresa may may want to address the issue because she hasnt really had a chance to do so. She was in the commons the other day when Andrea Leadsom gave a statement, sitting behind beside her very deliberately perhaps to underline the seriousness with which she views allegations. That made this lead to much less of the usual argy bargy, more of a subdued, reflective mood, given the nature of the allegations and the fact that it affects all parties, it is not a Party Political issue. As for those allegations, the latest one is a centre and of course on damian green which he vehemently denies, saying they are completely untrue, he has also ends instructed a firm of libel lawyers, and this morning the home secretary was addressing the Police Chiefs conference and was asked about the claims against mr green and about harassment more generally. There are some serious allegations that have ta ken there are some serious allegations that have taken place during the past few days, which requires a serious response from the Prime Minister, the leader of the house Andrea Leadsom made a statement about that on monday, i spoke to her about that on monday, i spoke to her about it this morning. She is putting together a cross party about it this morning. She is putting together a Cross Party Group to make sure we put forward the right procedures in place, so that there can be the proper confidential, independent route for anybody to go to, should they need to. I look forward to seeing that in place, so that any serious allegation can be taken as seriously as it should be. I want to work in a place where those sort of allegations are taken seriously, and that everybody can live and work in a place which they can have confidence in, should they have that situation, there is somebody they can turn to. In terms of damian green, i know the cabinet secretary is looking into that. He has denied all impropriety, so the sooner this is resolved, the better. Some at westminster argue that damian greens response so far is not sufficient, among them his collea g u es not sufficient, among them his colleagues are former conservative minister and a soubry, who suggests mrgreen minister and a soubry, who suggests mr green should stand aside as first secretary while the Cabinet Office investigates. Anna soubry. Downing street says the fact the Cabinet Office is investigating does not imply guilt, it is simply the usual misty response ministerial response when a minister is accused of everything from smack anything. But Andrea Leadsom said she wanted to all together a package of reforms in days, not weeks, and im told she has begun conference consultations with the frame various stakeholders involved, and there has been a lot of talk about trying to set up some kind of independent grievance procedure out with parliament, but with the party system, to which victims could complain to. We may get more of that at Prime Ministers questions. So was norman says, Prime Ministers questions at midday. We will be back, for that. Climbing on australias ayres rock will be banned from october 2019, ending a decades Long Campaign to protect the site. The board of the Uluru National park voted unanimously to stop visitors climbing the rock, which is thought to be sacred to aborigines. It is a World Heritage site and attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors every year. The director of parkes said authorities would try to return repairany authorities would try to return repair any damage climbers had caused. We. We will need some experts to look at how we were restore and rehabilitate, and the word used today i think was how we heal some of the scars that might be on uluru. Sally barnes there. Headlines coming up, first of all, heres simon with the weather. Weve got lots of dry weather across england and wales at the moment, but further north across scotland, not such a pretty picture. We had some heavy rain across the west and south west of scotland. This is the recent radar image, so a lot of rainfall since monday evening. As we go through the rest of this afternoon, that rain sensor southwards. Further south, though, largely fine and dry, with good spells of sunshine. Taking a look at things at 3pm, scattered showers and northern scotland, some brea ks showers and northern scotland, some breaks in the cloud, that rain will have moved its way out of the glasgow area, mainly affecting the borders, dumfries galloway, when also in Northern Ireland this afternoon, but heading into england and wales, lots of sunshine. A bit more cloud in northern and eastern areas, but further south and west, weve got lots of sunshine and temperatures up to around 13 or 14 degrees. Tonight this area of cloud and rain will gradually move southwards. The rain pretty much breaking up, but there will still be some patchy rain and drizzle into the midlands and Eastern England and wales, but whether a clearer spells, it will be chilly, with widespread fog. That make might make time to clear, but during thursday, there will be some styles of sunshine in south west england, and across the north midlands, north wales, scotla nd north midlands, north wales, scotland and Northern Ireland, and lots of dry weather on thursday. That area of cloud and very right raini that area of cloud and very right rain i was talking about is associated with a cold front. It will finally cleared away as we go into friday, then we have this one moving into the north and west, playing a part in the weather for the weekend. But for friday, there will be a bit of rain in the far north west of scotland, otherwise it will be fairly dry. The cloud will thicken up towards western parts, all kind of link in with this next weather system moving in. Our cold front in the north west merges into this weather system, and while we are going into saturday, winning some outbreaks of rain, that cold air moving in will make a difference to how it feels, so much more chilly for many of us as we go into saturday and sunday, with that, there will be Early Morning rain on saturday; that will clear away, and we will be looking at sunny spells, scattered showers, you will certainly notice the chill in the air. That cold weather will last into the early part of next week, but then it is going to get less cold again. More details about that on the website. Thats all from me. Goodbye. This is bbc news and these are the top stories developing at 12. Five friends from argentina are among eight People Killed and 11 injured in a truck attack in new york. An immigrant from uzbekistan is in Police Custody. The us authorities are to step up vetting measures. Lessons from hillsborough new recommendations on how the authorities should treat families of disaster victims. The Prime Ministers deputy, damian green, denies allegations and this is the scene in the house of commons, where theresa may is about to get to her feet for Prime Ministers questions. Good afternoon. Its november 1st, welcome to bbc newsroom live. Lets cross to the house of commons where Prime Ministers questions is getting underway. 0ur assistant Political Editor norman smith is in westminster. The already to be a big matter of the day. The way over recent months later westminster has been dominated by brexit and yet since this Sexual Harassment scandal has blown up, brexit has been completely blown off the agenda whichjust brexit has been completely blown off the agenda which just tells you how far the current allegations are absolutely dominating life at westminster and the sense i think they are building, gradually seeing more and more women are ready to come forward and make allegations because when this sucker first broke last week i think there was a view it had petered out but we have seen more women with serious allegations. Yesterday a labour activist told to have a complaint of rape had been double zero by the labour party and now we have the latest complaints against damian green, the Prime Ministers number two and a whole swirl of allegations going around. We have just heard from a minister is putting up on his website vehemently refuting and denying claims made about him. In a list of allegations published about tory mps. Lets cross to the chamber and see whether that is the issue which dominates to days question time. See whether that is the issue which dominates to days question timelj know that members across the house of been appalled by last nights cowardly terrorist attack in new york. 0ur cowardly terrorist attack in new york. Our thoughts are with all those affected and stand united with the people of new york. Members on both sides of the house have been deeply concerned about allegations of harassment and mistreatment here in westminster. This demands a response and that is why the leader of the house has been meeting with our counterparts and were hopeful that all sides can Work Together to resolve this. I have written to all Party Leaders inviting them to a meeting week to discuss a common transparent independent grievance procedure for all those working in parliament. We have a duty to ensure that everyone coming here to contribute to public life is treated with respect. This morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others in addition to my duties and others in addition to my duties andl and others in addition to my duties and i will have further meetings later today. As the Prime Minister aware that has been some very powerful Research Done on the question of high speed rail . What it says that it ended the leafy suburbs of the south the first 140 miles, 30 of it has been dedicated to telling to avoid knocking houses down. Yet in the north we are now told the percentage is only 2 for the whole of the north. Why, because hs two says it is too costly, knocking houses down. Will she arrange for a meeting with people from my area in order to avoid another 30 houses being knocked down and newton. Isnt it high time that this government stop treating our people like second class citizens . am sure the department for transport will be happy to look into the question that he has raised but of course hs two, the reason why we are doing it is that it is important to increase the capacity of the deal be lines are going through to the north. This will be a very important contribution to the United Kingdom economy. I can contribution to the United Kingdom economy. I can assure contribution to the United Kingdom economy. I can assure her nephew looks at everything that this government has done with the northern powerhouse, the midlands engine, the significant investment across infrastructure across all parts of the country, this is a government that wants to insure this country works for everyone. government that wants to insure this country works for everyone. I want tojoin the payments country works for everyone. I want to join the payments that another my thoughts are with new yorkers. The shocking scenes were brought back for memories of terrorist attacks here and as we degrade and destroy advice politics death cult ideology. Can you and your International Partners tojoin can you and your International Partners to join with us in delivering the recent us resolution to prosecute daish terrorists to hold them to account . That is a very important point raised and that we ensure we have a complete response to this issue of the threat of terrorism that does involve dealing with the problem source but also dealing with terrorism wherever it occurs. 0ur message dealing with terrorism wherever it occurs. Our message is a dealing with terrorism wherever it occurs. 0ur message is a very dealing with terrorism wherever it occurs. 0ur message is a very clear that our values will prevail, that terrorists will not win but as we do this we do need to ensure that we work as she has said with International Partners, we want to try to make sure that there is in syria and iraq we developed a safe spaces as they re emerge from this terrorist threat which has been on the streets but also obviously affected a seal and elsewhere across the world. Crucially and we have done the a lot of work in this and helping those in such to gain evidence that can be used to ensure that anybody who is involved in the was that anybody who is involved in the was of attacks that we see that anybody who is involved actually can be properly brought to justice. On the question of the sex harassment allegations that the Prime Minister quite rightly referred to, just to put on the record i am happy to make the premise that all Party Leaders to discuss this. We need better protections for all and this house. It must involve workplace trade unions in that but it is also incumbent on all parties to have a robust procedures in place to protect and support victims of sexual abuse and harassment. Ijoin with the Prime Minister in sending our solidarity to the people of new york for the appalling terrorist attack that took place yesterday. Hopefully the whole house willjoin me in paying tribute to two former labour colleagues who sadly passed away this week, Candy Atherton and frank doran who did enormous good work to diligently representing amenities and constituencies, they will be sadly missed by all of us particularly in the labour party than they served so well. In 2010 the Labour Government intervened through each mrc to shut down and isle of man scheme used to import yachts into the European Union and thus avoids tax. A similar scheme has recently been exposed as relating to the import of Business Jets into the isle of man so can the Prime Minister assure the house that hmrc investigates these new allegations diligently . He has made allegations diligently . He has made a numberof allegations diligently . He has made a number of references in his question and i will address all of them. On the first point it is absolutely essential and he is right that we have processes that Political Parties have processors to deal with allegations of misconduct. Obviously that also we have ministerial code and proper investigations take place where that is appropriate. I believe it is also crucial for everybody working in this parliament be they working for a memberof parliament, this parliament be they working for a member of parliament, forthe house authorities or a journalist working in this parliament that there are proper processes in this parliament for people to be able to report misconduct and for that to be dealt with and i think that is very important andl dealt with and i think that is very important and i am grateful to him for saying he will meet with me and i hope other Party Political leaders, i see the leader of the snp is nodding his head to look at this particular issue. Alsojoin in paying tribute to frank doran and Candy Atherton. Frank was elected in 1987 and is served to separate terms for aberdeen. Was it tireless campaignerfor for aberdeen. Was it tireless campaigner for safety in the oil and gas industry and i am sure everyone will recall the commitment with which he served and join me in offering condolences to his family and friends and Candy Atherton was first elected in 1977 and served for eight years as a member of parliament and was a strong campaignerfor parliament and was a strong campaigner for womens issues and continued to jumping on campaigner for womens issues and continued tojumping on those causes. continued tojumping on those causes. 19 97. I am sure members willjoin me in condoning offering condolences. I can assure him that first cases of tax avoidance and referred to hmrc they take those seriously, look into those measures seriously. We have taken action collectively as a government over the last few years as 2010 and we have secured almost 106 £2 billion in additional compliance and revenues since 2010 through a number of measures that we have taken to ensure that the club down on tax evasion and avoidance. Clamp down. Evasion and avoidance. Clampdown. 957 Business Jets and a man seems a bit excessive. I hope it is investigated and due tax is elected. Estimates of the scale of tax dodging range from 34 billion to 119 billion which is the size of the nhs budget. The isle of man vat avoidance allegations are part of a wider leakfrom avoidance allegations are part of a wider leak from the bermuda avoidance allegations are part of a wider leakfrom the bermuda based loughran said to be on a similar skill to the Panama Papers. But the premise that commits the each mrc to fully investigate all evidence of uk tax avoidance and prosecute where feasible . I had given an assurance and my first answer that each mrc doi hmrc does investigate and where appropriate tax loopholes are closed. What is important if you look at the record, we have announced or implemented over 75 measures to tackle tax avoidance and evasion. He refers to one that had been done by the Labour Government. We have been continuing to act on this particular issue so we will be raising billions of pounds more as a result of that. Most people would recognise that hmrc actually does rather what to collect stacks, that is itsjob rather what to collect stacks, that is its job and rather what to collect stacks, that is itsjob and it does look to make sure it can do so as much as possible. , it tax. Sure it can do so as much as possible. , it tax. It is rather strange that britain reportedly has blocked a french led proposal which would have placed bermuda on the European Union tax haven blacklist. Perhaps the Prime Minister could explain why that would be the case. The Panama Papers exposed many wealthy individuals and big businesses who avoided tax through offshore trusts. Labour backs any necessary changes to toughen arose against aggressive tax avoidance. Just yesterday we tried to strengthen legislation on Beneficial Ownership of trust. With amendments we placed to finance bill. Why did the government vote against them . Cani the government vote against them . Can i say that he raises the issue of British Overseas Territories. In fa ct of British Overseas Territories. In fact this government has taken action in relation to those territories, action and that was not taken territories, action and that was not ta ken by territories, action and that was not taken by the previous Labour Government. This is. Fc says to me that this whole question of tax evasion is something the least because the field at that then my answer is yes we are and we will. There is a strange kind of patronage here because in 2015 unknown pattern here because in 2015 and seldom members of the European Parliament against five reports to introduce methods of fighting tax avoidance and evasion. Last week each mrc lane hmrc that Multinational Company s avoided paying £5. 8 billion in taxes last year. Despite this hmrc is currently cutting another 8000 staff. Can the Prime Minister assure the house that in the upcoming budget, instead of more cuts to hmrc, they will get more cuts to hmrc, they will get more resources to tackle the scourge of aggressive tax avoidance and evasion . I have reassured him that h m doi hmrc has been acting and continue to act. The late other will gentleman and asking these questions might want to reflect on why it was before the dissolution of Parliament Earlier this year it was the labour party that stopped and refused to support tax avoidance and anti tax avoidance and evasion measures are brought forward by this government. His party stopped at. My question was quiet conservative mps oppose what labour was proposing yesterday . Last months European Parliament committee of enquiry set up in the wa ke committee of enquiry set up in the wake of the Panama Papers claimed that the uk is obstructing the fight against tax dodging and money laundering. And just last week the eus competition commenced at a nalyst the eus competition commenced at analyst and enquiry into uk taxation rules that may have institutionalised tax avoidance by multinational corporations. As the premise that concerned that vital revenue being lost to find schools and hospitals will she change the rules and the budget . In the budget . We have taken an extra £160 billion in additional compliance and revenue since 2010. He collects the measures being proposed this week. In my previous answer i said we would have had more tax evasion, anti tax evasion measures in place at the labour party has not brought them before the last election. This party and government has been not just acting in the uk, we have been working with the crown dependencies and British Overseas Territories and we have been leading the world. It was a we have been leading the world. It was a conservative Prime Ministers that put this on the agenda at the g7 that put this on the agenda at the g 7 and g 24 International Action against tax avoidance and evasion. If we are leading the world, perhaps she could explain how the amount of tax paid by the super rich and income tax has fallen from 4. 4 billion to 3. 5 billion since 2009 . Earlier this year the public accou nts earlier this year the Public Accounts Committee said the hmrc record of getting multimillionaires to pay their taxes was and i quote dismal and that the super rich are getting help with their tax affairs thatis getting help with their tax affairs that is not available to other taxpayers. Our schools budgets are being cut, more people waiting longerfor being cut, more people waiting longer for treatment. Order. We tend to have larger doses of this of excitement every week but i would like as usual to get to the end of the order paper and facilitate backbencher enquiries as well. Members are eating only add to their own time. I have all the time in the world. Our schools budgets are being cut. More people waiting longerfor treatment on the national Health Service. More elderly and disabled not getting the social care they need. Does the Prime Minister think it is acceptable that when it comes to paying taxes that is one rule for the super rich and another for the rest of us . The top 1 of earners and in this country are paying 28 of the tax burden. That is the highest percentage of under any government. Once again the gentleman is wrong, over the next two years {2. 5 is wrong, over the next two years £2. 5 billion extra is being put into our schools as a result of decisions taken our schools as a result of decisions ta ken by our schools as a result of decisions taken by this conservative government. I will tell him, he talks about spending on schools and hospitals, i will tell them where the real problem lies. Today we spend nearly £50 billion and payments on interest to those we have borrowed from as a result of the legacy of the labour party. That is more than we spend on the nhs pay bill, more than we spend on. Order. The Prime Ministers answer will be heard. You are a senior and cerebral denizen of the house, this excessive gesticulation as not good for you, calm yourself. Excessive gesticulation as not good foryou, calm yourself. Prime minster. We spend £50 billion on debt interest every year. Payments to people we have borrowed from. That is more than the nhs pay bill, more than schools budget, more than we spend on defence. That is a result of the economy we were left by the labour party and government. And what does the right honourable gentleman want to do . He wants to borrow £500 billion more that would make the situation worse and make even less money for schools and hospitals. On august the 22nd 2015 in my constituency 11 men tragically lost their lives and an ear show disaster. Two years later, no decision has been taken on criminal charges and the coroner boss inquest has been delayed again. The family for the victims of other application for the victims of other application forfunding for the victims of other application for funding rejected and they will likely be the only persons at the inquest not legally represented. Will she agreed to look at this case again and meet the families to make sure they have proper access to justice in this exceptionally tragic case which has a much wider Public Interest for safety . He lives is a very important issue and i can fully understand the concerns of the families. He talks about the timetable for decisions being taken. The department for transport has accepted the Accident Investigation Branch decision and they are working with them to determine the exact scope of the review. The Civil Aviation authority has accepted recommendations so that is considerable work going on to from the lessons from this disaster. We are also committed to ensuring that whether there is a public disaster the people are able to have proper representation and this is an issue i will ask the watch chance to look at another issue to raised. Can associate myself with the remarks made by the Prime Ministers when she talked about the zero tolerance that has to be against Sexual Practices and behaviour and i commit my members to work with the government to make sure we could have a system to make sure we could have a system to be proud of that will protect all members of the house. Can i also pass on my condolences to the family and friends of flagged on for his untimely and sad death this week. Can the Prime Minister tell the house in muchly working single pa rent house in muchly working single parent can expect to lose because of the a lot of universal credit . The first of all see i am grateful to work across the house. If i mayjust say, he referred to Sexual Misconduct. I think what is important is that any process put in place does notjust look at important is that any process put in place does not just look at Sexual Misconduct but also bullying. That is also important. Universal credit, the reason why we have brought in to replace is to ensure that when people are encouraged into the workplace and when the ad in the workplace and when the ad in the workplace they are unable to keep more of the money that they own. I believe it is an important principle, and depends what were doing will continue to do so. The reality is that working single pa rents reality is that working Single Parents could reality is that working single pa rents could lose reality is that working Single Parents could lose an average of £1350 per year because of the cuts to work allowances. Universal credit is fast becoming louisa mays poll tax. The Prime Minister has a habit of you travelling. Well she returned one more time and fix the problems with universal credit . one more time and fix the problems with universal credit . I have underlined the principal that lies behind the universal credit which i believe is an important one and that is five milik at the support given to people it is notjust about support they receive in financial terms, it also about the support they receive to help them get into they receive to help them get into the workplace, to ensure they can actually meet the requirements of the workplace at when the island in the workplace at when the island in the workplace at when the island in the workplace they can keep more of the workplace they can keep more of the money that they are in. That is an important principle that we will continue to roll out universal credit looking carefully at the fermentation of it as we do so because we are doing so any careful way over a period of time but the important principle is that universal credit is a simple system that ensures people keep more as they earn more. In my constituency reallocate acutely aware that infrastructure is vital for economic success particularly of other parts of the country. However we still have areas that do not have access to high Speed Broadband and with the advent of larger vehicles we are going to need to install an extensive charging network. Electric vehicles. What further action will the government takes to ensure the timely completion of broadband infrastructure and to guarantee the rapid roll out of electric vehicle charging points so buckinghamshire residents and businesses cannot just bear the brunt and burden of infrastructure to government but can take advantage of the opportunities of modern technology. She is absolutely right that you want to be able to take advantages offered by the modern technology. That is why these are issues that have been addressed in industrial strategy and will continue to be addressed and we recognise that when we talk about infrastructure in this country actually increasingly the it infrastructure as part of that, it is notjust the physical rods infrastructure as part of that, it is not just the physical rods and reels. We are investing 790 million to take a Public Investment to 1. 7 billion and we are leading the world and the need of element of electric ca rs and the need of element of electric cars and we need to insure we have those charging points so we have put in place plans and policy measures to ensure we see those charging points so people could take advantage. If the Prime Minister is serious about building a country that works for everyone, can she tell the house right under 25 is not included in the National Living wage and though she addresses scandal thatis and though she addresses scandal that is the National Minimum wage for the predators of £3 50 per hour . The wage for apprentices. For the predators of £3 50 per hour . The wage for apprentices. The la st the wage for apprentices. The last known living wage has had an important impact on people and it continues to increase. Though the Prime Ministerjoined with the local government ministers positive comments this week welcoming redevelopment of some family hubs and will she encourage your excellent conservative mayers and counsellors to be champions which can so improve the lives of children including the most vulnerable by strengthening their families . Thank you for raising this point. We all recognise the value of stable and Strong Families and this is an issue on which she has championed through hertime in this on which she has championed through her time in this house but also outside this house and i am happy to join herand outside this house and i am happy to join her and welcoming redevelopment of family hubs and i will certainly encourage conservative councillors across the country to be champions. As the play minister will be fully aware, my great city of dundee is been repeatedly in the news last week. And he has launched its European Capital of culture but, now the world centre for pharmaceutical innovation and the wall street journal listed dundee as one of the top ten places to visit on earth. Making it and i caught scotlands coolest city. Wouldnt it be great if the play minister today i finally tell the innovative and creative and cool people of dundee what precisely is the uk governments date for delivering a phil share of the tea city deal. To a city deal. The honourable gentleman stands up and waxes lyrically about his city of dundee. He will recall i was asked about the dundee city of culture bid last week, and made the point that of course a number of places across the uk may be putting those bits in, but i am pleased to see the development of the victoria and albert in dundee. The tay city deal will be an important deal for dundee, as other city deals in scotla nd dundee, as other city deals in scotland have been in other cities. Cheltenham generals a e is hugely valued, we want to see it preserved. Does by right honourable friend agree that local nhs managers who are currently formulating the draft, should listen carefully to the voices of my constituents and others in gloucestershire, and ensure that any proposals can surely command support. We are very clear that proposals should be developed at a local level, by local clinicians, but taking account of listening to the views of local residents, of local constituents, on those particular matters. I think this is important, to ensure that local people are heard. I understand any proposals for local care will be subject to full Public Consultation in due course. The government today will publish their first report. Hopefully todays report will ensure we will not have to wait long for ratification. However, women suffering Domestic Violence to not have the luxury of time. Will the Prime Minister commit to long staying long term sustainable funding to ensure women affected can have a place to go to escape violence. Over the past few years but when i was his home secretary and under the current home secretary, we have taken current home secretary, we have ta ke n ste ps current home secretary, we have taken steps relating to Domestic Violence, that that funding is ring fenced over a period of time, so they can be greater certainty for organisations working in this area. There is much to do, because sadly we still see Domestic Violence and abuse taking place, one of the other steps were taking is to bring in new legislation in relation to Domestic Violence which i hope will clarify the situation, but we need to address this over a wide of action. How we treat our farmed animals is an indication of our civility as a nation. And we in this country have a record of which we can be rightly proud. Does by right honourable friend share my concern therefore that there have been reports that as a result of leaving the eu, they may be a relaxation of those standards . Can she reassured me that thatis standards . Can she reassured me that that is not the case, and that if we will seize the opportunity to improve standards and thereby enhance the reputation of british produce . Ican produce . I can assure my honourable friend, first of all i can confirm and agree with him that we are proud to have some of the hardest Animal Welfare standards in the world, and we want to continue to have that reputation asa to continue to have that reputation as a country where we have those high standards. So, leaving the eu is not going to change that, we remain committed to high Animal Welfare standards, and as my honourable friend says, that may give us an opportunity to enhance those standards so we can further show people the reputation this country has somewhere they can be safe and secure in the knowledge of the conditions in which their food been prepared. The Prime Minister will be aware that 4 million children in our country are growing up in poverty, and that number has risen. Two thirds of those are in working are from working families. Does she still seriously believe that the introduction of universal credit will bring that number down . Im pleased to see that the number of children in absolute poverty has come down under this government. But of course we need to be aware of the impact of decisions we have, we are looking carefully at the impact of universal credit, but i repeat the point i made in response to the question from the leader of the snp, which is that universal credit is more straightforward, simpler, but also it helps people to get into the workplace, and ensures that they keep more of the money that they earn. I think that is important. This governments industrial strategy makes the historic commitment for a fairer distribution of Infrastructure Spending across the regions. Our roads, railways and digital networks. In advance of the white paper, but my right honourable friend confirm this commitment, and toa friend confirm this commitment, and to a rebalancing of our economy by more investment spending in the regions, not least, mr speaker, in yorkshire . My yorkshire . My rent my honourable friend stands well for his county and constituency, but im happy to confirm that we will maintain that commitment in our forthcoming industrial strategy white paper, because we want a fairer distribution of Infrastructure Spending across the country. And you want that because we know Infrastructure Investment is important to unlocking Economic Opportunities and Economic Growth and poverty proverb productivity in our towns and cities. We have backed this with ambitious commitments to increase spending on infrastructure by 50 over the next four years, but we will be looking at that spending across the whole country. I like to thank the Prime Minister for her opening words about the horrific revelations this week. But cani horrific revelations this week. But can i say to her that three years ago, i brought evidence to her in this house, that whips had used information about sexual abuse to demand loyalty from mps. I brought that information to her in this house, and warned her that unless real action was taken, we risked repeating those injustices again today. On three occasions i asked her to act, and on three occasions she did not. So can i ask her, in this of all weeks, for the fourth time, will she finally take concrete action to tackle this . I will of course look back at the questions that the honourable lady has said she raised with me in this house, i assumed has said she raised with me in this house, iassumed has said she raised with me in this house, i assumed assume she raised these with me when i was home secretary. I will say to her i am very clear that the whips office, i am sure very clear that the whips office, i am sure i hope this goes for all whips offices across this house, should make clear to people but where there are only sexual abuse allegations that could be of a criminal nature, but people should go to the police. It is not appropriate for those to be dealt with by whips offices. As i say, i will look at the questions she raised with me, but i am very clear that we will take action against those where there are allegations that we see and the elegance evidence is there, but there has been misconduct misconduct misconduct. But i hope we were all sent a message from this house today that we want people in this place to be able to feel confident to bring forward cases, and we need to ensure that those cases. We need to ensure those cases are dealt with in a way that people can have confidence on both sides that they will be properly investigated. That means, andi will be properly investigated. That means, and i want to see a good process within this parliament. So that people feel they do not have to go to that people feel they do not have to gotoa that people feel they do not have to go to a Party Political process in order to have their allegations considered. Thank you, mr speaker. Aldershot is the home of the british army. Home to many thousands of servicemen and women who are loyal resident resolute and steadfast to the in their service to the crime. Will the Prime Minister agreed to visit the aldershot garrison to visit them and thank them for their service . Can first of all sure my honourable friend but we recognise that the men and women of our Armed Services serve with great distinction and loyalty, and we are all grateful to them for the service they give to this country. That is why we are committed to maintaining 2 of our gdp being spent on defence. He very kindly invites me to visit his constituency, and i will be happy to do so if my diary allows. A few days ago the chancellor told the house that the government could not afford to borrow £50 billion to invest in housing. Because of the burden on the next generation. The communities secretary says the government must borrow £50 billion because of the burden on the next generation of unAffordable Housing. Can she adjudicate . There is no need to adjudicate on this matter, the government absolutely agrees that it is necessary for us to ensure we are building more homes across this country. We have already announced policies to enable that to happen, we have had a number of proposals that were set out in the housing white paper, i was pleased to announce the extra £2 billion for Affordable Housing at our party conference, and the extra £10 billion in the help to buy scheme. We are seeing more houses being built under this government, and we will continue to do so. Earlier this week, in my constituency in wales, a horrific farmhouse claimed farmhouse fire claimed the lives of a farmer and young children. This has had a devastating effect notjust on the family but on the tight knit community. With my right honourable friend join me and did this house in sending our sympathies to the family of the bereaved, and also to the villages in the town . Along with praising the outstanding work of our Emergency Services, who have dealt with this appalling tragedy with true dedication and professionalism. Cani true dedication and professionalism. Can i say to my honourable friend, he has raised a very tragic case, and im sure all of us will want to join with him in sending condolences to the family and friends of those affected by the fire. This was indeed a terrible tragedy that took place, and it is notjust the family themselves that have been affected but the local community as well. And i know that the Emergency Services did sterling work, and i am also pleased to commend the work, and their bravery and professionalism. The secretary of state for wales has spoken to the police, and they will remain in touch over the next few days, but once again our Emergency Services do such great work protecting us, they never know when they are going to be called out to such a tragic incident. With todays news that the Electoral Commission is investigating aaron banks, the Main Financial backer of brexit, along with the significant british connections being uncovered by the american justice british connections being uncovered by the americanjustice departments special counsel, investigating russian interference in the us president ial election, will she assure me of the uk government and all its agencies that they are cooperating fully with the investigation, or will do so if asked . We ta ke asked . We take very seriously issues of russian intervention or russian attem pts russian intervention or russian atte m pts to russian intervention or russian attempts to intervene in electoral processes , attempts to intervene in electoral processes, or in the democratic processes, or in the democratic processes of any country, and we will do so we would do so for any other states that were involved in trying to intervene in elections. We work closely with our United States partners, and as part of that relationship, we do cooperate with them when required. Last month i was in the kurdistan region in iraq and are further house to buy declaration of members interests, but i saw peoples enthusiasm for independence. The subsequent military actions by iranian backed militia and the iraqi army are wholly unjust and unacceptable. Will the Prime Minister accept that this region to whom they we owe so much, and also for helping to make our own streets safe, remain vital to our security, and can she do all she can to encourage the resolution based on full respect for the iraqi constitution and the democratic will of the Kurdish People . We are working with our International Partners in the region to defeat mlas continue. The action daesh. Its leadership has been affected and its fighters are demoralised. But we want to see political reconciliation in iraq, and a settlement to the syria conflict to deny daesh save space. He raises a particular point in relation to iraq, and to the kurdistan region, and can i say we have always been clear as a government that any political process towards independence should be agreed with the government of iraq. We have been urging all parties to promote calm, to pursue dialogue, and take this issue forward through dialogue. An hour ago the government published this report that patronises the patronising disposition of unaccountable power. Clothes it is the report of the former bishop jamesjones, is the report of the former Bishop James Jones, to ensure is the report of the former bishop jamesjones, to ensure the pain and suffering of the hillsborough families is not repeated. But given the events surrounding the Grenfell Tower disaster, i think that i worry that the pain and suffering of the hillsborough families is already being repeated. So can the time mr commit her government to supporting with a duty of candour for all public officials, and as this report requires, an end to public bodies spending limitless sums, providing themselves with representation which surpasses those available to families . The house will appreciate that i have to be careful what i say in relation to the issue because of the ongoing crewmen on proceedings, but i want to pay tribute to the work of Bishop James Jones. But i want to pay tribute to the work of bishopjamesjones. His work in sharing the independent panel, the work he did as my advisor on this issue and working with family forums, i think he has done an excellent job and forums, i think he has done an excellentjob and once again his report into the experiences of the hillsborough families, published today, is important, and the government wanted to look very carefully, at, ithink government wanted to look very carefully, at, i think it is 25 points of learning that come out of it. I have always been very clear that the experience that the hillsborough families had should not be repeated, that is why we have looked and we are committed to the concept of the public advocate, because we want to ensure that people have the support that they need. And it is important that we learn the lessons from hillsborough. I was involved in picking the decision that enabled the hillsborough families to have Legal Support on a basis that i felt was fair in relation to the other parties involved in that inquest. And i can assure her that we will not forget the hillsborough families, who have been dignified throughout the many years that they have been waiting forjustice. We will not forget them, we will not forget their experience, and we will ensure we learn from that, and learn from that to improve the experience of others in the future. Cani of others in the future. Can i cheekily make another diary suggestion to the Prime Minister . Issue could remain in the chamber forjust a few moments after questions. She wore here my right honourable friend for newbury introduce his Armed Forces Statute of limitations limitations bill, which will provide protection for those brave Service Personnel who suffered in Northern Ireland during the troubles . Like her, i want to see the setting up of the Northern Ireland executive. But would she agree we cannot do that at the price of pandering to sinn fein and allowing a witchhunt for those people who served so bravely for so many years to uphold the rule of law . Im not sure im good to be able to satisfy my friend honourable friend on the first point, but i assure him i am aware of the proposed legislation that the member for newbury is bringing forward. We all want to see a Northern Ireland executive restored, we do recognise that this question of legacy issues is one that has been there throughout these discussions, and continues in Northern Ireland. I wa nt to continues in Northern Ireland. I want to ensure that any investigations that take place in the future take place in a fair and proportionate way. Because our soldiers did serve bravely as my honourable friend said in upholding the rule of law, but what is important is that we should never forget all those people who lost their lives at the hands of the terrorists in Northern Ireland. And it is important as i say that any investigations are conducted fairly and proportionately. As the Prime Minister will be aware, self employed people are not eligible for shared parental leave. This place is the burden of childcare on the mum, denying father said bonding time on the child. As the Prime Minister seen the demands of the march of the mothers, and can she gave assurances that she is privatising this very urgent issue . The honourable lady raises an important issue, and i am happy to look at the point being raised. But i would simply also remind her of this. The reason we have shared pa rental leave for this. The reason we have shared parental leave for anybody in this country is because i was when i was ministerfor women country is because i was when i was minister for women and equality is, i ensured that shared parental leave was introduced. In angus, one of the challenges is the implications of brexit on seasonal workforces. Would my right honourable friend agree with the clarity on the new migration framework for the benefit of those loyal workers, for the prosperity of our british soft fruit issue, and to support our overall Rural Economy of the United Kingdom . My the United Kingdom . My honourable friend raises unappointed point. An important point. In relation to the Seasonal Agriculture is scheme she refers to, obviously when we leave the eu we wouldnt be bringing forward new immigration rules we will be bringing forward new immigration rules. But we recognise ready to do that in the national interest, we need to look at the needs of the Labour Market, and that is why the home secretary has confirmed commissioned the independent Migration Advisory Committee to look at the needs of the uk Labour Market and to further inform our workers, and to further inform our workers, and the issue she has raised is one we will look at. Order so there we see Prime Ministers questions overfor so there we see Prime Ministers questions over for another week, a whole range of subjects covered, from the joys of dundee, to issues of Animal Welfare, Affordable Housing, universal credit, living wage. As you would expect there was also talk of Sexual Harassment, and that whole issue of allegations being raised around westminster. It is clear from what the Prime Minister was saying that other Party Leaders have been invited to meet with her next week, and the feeling seems to be that a cross Party Approach was needed. So that result coming out of Prime Ministers questions today, along with a wide range of topics. More on that to come. While all of that was happening, there have been various development is on the political matters. We were talking about the fa ct matters. We were talking about the fact that the Electoral Commission had announced an investigation into aaron banks, and his donations to the leave eu campaign. He has been giving his response, i cant quote it exactly as it was given because there is some rather choice language, but i can paraphrase. He was asked what he thought of the truck commissions investigation, he said what what, another one . He said what what, another one . He said the campaign was funded by myself, Peter Hargreaves and the general public. The guardians allegations of brexit being founded by the russians are complete rubbish. My cell involvement with the russians was a boozy six hour lunch with the ambassador. Hardly top secret stuff. Essentially this response is saying that ben bradshaw mp, who has raised this whole issue, he felt he had got the wrong end of the stick, he said we believe a judge later inquiry report into parliament would be the best way to clear this nonsense up once and for all. This is the remain establishment once again trying to discredit the result, and it is all trying us back started to get rather boring. He ended with a russian word for cheers so clearly some exasperation from aaron banks about the latest development from the Electoral Commission. Lets turn now to Northern Ireland, there have been developments there this morning. The Northern Ireland secretary saying he will draft a bill to pass a budget for the province at westminster, because Political Parties at stormont havent reached an agreement to form a new executive. Its worth saying that he spoke a little bit earlier. In the meantime we heard from sinn fein, who say that talks in Northern Ireland from them point of view have endedin ireland from them point of view have ended in failure, they say they are not sure when they might resume. They were saying who knows when those talks will resume . They say the problems in Northern Ireland have been compounded by the dup deal to support the government of theresa may. But those responses as i say coming in from sinn fein and the last hour or so, but little earlier we heard from james and he said that the move to make a budget at westminster did not make mean at westminster did not make mean a return to direct rule from london. It is the responsibilities of the parties to form an executive, but as i have indicated, it is very unlikely that an executive will be in place within a timetable, to pass a budget by the end of november. Which is the point at which we and the Northern Ireland Civil Service assess the Northern Ireland that Northern Ireland will begin to run out of resources. No government could simply stand by and allow that to happen. I am therefore now taking forward the necessary steps that would enable a budget bill to be introduced at westminster, at the appropriate moment in order to protect the delivery of Public Services in Northern Ireland. James tampon James Brokenshire. Climbing on ayers rock will be ended from 2019. The board of the National Park voted unanimously to stop visitors from climbing the rock, which is considered sacred aboriginal australians. The giant red monolith is a unesco World Heritage site and attracts thousands of visitors every year. The director of parks australia, sally barnes, said officials would now try to repair any damage climbing had caused. We are going to have to talk to the board, work with the traditional owners and see what they want to do, we will need some experts to help us work out how we restore and rehabilitate, if that is what the traditional owners want, and how i think the word used whilst how we heal, some of the scars that might be on uluru. Ina be on uluru. In a moment, the news at one. First, the weather. For most of us today, it pretty decent afternoon. Good of sunshine in england and wales, but atrocious in southern scotland. This band of rain spreading southwards into england and wales overnight. They will barely be anything on it by the time it reaches england and wales, behind at 12 showers, but to the far south it will be fairly mild particularly in towns and cities, and were looking at some dense mist and were looking at some dense mist and fog patches to form. That four could be a problem across southern areas to begin with, that band of ca rd areas to begin with, that band of card will continue to affect much of england and wales. That fall. But to the north, cooler, fresher, chilly start. But it will be a fine afternoon with plenty of sunshine, and dry afternoon with plenty of sunshine, and dry i think for the best part of the day, for scotland, Northern Ireland and into the north of england as well. Feeling fairly pleasa nt england as well. Feeling fairly pleasant in the sunshine despite the chill. For the rest of england and wales, rather cloudy, ritzya chill. For the rest of england and wales, rather cloudy, ritzy a few brea ks wales, rather cloudy, ritzy a few breaks in the cloud developing, and i think cornwall and devon doing pretty well after the mist and fog clears away. Still fairly mild here, tebbit is 12 or 13 degrees. As we head on into thursday evening. Temperatures 12 or 13 degrees. Clearer skies gradually filtering into northern errors. Friday looks like it will be a bit of a messy day, i think. Like it will be a bit of a messy day, ithink. We like it will be a bit of a messy day, i think. We will start to see whether france ganging up on us from the west. But i think it is a rather cloudy one, some spots of light rain across northern and western areas, perhaps the south as well, a little bit of brightness across eastern areas but i think most a cloudy day. Into friday and the start of the weekend, things get quite wet. These weather fronts push across the country, saturday first thing looks wet. Then much colder airfiltering down across the uk, bringing with us it down across the uk, bringing with us ita down across the uk, bringing with us it a fair and showers, but they will be sunshine as well and that the return to overnight frost. So for the weekend it is looking bright in between any spells of rain or heavy showers, and there will be a noticeable chilly wind. President trump orders increased vetting at us borders after yesterdays truck attack in new york. A 29 year old man, named by media as Sayfullo Saipov, was shot and injured by police as he left the truck. Eight people died and 11 were injured when the vehicle hit people on a cycle path in Lower Manhattan. Among those who died were five friends from argentina who were in new york to celebrate an anniversary. Also this lunchtime. Cabinet minister damian green has strongly denied allegations of inappropriate behaviour towards a female conservative activist. After the hillsborough tragedy, a review calls for cultural change to improve the treatment of victims families. A new report shows that fraud described as despicable costs the nhs in england £1 billion a year. And soon to be off limits climbing on australias iconic uluru

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