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Information is coming in about the incident with Law Enforcement is investigating as a terrorist attack. Earlier, the new York Police Department gave a press conference. This is limited bill de blasio had to say. This is a tragedy, a horrible incident on the lower west side. That may be clear, this was an act of terror, based on the information we have. And they particularly cowardly act of terror, aimed at innocent civilians, people going about their lives, no idea of what was about to hit them. We, at this moment, based on the information we have, no of eight innocent people who have lost their lives. And over a dozen more injured. We know that this action was intended to break our spirit. But we also know new yorkers are strong and resilient. And our spirit will never be moved by an act of violence, and that is meant to intimidate us. We have been tested before as a city, very near the site of todays tragedy. And to new yorkers do not give in to the face of this kind of action. We will respond as we always do, we will be undeterred. And i want to thank eve ryo ne undeterred. And i want to thank everyone at the nypd, all our First Responders for the extraordinary effort in the midst of this tragedy, starting with the officer who stopped this tragedy from continuing. All of the First Responders who came to the aid of those who were injured, investigation is underway, to get all of the facts and what we would call you today of course will be preliminary. What we will tell you. But we will get back killing macro down to all new yorkers and americans, keep the families of those lost in your thoughts and prayers. They will need oui thoughts and prayers. They will need our support. I want to ask all new yorkers to be vigilant. The mayor of new york, bill de blasio, speaking a short time ago. Donald trump president , a native new yorker, he said looks like another attack by a sick and arranged person. Law enforcement is following closely, says the president , not in the us a. We can cross life to the bbcs michelle who is on the scene. Can you describe the state of the investigation the . The ambulances are lining up by me, this is normally a busy bike path at this is normally a busy bike path at this time. We have heard from the heard from the mayor, they are calling it as an act of terrorism, a lone wolf, we have lead in the last few moments of the individual involved for the 21 year old, a p pa re ntly involved for the 21 year old, apparently brandishing initially Police Cordon imitation firearms, we are now knowing if it was a paintball gun. This is a few hours after the incident unfolded, a couple of blocks from where i am standing right now, leading to the deaths so far, we have learned, the deaths so far, we have learned, the death of and more than a dozen injured. Eight individuals. Death of and more than a dozen injured. Eight individuals. This isa injured. Eight individuals. This is a bit of Lower Manhattan closed is a bit of Lower Manhattan closed is cool, schools on the bike schools going out to halloween . A couple of blocks where im standing is a school. This happened at the pm, many people would have been getting out of school about 3 30 parents on their way to pick up their children on halloween, people having walking past in Halloween Costumes, the city is still going about its daily business. That was referenced in that press conference with the mayor and the head of the nypd, they said it was halloween, people will be an easy. There will be an extra Police Presence particularly at airports and tamil. They want to reassure people that they thought this was someone people that they thought this was someone who had acted alone, they did not think it was part of a wider conspiracy. The 9 11 attacks happened not far from where you are standard, killing has the meier said that new yorkers must be resilient but people will be uneasy . Deduced those very words, resilient, this is a city that is resilient. We will see how people will go ahead with their celebrations undeterred. 0ne will go ahead with their celebrations undeterred. One thing worth pointing out is the Police Department said that one of the officers who was near the incident prevented this carnage from being worse than it was. Earlier, i spoke former new York Police Commissioner about the attack, and asked his initial reaction . And fortunately, it is the new normal. Unfortunately. As we make strikes against isis, a lot of self radicalised people think they are helping the cause and i believe this is an individual, not a cell. Unfortunately on a large city, you know in london, and we experienced here, you can put possession on every street or building, you cannot. Protection. This individual decided he was going to hurt as many people as possible. Im familiar with that particular bike path on the highway in the open. What do you make of the location and the fact it is a vehicle going down a crowded bypass . This is something that this individual plans, it sounds like it is a truck that can be rented hourly from a local Hardware Store here. Obviously, that is how he planned to do it. Unfortunately, the people with a crowded bypass, runners are there every day, sadly people we are in the business, we called them a soft target. Can you tell us what the nypd and fbi will focus on that they have a suspect in custody, we are told . They will look at every connection he has, they will download his phone, his bank account, his social media, looking at anybody hes been in contact with, to see whether or not he is in fa ct with, to see whether or not he is in fact connected to an organisation or is this is one crazy individual on his own. This is what keeps people like me, when i was Police Commissioner, up at night. You have a pretty good handle on organisations and intelligence on what they are cant be looking at every single individual in a big city. Since 9 11, the nypd has embraced for another attack, how does it prepare for any eventuality that might come in way . There are over 35,000 police in new york city, there are special teams available, there are special teams available, the nypd responded to this very quickly. Unfortunately, what he did, happened in second. Jack is a former secretary for homeland security, he says this is similar to other recent attacks around the world. Both alqaeda and isis, alqaeda in yemen and isis, have both put out directors or communiques to killing come if you cannot come to the middle east to carry out too hard, you should work in your own country. One thing would be to use a vehicle as a deadly weapon. We have nothing about 11 or 12 of these types of attacks around the world. In very disparate places, canada, north carolina, barcelona, london, east france, 0hio, barcelona, london, east france, ohio, and now new york city. I think there should be treated as a terrorist attack, obviously it is being treated, that a game, we see the use of mentality by a terrorist supervisor unfortunately, as the commissioner said, it is difficult to defend against these attacks. Tell us how you expect the investigation to unfold from her . There are two parts of this investigation. A pivotal investigation, of the site, finding out the name of the individual who rented the truck, looking for evidence of the crime scene. That is pretty sta nda rd evidence of the crime scene. That is pretty standard procedure. Then there is the forensic type of investigation, with the commissioner said will be harvesting individuals social media, any postings hes had, to understand what the game was inside the mind of this particular attacker. Especially if this individual might be related to any other sympathisers or had a support mechanism that allowed him to have this horrific attack in new york, thatis this horrific attack in new york, that is this forensic type of second stage of investigation which will go on simultaneously with the political investigation. With a suspect in custody, do you expect this to be a relatively fast moving investigation . I do. I dont know the physical condition, that suddenly, investigators will want to view him immediately or as soon as is able to physically able to be interrogated him. Ithink is able to physically able to be interrogated him. I think they will find fairly quickly who this guy was, what his motivation were, if he had any supporters or sympathisers, i think this will be a fairly quick investigation. That was jack, speaking earlier about what an authority is calling the calling a act of terrorism, eight killed and 12 more injured. In other news, almost one year after the election and we are still farfinding almost one year after the election and we are still far finding out how russia tried to influence. The president dismissed it as fake news but lawmakers are looking for a nswe is. But lawmakers are looking for answers. Those books is 126 million might have seen divisive content. Google and also said that it has been used. I spoke about the russian meddling in the 2016 election and the investigation by Robert Mueller. Congresswoman, in the aftermath of those Robert Mueller indictments, the presence as there was no collusion, would you accept that their father is no evidence of criminal links between no evidence of criminal links between the Trump Campaign and russia this is just the beginning and this is more to come with the guilty plea, of papadopoulos, that killing macro letter sent and we cant see that. We know some one minor in the campaign has pleaded guilty. The wider imperceptible link between russia and the Trump Campaign, we are overlooking the bigger the issue of how to stop russia interfering in elections . Correct, we have elections . Correct, we have elections coming up in the next three weeks, governor races, key races, this opens up such a huge can of worms. I think that we have do Pay Attention to what happened in the past, to learn how to prevent this from happening again. What is it specifically that you think should be done to stop russia is from repeating this again . |j certainly from repeating this again . certainly couldnt say specifically but let me raise a view thing. We know that they know that their but let me raise a view thing. We know that their interference on social media was significant. If you look at how many times that entries we re look at how many times that entries were viewed, how they facilitated and fostered racial conflict in the country, we met last week with the ceo from facebook, there were a variety of things that were done. We have to examine all of those and i am glad that the social Media Companies are here on the hill, and seem very companies are here on the hill, and seem very willing to cooperate and prevent this game, on their part. But there are other ways we have to look at that. Looking at facebook, they said may be 126 million users we re they said may be 126 million users were exposed to fake russian content. Exactly. How should they balance freedom of speech with policing that . I think that they are very well aware that they do have the police that. Take hate speech. You dont let that run rampant, especially if you see at contributing to the conflict within the us. I think they had a rather flippant response, the us. I think they had a rather flippa nt response, before, the us. I think they had a rather flippant response, before, but now recognise how serious this is. If that many people viewed those injuries and the election was just lost by 1030,000 injuries and the election was just lost by 10 30,000 votes, it could be very significant, im sure those companies do not want to be put in a position where their Business Practices have lead to terrible outcomes in our democracy or in other democracies. Around the world. This is not just other democracies. Around the world. This is notjust a problem in the united states, we know this is a problem in the world. All of us who are concerned about democracy is need to be concerned about russian interference. You get the sense that there was bipartisan agreement for Tech Companies to crack down on russian propaganda . Tech companies to crack down on russian propaganda . Tech Companies to crack down on russian propaganda . I cant say theres bipartisan agreement because my republican hollies are in a bad position where i know that they have concerns that they are put in a position of the, frankly, that they better come out and defend trump or he might tweet against them. That word impact the ability to get re elected. Until we get rid of that fear, i dont know if well release the a strong bipartisan response. Vladimir lenin is seen as the father of the Russian Revolution and 20 died in 192a the commonest party made him a symbol of the soviet union. He can be viewed in moscows red square. There is a debate on whether or not his body should be buried. We happen 20 lenin s final resting place to see how one russians view the founder of comments. In a park outside moscow, these are the ghost of coming as an past. Like a park outside moscow, these are the ghost of tom in his past. Maggie freak show of fallen idol. And the red star of this show is Vladimir Lenin who led the Russian Revolution. There were an estimated 111,000 statues of this man in the soviet union. That means that wherever you went in the ussr, there was probably at least one lenin thinking about you. Taking care of you. Or just watching you. But communism did more than make statues of him. It preserved his body and put it on display. Lenin is more alive than the living, declared one soviet slogan. A whole Scientific Institute was set up to maintain the corpse. Over time, it has had to replace some skin and flesh with plastics and other material. Lenins red square mausoleum was a site of pilgrimage in the ussr the late revolutionary quite literally cult viewing. Its one of the ironies of the Russian Revolution that the man who led it, the bolshevic who waged war on the church and once declared, there can be nothing more abominable than religion, that this man, Vladimir Lenin, ended up the closest thing communism had to a god. His body put on display here in the mausoleum and deified like a soviet saint. But 100 years after lenins revolution, might it now be time to consign the mausoleum to history and commit his body to the ground . I believe that he should be buried. This symbol of the revolution should find its proper place, not on the red square. 0ver our dead body, says the communist party. No one is going to lay a finger on him, the party leader says, and if anyone dares to try, well chase them away. Stanislas has a connection to the burial business. His company decorates funeral accessories. There is a lenin connection too he is Vladimir Lenins great, great grand nephew. One idea, stanislas says, is to bury lenin in the mausoleum to satisfy those who think he should lie in the ground and those who believe he should stay put. Whether or not his body remains on red square, Vladimir Lenin is little more than a museum piece now to most russians. A curiosity. A relic of a lost world. Lets return to our top story tonight, the fatal incident in new york city which is being investigated as an act of terrorism. Ba na na investigated as an act of terrorism. Banana at least eight we now know at least eight people having killed. It began in the mike adams of College Students were told. We went to the window, and we saw two body. 0ne we went to the window, and we saw two body. One was in the backline and the second body was next to the tree. So we saw a bunch of police and ambulances running. And after that, they covered the body but its windy so the cover cap flying after the guy was huddled up. A bunch of bicycles were on the floor, it was celtic. This mother it was ata at a good four bicycle. Its a us because you normally never Something Like this happen around here. We saw people laying their dead. They were not even covered yet. We didnt hear the gunshot. We were paying attention in class and a girl said someone attention in class and a girl said someone got shot, and we saw the dead bodies laying there. An eyewitness there in Lower Manhattan. The president has posted a message on twitter, it reads. We can cross to the bbcs michelle and there is a 29 year old suspect in custody, and the nypd said in press co nfe re nce in custody, and the nypd said in press conference that the suspect made a statement consistent with a terror attack . Unfortunately, this does appear to be the work of a low wall. We heard read please commissioner saying this was probably not part of a wider screen. The message to new yorkers was to be vigilant, not to be surprised if they saw a increased Police Presence on the street, but at the same time, this was out of an abundance of caution. Michelle, the governor of new york was saying there is no evidence to suggest a wider plot that this is a busy night in manhattan, its halloween, there is the new york marathon coming up, what is the mood of the city . think people, unsurprisingly, might feel uneasy, giving we now this if 5} mayor e j mayorsaid e if; mayorsaid new an act of terror. The mayor said new yorkers are resilient i am stunning close to the World Trade Center attacks, there is a sense that some will be alarmed by what is happening, but they will not let this deterred them from going about their daily business. People have been going past in halloween costu mes been going past in halloween costu m es o n been going past in Halloween Costumes on their way to enjoy an evening out. Many schools was also will normally at this time the going about trick or treating. The Police Commissioner said that today, as a loss of innocent life, a tragedy of the greatest magnitude, how many people were affected by this attack so people were affected by this attack so far . The police are saying that about eight people have lost their lives and that dozens more have been injured. We are waiting to learn more about that, of course, if you are thinking of it in terms of all of them, their families, are thinking of it in terms of all of them, theirfamilies, friends are thinking of it in terms of all of them, their families, friends and relatives, so many lives touched by this, we heard from the Police Commissioner, from the meier and the governor of new york, all saying that people going about their daily lives with no expectation, that it would end in tragedy. Michelle on the scene there thank you for joining us. That is the breaking news from new york tonight, the authorities are calling it an act of terror in Lower Manhattan which is leading eight people dead, it the mayor of new york says it was cowardly, and is urging resilience like in the days after 9 11. More on this story and the day before trainees on our website and to see what we are working on, check out our facebook page. Im Laura Trevelya n, our facebook page. Im Laura Trevelyan, thank you for watching world news america. Hello. We didnt see anything too frightful weather wise and we have got whether into the more autumnal spell, not much windy but it will be breezy in the northern front, it will stay static across scotland and Northern Ireland, producing wet weather to argyll and bute, towards the dial to glasgow area. Rain in Northern Ireland. Showers and sunshine in the north, with the blustery wind, in england and wales, after a morning of wind, try. It will feel a bit warmer, tabs is peaking around 1516. A warmer, tabs is peaking around 15 16. A weather move southwards as we go into tonight and thursday. Air pressure building around it, not much went around the weather front, but either side of it, taking us into the very chilly, frost most likely, across northern england. There is High Pressure around france which continues to slowly move southwards across england and wales producing a lot more cloud on thursday competitor wednesday, those central southern england and wales, there could be some rain and it will ta ke there could be some rain and it will take all day to reach the south coast but a parsley brighter today, northern england, scotland and Northern Ireland were good, sunny speu Northern Ireland were good, sunny spell from any. Even if it doesnt stay particularly warm, it will lead toa stay particularly warm, it will lead to a chilly night into friday, frost in places, most will be dry but we will seek more cloud build in the west, brightest in eastern areas, and it will be windy and wet into the highlands and islands. 10 14d, not far from what we should have this time of year. It busy spell into saturday, the cold front straightaway, ta ken over into saturday, the cold front straightaway, taken over by this weather system, making wetter weather system, making wetter weather in england and wales, once clears into the weekend, we opened the door to another rush of cold air, this time coming from a north westerly direction and a northerly direction, it will clear off, the early ring, from east anglia, sunshine and showers will be heavy with hail and thunder but even sleet and snow on the tops of the mountains in the north. That will be the case that the into summer, but which up by samba, picking up into in north westerly direction, giving a chill this weekend, but many eastern areas shouldnt fare too badly. Better prospects than we saw 24 badly. Better prospects than we saw 2a hours ago, sunshine and showers frequent in the north and west. Its a weekend of fireworks for some, the breeze probably the main hindrance and a few showers. High pressure built into the start of the week, noticed the weather front getting close by. It looks like for england and wales, we start next week for clearer skies, patchy mist and fog but frost will be the main thing. How quickly the weather front pushes doucoure it does spook smartly, monday into tuesday, a ridge of High Pressure will build in. After a faster start, the timings of the wet and when windy weather, it will be a brief spell, it puts us back into the autumn nights of patsy frost and occasional fog as well. Ive now. Terror attack in new york at least eight people have been killed, a dozen injured. A truck ploughed into a pedestrian and cycle path. The driver got out with two handguns before he was shot by police. There were about nine or ten gunshots going off, and i saw cops ducking down. A lot of police came running towards where i was. They didnt know what was going on. A truck crashed into a schoolbus injuring children inside the driver is now in police custody. New yorkers are strong, new yorkers are resilient, and our spirit will never be moved by an act of violence, an act meant to intimidate us. More facts are emerging about the attack which happened just a couple of hours ago, well bring you the latest. Also tonight. A woman tells the bbc how a Senior Labour Party figure persuaded her to drop allegations of rape by a party member. Police here investigate allegations of sexual abuse made by seven women

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