Is needed in days rather than weeks. Numerous allegations have been made in recent days with mps accused of inappropriate behaviour towards fellow mps, secretaries and researchers. Our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg has more details. What really happens within westminsters walls . Its work for thousands of people, but often, for young staff making their way, its a place where they fear they could face harm. With suspicions in the air about politicians behaviour. Speaker order the speaker told the parties its theirjob to clean up. There must be zero tolerance of Sexual Harassment or bullying here at westminster or elsewhere. Andrea leadsom. With a stern faced theresa may alongside, the leader of the commons promised a new complaints system for staff and vowed the parties will work together. Our constituents will be rightly appalled at the thought that some representatives in Parliament May have acted in an entirely inappropriate way towards others. Parliament must take action in days, not weeks. A new support team for staff is planned, but how to tackle the more complicated question of culture . No woman, or man for that matter coming to work in this house should be subjected to unwanted sexual advances from those in a position of power over them. No one should have to work in the toxic atmosphere of sleazy sexist or homophobic banter. Dont think for a moment that much of this is really new. This place is about power and its been an open secret for years that too often, its used for the wrong reasons. Suspicions are running high once more, but its too early to say if this is the start of a turning point or a refrain of the same old story. Concerns about westminsters boozy culture where alcohol, ambition and long hours collide are long held. In 2014, the tory mp, nigel evans, was tried and cleared of sexual abuse of young men. But his lawyer described drunken over familiarity. And the then boss of the liberal democrats, lord renard, was accused of behaving inappropriately to female party members. He was never charged, but eventually admitted he may have invaded their personal space. One of those who accused him told us that kind of behaviour was hardly rare. I also can see this behaviour being seen as quite normal, to bum pinching or inappropriate kissing or any of the kind of social norms that you think on the one side might be ok suddenly goes into the wrong direction. One of the problems . Mps employ their staff directly. Who can easily complain about the boss to the boss, as a rep for common staff summed up. If theres an issue and you have nobody to go to, you are just going to slink away with your tail between your legs because you dont want to get a reputation as a troublemaker and the member gets away with it time and again because nobody will stand up and say, do you know what, actually, theres a problem there. But whether victims are willing to spill this places secrets could change the view of this place. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news, westminster. Now on bbc news, the travel show. This week on the travel show, im in the far north of sweden to visit a city on the move, literally, in one of the worlds biggest ever urban transformations. Well, the mine is our heart. We wouldnt be here without a mine. Rajan heads to croatias capital, zagreb, to take a look around some of the citys most exclusive addresses. For 10 days of the year, the doors of these architectural secrets are flung open to the public so that even commoners like me can go in and snoop around. And lucy heads to the south downs in the uk to roa d test the latest in travel tech. Im not 100 convinced. I think hardened hikers. Beginners . And we stop off in bermuda for the latest in our global gourmet series. On the menu this week a soup that is considered the National Dish. We start this week in swedish lapland and the town of kiruna, some 1,300 miles north of the capital, stockholm. Its the jumping off point for tourists heading further into lapland to see the Northern Lights in winter and the midnight sun in the summer. But what put the area on the map in the late 19th century was the discovery of iron ore, the most widely used metal on earth. Alright. We just arrived at the largest underground iron ore mine in the world. The stats for this place are staggering. It produces enough iron ore to build 40,000 cars every day. Thats the equivalent of six eiffel towers. And right now, were 540 metres below zero point. I can kind of feel my ears starting to pop. This is the visitors centre, so im going to take a look around. Hello hello. What have you got for me . The disused part of the mine has become a tourist attraction, giving visitors an insight into how the mine has evolved and expanded over the last century. Todays modern machinery allows miners to blast to incredibly deep levels. Today, we are somewhere down there, at 1,365 metres. Nearly a mile. Nearly a mile underground yes. Thats astonishing. They produce 90 of europes iron ore here, worth billions of dollars. But for the early pioneers, things were a lot more basic. So, ade, i want to show you how the first miners lived because when they came here in 1898, we didnt have any houses for them, so they had to build houses with whatever they could find in the forest. And it was cold and it was draughty. So how many people would live in this place . Well, big families. They could have four, five, six kids and then live in this space. So youd have seven people in the family and sometimes they would take in other people as well . Yes. The environment was harsh for those entering this new life. Could you imagine living in a house like this with temperatures dropping to 30 degrees . No way so it must have been hard for them to survive. Well, of course it was. Some of them died because, well, they couldnt get enough food, it was cold, it was draughty and, for the small kids, well, some of them didnt survive this coldness. These days, the mine employs 2,300 people and there are 800 working underground, still in quite extreme conditions. Now, we are going into the darkness. So were still at 540 metres here . Yes, we are. And, well, this is our common deck in the darkness, because the tunnels, its dark, where the machines are working. It seems like theres an interdependency between the mine and the people in the city. Well, the mine is our heart. We wouldnt be here without a mine. Kiruna today is a bustling town, but the continuing expansion of the mine has destabilised the ground above it to the point where it will eventually sink into a chasm. So the Mining Company have come up with a radical solution. Theyre going to move the town. That big mountain over their dominating the skyline is the iron ore mine. In that direction is where the sinking began. You can see how the earth has just started to collapse and whats going to happen is eventually it will spread over there and everything you can see in that direction, all the houses, will collapse into that sink hole and thats why they have to relocate the whole of kiruna. Its not the first time a city or town has been moved, but this is most certainly the biggest operation of its kind and im not sure how theyre going to do it. In parts of the city, the bulldozers have already moved in and over the next two decades, large areas of the town will also be demolished. We cant build a whole restaurant, we cant put too much money here now because in 10 years, its going to be gone. And buildings that are too important to demolish are being uprooted whole and transported a few miles down the road. And the spectacle is attracting a new wave of visitors. Its a pricey operation. The cost of the move is estimated at 2 billion. We are approximately 4. 5 kilometres from the Old City Centre and what we see behind us is the brand new town hall. So youre going to move everyone and the buildings from the city centre to here . Not exactly everything. About 6,000 people will be moving, because their houses and their apartments will be affected by the zone. Ive moved house three times. Its complicated. I cant imagine what it must be like to move a whole town or city and thousands of people. Its an incredible project, but we will move approximately 21 buildings that have cultural value, such as old wooden houses, et cetera. And do you believe this will be a better city once its moved here . I think so, yes. Because there are so many functions that will be brand new. The hospital, town hall, schools, et cetera. So im very optimistic about it and i also like this location. But some of the buildings, like this gothic style church, are too large to transport. Its going to be taken down bit by bit and rebuilt in the new location. Its been central to the community for generations. I was that little because i was baptised here and then the communion was here in kiruna church. When i was going to get married, i was here too. And, of course, i want to put that further onto my kids. I think its the most beautiful building in the world and just for a couple to walk this aisle, and everybody is looking at you, and you go upstairs and you see this beautiful picture, thats you cant even describe the feeling you get. And whilst it will be spared the wrecking ball, there are still mixed feelings about the changes. I would like to move all the Old Buildings because they are so nice and they are old, they are almost 100 years old, and this is our history. And in the future, maybe people will come to kiruna not for the mines, but to visit the town that moved. Next up on the travel show, we had to bermuda, where fish chowder is a soup considered the National Dish of the country, in our latest global gourmet. My name is takemore mukazika. Im a chef de cuisine at hamilton princess and beach club in bermuda. 0k, today im going to make bermuda fish chowder, a very famous local dish. It originated during the 17th century, with the first settlers in bermuda. At that time, there was not a lot of refrigeration or any way of keeping food fresh for a long time, so to preserve their fish that they used to bring on the island, they had to use rum and sherry peppers to make fish chowder. There are quite a few vegetables that go into the chowder. Weve got peppers, some carrots, some ginger and dont forget to put celery. And they have to be all finely chopped. So, basically, you have to have onion, garlic. The best onion to use is the bermuda red onion, which is locally produced and sweeter than regular white onion. So you start by sauteing all of the vegetables you have. The onion first until it is translucent, then add all of the other vegetables. Then you add your rum. So you need to cook out the alcohol. The rum just puts the flavour in the fish dish. Let it all cook together. The longer you cook it, the better it is. I present to you a perfect bermuda fish chowder. This is delicious still to come on the travel show, we check out the latest in travel gadgets and navigation aids. My map is telling me ive gone a little bit off east but im still near the trail. Plus, rajan heads to croatia where forjust 10 days of the year, its capital opens its doors to some of its most exclusive venues. A real person actually lives here . A real person actually lives here. And they let us just come in an deep lounge about for ten days in a row . So stay with us for that. The travel show. Your essential guide, wherever youre heading. This is the south downs, the uks Newest National park. More than 200 square miles of hills crisscrossed with hiking trails and the Perfect Place to try out some tech. By way of an experiment, i have agreed to be blindfolded and driven to a random spot from where i will find my way back to civilisation using only gadgets i have been given. What is in the bag . In there, we have some stuff that will hopefully get you back to where we have come from safely. Some navigation devices, some gadgets in there. Also something in there so that if it takes a bit longer or things dont go according to plan, just to make your life a bit more comfortable. This is your stop. This is where i leave you. Blindfold off. Im heading back to the royal oak, about five minutes for me. It will be about one hour on foot for you. Just one thing. You will find you wont have phone signal so you really are on your own. First up, the tomtom adventurer a gps watch with a music player, heart monitor and all sorts of features. It is the navigation i am particularly interested in. Im presented with a rather basic version of a map. It gives me my trail in all of its entirety. As you can see, the arrow on the map, on the overview version, tells me that way. Yeah. Thats the way. Im a bit confused because there is a trail that way. Maybe if i walk down the trail and then gear to the right. My map is telling me i have gone a little bit off piste. Im still near the trail. For someone who uses things like google maps or waze, it is not immediately obvious way to go. Im not going to be too harsh on the adventurer because im not a seasoned hiker but the user interface just wasnt as intuitive as i would have liked and even finding the map that had downloaded for me, took me a while to find. One too many buttons taps. It does more than this, it has a built in heart monitor, counts your steps, calories, altitude. I personally am not 100 convinced. Hardened hikers. Beginners. So a little break. Time to use the tech ben stowed away in here for my comfort. The handpresso outdoor set comes with a pump, cups and flask for your hot water. Im not the biggest fan of espressos but ben doesnt need to know that. Strong. Clears throat. Carrying around a the flask. Its pretty handy but if you want something a bit stronger running through your veins, a portable espresso maker, pretty handy and easy to use once you have worked out what to do. All in all, id say massive thumbs up. Espresso without a power socket. Handy. I believe bens downloaded something i need on this phone. Viewranger is an app available on ios and android on which you can download any of hundreds of thousands of detailed maps for pretty much anywhere in the world. The skyline feature is quite cool. If you point your camera in any direction, it will label it for you. It could be points of interest. Were not particularly in mountainous environments but it will mountains as well. Youre looking at a Navigation App with all the bells and whistles. I like the fact that if there is no wi fi or you are out of phone signal you can rely on your phones gps. One caveat is that the maps are expensive. It cost us £24 for this hike. That is a lot of money. There you are i just saw you look at your watch. You know i probably got a bit more than a bit lost at some point. I will always rely on Non Technology bits, a map and compass, but usually well take technology because if it works well, it makes life easier. I think i deserve a drink. I think you do as well for waiting for me. I think i probably owe you one. Lets go next, rajans in croatias capital zagreb with an invite to some of the countrys most incredible homes. On a hill overlooking zagreb is the historic neighbourhood of gradec. It is the oldest district in the city, filled with baroque palaces and courtyards that were built when croatia was part of the austro hungarian empire. Today, gradec has some of the citys grandest buildings that are mostly off limits. But for ten days of the year, the doors of these architectural secrets are flung open to the public so that even commoners like me can go in and snoop around. This is the dvorista, or courtyard festival, where tourists and locals can see inside the citys walled palaces. Slavica it is one of the organisers. Tell me about this particular place. Where are we now . Were in a palace called palace erdody draskovic. There used to be croatian counts, famous ones, and this was built in the 18th century. First for count erdody, and then later for count draskovic, rebuilt in the 19th century. It was actually a palace where they lived until 1947 when this building became the state archive of zagreb and this is where the most Important Documents of zagreb are kept. Slavica takes me on a tour through the narrow streets and tells me why she started the project. This year, seven of the gated buildings were open to the public. Walking through the old town which is residential area, it is usually quiet and not a lot of people up here. You see all of these nice gates and you think, what is behind . Somehow you know there are these courtyards behind but you dont get a chance to see them as a regular person. This is how the idea started. We wanted to open them and wanted ourselves even to feel the atmosphere, reinterpret some of the history and give some urban taste to it and make it accessible for all of our citizens and tourists. Some of the courtyards are now used as state offices but others, like this one, are still private residences. As you say, a real person actually live here . A real person actually lives here. And they let people come in and lounge about for ten days ina row . Yes, they like us. Some of them actually come and have a drink with us in the evening. There is a famous actress who lives here. This person i think is on vacation, so it depends, but yeah, they actually live here. By night, all of the squares are transformed into performance spaces. In ten days, we have more than 70 concerts so every evening there are seven concerts. Notjust croatian music, its french, latin, pop, r b and classical. We have different styles. It is a surreal to see these spaces which were once home to 17th century counts and nobles, packed today with people partying. It is the atmosphere that makes the festival unique. This festival is not just about buildings. Its notjust about nice buildings. No, definitely. Its about emotion. We want here to make new love, to make new friendships. The main point is ok, we need to go to someones courtyard. Actually, you come to his home. Everyone who visit courtyards say, ok, this is special. I will remember for the rest of my life. Sadly, that is it your lot for this week. Make sure you join us next week when. Christa is in paris looking at how the city is seeking to reverse falling tourism numbers by reassuring visitors it is a safe place to visit. The most high profile project is here at the iconic eiffel tower. Access to the bottom is restricted currently by these pretty ugly temporary barriers but the city has just begun construction on a series of 2. 5 metre high glass walls to protect tourists at the site. That is next week but keep up with us on the road in real time by following us on social media. For now, from me, ade adepitan and all all of the travel show team, here in swedish lapland, its goodbye. Hello there. The weather is turning a bit milder and cloudy for most of the country today. On monday morning, 5 in tulloch bridge. This morning, temperatures 15 degrees higher. Thats caused by rain and clouds and a south westerly wind. Those winds bring murky weather across the high ground of northern ireland, Northern England as well with persistent rain to western scotland. Through the day we could see some heavy rain arrive to wales and north west england late in the day. Then the Early Morning showers clear away from east anglia and the south east of england and it looks like a dry picture. Some bright sunny spells. Temperatures between 12 and 14 celsius. Tuesday evening turns spooky for a time for those halloween trick or treaters. There will be rain around across the north west with the driest weather further south. A mild night with temperatures overnight in a range from around eight in the south to nine, ten, 11 in the north with wet weather building in through western scotland. Welcome to bbc news, broadcasting to viewers in north america and around the globe. My name is mike embley. Our top stories probing possible links with russia Donald Trumps former Campaign Manager is accused of conspiracy against the united states. A former trump aide pleads guilty to lying to the fbi about his contacts with russian officials. The white house says its got nothing to do with the president. The sacked catalan president , carles puigdemont, has gone to belgium amid reports he may claim asylum as spain considers charging him with rebellion. And levels of the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, in the earths atmosphere surge to a record high. The un says we have solutions, but must act now

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