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The route of the river sava. Its a journey through four countries that just over 25 years ago were at war. My trip started at the source in slovenia, and continued through to the wetlands of croatia. Watch out this week, ill be following the river to bosnia and herzegovina, and then east into serbia. And meeting those who live along the river banks who want to move on from the conflicts of the 90s, and show us what their part of the world is really like. The cascading waterfalls and historic cities of bosnia and herzegovina, now gaining more international attention. And here in gradiska, in the north of the country, the river sava is on the tourist agenda too. Its here that the river takes on a new and Important Role as an internationally recognised border. Because over there is croatia, and on this side of the river is bosnia and herzegovina, where i will be continuing myjourney. Its a far cry from the beleaguered wartorn image some might have of bosnia and herzegovina. During the 1990s, the river here was the scene of some of the fiercest inter ethnic fighting. Sparked by the break up of yugoslavia. But today, the people who live here are recognising the rivers potential. During the war, the river was a physical barrier, separating opposing sides. Attitudes towards the river might have changed since the war, but the Natural Environment is still feeling the effects. Landmines and munitions were used extensively in the sava basin, which not only proved to be deadly, but also polluted the water and the problem has been compounded by industrial waste. But this group of young people are determined that their Natural Heritage will not be placed in any further jeopardy. There are people who think its a war still in our country, but its not. Its finished. Thank you. When we were at war, or after the war, older generations didnt have time to think about nature, but now it has ended and i am the new generation that came with that sense that we need to help our nature, so that that same nature can help us. Why is it important for you that the nature around here is protected 7 we have an unused nature that tourists can. The potential. Yes, potential that tourists can help us with that, because we need money. So tourism could be the answer to unemployment amongst young people . Yes, of course. Like everywhere. How bad is unemployment . Ah, very bad. So tourism may save that . Yes. I think its the only choice we have. Just outside gradiska, on the flood plains of the sava, is the wetland. Its been recognised as an area of International Importance because it supports a range of endangered species. But its also under threat, as some of the lakes have been drained and ploughed overforfarmland. Its an issue the collective want to bring worldwide attention to by holding a Music Festival here. Mirko was one of the djs. What is it about the land here that worries you, and whats happening to it . The thing that worries me is it will all disappear, all the lake it was 11, now its only two. La kes . Yeah. So tell me then what is so special about this area that makes you and your friends want to come here and relax . Nature, nature, especially nature because it is breathtaking. When you look at the sunrise and everything, its beautiful. So we wanted to check. We think, lets do a festival. Maybe someone will, with the money, come and say, stop that. More than 500 people from across the region came to the festival, and the eco collective plan to hold more events here in the future. Some people might say, how is playing music with a dj sound system helping the nature . Because thats in right now. The festivals are in. But i suppose what im saying is people might comejust for the party, 0k. They go, yeah, great party and they go, not even knowing. When they come, when they see this beautiful place, they will stay. We are campaigning for saving this land. That is all. The festival is just the tool. And the eco collective arent the only ones hoping to encourage people to visit this region. Im heading through lush countryside to meet a man who wants to link up the whole of the sava route by bike. What is your grand plan for the whole stretch of this river . Well, the grand plan is actually to connect first, to connect people along the sava river. Its connecting a few important cities. Well, once you know sava river was a war line, we want to change this, to become more or less like a lifeline. He thinks the plan could unite all four countries with a common purpose, and he cycled the entire 850 kilometre route with his team to show it can be done. There are hurdles to overcome, like areas with undetonated landmines. But he says if the route succeeds, the rewards will be immense. This is just one of the answers that really could help people to think about a mutual future, not divided future. We finish our cycle ride in the riverside city of brcko. Brckos position on the river near the croatian and serbian borders means its been strategically important for centuries. Its location also made it a huge Sticking Point in the 1995 peace talks that sought to end bosnia and herzegovinas ethnic conflict by setting up two political entities within the country one representing Bosnian Muslims and croats, and the other, serbs. No one could agree which region brcko should be part of the federation of bosnia and herzegovina, or the serb republic. And so they made a decision. It would be neither. Brckos been called europes only free city. In official terms, it is a semi autonomous district with its own multi ethnic government and education system. But achieving harmony hasnt been straightforward. For example, the local assembly couldnt agree on a shared memorial for those killed in the countrys war. So they built three. Brcko is a fascinating place to visit. Its been called a microcosm of the country as a whole, because here you can experience the culture of all the different groups that make up this complex nation. And that diversity is reflected in the music too. She sings this band specialise in performing folk songs from all the ethnic backgrounds that make up brcko. Applause really, really good. Fantastic. How do you do . Thank you so much. That was brilliant. And tonight, im joining the band. Can i ask you, first of all, how much of the music that you play is a combination of all the different cultures that are in this district . She sings of course, no ones pretending that brcko is a utopia. It has a fiendishly complicated government structure and there is lingering resentment about which community effectively has the most power. But on nights like this, harmony reigns. They sing all of us are mixed. There are serbians, croatians, bosnians. We are all the same. I dont even remember if someone is that way or this way or anything. It doesnt feel. The atmosphere is very nice. And life goes on, and music goes on. Yes. Absolutely. Well, in that case, shall we have a go . Not good. Power wow thats such a nice feeling applause next on myjourney, im heading east along the sava route to serbia. My end point will be the countrys biggest city, and its grand capital, belgrade. But first, its the city of Sremska Mitrovica on the rivers northern bank. Now, on the face of it, this city centre is much like any other in serbia, but whats intriguing and surprising is that, beneath my feet, beneath these streets, are the ruins of a former capital of the roman empire. It was called sirmium then. The romans chose this spot because of its location on the sava. The word sirmium means flowing water. Most of the roman city, including a hippodrome, still lies beneath the modern metropolis, but some remains, like this huge imperial palace complex, have been excavated. It was 1957 when the workers started to make an Apartment Building and then these walls appeared. Some historians think as many as 18 Roman Emperors were born in the territory of modern day serbia, and that five of those were born here in sirmium itself. Its a heritage this archaeologist thinks is little known outside of the balkans, largely due to the period in the late 90s when serbia was seen by some as a political pariah, because of the conflict in kosovo. Do you think people are surprised that serbia had such a roman history . I think that it is not so much now, and for a long time, we were isolated and we did a lot during that time, according to the protection of archaeological heritage. And the archaeologists want the world to know about the incredible remains they found here. Theyre using new 3d reconstruction techniques, so that people can digitally explore what parts of this ancient city might have looked like. These things which connect people, like roman heritage, like these things which are similar and central to all of us, which makes us a part of europe. And this is ourjoint past. And sirmiums incredible history isntjust linking present day Sremska Mitrovica with the rest of europe, its bringing the region global attention. Beneath this field just outside the city is a roman palace. Australian archaeologists from the university of sydney have joined with serbian colleagues to start the mammoth task of excavation. Stefan is one of the people coordinating the dig. Potentially, we are excavating the palace of Roman Emperor Maximianus Herculius and if it turns out to be Emperor Maximianus herculius, it definitely is one of the most exciting finds in the world of european roman archaeology. The plan is to excavate the palace and find out more. But its going to take years. Anything i can help with here . Anything i can do . Yes. You may, in fact, you may use this thing. What does this do . Shall i show you . Yeah. It sprays the water, so you can clean the mosaic stones. Incredible. This is really pleasurable to literally uncover and expose works of building and art that, you know, were literally thousands of years old. Incredible. And thousands of years ago, the romans continued down the river to build the ancient city of singidunum known today as serbias capital belgrade. This is belgrades most famous landmark, its fortress, the scene of many a battle during the last 2,000 years. And if you look over here, you can see exactly why. Its where our companion for the last 900km, the river sava, meets the danube, making it the most Strategic Point on our entirejourney. But today, the fortress grounds are the venue for more peaceful, if still fiercely contested, combat. And today, for some premier league stars. Lazar. How are you doing . Hi. Now, you guys are professionals, but what youre playing is a different kind of basketball, right . Its street basketball . Yeah, street basketball. It looks like basketball, but its a completely different sport, you know . How is it different . Its different because you play in half a court, you play with a smaller ball, and play three on three. 0k. You get 12 seconds to try and score and after each goal, the opposing team drives the ball out beyond the arc on the court and begins their attack. And i show them how its done. 0h well done ive got a height disadvantage, but it doesnt mean im worse because i can nip through underneath well, thats the theory, anyway. Serbia is ranked number one in the world at the sport, which has just been added to the line up for the 2020 Olympic Games in tokyo. And if you want to catch a match at this venue, the season runs from august untiljune and you can buy tickets at the courts. Yes come on the fortress grounds date back through two millennia of military history, but also bear witness to the more recent turbulence in serbia. This weaponry was used against nato air forces in the war over kosovan independence in 1999. Theres evidence, too, in the city centre of buildings bombed in that same conflict. But the capital is not the war ravaged, depressed city that some people might expect it to be. In fact, belgrade has picked up quite a reputation for its hedonistic night life and cafe lined boulevards. The centre is a blend of neo Renaissance Architecture intermingled with the brutalist blocks built when this was yugoslavias capital. But perhaps the most distinctive features of the city are these things floating jetties called splavs that sit along the banks of the sava. Dina tells me how important the river is to the city. I think it looks more like the riviera than a river. Well, yeah. Basically, i mean, given that belgrade is in this amazing geographical place, like, on the confluence of the sava and danube, like, two great european rivers, this city basically lives by the river. Dina works at a pioneering Cultural Centre in the artistic riverside neighbourhood of savamala, and feels the creative side of the city is often underestimated. I think, its in my opinion, i believe that the stereotype surrounding belgrade kind of moves between two bipolar stereotypes. The first one, i would say, is the old type of belgrade and serbia being this war stricken country. And the other is that belgrade is basically this new berlin, eastern berlin after the cold war, so kind of like the newly found utopia for the all clubbers. And honestly, i dont think that belgrade kind of applies to either of those. Because the city is specific in its own way. Dina hopes that the city can start to shake the perception held by some in the International Community that belgrade, and serbia as a whole, are intolerant to minorities. We do have this legacy of retrograde attitudes towards minorities but we must all keep in mind that all those things were in the past. In recent years, we have had successful gay prides in belgrade although with huge support from Police Security but comparing to the first years of organising gay pride, when it was almost impossible to imagine that it would be held, the things have changed a lot. And the face of the city is changing too. 3 billion euros have been pumped into regenerating belgrades waterfront. Its a project thats been controversial with some locals, but that its hoped will bring investment and tourism to the capital. Its clear that whatever the future holds for belgrade, the river will still be at its very heart. And so, my near 1,000km voyage down the river sava, through the balkans, is complete. And what a trip its been. Sings in serbian. Ive seen how the river has been a crucial artery stretching all the way back to roman times. And how, more recently, it was the backdrop to some of the most brutal fighting of the 1990s. Both sing in serbian. For me, its been truly incredible to see how the river is now helping to heal the wounds of that conflict. And lets hope it continues to make new friends out of old enemies. Both sing in serbian. Hello there. Quite a lot of cloud first thing across the southern half of the british isles. Some drizzly outbreaks of rain, as well, in parts of england and wales. The best of the sunshine first thing today is likely to be across scotland. For Northern England, perhaps some breaks in the cloud, and for the midlands, too. Heres the picture first thing, as you can see. Fairly solid cloud across england and wales. Well take a closer look at where the breaks are to be found injust a second. But really, you can already see the contrast scotland and Northern England looking much clearer. Northern ireland likely to see some sunshine in shelter from the westerly or south westerly wind. But some showers arriving through the morning as well, one or two of them heavy during the rush hour. Still strong winds and some heftier showers for the northern isles. The showers as we head onto mainland of scotland a little bit more scattered. Some heavier ones possible through the central lowlands. But here at least, in between the showers, some decent sunshine. Sunshine across Northern England first thing, too. Although look out for some rain around the Liverpool Bay area, stringing across towards lincolnshire. Some glimmers of sunshine for the midlands and perhaps the south east of england. Thicker cloud, however, across the south west, and some more persistent, if not especially heavy, outbreaks of rain to be found here. Stretch those across the Bristol Channel into southern wales, as well. To the lee of the welsh hills and mountains, however, there should be some sunshine to get the day underway through herefordshire and up into the likes of warwickshire and into the midlands. Things improve through the morning. I think well see more in the way of sunshine, whereas further south, some of that cloud is going to filter its way further eastwards into the south east of england. So enjoy any early brightness, because it looks like the afternoon for the south east of england and east anglia will be cloudy, with some outbreaks of rain. Further west, a little brighter. But then cast your eye towards the north west, where, after that glorious start for scotland, its all really gone downhill thicker cloud and outbreaks of rain arriving. Thats this frontal system here, coming in from the north. Tightly squeezing isobars, as well, mean strong winds, and that wet weather pushes across Northern Ireland, Northern England, into wales and the midlands through the small hours of wednesday. So a pretty wet and windy story as wednesday gets underway, and this rain is really going to tot up as well for some parts of southern scotland, Northern England and for wales. Particularly, i think, the cumbrian fells and the mountains of snowdonia getting a real dollop of rain, perhaps up to 100mm before were through with this weather system, the rain getting further south into wales and the south west of england come the afternoon. The south east, with some sunshine, could see up to 18 degrees though, and Northern Ireland and scotland will clear as the day goes on. Thursday probably the best day of the week across the board, in terms of some dry and fine weather. Just like winds, as well. And temperatures around average for the time of year, in the mid teens. Welcome to bbc news, broadcasting to viewers in north america and around the globe. My name is mike embley. Our top stories one of the worst firestorms in californias history is tearing its way through parts of the states wine region, killing at least ten people. Could President Trump set america on a path to World War Three . A Top Republican claims white house staff are trying to contain the commander in chief. Increased pressure on the Catalan Leader not to declare independence when he addresses the Catalan Parliament later on tuesday. Africas first female head of state prepares to step down and calls for peaceful campaigning ahead of liberias president ial election. Go to the polls peacefully, respecting every liberians right to vote with dignity and pride

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