The plea for the britons trapped in what it calls the nuclear hurricane. We will begin with the coverage of irma and that picture, simple headline, devastated, it looks like matchsticks and these are buildings that had just been demolished. Whole island is said to be barely inhabitable. Although the death toll is steadily rising, the real devastation is for those people who have had islands flattened and livelihoods ruined and they have been cast out of their home. This is lead pairup been cast out of their home. This is lead pair up with this stark image. Britain has woken up to this and is pledging to raise its aids relief to £32 million. Other nations have been quicker aid relief. Given that we note that there are more hurricanes coming likejoe note that there are more hurricanes coming like joe is note that there are more hurricanes coming likejoe is a hands katia, Lasting Solutions will be needed. Coming likejoe is a hands katia, Lasting Solutions will be neededm is facing the next onslaught. The temperature in the sea feeding these enormous storms, temperature in the sea feeding these enormous storms, particularly irma, the size of france. It is almost unimaginable that you can have a storms so large that if you were sitting in a house in provence and rang her friend sitting in a house in provence and rang herfriend in sitting in a house in provence and rang her friend in normandy, you would be in the same storm. The problem with this story is that the british response is shameful, £32 million is absolutely nothing and it will be spread between many islands and when you consider that barbuda is 90 destroyed according to its prime minister, i knew nothing about and well before this, but it has been british since 1650 and it is strategically important, because 20 of the worlds shipping passes through its waters on the way to the panama canal. We have got a lot out ofa name panama canal. We have got a lot out of a name that island, and now, in its hour of need, we are not prepared to do anything like what the french are doing for their islands. We have been ill prepared and slow to respond. There is a difference that plays into this in how many of our territories have more autonomy than those that are french protectorates. Anguilla is british, apparently and unlike some of the other countries that had independence, they say we should be treated exactly like the Falkland Islands are the people of gibraltar. We have the same kinds of responsibility and so far we are acting as if we did not. The daily mirror says that the navy are seen to save british citizens. The french got their military interposition beforehand because there are forecast, we know these storms are coming. They are there to predict this. Experts look ahead to these things. We know about the storms, the navy was able to move in. People have been saved, like this couple who were missing in barbuda and the mother feared they would be victims. No wonder britain has had to move as fast as they can. The reaction of theresa may has been slow on this. We have learned lessons from montserrat 20 years ago when the volcano erupted but there was criticism that things but things have improved. It does not look that way so far and i think britain will have to up its offer. Let us move on to brexit. It seems to have been a long time coming. The times, minister in firing line over mps brexit letter. Who is in the firing line and white . There is a minister in the department who are part of a watt sub group of mps who want a very ha rd watt sub group of mps who want a very hard brexit and these people who are part of the government have privately urged mps to back a public policy, a letter to the newspapers which says we want a hard brexit, no transition, we want to be able to sign trade deals when we leave in 2019 which is directly opposed to the policy that the chancellor is pushing and if you have collective responsibility in government, you cannot have people who are ministers who are privately urging people to subvert the government policy. They are ina subvert the government policy. They are in a lot of trouble and i am afraid it is part of the example in which a small group of hard brexiteers tried to push the country to do something that anyone involved in business or trade or services is anxious about, because it if we have anxious about, because it if we have a hard brexit, we will be following off a cliff edge without any arrangements with the rest of the word about goods trades are services and in all probability, we will not haveit and in all probability, we will not have it for airlines, we will have lorries backed up in kent, we will be in the disastrous situation which will cost usjobs over be in the disastrous situation which will cost us jobs over decades. Lot of people who are very keen on that kind of brexit would say that we managed before, we went into the eu, why can we not managed after . With the content of the letter, it was reported in bombastic terms, but then wanting the hardest brexit possible, although many of them would say this is just called brexit. There is a fascinating point of difference which is the reason why the aid to the chancellor is facing a dicey situation about her career, on the face of it she is meant to be toeing the line, not making waves and actually, there is pa rt making waves and actually, there is part of the letter that runs counter to what Phillip Hammond once, he once a standstill transition, we are still close to the Single Market and the customs union, where she would think that was repellent and you may as well stay in anyway. The tories are now saying, maybe shes no longerfor this parish. Are now saying, maybe shes no longer for this parish. You are still causing a problem for the conservatives. The reason why this matters is why the brexiteers are trying to drive this fall, it is as if the remain won the referendum. This was about to join the euro and schengen agreement. The remain campbell would have asked for an extreme joining to europe and the ha rd extreme joining to europe and the hard brexiteers are interpreting the result is the worst possible outcome for the uk. This is the problem, it was a blunt and crude question, do you want in or out. The financial times. Criticism of david davis as a negotiator. John caudwell yunker has gone for thejugular by negotiator. John caudwell yunker has gone for the jugular by insinuating that david davis is unstable, whether politically or physically, it is not clarified and he lacks the authority in the negotiating team and it is all from minutes coming out of the european commission. This may seem like absolute trash talk from the european side ahead of some sort of abbeydale at the end. The minute state from july, Michelle Barnier was asked about david davis, he said, i applaud the professionalism and david davis has a logical approach. Maybe they have improved in attitudes. The daily mail does not think so. Do not treat us mail does not think so. Do not treat us with contempt this is a ludicrous overreaction, this was not a public statement, it was not trash talk, this was a briefing message to the commission. All he was doing was reporting back on the way that david davis has been behaving and all the information that we have had from people who work within the area and working with other ministers, is that he is not doing his homework and that people are anxious about the fact he is not concentrating on the fact he is not concentrating on the task ahead and it is accurate to say he does not seem to think that these negotiations demand his direct involvement. He has never stayed more than a couple of hours before returning to london, he is not in the negotiating room trying to push the negotiating room trying to push the talks forward, it is simply accurate, unfortunately for all of us. Accurate, unfortunately for all of us. The telegraph, a different story. New review recommends race blind trials, criminal trials. This is interesting because david lambie was asked by David Cameron in 2016 to look at the fact that the criminal justice to look at the fact that the criminalJustice System to look at the fact that the criminal Justice System incarcerates so criminal Justice System incarcerates so many black men in particular. They are jailed at Something Like four times the rate that white men are. David lambie got part of the way through the review and found it is notjust a end up injail, black men in particular but black people in generalare men in particular but black people in general are more likely to be arrested, charged and prosecuted and sentence. He has suggested that perhaps there should be trials in which the people who are making the judgments do not know the race of the people they are sentencing. Unconscious bias has had a lot of attention and companies are being encouraged to think about what kind of unconscious bias exists within their ranks. There is increasing awareness, with that review, the games are laudable but in the detail there are unresolved questions because if you have the race and name it hidden from suchjudgments, there will still be ideas about what there will still be ideas about what the crime might be. Let us say someone was bringing in drugs from a foreign country, it might be clear where they are hailing from or even the other implication that you have a deferred punishment in terms of responses, who decides . You may want to have them having rehabilitation first rather than jail sentences. There is so much ambiguity. What is fascinating about that is that the dwp did a trial in which they discovered if you had a foreign sounding names were four times less likely to be called for an interview. Unconscious bias was so real and that is what david lambie thinks he might be tapping into. Daily express, how to keep your brain sharp. Anything new in there . Stay fit and your mind will follow. If only what is compelling is it is saying it is notjust about being fit, it is about whether you want to end up with dementia or do you want to keep your brain going for as long as possible . We all love lists. If there are seven things we need to do, dont drink too much, walk a few minutes every day, each vegetable. We are more likely to do it. Carry that check list antic, the everyday. Thats it for the papers tonight. Dont forget you can see the front pages of the papers online on the bbc news website. Its all there for you 7 days a week at bbc dot co uk forward slash papers and if you miss the programme any evening you can watch it later on bbc iplayer. Thank you asa bennett and jenni russell. Goodbye. Well get onto the latest uk forecast in a moment. The state of play with three hurricanes here. Katia could become a major hurricane before making landfall in mexico, irma and the turks and Caicos Islands and close to cuba and the usa and pose a, Hurricane Watchers in barbuda, that could become a major hurricane and we will keep you updated. Low pressure in control driving this weather front into the south overnight, rain spreading across england and wales and there are showers behind that. More frequent in the west of scotland but from the east of scotland, not too many showers. Lengthier and clearer spells in the east of scotland. Into tomorrow morning, at eight oclock, afairfew tomorrow morning, at eight oclock, a fairfew showers, tomorrow morning, at eight oclock, a fair few showers, into the west of scotland, sunny spells to the east. Brightness in Northern Ireland especially in the east. Showers in north west england but into the pennines, relatively few. A drier gap in parts of wales and the midlands. Isolated showers. Cloud and rain that will hang around parts of southern england, quite windy. This will be the source of further outbreaks of rain. On and off, but a pretty wet picture on the south coast and the rain will push back into wales and across the midlands, later in the day. For the north of england and scotland and Northern Ireland, sunshine and showers, sundry, the risk of hell, windy day across the uk and temperatures around 15 and 18 degrees. Decidedly autumnal. We can see with the strongest winds will be on saturday. Not too many showers in the east, but a few developing through the day, but sunshine and showers, clearer on saturday night, cooler but on sunday, rain from the word 90, but on sunday, rain from the word go, in scotland and Northern Ireland, pushing east and then further showers following on behind. Looking at the weekend, wet at times, not all the time, on the cool side and windy. This is bbc news. Im martine croxall. The headlines at 11 Hurricane Irma continues its destructive path through the caribbean. It has killed at least ten people and destroying entire islands. As the extent of the disaster becomes clear, the government here is accused of not helping British Overseas Territories fast enough. People are feeling that britain did not respond quickly enough given that we know that this is hurricane season. On newsnight, hurricane earnerfinds its next target, we fear from the turks like acoss. Is devout faith compatible with holders the highest political position in the land . Turks and caicos hurricane

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