An aerial view of the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
In recent years, we’ve documented the BBC’s amplification of anti-Israel campaigns involving or run by the controversial political NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW) — including the FIFA campaign, the Airbnb campaign, and the UN BDS database campaign.
Readers may also recall the BBC’s very generous, yet one-sided, coverage of the 2018/19 story of Israel’s non-renewal of the work visa for HRW employee Omar Shakir. due to his BDS-supporting activities.
Time and time again, we have documented that — although HRW is one of the political NGOs most quoted and promoted in BBC content relating to Israel — the BBC has repeatedly failed to meet its own editorial guidelines on impartiality by neglecting to inform audiences of Human Rights Watch’s “affiliations, funding and particular viewpoints.”