By Casey Nelson
Feb 19, 2021 4:59 PM
OSHKOSH, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) — The frozen waters of the Lake Winnebago System are going to be busy places this weekend.
Thousands are expected to be out and about, for sturgeon spearing, and an annual ice fishing tournament which doubles as a fundraiser.
From a line of SUVs stretching across the ice, to an all-in-one mobile fishing shack known as a Sno Bear, to ta contraption called a SHERP, vehicles of many shapes and sizes are part of the 14th Annual Battle on Bago ice fishing tournament and family event in Oshkosh.
“It’s busy. We have a lot of fishermen out here this weekend. People are itching to get outside, and do something,” said Glenn Curran, Battle on Bago President.