#Covid19 vaccination programs across the US are going broad right now, following Pres. Biden's instructions. But @DrTomFrieden argues in this thread that more targeted & more agile approaches are needed, because too many high risk people are still unvaxed. https://t.co/gB8J6aFp20
.@jaketapper asks @SecretaryPete why white evangelicals aren’t getting the vaccine, and what his message would be to them: pic.twitter.com/wKTes7OIam
Coronavirus lockdowns are being ordered around the world as vaccine efforts stumble in many countries https://t.co/yFfyRM5nZn via @medical_xpress
Essential, but invisible: Covid has kept 200,000 merchant sailors stuck at sea. Global trade depends on maritime workers, but the pandemic has thrust them into a ‘humanitarian & economic crisis’ https://t.co/5RV4SE8vaS