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Bail under Abkari Act difficult but search and seizure procedure does not have same rigours as NDPS Act: Kerala High Court orders study :
Bail under Abkari Act difficult but search and seizure procedure does not have same rigours as NDPS Act: Kerala High Court orders study
The Court also ordered the State Government to conduct an enquiry into the manner in which search, seizure and arrests in abkari cases have been done in the last 5 years and if any changes are required.
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Justice Kunhikrishnan
Abkari Act
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Kerala High Court
Kerala High Court News
False Imprisonment Abkari Act
Abkari Act False Cases Kerala
Abkari Act Bail
Justice Pv Kunhikrishnan
Kerala High Court Judgments Orders
Abkari Act Kerala
Abkari Act Kerala High Court
Abkari Act Ndps
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