Astronomers have found a pretty weird binary system about 450 light years from Earth: Neither of its components is a star. Instead, one is a brown dwarf, and the other appears to be a planet orbiting it! Even then, the brown dwarf is on the lower end of things. If it were any less massive it would be a planet itself.
The system is called CFHTWIR-Oph 98, but we'll call it Oph 98 for short. It was found a few years ago in ground-based observations using the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope's infrared WIRCAM camera (hence the first part of the object's name) in a region of the galaxy where stars are being born which we see in the constellation of Ophiuchus (hence the second name part). It was observed in 2006 and 2012, and identified as a brown dwarf — an object more massive than a planet but too lightweight to ignite sustained nuclear fusion in its core like a star.