Event Description
ONLINE ONLY - Meet the children's book author!
Annie Silvestro, author of Bunny's Book Club, will read her book and answer questions from readers during a very special story time at 4 p.m. April 15. All are invited to attend.
Registration is required. Registration is limited to the first 100 patrons. Register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_eiiPcOanRNG7A6zae2T2pw
Does your child have a question for the author? Email dtolbird@oplib.org ahead of time for a chance for the question to be featured!
Bunny's Book Club is the featured children's book for Downtown Story Time Stroll hosted by the Ouachita Parish Public Library and the Downtown West Monroe Revitalization Group. Book pages are posted in the windows of 26 merchants in downtown West Monroe during the month of April. More details about Downtown Story Time Stroll can be found here: https://www.oplib.org/events/downtown-story-time-stroll-0