Australia's East Coast Served a Heavy Dose of South/SSE Power
Fickle reefs and distant bombies light up NSW
Zen Joyce. Photo: Zach Bowden (@bigzphoto)
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Aussie surfers have been enduring endless weeks of an Instagram feed flush with giant waves hitting Hawaii and California this North American winter, which is all well and good, but it’s nowhere near home. This week, however, the East Coast of Aus got its own serving of raw ocean power, peaking on Thursday January 21.
“We’re on the cusp of a large and long-enduring run of South and SSE groundswell across the East Coast: Its evolution now manifesting a large, complex and quasi stationary low pressure system south to southeast of the Tasman Sea and NZ,” wrote Surfline forecaster Ben Macartney in his swell alert on Monday night.