AURA Energi has reached an agreement with Eurowind Energy A/S to acquire 50% of K/S Thorup-Sletten. The park is located in Denmark between two municipalities; Vesthimmerland and Jammerbugt.
The wind park K/S Thorup-Sletten is established with an ambition of creating a Denmark with even more renewable energy through wind turbines and solar cells. The wind park is a repowering project. 22 older wind turbines have been replaced with 18 new 4.3 MW Siemens wind turbines with an overall capacity of 77.4 MW. Hereof 13 wind turbines are a part of K/S Thorup-Sletten, whereas the five remaining wind turbines are owned by local citizens close to the park. K/S Thorup-Sletten is estimated to produce 189 000 MW annually providing 47 275 households with green electricity. The purchase agreement is an amount in the triple-digit million range.