The police reached the spot around 8pm on Sunday to find Sayidivya stabbed to death with a trishool (trident) and Alekhya was clubbed with dumbbells.
Meanwhile, Purushotham was found sitting in the living room on the couch. “He looked like he was in a state of trance,” DSP Chary said. “Padmaja was sitting on the bed, looking at the wall. She did not seem to be aware of our presence,” he revealed.
The heads of the daughters were cracked open.
“The couple were followers of Mehar Baba, Sai Baba and Rajaneesh or Osho. They regularly used to visit Shirdi. They seem to be very spiritual. At the crime scene, we found a picture of Mehar Baba and the recent posts of Alekya on social media confirmed her spiritual inclination,” Madanapalli Inspector M Srinivas told