Keeping Score: A trip 10 years in the making
Recorder columnist Chip Ainsworth took his grandson Chase Greene (pictured) to his first Boston Red Sox game at Fenway Park earlier this month. FOR THE RECORDER/CHIP AINSWORTH
Published: 7/16/2021 7:24:52 PM
Modified: 7/16/2021 7:24:59 PM
Good morning!
Ten years ago last February, I wrote here that I couldn’t wait to take my newborn grandson Chase Greene to his first Red Sox game, and on July 1 that momentous occasion happened.
It was getaway day for the Red Sox, a rare weekday afternoon game, and April dropped Chase off at 8:30 a.m. dressed from head to toe in Red Sox garb. He got in the back seat and made himself comfortable. “On long car rides I like to take my shoes off because I tie my shoes very tight and it gets very annoying,” he said.