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These photos were taken at Batavia - Buffalo Federal Detention Facility. Credit: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Flickr
Asylum Seekers Say ICE Guard Threatened to Expose Them to COVID
Three asylum seekers from Cameroon say an Immigration and Customs Enforcement guard threatened to transfer them to a COVID ward.
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Three asylum seekers from Cameroon say an Immigration and Customs Enforcement guard threatened to expose them to COVID-19 if they failed to obey his orders and submit to deportation. They were told they would be transferred to Bravo-Alpha, the detention unit of the Pine Prairie ICE Processing Center in Louisiana where COVID-19 positive detainees were held in quarantine, detainee Clovis Fozao told The Intercept. “They were forcing us out of the dorm, pushing and dragging us,” Fozao said, explaining when the guards pushed the detainees toward deportation. “They threatened to call the SWAT team.” The Intercept