Archive / The Highlander
ASUCR Parliamentarian Andrew Leon-Bercovich began the eighth ASUCR meeting of the quarter on Feb. 24 by addressing an issue that arose regarding senators’ ability to vote on current ASUCR legislation while also filing for candidacy in the upcoming ASUCR elections.
Chapter 7 of the Elections Code states, “ASUCR Senators, Directors or Executive Cabinet members who have filed to run in ASUCR Elections or are planning to run, must recuse themselves from voting on any bylaw changes, resolutions, or new bylaw additions, or all affairs regarding elections after candidacy has been filed. Failure to do so may count towards election strikes, the assigning of which shall be determined by the Judicial Council.” This means that any member of ASUCR who has filed for candidacy will be unable to vote on any piece of legislation up until the ASUCR elections on April 23.