Shevat 5781
Jan. 14-Feb. 11, 2021
The doorway to the Aquarian Age swung open at the Jupiter/Tzedek conjunction to Saturn/Shabbatai on
Tekufah Tevet, the Winter Solstice, in the sign of Aquarius/D’li. Now comes the month of Shevat, ruler of Aquarius itself, modeling revolution with Uranus/Oron stationing direct Jan. 14 at the Sun’s conjunction with Pluto. Powerful social earthquakes remake the landscape with lightning speed. Jupiter in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus/Shor Jan. 17, priming the pump for identity crises, both personal and collective, and a sea change in the direction of established institutions. We are receiving revolutionary understandings of ourselves in the context of our various affinity groups because of the tremendous social stressors we’re all enduring. “I get by with a little help from my friends” is the theme song of this month — indeed, the anthem of all of 2021.