Aspen Historical Society
“FIS officially opened Sunday with parade,” observed the Aspen Times on February 16, 1950. “Governor Lee Knous was the guest of honor at the opening parade of contestants and officials Sunday when the official Federation International de Ski flag was run up to formally open the World Champion meet. The parade formed on Main Street in front of the Hotel Jerome and shortly after 2 o’clock the procession got underway to Wagner Park. The contestants were attired in bright colored sweaters; each country’s team preceded by their national flag. At Wagner Park the teams were standing in formation before the speakers stand flanked by three flags- the United States flag, the United Nations flag, and the unofficial Aspen flag, the Aspen leaf. The address of welcome was given by Mayor A.E. Robison, who extended officially the greetings of Aspen to the participants. On behalf of the State of Colorado, Governor Knous spoke to the group and extended a hearty welcome. The crowd witnessing the parade and ceremonies was estimated to be in the neighborhood of 3,000. This is one of the largest gatherings in Aspen in many years.” This image, taken by Margaret Durrance, shows the opening ceremonies; The 1950 FIS Alpine World Championships were the first world championships held outside of Europe.