Q: Two Christmases ago, I was at a party and I woke up in bed the next morning with a guy friend and knew something happened, but I’m not sure what. He said nothing happened apart from a little ‘fooling around’ but that we didn’t have sex. I don’t know if I believe him or not, as I did feel a little sore, but I figured that I wasn’t going to be able to find out so it was better to just leave it. I thought I had dealt with it, but I found myself getting upset and going home early on nights out last Christmas just gone. I don’t even really know what happened, so I don’t know why I feel like this. I did a few sessions of counselling last year but I didn’t really like it, so I stopped. If I don’t even know what happened, why is it bothering me? I don’t want to be like this, and I was so upset that I couldn’t hang out with my friends as much as I wanted over the party season. I’m single now and want to be in a relationship, but when it comes to actually going on a date, I am cautious. How do I move past this and get my life back?