April 16, 2021
The American Society of Concrete Contractors
The American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC) Education, Research & Development Foundation has published “Guide to the Design and Construction of Concrete Toppings for Buildings.” The authors are Scott M. Tarr, PE, FACI; Ronald L. Kozikowski, PE; and Matthew J. Sheehan, PE. Tarr and Kozikowski are president and vice president, respectively, of North S. Tarr Concrete Consulting, P.C. Sheehan is president of Concrete & Construction Consultants, LLC (3CON).
In May 2014 the ASCC Technical Committee held a workshop on Concrete Topping Slabs for Buildings during which a variety of industry representatives discussed issues they faced on a regular basis with topping design and construction. “The information presented and the discussion that followed became the impetus for this book,” according to Dr. Bruce A. Suprenant, ASCC technical director.