10 Years Ago - 2010
Enola Bozeman, Patsy Gholston, Mary Richards, Ann Maxwell, Melanie Short, Faye Gaston, Sadie Pugh, and guest, Betty Pugh attended a Christmas tea and the âEvery Light a Prayer for Peaceâ Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at the State Capitol.
Have a safe and Happy New Year!
25 Years Ago - 1995
Kimbi Lee Bell and Thomas Matthew Skelton were united in marriage at four o'clock in the afternoon December 9, 1995 at the Gatlinburg Wedding Chapel in Gatlinburg, Tennessee in a traditional candlelight ceremony.
The Magazine Club met at the beautifully decorated home of Mrs. Ann Powell for their annual Christmas meeting on December 12, 1995. Fourteen members answered roll call with Christmas memories from now and then. Mrs. Colleen Forrer, presided over a brief business meeting. Mrs. Margaret Lankford invited the club to meet at her home in January.