COVID-19 vaccine clinic (Johnson & Johnson one-dose and Moderna 2nd doses for those who received their 1st on 4/22 or at FEMA event 4/16-4/23), 9 to 11 a.m., Four Rivers Cultural Center (rear entrance near theater), 676 S.W. Fifth Ave., Ontario, (541) 889-7279.
Treasure Valley Quiltmakers meeting, 10 a.m., business meeting follows, St. Paul Lutheran Church, 842 Alameda Drive, Ontario, (541) 881-1463, (541) 889-6602.
Working women with disabilities social group, noon to 1 p.m., EOCIL business center, 1021 S.W. Fifth Ave., Ontario, (541) 889-3119.
Payette County Historical Society and Museum monthly meeting, 3:30 p.m., Payette County Museum, 90 S. Ninth St., Payette, (208) 642-4883.
Ladies Night, 6 p.m., Payette Library Community Room, 24 S. Tenth St., Payette.