⢠Ship tours
U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Ingham, located in Truman Waterfront Park, is open for tours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Happy hour will be held from one hour before to one hour after sunset each Friday and Saturday. For information, call Mike at 305-292-5072 or email info@uscgcingham.org.
⢠Summer reading program
The Monroe County Public Library Summer Reading program will be held on Saturdays, with virtual programs and videos, Highlights Bingo, “Take and Make” crafts and animal-themed story times. This program is free and open to the public. While some summer programming is virtual, all county libraries are open to the public Monday through Saturday. Visit http://www.keyslibraries.org or contact your local branch for information and to pick up reading logs. The event schedule can be found at https://keyslibraries.org/summer-reading-2021-june-1-july-12.