Around Our Region published April 21, 2021
The weekly Around Our Region calendar of events is published Wednesdays. Submissions may be emailed to with “Around our Region” in the subject line at least a week in advance.
Written By: Donna Middleton
Prairie Woods ELC
SPICER — The Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center trails may be used during daylight hours at no cost. Fat-tire and mountain bike trails are closed. A bathroom with composting toilets is open by the pavilion. Pets should be on a leash. More information is on the website at or call 320-354-5894.
Earth Day: April 24, 1 to 4:30 p.m., events held at the farm site, including the recycled outdoor gear sale for which donations are welcome. Register in advance for free fat tire bike and paddling rental on Earth Day by calling 320-354-5894. A scavenger hunt began April 19. Download the list at and see how many items you can do or find. Send in your completed form and be eligible for prizes.