Take a tour of Arlington County's first mass vaccination site
1,500 doses of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine will be administered on Saturday at the Lubber Run Community Center in Arlington.
Author: Ariane Datil
Updated: 7:52 PM EST March 4, 2021
ARLINGTON, Va. — On Saturday morning, the first mass vaccination site in Arlington will open its doors for residents to receive the Johnson and Johnson vaccine.
Lubber Run Community Center isn’t open to the public yet, but by Saturday morning the Virginia Department of Health said they’ll be ready to administer 1,500 doses of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine.
"We’ve been here all day," Cara O’ Donnell, spokersperon for Arlington County Public Health, said. "Our goal is to be set up by the end of the day and be all set for Saturday when the goal is to vaccinate 1,500 Arlingtonians in one day."