The "Space Sweepers" Crew Launches Their Space Adventure
The story follows the crew of the spaceship named "Victory" who lives off salvaging space debris. These space workers are in the lowest class in the society and will do whatever, even dangerous tasks, just to earn money.
The spaceship crew includes the pilot Tae-ho (Song Joong Ki), ex-space pirate Captain Jang (Kim Tae Ri), spaceship engineer Tiger Park (Jin Sun Kyu), and reprogrammed military robot Bubs (Yoo Hai Jin).
(Photo : Netflix Korea Official Instagram (netflixkr))
While they are working in outer space, they discovered a child that they took from their spaceship. They eventually realized that she's a humanlike robot named Dorothy. She's known to be a weapon of mass destruction and she's the most wanted person by UTS Space Guards. The team then decided to ask for a big ransom in exchange for the girl. And their interesting space adventure starts here!