Apple Introduces a new kind of Smart Ring System to be used Primarily in Context with AR, VR and MR Applications
Apple began their smart ring project back in 2014 with their first patent application surfacing in 2015. We covered it in a report titled "Apple introduces us to the Apple Ring in all its Glory." Last March we posted another sophisticated ring patent application report titled "Apple Wins Patent for a Ring Accessory to Control Content presented on Future Virtual Reality Glasses & Headset." We also followed up with a series of continuation patents for their smart ring (01, 02 & 03) over time.
Today the US Patent & Trademark Office published yet another patent application from Apple relating to their smart ring project, this time using a different method than ones used in the past by introducing a new self-mixing interferometry (SMI) sensor-based gesture input system. The majority of the invention relates to a smart ring being used alone or in pairs, with or without an Apple Pencil for AR, VR and MR applications.