Under Mehrotra’s tenure as the MD, Ford India’s revenue had grown to more than Rs 24,000 crore in FY19 from Rs 19,000 crore two years earlier. EMOM has helped Ford India cut structural cost by 37%.
As President and Managing Director, Mehrotra takes over from Bala Radhakrishnan, the acting president and MD of Ford India Pvt (FIPL) for the past 10 months.
Anurag Mehrotra returns as the head of Ford India on Monday just weeks after the proposed joint venture between the US automaker and Mahindra & Mahindra was called off.
As President and Managing Director, Mehrotra takes over from Bala Radhakrishnan, the acting president and MD of Ford India Pvt (FIPL) for the past 10 months.