Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan. (Photo: Jeffrey Abrahams)
Phapano Phasha, an ANC member at the Brian Bunting branch, wrote to the party's integrity commission, calling for Pravin Gordhan to appear before it.
According to Phasha, the minister had brought the party into disrepute.
She wrote two letters to the commission, one in May 2019 and another this year.
The ANC's integrity commission has decided that complaints laid by Brian Bunting branch member, Phapano Phasha, against Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan do not warrant him being called before it.
Phasha wrote to the commission with complaints against Gordhan on various issues - which, among others, include his approval of former SARS deputy commissioner Ivan Pillay's early retirement and rehiring; alleged involvement in the so-called "SARS Rogue Unit"; alleged involvement in the appointment of his niece as a trustee of the Eskom Pension Fund; and racial discrimination in appointments made at the Department of Public Enterprises and state-owned entities.