An imperative is no match for an entreaty
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May 13, 2021 — 9.00pm
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Following on from items containing the imperative ‘do not eat’ (C8), Evan Bailey of Glebe observed that his “lamb chops had a sticker telling me to ‘rest for five minutes after cooking’. So I dutifully put my feet up and drank a restful glass of red wine.”
The vigneron owners of Botobolar Vineyard in Mudgee in the 1970s, Gil and Vincie Wahlquist, were forward thinking in more ways than one, according to Jennifer Tidey of Mudgee. “Botobolar Vineyard was the first fully certified organic vineyard in Australia ... and there was a sign (C8) on their property which stated: ‘trespassers will be composted’.” So is that the secret meaning of a horizontal wine-tasting?