>>Mark Landler and Stephen Castle, The New York Times
Published: 08 May 2021 01:59 PM BdST
Updated: 08 May 2021 01:59 PM BdST
The England-Scotland border on May 2, 2021. A new vote for secession from the United Kingdom may be looming, as Scots continue to disagree with the Brexit decision and advocate for a more liberal direction. Andrew Testa/The New York Times
The great realignment of British politics accelerated this week, but it is pulling in starkly different directions north and south of the Scottish border.
In England, Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party scored decisive victories in regional elections Thursday, leaving the opposition Labour Party gasping for breath. But the same populist forces that propelled the Conservatives there cut against them in Scotland, where supporters of Scottish independence are on track to prosper and rejuvenate their long-nurtured bid for independence.