Actress Shikha Malhotra, who was seen in Shah Rukh Khan starrer ‘Fan’, recently suffered a stroke and paralysis on the right side of her body. The actress said that although her health is improving, it is an extremely slow process.
Talking about the same to Navbharat Times, Shikha reportedly said that her health is improving but the process is slow. The actress added that she is not sure when she will be able to walk again.
Elaborating further, Shikha said that she is helpless with her body but her heart gets elated when she thinks of my film ‘Kaanchli’ in which she has played the lead role. She also added that not many people are aware of its release. The actress confessed that she is going through a tough phase and needs everyone’s support. According to her, she is passionate about her work and she just needs a little push from the audience.