Source: AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
Content Warning: This piece links to sites which include photographs of the 17-week old aborted baby in question, including a Facebook post and a live-stream video.
On Wednesday, Ohio Right to Life revealed that a 17-week old aborted baby had been left discarded in a dumpster. The group claims the abortion facility, Northeast Ohio Women's Center (NEOWC) is responsible for the illegal disposal, as do Right to Life of Northeast Ohio and Citizens for a Pro-Life Society.
“Ohio Right to Life is heartbroken and appalled by the abortion industry’s utter disregard for human life,” said Mike Gonidakis, president of Ohio Right to Life. “This child suffered doubly at the hands of the abortion industry: first, by being subjected to a brutal death by dismemberment and second by the degradation of his or her broken body being dumped into the trash like garbage. Tragedies like this are why Ohio Right to Life worked tirelessly to pass the Unborn Child Dignity Act.”