14 Jan in 15:40
The international human rights organization Amnesty International released a report today on violations during the Second Karabakh War, which documents the facts of terrorist attacks by the Armenian Armed Forces against peaceful Azerbaijani settlements, including those not in the vicinity of military objectives. The document was prepared after an appeal to AI of the Azerbaijani authorities in connection with the flagrant war crimes of the Armenian side - missile strikes on Ganja and Barda.
A preliminary report on the attacks on Barda and Ganja was published by Amnesty International on 29 October. In December, Amnesty International's senior investigator on crisis response visited the Kelbajar region and witnessed the facts of mockery of the Azerbaijani graves by the Armenian occupation forces. Vestnik Kavkaza presents the translation of the AI's final report on the war crimes committed by Armenia during the Second Karabakh War.