Published July 12, 2021 at 3:12 PM CDT
Listen • 18:32
Julie Schanke Lyford and Robert Schanke's new children's book "Katy Has Two Grandpas" came out in 2021
Host Charity Nebbe talks with the authors of the children's book "Katy Has Two Grandpas"
Katy is a young girl preparing to introduce her married grandpas to her classmates on Grandparents Day, but she has a speech impediment that makes her reluctant to speak in front of others. In "Katy Has Two Grandpas
," Julie Schanke Lyford and her dad Robert Schanke tell the story of how Katy overcomes her fears.
In this episode of
Talk of Iowa, the authors tell host Charity Nebbe that the book came out of a want for families like theirs to be seen too.