By Bashir Muhammad Akinyele
—W.E.B. Du Bois
Donald J. Trump, the duly elected 45th President of the United States of America, helped to orchestrate a failed coup d’état to stop democracy on January 6, 2021. Every four years, after the national US Presidential elections are over in November, the US government passes the electoral votes through the Senate in Congress to certify the winning presidential candidate as the official American President. This is America’s democratic process for the executive branch of the US government. The Trump supporters’ organize an American coup to stop this democratic process. This happened in the millennium to a country that boasts to the world as the bastion of democratic ideals in the world. Fascism manifested its ugly head in the US. The ideology behind it was white supremacy, and xenophobia. Human family, particularly my Black family, don’t be shocked by the current turn of events. This is America. The United States, and western culture, have a very long history of white supremacy, systematic racism, despotic leaders, totalitarianism, anti-Semitism, and anti-democracy. And both Republicans and Democrats use racism to maintain white hegemony in America to oppress and control the lives of Black and Brown people, such as slavery, Jim Crow laws, lynchings, voter suppression, cointelpro (counter intelligence program) operations, mass incarceration, discrediting Afrikan history and culture, and non payment of reparations. The correct analysis of American and world history will help us understand the deep racial and class divisions that exist in the US. Unfortunately, these conditions are still being played out in America. These conditions catapulted Republican Donald J Trump to the office of the US Presidency in 2016. Although Trump lost his bid to be re-elected as president to Democratic President-Elect Joe Biden in 2020, Trumpism, a movement based upon white supremacy, xenophobia, and fascism, is in the land. His political base is not going anywhere in America.